VN - Ren'Py - WVM [S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 13 B4] [Braindrop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review for S2 Ch. 1 Ep. 8 B1)

    So this game is amazing, it's right up my alley. That doesn't mean everything is perfect and there are still areas that could be improved, but none of them outweigh the good enough to deduct a full point IMO.

    The models are great, amazing even. And in pretty much every case they just keep getting better and better the longer you play, but be aware that (at least currently) some models change over time.

    But almost any game on this site can pull off amazing models. It doesn't mean anything if that's all you have. But for one, this game has very good animation, and in the later updates they start ranging into amazing animations. If there's anything I could ask for it would be just a tiny bit more creativity in sex positions, but it's been getting better in that area too and I still will always enjoy a good missionary.

    For another, the story is actually gripping, and I say that as someone who absolutely doesn't care the tiniest bit about sports AND as someone who skips through the story on quite a few games on this site. The story manages to make me care about these characters, which certainly isn't something every VN can pull off.

    A few of the bads is that the game is completely unplayable without the music mod IMO. The mod is here to save the day so there was no issue for me but it's a glaring enough omission that it needs to be mentioned.

    Another strict negative is introducing new girls that the MC supposedly met before or met in some prequel or some non-existent rewrite of the first season. There's no beating around the bush, it was handled poorly, there was no need to confuse the players like that, but here we are and we can only move forward and fix it from here. For me it wasn't nearly enough to make me not want to play the game, but I can see other players being more affected by it. And that said rewrite or whatever it is just needs to happen ASAP.

    Overall, just a great game if you love that harem feeling and a (almost only) happy story with character that make you care and fall in love, with girls that all feel different but just as lovable as each other.

    One last thing; I think the game could stand to introduce an in-game character card screen, because there are A LOT of girls and sometimes the game name-drops a girl you haven't seen in a long time and it just takes me out of the game completely when I have to either look back through my saves or search in this thread to see who the game was talking about. Hopefully a character card system that updates as your relationship changes and keeps track of at least who's pregnant (when that comes into play) and possibly more.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly, I enjoyed the story of the first "week" when it actually was the first week. Then when you return to the college on the following monday after a fight on Friday night, suddenly it's been a whole month that the player has no idea happened and then certain other events happen that confuse and baffle constantly. Maybe I wasn't paying attention to the "duck lips" like everyone else has, I kinda liked the character models... even have a few faves I personally love. I haven't even gotten to the end of the most recent update and already I don't want to play anymore because the story isn't making any sense.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It started alright but I do feel like it has gotten worse over time. The story is meh and nothing interesting. The characters have good models except the lips which just irks me out with the whole duck lips and nearly every single character has them. I think this game suffers by introducing way too many women without given more content to the women already introduced and usually that tends to be a very worrying sign for what's to come. I guess we'll see in the future where this game is.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Great looking models although they all have the same fish lips. The trans seemed avoidable yet somehow Skye is kissing me and coming onto the MC and everyone refers to her as him. Cant say im ok the the trans part of being unavoidable yet im still trying to avoid skye scenes. Now the story itself seems ok but it keeps going off the rails with none stop drama. At times im skipping hole updates, just passing over all text. At this point in the game the MC finaly played half a game and im so over everyone and their stupid drama fest. Think this will be my final game play as im over this story which is getting worse and worse. Way to much focus on gender swapping and I never expected it. Its getting to be all about trans or gender this or that. Its getting me rather grossed out and not enjoyable at all.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing this game as of S2 C1 E7.

    Concept: Typical
    WVN is an adult visual novel. You play as an up-and-coming basketball star beginning his first year of college. He is tall, handsome, well-endowed gary stu with a hot girlfriend who apparently wants him to build the biggest harem ever.


    You've probably seen or heard the phrase, "gotta catch em' all" at some point or another. WVM is that phrase, but without any effort required on your part. When you make a choice in-game it's likely going to amount to whether or not you want to pursue a certain girl, and most of the options are very obvious. The story writes itself from there... because the MC is such a magically wonderful man that every girl is powerless when his glorious muscles and giant dick are in view so she could not save her life if it would deny her the opportunity to impale herself on his massive, orgasm-inducing cock. Not even lesbians or trans-men are safe from such extraordinary animal magnetism.

    By my count, which I must inform you is certainly less than what you can achieve in this game... with a cast of about 50 women and counting (which is WAY too many), I think at least 15 of them can be officially a part of the harem, and of which at least 9 are official girlfriends - not including all the other girls you've either banged or made moves on - and the numbers are only rising as more and more girls keep thinking about getting a chance to leap onto the MC's dick.

    This is not the worst plot I have ever seen, but it's not a good one either. It's on par with a lot of adult VNs here on F95.

    Game Play: Almost nonexistent
    If it wasn't for having the option to add or reject a woman to your harem, WVM would be a kinetic novel. There are a small handful of choices that may make some experiences more positive than others, but otherwise you have almost no agency. Take it for what you will, some people don't want to make choices and just want the sexy bits, and that's cool too.

    Story: ...
    There are basically two plots in this game, the MC's professional life, and his romance life.
    His professional life story is... mostly uneventful. A few things happen, and the MC and his women deal with it. We've had only one basketball game so far. Big whoop-dee-doo...
    The second plot is where the meat of this game has been at so far, and while things are going well for the MC, it's painful to read. I do not mean the, "I'm going to cry, it's so emotional," painful, but the, "this is so repetitive, just get on with it!!!" type of painful.
    In real life, I would never dismiss someone's trauma without sufficient reason to call it baggage instead. But WVM, however, does this for EVERY girl ALL the time. Every girl has some kind of insecurity, some kind of problem, some kind of trauma, some kind of issue, and sometimes you have to deal with it more than once. And with the HUGE cast of characters, it's nonstop. The baggage is in your face at every turn. There is essentially a kind of scene loop:
    1) Lets talk about feelings
    2) Lets talk about our feelings some more!
    3) Lets kiss and/or fuck
    4) Lets talk about our feelings EVEN MORE!!
    5) MC fucks his two main girls
    6) lEtS tAlK aBoUt oUr fEeLiNgS eVeN mOaRrRrRrR!!
    7) Repeat

    The dialogue itself is on a similar repeat as well, but not in so few words:
    "Are you sure?"
    "Are you sure?"
    "Are you sure?"

    Ugh... I found myself using the skip button most of the time, because you always know exactly what the outcome will be.

    Graphics & Character Design: The screenshots speak for themselves.
    The 3DCG itself is well done, but...
    Every girl has duck lips. Why does every girl have duck lips?
    A few of the girls are reasonably realistically proportioned. I think most of the girls are quite badly proportioned. A good number of them have tits so big that their weight in real life would force the girl to face-plant whenever she tried to walk, assuming her boobs didn't keep her face 8-inches off the ground. They're fucking massive, and I've known women get breast reductions for less, irl.

    Scenes: Vanilla
    IMO, Zoe's got the best scenes.
    If animation is a deal-breaker for you, do not fear, this game has them, and most of them are good enough to serve your needs.
    If you're looking for some the most depraved sex acts that can be legally incorporated into a game, keep looking. WVM almost exclusively handjobs, blowjobs, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, and it's always consensual. The most extreme sex acts have been a little bit of choking.

    Closing Comments:
    For the longest time I thought this game had died because it wasn't going anywhere. Updates were far and few in between, and the amount of content being provided was underwhelming. I pretty much ignored it for a long while, waiting for enough new content to make it worth my time.

    In a twist of events... it seems the dev has promised to provide more consistent smaller updates every week, if I'm understanding things correctly. We will see. I wish them the best of luck. Even so, it will probably be a long time till I play WVM again.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Flat and boring VN
    Girls are unattractive overall. The only nice one is possible the gf with freckles.
    Story is uninspiring and dull. It doesn't excite you or make you want to play on and see what comes next.
    With so many other good "college adult games" it's hard to justify spending your time on this.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This VN is like someone took a dump on a piece of paper, framed it, hung it and -somehow- the masses called it an art and it sold for millions

    Shitty writing; walls and walls of useless immature sappy crap.

    Gorgeous models ruined by unified ugly duck beaks, and what is worse the majority of this VN time is in close-up shots to their faces .. those goddamn ugly duck beak faces.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting beginning to the game. But the story is very slow paced. Waaaay too many girls there is like no time for the dev to include them all or half in a meaningful way to the story witnessed by the player/viewer.
    Good graphics, inconsistent updates, story progression needs refining as you follow the character day in and out spending most of the time with countless girls made available.
    Big fan at first but things have taken a turn for the worse. Nothing irreversable. I still think the dev can turn things around and make something of what he has now but I'm not sure if his heart and mind is in it anymore.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I really have a love hate relationship with this game. I really loved it at first
    it had good girl models , good animation and a sensible story. Which has become a bit of rarity with so much trash coming out these days. But it has really gone downhill bad/delayd updates, story all over the place and bringing in new girls and forgotting about the old ones. I really want to still like this because good games are hard to come by but it's getting harder and harder to do with it going downhill so fast
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Way back when, when this first landed, i was incredibly excited to see anew update land every month or so. The story was engaging, with choices to be made in which you could direct the course of the story, renders were great for the time.
    Now.. well.. updates are never released when promised, the story is all over the place, the models look very strange unlike a while ago when they were cute. i cancelled my patron subscription around a year ago as i was sick and tired of being lied to by the dev, he has had more issues in the last 3 years than every citizen in China! he is milking his supporters as hard as he can. lost total faith.
    Looking to the future, i will not be partaking in the forums any further, i am sick and tired of the bullshit coming from this so called dev, if you think Icstor is bad, well...
    To summarise, it was wonderful in the beginning, good story and great flow, yet now it is totally all over the place, and to be honest, a little boring too. there are far better games/VN's out there, go find a reliable one, and not this tosser.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    ofrece una experiencia inolvidable gracias a su emocionante trama y personajes bien desarrollados.
    Los personajes, cada uno con su propio trasfondo y motivaciones, te mantienen comprometido en el relato de novela visual.

    offers an unforgettable experience thanks to its exciting plot and well-developed characters.
    The characters, each with their own background and motivations, keep you engaged in the visual novel story.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Review based on S2 Ch.1 Ep.5
    The game is quit good. I played it in 2 days with a total of about 16 hours across them. The only complaint I have is the change of days. After some time you reach a point where the days have been streched out so more days passed for the stuff you did. However some later interactions where strange since they didn't match with what I experienced and some side characters akted in a way like I should know them which I didn't.
    Aside from that complaint I have nothing negativ to say about the game and what I remember about it. I still find the story good. The sex scenes are great and the renders look very good. There is quit some variation throughout the girls and also some background and side information provided for them.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The consistency has fallen off a cliff, lying about updates, black boxes, duck faces, height changes and body changing mid update. He's been saying he had 1000+ renders ready and he'll drop it when he's comfortable... Doesnt drop it and says it needs tweaking or something magically went wrong so well get a 300-500 render instead and then say he's working night and day to make an update come out as soon as possible... lies
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written story with likeable characters. Probably the least douche MC of a harem I've ever seen made which is nice. It would be nice if there was more of a difference between the "cheater" and "loyal" stories but eh kind of a Telltale style story which is fine.

    XXX Scenes are decent for Ren'Py. Not quite "Being a DIK" but better than most. Seems like they are actually doing stuff vs some games where its like ok, animation! aaaaand done. Story makes you like who you wanna like and hate who they want you to hate. I would call that decent storywriting which for a porn game cmon... that's pretty good.

    Latest update is reasonable, granted I haven't been keeping up on this series but feels decent enough. Could've done without the blackbox over the face but I'm assuming that's a placeholder. Some careful trashbins or a light fixture in the way would've been fine... Hell maybe a flash or something over the MC's face if they really just don't want to show it.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    The exaggerated art style of the faces really throws me on this game. The renders look pretty good and well detailed enough, but most of the girls look the same.

    The story starts out interesting enough with a love triangle. By the end of my play-through, I lost count of how many girls the MC has sex with or that want to have sex with him for seemingly no reason.

    The lazy storytelling, non-existent character development and far too many characters ruin the game for me. It started off with some interesting possibilities and ends up devolving into an insult on the intelligence.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game's premise, vibe, girls, everything about it. This is a great game and I look forward to every single update. 10/10 wish there were more games like this. Hope this gets fully developed. Love the feel and the story is interesting and fun to see.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    How do I go about this? Render quality is very good, and I also enjoyed the story, even if it is kinda naive and childish sometimes, there's a good amount of drama to keep me hooked up. And there's obviously a lot of sex.

    Overall it's good game, but it's going deeper and deeper into abbys of unlimited girls number. MC lilerally has not even single minute for himself. There is always someone to talk to and someone needing help. My god, even all of those situations when he already has to talk to someone are constantly being interrupted by another girls also in need to talk. That's insane.

    Also may I point up, that this game was supposed to be about playing basketball, and we are already in season 2 episode 1 (probably) near end of it, and not a single basketball match was played yet.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    WVM is a quality VN in terms of the character models and sex scenes but is weighed down by a drawn-out plot with way too many characters.

    I really like the how the models look. They're high-quality and most are unique in terms of looks and proportions. The sex scenes (for the characters that have them) are animated and very fappable. There's also trans content in the game, which is optional and you don't miss out on any scenes as it simply makes that character female. The writing in the game is better than a lot of other adult VNs, but it has its problems which I'll go over next.

    WVM does make the same mistake a lot of adult VNs do as there are way too many women in the game. I think there are literally over 50 different girls in this. This turns into a major problem for the game as the author tries to have character development for every single love interest resulting in content being way too spread out between characters. The only two that have a decent amount of content are Shauna and Jaime. The rest might have a scene or two but most have no scenes. There are characters like Jasmine and Harper that have had a ton of story written for them with no sex scenes. I feel like the stagnation in the plot is made obvious by the fact that the game has been in development for over 3 years and we have only just gotten to the first basketball game in a VN that is about a basketball player.

    I'll give it four stars because i did enjoy it and think it's better than the average VN on this site. I don't have high hopes for the future of the game though as I think there's just way too many LIs to develop content for all of them at a decent pace.

    TLDR - You can play WVM and fap a couple times to it but it is flawed in its design as there are way too many love interests, hurting the game in several ways.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    You are a rising basketball star and get a scholarship at WVM, a college that is paying you to lead their team. You're given multiple homes, a car, and so much attention that every girl on campus wants to be yours. You take your adopted mother, best (trans or fem) friend, and girlfriend with you, but it doesn't take long to begin building a ludicrous harem of women. Everyone around you thinks you are the best man in the world, and they aren't afraid to share either! The women all look sexy as hell in this game. There's a good variety of body types in the game, as well as trans characters. The story is pretty simple, but still has it's dramatic reveals. Contrived is a word that could be used, but simple and familiar isn't always bad. While it can get repetitive for every woman you meet to stare up at you with their beautiful eyes and confess their complete infatuation with you, it services the harem fantasy well and produces a fun vibe to the game. Animations are well done and the renders are of high quality. A great game, let down only by some repetitive personalities and the occasional cock-tease.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one my favourite game of all time i look forward to every update this update was amazing as well just waiting for that basketball match now hoping it will have some interactive scenes i like the story as well even if it's a little plane sometimes I don't under that brubru stuff that's kinda weird like idk it's a weird nickname