VN - Others - Completed - You Are My Treasure [Final + DLC] [Little Black Book Entertainment]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    fake choices ahoy (really likes to have you die and main menu and have to load a save +
    no qol even of just bringing you back before choice and you have to load a manual then ql there if qs, a couple even ignore it entirelly)
    no sex even with the dlc patch that every game gives th esex this one a lie and just apaprently adds nude and a bit of text?
    the sex is boring especially the lead up its just hey we lesbians omg we both are ok joke on cave or pink and lets go have sex another joke on cave/pink, lick, then she lick, then spray done (all jokes at same time though at least ok clam/canoe)
    far to few different sprites, no emotions, almost no cgs, etc...
    ALmost no story and certaintly no character development even the girl you end up with (or very easily do) comes out of no where and the girl that 1st said she had a crush on you is ignored

    Rare types (Yuri, Pirate, Vanilla)
    Works and is fine enough
    Short so not big deal, that i waisted my time and got to hear about pirates again..