If you tease their clit when they have panties on, and the conditions are met to reach
are met then it's possible to get them.
The further conditions are that the girl currently "owning" the noPanties object (it's the same for everybody so I guess the last girl created) must have taken part in the exam and have left the room for the check in
to pass when adding it to the player's inventory.
The reason is of course as you can see there (examevents.rpy : L420ish), that this:
$ selectedGirl.panties = noPanties
$ selectedGirl.removeCloth(selectedGirl.panties)
$ stolenPanties.append(selectedGirl.panties)
should be
$ selectedGirl.removeCloth(selectedGirl.panties)
$ stolenPanties.append(selectedGirl.panties)
$ selectedGirl.panties = noPanties
Sorry for the kinda incoherent blabber, hope it helps