
Aug 30, 2022
Very nice game, i played it for a few hours and liked most of what i saw but there's some aspects of the game that i wish too see polished more :

- The role of the femininity & masculinity and identity stat should be more prominent
  • Gameplay-wise those three stats are at times completely ignored, the only time the masculinity stat is addressed as something that matters is in the masculinity crisis minigame and in the embarrassment moodlet. Even a day 1 PC takes the x-change pill without any resistance at all.
  • Only the sales jobs provides strong reasons for ignoring those stats since you are working for a shady company and being coerced (more or less) to take the pill.
  • Along with those stats mattering more the rate at which they're gained and lost should also be increased, a female pc could gain more femininity just by being catcalled or buying clothes, also the amount of days you spend as a given gender should affect those stats. every small action could possible affect them.
  • The "cock carusel" minigame feels like an incredible gamey way to manage those stats.

- More control over how social interactions go
  • Having to activate the safeword option to take control back from the game is incredible immersion breaking, the PC at high lust behaves like she has taken the hot and ready pill, the intellect stat should factor in how much control the PC has over their libido as things stand only a very low intelligence stat PC should have so little control on random npc approaches. as of now the arousal mechanic is incredible black and white, at 0 arousal the female PC wont have sex with anyone but at high arousal she cant refuse anyone without having to go through the willpower minigame.
  • the PC should be able to decide with whom he/she interacts, not being able to decide who approaches you while loitering in the mall and relaxing in the beach makes sense because the PC is not really looking for someone to socialize with, but in the bar using the "meet someone's eyes" option should give you a degree of control over which NPC you start a social interaction with, sometimes there are NPC's you happen to dislike for a variety of reasons and having to bail out of each interaction by the gamey safeword method and clicking "meet someone's eyes" over and over again till you get a npc that you like is a pain in the ass.
  • The aforementioned action should provide you with a list of random npcs to interact with.

-Lack of content for male PC's

  • As of now playing as a male PC is incredible lame in comparison with playing as a female, there's not much point in playing as a male since there's little if any content, i'm not really asking for 1 to 1 equivalence with the female PC but something that actually makes you want to play as the male PC.

There are other things that i think could be improved upon such as permanent random NPC's but i think they're already being added.
Also i haven't really read the whole thread so i apologize for being repetitive if i'm making a point that is in the process of being addressed. i like the game and i which to see more of it so i hope this post is taken as constructive criticism.
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Aphrodite, creator of X-Change Life™
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2019
Also i haven't really read the whole thread so i apologize for being repetitive if i'm making a point that is in the process of being addressed. i like the game and i which to see more of it so i hope this post is taken as constructive criticism.
I like your points, thank you for sharing. I could respond in depth but its too early in the morning for me here in Singapore, so I'm just gonna say that most of what you've said are things that have also been on my mind and I do have plans to improve. I always appreciate constructive criticism and I'm aware the game has a lot farther to go to live up to its promises.
Love the sound of this — is there an ETA on when this update can be expected?
I just posted on SubscribeStar that my target release date for the playtest is December 9th, putting the full release potentially a week or so after that - maybe sooner maybe later, just depends on the bugs status. The update is fairly chunky code wise so I do expect a certain number of bugs, and I hate putting out something that is buggy, considering around 10k-15k people usually play when a full update is posted (according to the web version statistics, at least).
Hi l1lym !
I find your handling of pregnancy and changes in the game really good! I consider the baseline idea of the X-Change universe that pregnancy (even an aborted one) locks you in that body forever, except when using a "surrogate pill", a brain fart. Who would buy the very expensive Plus pills, if they can get the same result (permanent sex change) with extra-strength or breeder pills?
Your solution, which is also used by a few X-Change universe story authors, that males change back (unless they took a plus) after giving birth, weaning or abortion (but with every pregnancy it takes longer), is very good and more logical.
Thank you! I got slightly flamed for my handling of pregnancy, but it had to be designed with gameplay in mind. My goal is to keep the Plus pills as the only real permanent transformation, otherwise you’re right it’s a little strange.

There’s a lot that works in erotic captions / stories that won’t work well in a game.
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Active Member
Jan 7, 2019
QQ: is there any scene for the secretary pills yet? Sold them like half a dozen times, never got the option or request to demo them.


Dec 27, 2018
There aren't plans to permanently change your X-Change body, but it's not a bad idea. One of the principles of X-Change is that the normal/typical pills are essentially the hotness-boosted opposite gender version of yourself. Of course, with the New-U machine, you could theoretically have a totally different female body to your male one, but you would have to consciously choose that other body each time (unless you get one of the side effects that swaps your DNA).

Regarding slim blonde girls, I will definitely be adding some more as side content, although not adding more characters to the roster of 10 as it's too much work (each one has like hundreds of unique things that needs to be found for them). But I have no doubt that soon there will be mods available adding all sorts of characters, so I bet you will have the opportunity to live out your slim blonde dreams quite soon!
Yeah I meant like a way to choose another dna for one gender only, maybe extra expensive or something, as it seems some events and stuff you can get is when you take "usual" pill only. Like pharmacist event and cards, and more in the future I guess.

I'm just into blondes, yeah haha

Thanks for quick replies.

Very nice game, i played it for a few hours and liked most of what i saw but there's some aspects of the game that i wish too see polished more :

- The role of the femininity & masculinity and identity stat should be more prominent
  • Gameplay-wise those three stats are at times completely ignored, the only time the masculinity stat is addressed as something that matters is in the masculinity crisis minigame and in the embarrassment moodlet. Even a day 1 PC takes the x-change pill without any resistance at all.
  • Only the sales jobs provides strong reasons for ignoring those stats since you are working for a shady company and being coerced (more or less) to take the pill.
  • Along with those stats mattering more the rate at which they're gained and lost should also be increased, a female pc could gain more femininity just by being catcalled or buying clothes, also the amount of days you spend as a given gender should affect those stats. every small action could possible affect them.
  • The "cock carusel" minigame feels like an incredible gamey way to manage those stats.

- More control over how social interactions go
  • Having to activate the safeword option to take control back from the game is incredible immersion breaking, the PC at high lust behaves like she has taken the hot and ready pill, the intellect stat should factor in how much control the PC has over their libido as things stand only a very low intelligence stat PC should have so little control on random npc approaches. as of now the arousal mechanic is incredible black and white, at 0 arousal the female PC wont have sex with anyone but at high arousal she cant refuse anyone without having to go through the willpower minigame.
  • the PC should be able to decide with whom he/she interacts, not being able to decide who approaches you while loitering in the mall and relaxing in the beach makes sense because the PC is not really looking for someone to socialize with, but in the bar using the "meet someone's eyes" option should give you a degree of control over which NPC you start a social interaction with, sometimes there are NPC's you happen to dislike for a variety of reasons and having to bail out of each interaction by the gamey safeword method and clicking "meet someone's eyes" over and over again till you get a npc that you like is a pain in the ass.
  • The aforementioned action should provide you with a list of random npcs to interact with.

-Lack of content for male PC's

  • As of now playing as a male PC is incredible lame in comparison with playing as a female, there's not much point in playing as a male since there's little if any content, i'm not really asking for 1 to 1 equivalence with the female PC but something that actually makes you want to play as the male PC.

There are other things that i think could be improved upon such as permanent random NPC's but i think they're already being added.
Also i haven't really read the whole thread so i apologize for being repetitive if i'm making a point that is in the process of being addressed. i like the game and i which to see more of it so i hope this post is taken as constructive criticism.
Good points. Just want to add that the current safeword system is probably added as kind of a cheat option to be able to get out of content you normally shouldn't be able to get out. But yes, that shouldn't be the case for just normal npc encounters.
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Aug 30, 2022
But now, the game is open source! And we have added some tools for people to be able to mod the game more easily in a non-hacky way using a custom mod loader. A number of people are working on mods on the discord, and I think eventually we'll have a thriving roster of mods for people who want to add specific characters or content.

This is the code repository now, for anyone interested in checking it out:
Could you add a license to the repo please? without it, the author reserves all rights.

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New Member
Jul 28, 2022
Does anyone else find the Dumb Bitch mini-games to be pretty unfair? Like jesus. Not only do you have to last 40-60 seconds, the bar jumps super fast and when you lose control (not from clicking too fast just the normal lose control), it's almost always to late to recover.


Aphrodite, creator of X-Change Life™
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2019
Does anyone else find the Dumb Bitch mini-games to be pretty unfair? Like jesus. Not only do you have to last 40-60 seconds, the bar jumps super fast and when you lose control (not from clicking too fast just the normal lose control), it's almost always to late to recover.
I agree with you. I have fixed this in the upcoming release - now instead of interrupting you / losing control, "interrupting text" just reverses your controls temporarily. I've also decreased the overall difficulty slightly (though made hardcore mode more impactful as well)
Could you add a license to the repo please? without it, the author reserves all rights.


Dec 27, 2018
I agree with you. I have fixed this in the upcoming release - now instead of interrupting you / losing control, "interrupting text" just reverses your controls temporarily. I've also decreased the overall difficulty slightly (though made hardcore mode more impactful as well)
Oh, regarding minigames, I want to say that playing on the phone I have about at least half a second (i think it's actually about a second) response delay on controls which makes it almost impossible to win. On pc normal difficulty is pretty easy (except mentioned dumb bitch ones), but it would be cool to have an easy mode so you can play minigames on the phone instead of always skipping them.


Jul 13, 2021
Here is an interesting idea. Allow the female version of the MC to masturbate in the shower, and then have Alexia come in when she is feeling dominant toward the MC. She then has the MC look her in the eyes as she masturbates, which after a few times, anytime the MC looks her in the eyes, she feels submissive and horny.


Jul 26, 2019
I've already written out a ~3600 word doc on dominant Alexia scenes I want implemented (either by me or another modder), I'm very eagerly awaiting the mod stuff. Take your time though, the more accessible and effective it is the more content will be produced. If anything should not be rushed it's the modding API. Love the game, will check back on the 16th.
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Aphrodite, creator of X-Change Life™
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2019
Have there been any updates on Discord lately? They've started blocking the fake emails I use to make accounts for these games / requiring phone numbers. And I ain't using non-burner stuff for porn.
The headline update is that I'm trying to get the next subscriber playtest out by December 9th (if I absolutely murder myself with dev work over the next few days, which I plan to do). Then once the bugs are ironed out, the full release should come a week after that. The main things I am working on adding are:

1. ~350 new sex positions, each with different stats and effects
2. The ability to invite NPCs over to your house (I'm thinking, sometimes they will invite themselves over)
3. Quite a few general enhancements of the randomized sex encounters. For instance there will be more stats, such as Control and Stamina - there will be more dialogue and interaction opportunities as well to make them feel more fleshed out
4. A couple scenes with Alexia / Stepdad for them to react to you having guys over
5. The ability for NPCs to "accompany" you places. This will prevent you from getting hit on, although the NPC that's with you will probably hit on you, hehe. He might even do stuff like try to buy you his favorite slutty outfits at the mall, and things like that. I'm still working on this potential feature but think it could be fun as a precursor to "dates".
6. You'll also be able to "train" your NPC fuck-buddy's stats. It'll be like pokemon! Though watch out, they might try to train you as well
7. Like 100 new outfits!
8. Rework of the dont cum minigame to make it a bit more fair. Instead of the "interrupting text" stopping you from interacting with the game, it will simply temporarily reverse your controls.

This update is more about depth to the sex and NPC interactions, it does not solve any core problems really about game progression. Those types of enhancements will come in the 0.17x updates.


Active Member
Jan 7, 2019
is there a safe way to incease feminity without risk of losing identity?
Also I think the losing stats when cum touches the skin is a bit too unbalanced especially in the GB scenes where you'd have to dodge 5 times or so.


Active Member
Aug 24, 2017
is there a safe way to incease feminity without risk of losing identity?
Also I think the losing stats when cum touches the skin is a bit too unbalanced especially in the GB scenes where you'd have to dodge 5 times or so.
Sure if you pass the masculinity crises then you'll still gain femininity without losing identity, also other actions can some times gain you femininity like flirting at least early on it will.
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Aug 4, 2021
The headline update is that I'm trying to get the next subscriber playtest out by December 9th (if I absolutely murder myself with dev work over the next few days, which I plan to do). Then once the bugs are ironed out, the full release should come a week after that. The main things I am working on adding are:

1. ~350 new sex positions, each with different stats and effects
2. The ability to invite NPCs over to your house (I'm thinking, sometimes they will invite themselves over)
3. Quite a few general enhancements of the randomized sex encounters. For instance there will be more stats, such as Control and Stamina - there will be more dialogue and interaction opportunities as well to make them feel more fleshed out
4. A couple scenes with Alexia / Stepdad for them to react to you having guys over
5. The ability for NPCs to "accompany" you places. This will prevent you from getting hit on, although the NPC that's with you will probably hit on you, hehe. He might even do stuff like try to buy you his favorite slutty outfits at the mall, and things like that. I'm still working on this potential feature but think it could be fun as a precursor to "dates".
6. You'll also be able to "train" your NPC fuck-buddy's stats. It'll be like pokemon! Though watch out, they might try to train you as well
7. Like 100 new outfits!
8. Rework of the dont cum minigame to make it a bit more fair. Instead of the "interrupting text" stopping you from interacting with the game, it will simply temporarily reverse your controls.

This update is more about depth to the sex and NPC interactions, it does not solve any core problems really about game progression. Those types of enhancements will come in the 0.17x updates.
Sounds amazing. Can't wait to try it out.
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Aphrodite, creator of X-Change Life™
Game Developer
Jan 21, 2019
is there a safe way to incease feminity without risk of losing identity?
Also I think the losing stats when cum touches the skin is a bit too unbalanced especially in the GB scenes where you'd have to dodge 5 times or so.
I agree these are a bit unbalanced at the moment. Rest assured in the 0.17x updates, which will focus purely on progression and balance enhancements (motivations for playing, on-ramps to being transformed, improvements to the job, a lot of new family scenes), that I will do my best to get all the stat interactions to make a lot more sense...
4.50 star(s) 104 Votes