I've been wanting to play this for a year or so now, but I keep putting it off hoping eventually the real porn gets replaced with actual artwork, or maybe someone mods it out. Here I am wanting a compelling and complex sandbox text-based smutty fantasy with a TF focus and, while those elements exist and are really quite unique and exciting, I also am forced to get the front page of Pornhub shoved in my face when I really just want to use my imagination—or, better yet, the developer to use *their* imagination—instead of turning to the lowest creative bar imaginable to represent the visual aspect of their game.
It's not that real porn doesn't have its place of course, but I don't play porn games to just get more of the same old regular porn I could get one website over—I'm here looking for something that doesn't exist in real life, something that I can imagine in my head, or someone else imagined in theirs, rather than to be reminded that I don't actually look like an 18 year old 7-foot-tall Chad Thundercock whenever I glance at the corner of the screen.
If the game actually looked like the banner art I'd probably consider this promising on the level of Trials in Tainted Space or Degrees of Lewdity. It looks like that isn't ever going to happen, but—you know what?—I'd be perfectly happy just reading text on top of simple backgrounds instead of porn clips whenever a sex scene happens, especially considering the developer already went through all that effort to make an interactive sex scene complete with arousal and orgasm mechanics. FFS, the real porn isn't needed! So I'm just stuck waiting until someone mods in what I want, I guess, which is a real damn shame.