- May 10, 2019
- 147
- 82
I downloaded it and had a look, here's a fixed event .rpy - just delete the old .rpy and .rpyc and replace it with this file in the event folder. Run the game to generate the .rpyc automatically.Hiho,
I have a problem with Angela White.
When I have a date I become this error:
View attachment 3949139
what can I do?
Have a nice day
P.S.: It is only 1 mod installed, WTM+Academy+Mods+V5.2+(Complete)-
Thanks, it works fine!I downloaded it and had a look, here's a fixed event .rpy - just delete the old .rpy and .rpyc and replace it with this file in the event folder. Run the game to generate the .rpyc automatically.
just copy/paste folder "girls" from old version into new.Hello! I don't know if that's possible, but would it be possible when the game is updated to have a link for a no-girl / no-vids version? (Except if the version change has to do with the girls/vids themselves of course). I tend to transfer the ones I've downloaded already from the previous version to the new, it's a bit of a waste to have to re-dl all the vids all the time.
This isn't the point, I'd like to not redownload 1.3 Gigs of videos every versionjust copy/paste folder "girls" from old version into new.
You have a bug in Cdn_sausage_Info_Script_v353 on gofileThere was a bug still in the escort agency, it's fixed and a new version is on Go-file.
label sc_info_screen:
$ config.menu_include_disabled = True
"Look at the Mom's stats":
call screen info_moms
"Look at the Girl's stats":
call screen info_girls
label info_moms:
$ config.menu_include_disabled = True
call screen info_moms
screen info_moms():
xalign 0.03
yalign 0.04
idle im.Scale("gui/back.webp", 200, 200)
hover im.Scale(I_brightness("gui/back.webp"), 200, 200)
action Jump("home")
background Solid("#000000ff")
xpadding 5
ypadding 5
ysize 750
xsize 1400
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.5
xfill True
yfill True
ycenter 0.5
xcenter 0.5
cols 3
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
spacing 10
for _girl in girls:
$ _lastReportedActions = [x for x in _girl.mother.reportedActions if not x.talkedAbout and timeManager.totalDays - x.day <= 7]
$ _nbBustedBrokenRules = len([x for x in _girl.brokenRules if x.busted])
background Solid("#272727ff")
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.5
ysize 250
xsize 449
text "{b}[_girl.mother.name] [_girl.mother.surname]{/b}" size 35 xalign 0.01 yalign 0.01 text_align 0.5 color _girl.mother.color
xalign 0.99
yalign 0.99
idle im.Scale(_girl.mother.portraitImg,145,145)
xalign 1.04
yalign 0.01
idle im.Scale(I_brightness("gui/phone.webp",0), 70, 60)
hover im.Scale(I_brightness("gui/phone.webp",1), 70, 60)
action [SetVariable("selectedGirl", _girl),Jump("moms_spec")]
text "CALL" size 11 xalign 0.987 yalign 0.1
background Solid("#000000ff")
xalign 0.01
yalign 0.99
ysize 190
xsize 280
xsize 260
hbox :
text "Corruption:" size 16 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5
null width 10
ysize 16
yalign 0.5
range 100
value _girl.mother.corruption
hbox :
text "Affection:" size 16 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5
null width 21
ysize 16
yalign 0.5
range 100
value _girl.mother.affection
hbox :
text "Fear:" size 16 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5
null width 60
ysize 16
yalign 0.5
range 100
value _girl.mother.fear
null height 5
if _girl.mother.callEvent != None: # reportedActions
text "{color=#ff0000}Might call you soon{/color}" size 16
if _girl.mother.forceVote: # forceVote
text "{color=#00ff00}Will vote in your favor{/color}" size 16
yalign 0.99
first_spacing 10
idle im.Scale(_girl.portraitImg, 70, 70)
yalign 0.77
text "[_girl.name] [_girl.surname]" size 20 color _girl.color
text "{b}[_nbBustedBrokenRules]{/b} rule break(s)" size 18 color "#818181"
for i in range(0,3-len(girls)%3):
label moms_spec:
"{i}Here are Mrs. [selectedGirl.mother.surname]'s stats{/i}"
$ timeManager.skipTime(0,5)
"Corruption: {b}[selectedGirl.mother.corruption]{/b} -- Affection: {b}[selectedGirl.mother.affection]{/b} -- Fear: {b}[selectedGirl.mother.fear]{/b}"
jump info_moms
label info_girls:
$ config.menu_include_disabled = True
call screen info_girls
screen info_girls():
xalign 0.03
yalign 0.04
idle im.Scale("gui/back.webp", 200, 200)
hover im.Scale(I_brightness("gui/back.webp"), 200, 200)
action Jump("home")
background Solid("#000000ff")
xpadding 5
ypadding 5
ysize 750
xsize 1400
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.5
xfill True
yfill True
ycenter 0.5
xcenter 0.5
cols 3
draggable True
mousewheel True
scrollbars "vertical"
spacing 10
for _girl in girls:
$ _lastReportedActions = [x for x in _girl.mother.reportedActions if not x.talkedAbout and timeManager.totalDays - x.day <= 7]
$ _nbBustedBrokenRules = len([x for x in _girl.brokenRules if x.busted])
background Solid("#272727ff")
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.5
ysize 250
xsize 449
text "{b}[_girl.name] [_girl.surname]{/b}" size 35 xalign 0.01 yalign 0.01 text_align 0.5 color _girl.color
xalign 0.99
yalign 0.99
idle im.Scale(_girl.portraitImg,145,145)
xalign 1.04
yalign 0.01
idle im.Scale(I_brightness("gui/phone.webp",0), 70, 60)
hover im.Scale(I_brightness("gui/phone.webp",1), 70, 60)
action [SetVariable("selectedGirl", _girl),Jump("girls_spec")]
text "CALL" size 11 xalign 0.987 yalign 0.1
background Solid("#000000ff")
xalign 0.01
yalign 0.99
ysize 190
xsize 280
xsize 260
hbox :
text "Corruption:" size 16 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5
null width 10
ysize 16
yalign 0.5
range 100
value _girl.corruption
hbox :
text "Affection:" size 16 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5
null width 21
ysize 16
yalign 0.5
range 100
value _girl.affection
hbox :
text "Fear:" size 16 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5
null width 60
ysize 16
yalign 0.5
range 100
value _girl.fear
null height 5
if _girl.mother.callEvent != None: # reportedActions
text "{color=#ff0000}Might call you soon{/color}" size 16
if _girl.mother.forceVote: # forceVote
text "{color=#00ff00}Will vote in your favor{/color}" size 16
yalign 0.99
first_spacing 10
idle im.Scale(_girl.mother.portraitImg, 70, 70)
yalign 0.77
text "[_girl.name] [_girl.surname]" size 20 color _girl.color
text "{b}[_nbBustedBrokenRules]{/b} rule break(s)" size 18 color "#818181"
for i in range(0,3-len(girls)%3):
label girls_spec:
"{i}These are Miss. [selectedGirl.surname]'s stats{/i}"
$ timeManager.skipTime(0,5)
"Corruption: {b}[selectedGirl.corruption]{/b} --- Affection: {b}[selectedGirl.affection]{/b}\nFear: {b}[selectedGirl.fear]{/b} --- Naturism: {b}[selectedGirl.corruption]{/b}\nIntellect: {b}[selectedGirl.intellect]{/b} --- Discipline: {b}[selectedGirl.discipline]{/b}"
jump info_girls
### Made by Canadian_sausage
the condition os.path.isfile(selectedEvent.directoryPath + "start.webp")
results in false
even if the start.webp is there, which it should be based on your guidelines. I guess the python slightly changed. Fixed by using renpy.loadable("start.webp", selectedEvent.directoryPath)
, I found 34 different main tags, but when I add the missing one to the vids/_mainTags.txt
and fixed some of them, some of my girl's videos have been suddenly unregistered during reloading. The missing one is remove_dress
, also the strip
should be strip_panty
according to the code. Maybe you are planning to remove remove_socks
as both places (lb_examevents.rpy labels event_removeSocks & event_removePantyhose
) that use it are commented. After some debugging, I found the culprit in the webmFinder_ren.py: Webm.loadPossibleTags
function._vanillaGameNbOfTags = 33
, which should be 34 as counted in the code, unless you forgot to remove the remove_socks
tag.if line != "" and i < _vanillaGameNbOfTags-1:
, just drop the '-1' at the end, as you're checking indicies, the exclusive '<' is enough to include the last one. Like this, by adding the one missing tag, it removed the last two tags from the file.Events cannot load start.webp.Ninoss - Hi, found few more bugs, so in case you haven't fixed them yet.
I have all the English mostly fixed if you want to merge it in. Think a couple of us do really, much easier to read and feels more refined for us fluent speakers with those changes.Events cannot load start.webp.
Might be related to engine/python update, I trust you on that, will be fixed for next update!
Vanilla main tags don't correspond to code.
Yup bad code, thanks
Yeah I know that reseting the file fucks up things, but players are just randomly adding and deleting webms and then are confused why x ou y webm doesn't show. I don't really see another quick way to handle this. "need to remember" is already too much for players just here for a lil wank..
Other stuff I “fixed”
Short answer- because I'm French ^^
Don't ask why but it's how we handle spaces. You'll see that in newer updates it happens less as I'm paying more attention to it. But as no one is proofreading my broken english, there are a lot of syntax errors in the game overall.
Yup, same story with $ signs![]()
If you could send me the list of changesI have all the English mostly fixed if you want to merge it in. Think a couple of us do really, much easier to read and feels more refined for us fluent speakers with those changes.