Checking if the code isn't "Normal Supporter" and if so then showing the "Wrong code" popup is certainly a choice. Though I do recommend the initial flash in of the logo to be toned down as, well, flashing in white on a dark screen is kinda not good.And the code behind it was really unique...
game.premium = true
Huh? I was talking about the whole code behind the game...Checking if the code isn't "Normal Supporter" and if so then showing the "Wrong code" popup is certainly a choice.
Oh then yeah, it's nice. Would be better if you didn't obfuscate it.Huh? I was talking about the whole code behind the game...
is there a tutorial for this javascript ? i have no idea what to do lolChecking if the code isn't "Normal Supporter" and if so then showing the "Wrong code" popup is certainly a choice. Though I do recommend the initial flash in of the logo to be toned down as, well, flashing in white on a dark screen is kinda not good.
JavaScript:game.premium = true
Did they block your page? That usually comes from people complaining about the kind of game but an appeal should solve it.I'm sorry to say I've hit a setback with Patreon and don't know if or when I can recover.
The project is now on hold. I'm deeply grateful to everyone who supported it, especially the one person who paid twice when they didn't have to—everyone received their reward and I'll do one more out of respect for you. I'll be sending subscribers what I've completed so far and, hopefully, the final product in the future.
If there's any chance I can keep the page going, I'll be back soon.
If not, goodbye.
Doesn't really brick the game, the dev just removed the full prologue from the free version. Should work for other premium-only You cant even watch a full prologue hahahahahhahahah.
Btw turning in the premium with this line game.premium = true just bricks the game