I'll try to answer all questions ^^
zapzero As
Sonico said and based on what we where discussing on the Discord, at some point I'll implement a real "graduation" event where girls that passed graduate, at this point you'll be able to let her go or make her one of your assistant, girlfriend, secretary, teacher, slave, whatever.. That will significantly boost the play time of the game.
Because I'm repeating myself, but the goal of the game isn't to keep all the students but keep them long enought for their parents to be satisfied with your academy. After than a "part 2" is planned
Lebannen As you might have noticed, a girl having high stats won't see kinky act as negative anymore bu will be rather liking them. Even if there is no textual feedbacks in the game for that, the system supports it. It's just a matter of some events and dialogs
jdantas93 I also think that the game is too easy and it breaks the rewarding stuff. Balancing things isn't simple but I'm trying to make it more rewarding

And as
Spacc123 said as an example, girls just enterring naked for no real reasons (just bc stats) is kinda fucked up and non sense.
Spacc123 Kevin Smarts I can't really answer on that from a player pov. The game obv share some mechanics but under the hood every line of logic of the original game is gone and now made for a better qol/stability/upgradability/moddability of the game.
As of the bug you're having, I think that might maybe I guess be the same bug already reported where having less than 3 girls makes the game crash, the fix is already done and will be bundled with other fixes as a 0.1b really soon. But keep in mind that without sending a log file or description of the bug, saying "it bugs" doesn't get us anywhere for fixing it...
I found this pretty ironic as in Examination day pressing the skip button would just instantly close your game to the main menu

Pre-calculating chances is something actually pretty hard as rng an a tendancy to be unpredictable. I've tried to give some informations about chances to the player for the exam interactions I'm glad you liked that additional qol feature

You can definitly enforce nudity by enabling the outerless, botomless and upperless rules.