
May 10, 2019
I have a problem with Angela White.
When I have a date I become this error:

what can I do?

Have a nice day

P.S.: It is only 1 mod installed, WTM+Academy+Mods+V5.2+(Complete)-
Sep 17, 2023
I have a problem with Angela White.
When I have a date I become this error:
View attachment 3949139

what can I do?

Have a nice day

P.S.: It is only 1 mod installed, WTM+Academy+Mods+V5.2+(Complete)-
I downloaded it and had a look, here's a fixed event .rpy - just delete the old .rpy and .rpyc and replace it with this file in the event folder. Run the game to generate the .rpyc automatically.
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Sep 17, 2023
I think I packaged the wrong version of the escort service, I had a bug and fixed the working copy in the test-game, then packaged the backup without updating it. new version up...
Sep 17, 2023
And thanks to the insomnia that won't leave me alone, the info mod is now rebuilt. I stole a new button to use, and made a new hover-version. It's the same size as the settings button, and placed beside it. It now also costs 5 minutes for each mom or student whose numbers you look at. It's on the Google Docs, or at my Gofile...


Jun 11, 2020
WTM update 5.3 is out now it adds 4 more photoshoots to 216-230 and fixes some stuff with update 5.1. , don't forget if you want to see the full changelog or want to have a girl put into the pack join my discord.
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Sep 17, 2023
Okay, I've been working on a few things, one of which is a phone-based “mind control” type of thing. I used the lb_evening_call script as the initial base again. The initial call offers four choices, to talk about corruption, affection, fear or nothing, just chat. The first three options link to labels to increase or decrease the chosen trait... mostly. Each one can also change the other two attributes, but typically by very small amounts, and ranging from a minor decrease to an equally minor increase. For example, trying to increase corruption will increase corruption by a larger random number range, but affection and fear will also experience possible changes, from slight losses to slight increases. These are random side-effects of the subliminal messages used in the call. Each attribute has similar side-effects, changing the two attributes you hadn't specified by small amounts.

The last option in the first menu is where you can bail on the call. The only costs are 10 minutes, and a possible loss to a possible gain of affection, 2 points either way is the range. Going through with the call will cost more. There is a $50 charge for a single-use battery to power the generator, and the call to make the change is 1 hour, 10 minutes.

So the Subliminal Message Generator will use at least 15 minutes if you bail on it, and an hour and a quarter if you use it.

To further break it down a bit, generally speaking:

Increasing/decreasing corruption can increase/decrease both affection and fear by smaller ranges

Increasing affection can increase/decrease both corruption and fear by smaller ranges

Decreasing affection will increase corruption by a small amount, and increase/decrease fear

Increasing fear will decrease affection and increase/decrease corruption by a small range

Decreasing fear will increase/decrease corruption and affection

It's up on the Google Docs, or go straight to my - There is two versions, one that includes the escort agency and one that doesn't. Oh, and it's available from 13:00 to 19:00 everyday.
Edit: And if you encounter an error using this, please post it here for me. I've tested it quite a lot today, and haven't encountered any problems with it.


Apr 2, 2018
Hello! I don't know if that's possible, but would it be possible when the game is updated to have a link for a no-girl / no-vids version? (Except if the version change has to do with the girls/vids themselves of course). I tend to transfer the ones I've downloaded already from the previous version to the new, it's a bit of a waste to have to re-dl all the vids all the time.


Oct 23, 2017
Hello! I don't know if that's possible, but would it be possible when the game is updated to have a link for a no-girl / no-vids version? (Except if the version change has to do with the girls/vids themselves of course). I tend to transfer the ones I've downloaded already from the previous version to the new, it's a bit of a waste to have to re-dl all the vids all the time.
just copy/paste folder "girls" from old version into new.


May 21, 2021
There was a bug still in the escort agency, it's fixed and a new version is on Go-file.
You have a bug in Cdn_sausage_Info_Script_v353 on gofile
Reports the mothers data for the girls, fixed it.

label sc_info_screen:
    $ config.menu_include_disabled = True
      "Look at the Mom's stats":
        call screen info_moms
      "Look at the Girl's stats":
        call screen info_girls

label info_moms:
    $ config.menu_include_disabled = True
    call screen info_moms

screen info_moms():
        xalign 0.03
        yalign 0.04
        idle im.Scale("gui/back.webp", 200, 200)
        hover im.Scale(I_brightness("gui/back.webp"), 200, 200)
        action Jump("home")
        background Solid("#000000ff")
        xpadding 5
        ypadding 5
        ysize 750
        xsize 1400
        xalign 0.5
        yalign 0.5
            xfill True
            yfill True
            ycenter 0.5
            xcenter 0.5
            cols 3
            draggable True
            mousewheel True
            scrollbars "vertical"
            spacing 10
            for _girl in girls:
                $ _lastReportedActions = [x for x in _girl.mother.reportedActions if not x.talkedAbout and timeManager.totalDays - x.day <= 7]
                $ _nbBustedBrokenRules = len([x for x in _girl.brokenRules if x.busted])
                    background Solid("#272727ff")
                    xalign 0.5
                    yalign 0.5
                    ysize 250
                    xsize 449
                    text "{b}[_girl.mother.name] [_girl.mother.surname]{/b}" size 35 xalign 0.01 yalign 0.01 text_align 0.5 color _girl.mother.color
                        xalign 0.99
                        yalign 0.99
                        idle im.Scale(_girl.mother.portraitImg,145,145)
                        xalign 1.04
                        yalign 0.01
                        idle im.Scale(I_brightness("gui/phone.webp",0), 70, 60)
                        hover im.Scale(I_brightness("gui/phone.webp",1), 70, 60)
                        action [SetVariable("selectedGirl", _girl),Jump("moms_spec")]
                    text "CALL" size 11 xalign 0.987 yalign 0.1
                        background Solid("#000000ff")
                        xalign 0.01
                        yalign 0.99
                        ysize 190
                        xsize 280
                            xsize 260
                            hbox :
                                text "Corruption:" size 16 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5
                                null width 10
                                    ysize 16
                                    yalign 0.5
                                    range 100
                                    value _girl.mother.corruption
                            hbox :
                                text "Affection:" size 16 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5
                                null width 21
                                    ysize 16
                                    yalign 0.5
                                    range 100
                                    value _girl.mother.affection   
                            hbox :
                                text "Fear:" size 16 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5
                                null width 60
                                    ysize 16
                                    yalign 0.5
                                    range 100
                                    value _girl.mother.fear
                            null height 5
                            if _girl.mother.callEvent != None: # reportedActions
                                text "{color=#ff0000}Might call you soon{/color}" size 16
                            if _girl.mother.forceVote: # forceVote
                                text "{color=#00ff00}Will vote in your favor{/color}" size 16
                            yalign 0.99
                            first_spacing 10
                                idle im.Scale(_girl.portraitImg, 70, 70)
                                yalign 0.77
                                text "[_girl.name] [_girl.surname]" size 20 color _girl.color
                                text "{b}[_nbBustedBrokenRules]{/b} rule break(s)" size 18 color "#818181"

            for i in range(0,3-len(girls)%3):

label moms_spec:
  "{i}Here are Mrs. [selectedGirl.mother.surname]'s stats{/i}"
  $ timeManager.skipTime(0,5)
  "Corruption: {b}[selectedGirl.mother.corruption]{/b} -- Affection: {b}[selectedGirl.mother.affection]{/b} -- Fear: {b}[selectedGirl.mother.fear]{/b}"
  jump info_moms

label info_girls:
    $ config.menu_include_disabled = True
    call screen info_girls

screen info_girls():
        xalign 0.03
        yalign 0.04
        idle im.Scale("gui/back.webp", 200, 200)
        hover im.Scale(I_brightness("gui/back.webp"), 200, 200)
        action Jump("home")
        background Solid("#000000ff")
        xpadding 5
        ypadding 5
        ysize 750
        xsize 1400
        xalign 0.5
        yalign 0.5
            xfill True
            yfill True
            ycenter 0.5
            xcenter 0.5
            cols 3
            draggable True
            mousewheel True
            scrollbars "vertical"
            spacing 10
            for _girl in girls:
                $ _lastReportedActions = [x for x in _girl.mother.reportedActions if not x.talkedAbout and timeManager.totalDays - x.day <= 7]
                $ _nbBustedBrokenRules = len([x for x in _girl.brokenRules if x.busted])
                    background Solid("#272727ff")
                    xalign 0.5
                    yalign 0.5
                    ysize 250
                    xsize 449
                    text "{b}[_girl.name] [_girl.surname]{/b}" size 35 xalign 0.01 yalign 0.01 text_align 0.5 color _girl.color
                        xalign 0.99
                        yalign 0.99
                        idle im.Scale(_girl.portraitImg,145,145)
                        xalign 1.04
                        yalign 0.01
                        idle im.Scale(I_brightness("gui/phone.webp",0), 70, 60)
                        hover im.Scale(I_brightness("gui/phone.webp",1), 70, 60)
                        action [SetVariable("selectedGirl", _girl),Jump("girls_spec")]
                    text "CALL" size 11 xalign 0.987 yalign 0.1
                        background Solid("#000000ff")
                        xalign 0.01
                        yalign 0.99
                        ysize 190
                        xsize 280
                            xsize 260
                            hbox :
                                text "Corruption:" size 16 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5
                                null width 10
                                    ysize 16
                                    yalign 0.5
                                    range 100
                                    value _girl.corruption
                            hbox :
                                text "Affection:" size 16 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5
                                null width 21
                                    ysize 16
                                    yalign 0.5
                                    range 100
                                    value _girl.affection   
                            hbox :
                                text "Fear:" size 16 xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5
                                null width 60
                                    ysize 16
                                    yalign 0.5
                                    range 100
                                    value _girl.fear
                            null height 5
                            if _girl.mother.callEvent != None: # reportedActions
                                text "{color=#ff0000}Might call you soon{/color}" size 16
                            if _girl.mother.forceVote: # forceVote
                                text "{color=#00ff00}Will vote in your favor{/color}" size 16
                            yalign 0.99
                            first_spacing 10
                                idle im.Scale(_girl.mother.portraitImg, 70, 70)
                                yalign 0.77
                                text "[_girl.name] [_girl.surname]" size 20 color _girl.color
                                text "{b}[_nbBustedBrokenRules]{/b} rule break(s)" size 18 color "#818181"

            for i in range(0,3-len(girls)%3):

label girls_spec:
  "{i}These are Miss. [selectedGirl.surname]'s stats{/i}"
  $ timeManager.skipTime(0,5)
  "Corruption: {b}[selectedGirl.corruption]{/b} --- Affection: {b}[selectedGirl.affection]{/b}\nFear: {b}[selectedGirl.fear]{/b} --- Naturism: {b}[selectedGirl.corruption]{/b}\nIntellect: {b}[selectedGirl.intellect]{/b} --- Discipline: {b}[selectedGirl.discipline]{/b}"
  jump info_girls

### Made by Canadian_sausage


New Member
Aug 20, 2018
If you wanted to keep the theme of "distracting girls during the exam to keep them from graduating" I think there are ways to make it work.
One option would be dropping out as the goal. Like you corrupt her enough or have some sort of progression with the photoshoot events where she decides to drop out to become a model or something like that.
Another option would be she falls in love/lust with you and decides she never wants to graduate. As in she's removed from the roster of girls attending class and joins your harem of girls who spend all school day in your office or something like that. While gameplay wise that works to remove the girl from the list and make room for a new girl you would have to figure out a thematic reason since they're technically still attending school.
Another option to keep them at school would be for them to transition to staff. Could be the same drop out thing as before but instead of dropping out for modeling they drop out to become your teaching assistant or some other job at the school.
An option that seems really interesting to me would be to make two phases of gameplay. So you're trying to distract the girl to prevent her from graduating until she's fully corrupted. But then once she's fully corrupted the lewd actions help her with the exam and your goal is now to make her graduate and send her into society as a totally corrupted girl. That merges the gameplay from previous updates with the current gameplay as two separate phases for each girl in a way that I think could be fun and could work thematically.
If you were going to bring back the old gameplay, one thing you'd need to change in my opinion is the fail state. If a girl passes the exam when you're trying to prevent her from passing you should grade her test unfairly to fail her and lose some prestige or bribe the school board to come up with some reason she can't graduate and lose some money or something like that.


Mar 13, 2018
Ninoss - Hi, found few more bugs, so in case you haven't fixed them yet.

Events cannot load start.webp.
It is there probably since previous version. In eventSetup.rpy the condition os.path.isfile(selectedEvent.directoryPath + "start.webp") results in false even if the start.webp is there, which it should be based on your guidelines. I guess the python slightly changed. Fixed by using renpy.loadable("start.webp", selectedEvent.directoryPath) instead.

Vanilla main tags don't correspond to code.
You build yourself a trap there. Going through the code searching for usage of webmFinder.get, I found 34 different main tags, but when I add the missing one to the vids/_mainTags.txt and fixed some of them, some of my girl's videos have been suddenly unregistered during reloading. The missing one is remove_dress, also the strip should be strip_panty according to the code. Maybe you are planning to remove remove_socks as both places (lb_examevents.rpy labels event_removeSocks & event_removePantyhose) that use it are commented. After some debugging, I found the culprit in the webmFinder_ren.py: Webm.loadPossibleTags function.
Firstly, there are two incorrect things:
  • _vanillaGameNbOfTags = 33, which should be 34 as counted in the code, unless you forgot to remove the remove_socks tag.
  • if line != "" and i < _vanillaGameNbOfTags-1:, just drop the '-1' at the end, as you're checking indicies, the exclusive '<' is enough to include the last one. Like this, by adding the one missing tag, it removed the last two tags from the file.
Secondly, I know you made a code that recongnises new tags from vids and add it to the file, but do you really need a function that clean up the file to a vanilla state? If a modder adds a new tag, they would like to keep it, or at least they are responsible for their own mess. This function just mess things up during loading and reloading. Like this you just need to remember to edit it if you decide to change vanilla tags and as you see, they already don't correspond.

Other stuff I “fixed”, which would be nice if you fix too.
Since it is in academic grounds, you could at least fix the punctuation in speaches. You do not put a space before a dot, so why you put it before question and exclamation marks? Sometimes even before a comma. There should be no space before them. It can be searched using a regex so it is not so hard to replace them. Also there is only one dot, or ellipsis (…) which is just one character and the dots are closer to each other than when you are using three dots. So don't use just two dots, and similarly (just for emphasis) don't use two '?' or '!', but just one or three. More of them does not equal stronger emphasis, but higher level of stupidity.
Also in English the currency signs '$', '€' and '£' are placed before the amount unspaced. The € can be placed after the amount in other languages, but it is more or less just tolerated as it is based on rules of the country's former currency. I think you might be influenced by French culture regarding this, but '$' should still go before the amount.


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2017
Ninoss - Hi, found few more bugs, so in case you haven't fixed them yet.
Events cannot load start.webp.
Might be related to engine/python update, I trust you on that, will be fixed for next update!

Vanilla main tags don't correspond to code.
Yup bad code, thanks ;)
Yeah I know that reseting the file fucks up things, but players are just randomly adding and deleting webms and then are confused why x ou y webm doesn't show. I don't really see another quick way to handle this. "need to remember" is already too much for players just here for a lil wank..

Other stuff I “fixed”
Short answer- because I'm French ^^
Don't ask why but it's how we handle spaces. You'll see that in newer updates it happens less as I'm paying more attention to it. But as no one is proofreading my broken english, there are a lot of syntax errors in the game overall.
Yup, same story with $ signs :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2017
Events cannot load start.webp.
Might be related to engine/python update, I trust you on that, will be fixed for next update!

Vanilla main tags don't correspond to code.
Yup bad code, thanks ;)
Yeah I know that reseting the file fucks up things, but players are just randomly adding and deleting webms and then are confused why x ou y webm doesn't show. I don't really see another quick way to handle this. "need to remember" is already too much for players just here for a lil wank..

Other stuff I “fixed”
Short answer- because I'm French ^^
Don't ask why but it's how we handle spaces. You'll see that in newer updates it happens less as I'm paying more attention to it. But as no one is proofreading my broken english, there are a lot of syntax errors in the game overall.
Yup, same story with $ signs :rolleyes:
I have all the English mostly fixed if you want to merge it in. Think a couple of us do really, much easier to read and feels more refined for us fluent speakers with those changes.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2017
I have all the English mostly fixed if you want to merge it in. Think a couple of us do really, much easier to read and feels more refined for us fluent speakers with those changes.
If you could send me the list of changes :rolleyes:


Jun 3, 2017
Does anyone know the console command to increase personal money? Can't find it and the search function seems to be down atm
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