This game is massive, immersive, responsive and so, so good. Easily the best realporn-based project I've played. And yet I can't help but feel that the long development time is starting to cause inconsistencies in sex mechanics from scenes to scenes.
An obvious example is comparing the way different demos handle sex, willpower, orgasm progression and skills : at the hardest setting, the most dangerous demo remains Dumb Bitch, with very slow linear orgasm progression for the client, and a mostly RNG minigame for preventing passive player orgasm. Meaning that no matter how good your skills the Dumb Bitch client will not progress faster toward orgasm, and on the passive end, any 'interruption' leads to failure 90% of the time (which incurs stat losses).
On the other end of the spectrum, the pole dancing scene is a really great example of non-linearity, flexibility, skill-based progression and some choices and consequences. At every step of the way, the player is called upon to choose and use skills to meaningful effect, and different combinations can railroad to one of many endings, some incurring stat losses.
The Dumb Bitch scene is obviously an early development, which explains its linearity and difficulty spike compared to the Pole Dance one. I think an effort should be made to elevate the currently existing scenes to at least the Pole Dance level of player choice and progression. My 2 cents.