I personally had most problem with automatic text flow in phone talk. It was too fast and even scrolling up didn't help, because every new next line which automatically showed up, ported screen text at the end of it. Player should be the one who execute husband lines, no automatic system, as that is implemented in most similar games, which even give feel of self immersion to player.
If you not read phone texts in right order, other conversations ends up blocked and you cannot progres further.
There is barely no characters introduction, and yes player should get context of the story, no matter on what path he ends up. Forcing anyone to play routes he don't like, just because you created them is unacceptable. Same mistake did BloodyInk with his "Wife Phone", which ended up on my ignore list long ago.
I think that first release, or in your case lets call it short demo, should be without any "Patreon Only" restriction. That's really shitty move I tell you.
I really like wife model you choose, finally one with some curves, even when I don't like heavy inked one, but o.k.
So what
is the right order to get eveything?
I kind of like the no intro... The previous messages give us some history of the relationship which was exciting to check.
Hi everyone! Thank you for your reactions and thoughts. It's been fun watching this thread since the release.
I’ve shared a poll and would love your input.
Edit: Closed poll on Dec 5.
Here’s a quick rundown of the options in the poll (and their final results):
True ending of
The descent of a man into madness under the weight of accusations surrounding his wife’s infidelity right? I hope that isn't changing.
How are you coming along? Can't get the game out of my mind. My playthroughs were probably not quite complete, I'm not sure if it's because of the order in which I opened the messages or what but the knowing there's gaps and getting frustrated with seeing everything is only madding to my addness!
Wanted to make sure: the fact that there seems to be a message history that we're meant to discover for ourselves is deliberate right? or was that another problem with opening order? I found it very original and hope you'll keep it (though maybe with some fine-tuning, like by reading thru with fresh, player's eyes and decide what you want to force upon us as history, hide for us in the background, let us analyse to find hints to the darkness....)
Oh has someone mentioned the save problem? coz everytime I do I have to go back to main menu...
so far so good. is there going to be a route where the mc is not going to be a cuck?
and i found the mcs actions after the hospital strange, he comes home doesnt tell his wife what happend, starts to have sex with her and then out of nowhere ask her for an open relationship. when something like this would happen to me i wouldnt even think about sex and would tell my wife that is the most important person in my life what happend.
huh? when did he ask for openrelationship i didn't get that shit?
Yeah, gonna skip this then. I love wife/girlfriend cheating, but when the mc is a willing cuck it is a bonner killer for me. Good luck anyway.
So far I am getting more
unwilling cuck scenario. Which I agree is better than NTS stuff. Ultimately to get more content of our stories some cuck-participation may be necessary, the trick is convincingly making him do so without getting too much willingness, like by breaking him gradually, making his prioritising of keeping his wife/gf a fatal flaw, and focusing on the conflict of being turned on etc. I also wouldn't mind a hard parth where the cuck is just cheated on and dumped with only brief teasing/cucking and humiliation- arguably tossing him aside is even more to the point.
I'm guessing you've successfully (in right order) chosen to acquiesce to Theo's demand or something?
IDK things are a bit messy, now I'm confused..
EDit: Also, is there any way to change the title of this thread to the full name? panicked for a bit as I couldn't find it by searching thinking it might've been deleted. Actually would't have found it if I hadn't posted to it before so I could look through my contents...