I1lym, have you thought of making each card you collect give you a stat debuff (like in Karryn's Prison)? Making it harder to deny mens advances?
As, IMO this game is at it's most fun when you're actively trying to avoid being slutty. Right now you have to pretty much choose to have sex with others, you never really get corrupted into it. Whereas if everytime you get a collectible card, if gives you some sort of stat debuff to make denying sexual advances from men harder, it would be a really interesting mechanic.
You could even have situations where random NPC's will place certain cards in your pockets or even certain clothes you buy would have debuffs themselves / cards that come with them. You could still sell the cards but the debuffs remain even after sold.
There could also be debuff penalties if after a while your character doesn't cum / get fucked / drink cum etc. to further push the corruption. As I like to try as hard as possible to avoid sex as a female but obviously at a certain point I need to be corrupted into it or the game just gets boring lol. Ideally I would like the the debuffs to slowly make it harder to deny mens advances / become less masculine. A slow burn is good with that type of content imo.
Also, with X-Change it gives a unique oppurtinity (as it's not purely a female protag game) to not only want to avoid sex as a female, but get sex as a male. It would be cool if the best way to play the game was to try to stay as male as possible and have sex with as many women as possible (as most men would), and then if you fail to pick up a girl you gain a debuff that makes you less likely to be able to pick up women, and then make you less masculine etc. leading to your true inner slutty female self. You could even give some sort of male / masculine cards with (slight) buffs when you successfully have sex with a woman or make them cum / cum x amount of times etc. to encourage trying to stay male.
Btw, thanks again for the great game. You're doing a fantastic job with this game.