VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B4] [Braindrop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not someone for large chunks of text. Great fucking game. It doesn't tick all my boxes but I'm happy I gave it a go anyway (if it doesn't for please don't hestitate to give it a go, it's worth your while! ). Can't wait for the next updates, just became a patron to support this devs effeorts (I don't do this very often).

    The actual game:
    The renders are nice, the story is actually worthwhile to read, instead of just ctrl skipping through.

    Would be nice if there was a walkthrough that would show the (future) consequences of your choice. I don't think your choices affect the story massively right now (it's good nonetheless but this might change in the future if the story branches out more based on the choices you make).

    PS Normally I'm more into games with incest or bdsm tags (most where power/corruption plays a big aspect) but I enjoyed this massively anyway.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a good number of games, but never felt motivated to rate one before, but this one has a MC that you can actually like, a story that maybe unlikely but isn't total nonsense(yet at least), unique women rather than the same face from 20 other games as well as quality animated scenes. Oh and English that is actually coherent.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is actually one of the best on this site. In fact, I'd rank it right up there with Being a Dik, it's very good, and that's saying something given how much I love that game. The story, characters, renders, and pacing are all stellar. I tried thinking of a down side for this game, but the only thing I can come up with is having to wait for the next update. A definite game to play and support financially if you're like minded. I intend to.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A lot of content for being a few months old. Great renders, story, animations. This is what a few episodes with a new VN should look like. Well polished with lots of content.

    The only complains I had it some parts was dialogue would trail off at times.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great job by the developer. Lots of new content is added every month and the game is really engaging. Tons of characters and renders, definitely worth playing and i really like the story so far. Hope the developer gets lots of support!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Good Start, Lots of different girls, straight forward harem. I'm into it. Futa/Trans content is optional so if that gets you it fits in smoothly and if it isn't it has zero effect on you. The creator is really communicative so far, a slight fear of burning out but thats just me. Other than that wholeheartedly recommend!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I came into this game on the Day 3 update. I didn't know what to expect other than seeing that the renders looked good in the previews so I gave it a shot.

    I have to say I'm glad I did! There are a lot of characters so if they are all developed there should be a lot of updates possible. I do like that for now the main character being developed is the main character's girlfriend. I find myself having a hard time picking a character I'd like to see developed next, because they're all interesting in their own aspects. I rarely subscribe to a patreon based on one play/update, but this is one of the exceptions for me.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a review for upto day 3.

    +Hot renders
    +Interesting story
    +Multiple fetishes

    -Too many characters not enough focus on individual characters
    -Choices don't seem to have much impact upto this point
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 207916

    There are few games in my list that i like to play, but i shall not talk about them. I remember when this game was released 1st time. Even in it's early stage the game showed potential. I dared not to write a review back then, but now i will.

    What i like :

    1. The story is interesting and you can see progression, depending on your choices.

    2. I like the fact that dev decided to make choice - based game. Early on you can decide what you want. And about characters, you chose with which caracter you build up relations. The game doesn't force you in relations with other characters, which is something that i really like.

    3. As for renders and characters, they are all great. There is no single character that i don't like. And every one is different in their own way.

    4 And last about the dev. It's doing a great job and i really hope that he/she will continue with it. If you are in condition or potential patreon i strongly suggest you to support this dev.

    All in all i wish good luck to the dev and best wishes in continuing on doing great job.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    +Nice animated scenes but animation quality and angles could be better than this.
    +Renders looks good. Not amazing but at least have some quality.
    +Good and interesting story. And realy interesting day 2 end. This got me curious about what's gonna happen next?
    +Has realy and realy lot content for just two day! This game can beat so much game with that two day sexsual content. Has so much adult scenes and this is amazing.

    Bad Points
    -Girls looks good but other renders looks pixel little bit. Need more quality.
    -Some girls looks little bit bad with animated scene angles.

    For The End
    This is realy good game. Has so much content for just 2 day. I hope DEV fix issiues about game and do more better game than this. But at this rate this is not bad game and I loved it. Keep it your good work.
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Ted Danson

    The MC has a comically large dick that ruins the game. All the sex scenes just look awkward and not right as do the animations. While it might work in a different type of game, it just doesn't fit in with the setting for this game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    [Days 1-2]

    I can't believe I almost missed such a jem. Thankfull I didn't in the end and I loved every single minute of playtime.

    Let's be clear: This game is pure utopia, you can expect 5% of its events to actually happen IRL, at most. And this is why I loved this game so much.

    This game's goal is to get the MC laid, with as many chosen girls (and not) as possible, (in that regard, I appreciated the possibility to skip the futa content whilst not losing a great model, so huge props to that).

    CGs: 9.5/10 - Great work on facial expressions and overall quality. It leaves almost nothing to be desired.
    Story: 10/10 - Just how I like it. There's still some misteries to discover, I only hope the dev won't overdo with it in the future, as there is no need imho.
    Sex: 8.5/10 - Good scenes so far but I would love to see a little more spiciness in the future. So far, so good. Impregnation fetishists will love this game for sure.

    5 stars. Highly recommended and I can't wait for more.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I haven't done a whole lot of reviews on games on this site, and I really usually don't do them on ones that aren't finished, but this one will be one of the exceptions. As it sits right now, this covers the first two days in the game, and there is a lot of content in this game for the first two game days. So is it worth the download to try it out? I think it is, I played this while playing another game at the same time and it took me a few in game hours to get through it, maybe about 1-2 hours for those dedicated speed readers who explore all the content. It probably took me about 5-6 as I read at a snails pace to fully take everything in. That's pretty good for what is roughly a 0.15 maybe a 0.2 on this game.

    The thing that excites me the most in this game is the potential. Potential for the story, potential for the characters, and just the overall potential for this game. I haven't played many sports heavy AVN on this site, and this is one of the few where the dev seems to know his shit by the way he has the characters talk about the sport. I think the affection and sex scenes are a bit on the high side, but some of them are avoidable. This is the kind of game where you get to pick who you want to get involved with and how many people you wanna be involved with.

    About the story, so you're a number one Basketball recruit outta high school. You have chosen to go to some no name college for your scholarship, so of course the stage is set for you to be the crown jewel of the school, the town, and your family. Though it's not heavily mentioned, it's expected of you to go pro, so your family and friends are all along for the ride as well, and as you get set to head off to school, your true few will be coming along for the ride. Where it goes from there I assume will be up to you.

    You have your adopted mom, your childhood best friend, and your girlfriend and her sister along for the ride. Now it is mentioned by another reviewer on here, and asked of you very early in the game, so I don't think it's a spoiler, but one of the first things you get to decide are the names of your mom, your girlfriend, and the gender (sorta) of your best friend. I say sorta because they will be a girl, you just get to choose if they're a transgender, or just a straight up female. The very beginning and your choices already matter, and that's a theme in this game, because even though most of them are romantically driven, you're gonna get to choose if you want to be involved with others other than your girl, or take the long hard road of loyalty. Don't worry though, you have plenty of save slots and rollback is a feature on this game.

    So the stage is set for you to be the big fish of the school in the future and it is very interesting to see where that goes and just how the dev is gonna handle all the twists and turns in this game. As it stands now, it looks like staying loyal with all the women throwing themselves at this guy is going to be the big challenge, but I wonder just how the basketball side of things are gonna turn out. There's loads of big expectations on your shoulders, right from the beginning. People expect you to take a winless, no name school from the bottom, and make it an actual contender, while managing relationships, both new and old, and dealing with your own problems.

    From what I seen, the story is good, with potential to be a great mix of an adult game with a heavy sports element, and good characters that don't all act the same and are different from one another. It has a lot of potential right now for sports fans into AVNs, and it has me really excited to see where the dev goes with this. As long as it doesn't get showered down with meaningless sex for the sake of it, and we tone it down on the amount of activity the guy gets into in one day, then I think we'll be good to go. This will probably mean smaller updates that span over the time of days instead of just one day, but I'm hopeful and optimistic about this one here.

    4/5 Stars - It's good but it's a lot based on potential and excitement. This game has the potential to be great depending on what the dev puts into it and how much he puts into it. It also has to potential to go belly up. I'm hoping it does the former instead of the latter, but I'll wait to see. I think this is a good one that you should try out, especially if you've ever dreamed of or been interested in being a sports star and dealing with the adult side of life, 2k games can't offer you.

    Edit: 12/7/19
    I wrote the initial review when I was on day 2, I now add this part when I'm about halfway through the 4th day. I still stand by the excitement and the potential behind the first two days, but I'm afraid that after is where the excitement died. I gave the dev the third day to see where he was going with it. It didn't seem to be nowhere good but it's like something you don't mind. It's like eating a dessert that is really sweet, and think "Okay maybe this part right here is just the super sweet part. We'll get back to the more balanced dessert after this part" But instead... You don't.

    That's where this game currently stands, a dessert that it just too sweet. There's no real drama and tension to this game. I mean the MC is surrounded by some not nice people, and some people who may not be on the up and up, but instead of them presenting some kind of problem or drama, the MC just has a "I have to get down to the bottom of their problem and fix it so we can get along" kind of attitude. He doesn't naively pay for it either. So far everything has seemed to work out for him and those around him just fine, with no appearance like that's gonna change.

    The MC right now has the near perfect life with nothing on the horizon to disrupt that. I think the biggest question now is can the dev turn this around and surprise use with some real story telling? Or at least a return to the sports side of things? (Since we've gotten pretty far removed from that) Or will it just continue to be this super sweet harem story? Which is fine, just not deserving of a top overall rank IMO.

    3/5 Stars - It's dropped. I almost wanted to give it a 2, but it's got good graphics and still the hope is there. Think I'll do a final review when the game is through or when I've had enough and can't take it anymore. Still holding out hope for it to live up to it's storytelling potential, especially with the success and support the dev has had so far, but only time will tell.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games i've played so far, this game is one of the few renpy games out there with a trans character that you can sleep with, not to mention that she's really sexy, with some scenes that are really HOT, but even if you don't like trans sex, you have the option to change that character to female, which makes it a win/win for everyone.

    Really looking forward to future scenes with the hot milf as well.

    10/10 Great game
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a great story so far, i like how it ended on day two with the cliffhanger and the MC's backstory and how as kids we see the world in ways that a lot of times is not the truth, the MC thought has dad was better than he may have been.
    The adopted mom seems to know more than she said.

    Edit on 4/12/21
    Cedey's back story was really well written and hope her friend comes back.

    Sex. 7/10
    Art/Renders. 8.5/10
    Story. 9.5/10
    Characters. 9/10

    Edit rating on 4/12/21
    Sex. 8/10
    Art/Renders. 8.5/10
    Story. 9.5/10
    Characters. 9/10
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    one of my favorite games so far. the renders are pretty good, although i feel Jaime's eyes are a little weird, animations are very good. The story even has it make a bit of sense that all of these women are throwing themselves at you. I do with the MC dick was a bit more realistic in size though, big is fine, but a bit overdone here.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    game is too good.
    nice characters.
    very well written story.
    very nice animation.
    just i think faces of adoptive mother and girlfriend could have been better because others are way too much better compared to them.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best game to come out this year I must say, and has probably one of the strongest start.

    Great Renders and Models for the most part all the girls look great and not the same ones found in every other game
    A lot of content already. Usually I wait before playing a new game because it take couple of updates to get going but this game has plenty of content to start with.
    Power Fantasy story, Where MC is not a loser or needs drugs or corruption magic to get girls.
    Sex scenes are not elaborate but still good. Only place the game needs to improve, its mostly the pacing of the sex scenes some are too short or abrupt.
    Great animations and once again the concept is great, it combines many of the things I was looking for. Playing as a Basketball star to having a trans relationship to impregnating women. it combines lots of things that I really like and wanted to see.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I must say this Game is a breath of fresh air one of the best games i have played on here so far
    +great renders
    +great story
    +lots of choices that matters

    cons the MC's monster is a little much but something i can look past
    All in all this games leaves waiting for more and i cant wait to see it
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game.
    - A lot of content and characters
    -MC isn't a shy virgin. He's an apex male with all the right genetics, is a successful athlete, is charismatic, etc.
    -Plot isn't overly complicated or pretentious. Leaves a lot to await in further updates.
    -No blueballing/ slow development. Chicks dig you and know if they play hard to get they'll get sidelined by others pretty quickly.
    -Models are great. A lot of variety so some of them are bound to catch your attention and you await eagerly for their story to progress.
    -Good writing and a good pace. Currently 2 in games days of content.

    It might turn you off if you're a realism enthusiast. MC's dick is pretty large. This is NOT a story of an underdog so if you're turned off by that consider yourself warned.