Event is random. Alexia will mention being low on money as you go to the mall, so you know if it will happen.can someone answer when alexia get caught by mall security when i do have sex with him no more of him or what is deal and also how to get event with him everytime
Don't think it matters which character. You either have to be in female "form" or have a pill with you iirc and then you'll get the option.Danceofmasks and also what character avaible that event if u know and tell me how works shame status i wanna all shame -
Visit the mall three or four times a week, hope for the best. Plus side is that you know right out of the gate if dear sis-step doesn't ask for a ride or doesn't complain about money if she does join you. And if she doesn't complaint about money, you still have the chance to drive her home as a male and work on getting the parking scenes.It's just that event and it is randomly generated. No way to specifically trigger it.
Is it all the time or does it happen at specific points?anyone come across an instance of a screen displaying a single '['? if so does anyone know how to fix it?
Very good idea, fellow CoomGod uniqueusername69 . I don't know about programming but, maybe just like turning BLACK NPCs off for her (0) but on (1) for everyone else would somehow be possible, no?Dumb solution - but couldn't you just have some of the girls not be able to meet black guys? Interracial content is something I'm very keen on - and I think many others seem to be too! The stuff with Kendra only fucking black guys is hot - and seems to hint at more of that stuff being in game, so it'd be a shame to completely exclude interracial. Or just have some kinda QoS pill that turns you into Skylar/just one girl?