:: bar chat girl greeting {"position":"16945,3035","size":"100,100"}
(if:$npc's "relationship" is -1)[
"She doesn't want to talk to you.",
"She's not interested in talking to you.",
"She blows you off.",
"She doesn't seem like she wants to talk to you.",
"Yep, she's still mad at you."
(if:(random:1, 10) is 1)[ <-------Change
(set:$npc's "relationship" to 0)
(set:$npc's "traits" to it + (a:"pill"))
(set:$npc's "traits" to it - (a:"no pill"))
(if:$npc's "familiarity male" is 0)[
(if:$character's "effective charm" is < 4)[
) (either:
"hi there.",
"can I help you?",
"need something?",
"what is it?"
](else-if:$character's "effective charm" > 7)[
"Hey there!",
"Why hello there!",
"Well, look at you!",
"Did you just turn up to make this boring night better?",
"What's cookin, good lookin?",
"Hey there, I don't know you.",
"Hey there!",
"Well, hello there.",
"Oh hi there!",
"Hey there!",
"Hi, you're new!",
"Hey, have I seen you around here before?"
"Uhh... hi!",
"Here there!",
"Oh, hello.",
"Hi there.",
"Good evening.",
"Hey there.",
"Hi there!",
"Oh, hello."
](else-if:$npc's "familiarity male" > 0)[
(if:$npc's "id" is "leah")[
(set:$line to (either:
"hey there",
"hey whats up",
"hey hows it going"
(display:"bar npc voice line")
"Hi there,"
(print:$character's "male name")."