
Mar 3, 2024
i realy enjoy the game but i have a cuple of grips whit it: one of the main one is with the quickstart option; i whoud like to start ad the begining of the game without doing the whole prologue stuf but the quickstart puts me in the midle of the game and i whoud like the option to decide where to start. anoter one thats more recent is during the first perion i try to get the option to convince the lady but the requariements are particulary stricts and in the runs that i try to go for it i managed only one, maybe it is just me but i like not to minmax my run just to play like i wana. beyond that i realy enjoy the game and i hope it gets beter and beter


Jul 14, 2022
I remember playing this ages ago and getting distracted dunking on the witch and her brother by being a better quarterback anyway, even under a curse.

Can you still absolutely dominate through things or does the game eventually go full sub?
You can still be a star quarterback and stay with Jessica! However, there might not be a lot to do if you don't transform.
is there a way to keep my dick, and still be trans?
The current update adds more scenes to the path where you try to get your dick back. But it's not complete and there's no way currently to keep your dick.
id love it if the rubber spilts. you get pregnant lol
I've had several requests for this! I'm hesitant to add pregnancy to the game though, because the main character is an 18 year old high school girl and her getting pregnant at that age would make things complicated.
i realy enjoy the game but i have a cuple of grips whit it: one of the main one is with the quickstart option; i whoud like to start ad the begining of the game without doing the whole prologue stuf but the quickstart puts me in the midle of the game and i whoud like the option to decide where to start. anoter one thats more recent is during the first perion i try to get the option to convince the lady but the requariements are particulary stricts and in the runs that i try to go for it i managed only one, maybe it is just me but i like not to minmax my run just to play like i wana. beyond that i realy enjoy the game and i hope it gets beter and beter
Thanks for the feedback, glad you're enjoying the game!

I can probably add a way to start the Quickstart earlier. When would you like to start? After you get your pussy? Before the panty raid?

One of the ways to get past the girl during your period is to still be together with Jessica and tell her you're getting a tampon for her.


Mar 3, 2024
Thanks for the feedback, glad you're enjoying the game!

I can probably add a way to start the Quickstart earlier. When would you like to start? After you get your pussy? Before the panty raid?

One of the ways to get past the girl during your period is to still be together with Jessica and tell her you're getting a tampon for her.
i like the idea of having multible choices but for this conversation i whoud prefer right araund the first time you are left to decide what to do during the day afther the scripted prolouge and for the second point : i knew alredy abaut that and i already did that way in another of my run where i dated jessica but in the run in question i tend to break up with her early on; for that reason i was sayng that the requirement seem strict and i woud like to at least know the requirement for the sene; maybe in the hint section ?
and since i am here i can give my 2 cents on the pregnancy stuf; you can make it someting of an ending modifier, it can go something like this: afther daydreaming while baking cokies you invite griffin to the lake and it gives you the option to have unprotected sex, during the ending secuence it's revealed that during one of your session you got knok out and vow to be great parents. it's just an idea that i had but i tink it can realy work
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Sep 17, 2020
I know its big as it is now, but how much work is it really to add features like being able to choose Raven and Griffin's race?


Dec 19, 2017
I've had several requests for this! I'm hesitant to add pregnancy to the game though, because the main character is an 18 year old high school girl and her getting pregnant at that age would make things complicated.
Well, as a last resort, she always can undo it through magic?
but yeeap, possibility of getting pregnant sounds really hot... you can even add a couple of additional tronsformations of enhancing fertility or something. ( as a continuation of pussy transformation)
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Mar 3, 2024
since i like trowing ideas i have one: you can make that in the route where you get your dick back you can decide to have just the dick and turn into a hemafrodite. another one that i have that is the posibility to regain your streinth wile still bein a woman and becoming something of an amazonian beuty that can overpower most men. since i am here i have another problem with the game; i dont know if it is a bug or not but when i get the dream to decide my height and decide not to change it the dream repeats every subseguent night and i find it kinda anoying
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Mar 3, 2024
and since i am here i can give my 2 cents on the pregnancy stuf; you can make it someting of an ending modifier, it can go something like this: afther daydreaming while baking cokies you invite griffin to the lake and it gives you the option to have unprotected sex, during the ending secuence it's revealed that during one of your session you got knok out and vow to be great parents. it's just an idea that i had but i tink it can realy work
thou i now realize that for most people this woud fell like a cop out. ill let you decide how of if youl do it.


Jul 14, 2022
Is it possible to add keyboard navigation ?
Like clicking on links by pressing the 1, 2 and 3 keys instead of having to actually click on them? I'll look into it but I'm not sure how hard it will be.
I know its big as it is now, but how much work is it really to add features like being able to choose Raven and Griffin's race?
It won't be that much work on my part but it will cost time and money for my artist to design and make all of the assets.
since i like trowing ideas i have one: you can make that in the route where you get your dick back you can decide to have just the dick and turn into a hemafrodite. another one that i have that is the posibility to regain your streinth wile still bein a woman and becoming something of an amazonian beuty that can overpower most men. since i am here i have another problem with the game; i dont know if it is a bug or not but when i get the dream to decide my height and decide not to change it the dream repeats every subseguent night and i find it kinda anoying
You can be an amazonian woman in the current game, right? If you set your minimum height to six feet and then manage your transformations, you can be a star quarterback who's good enough to win games but still looks like a girl.

And the dream sequence repeating every night was a bug. Thanks for the catch!


New Member
Feb 1, 2022
Amazonian Courtney is one of my favorites. She is very femenine and I won all the games except one, if anyone want to get it my advice is to train speed first then strenght. Also don't transform height, arms and boobs before the football tryouts.


Mar 3, 2024
You can be an amazonian woman in the current game, right? If you set your minimum height to six feet and then manage your transformations, you can be a star quarterback who's good enough to win games but still looks like a girl.
i mean more like ganing muscle; the default sprite, ass far as i know, don't realy show yuor streinth and i think it woud be cool to have a transformation or a special sprite if you train hard enougth that sows more muscle definition, it can be as easy as a six pack or have a more full deal but i think it whod be realy cool to have, you can also make a litle soriline where you ask raven if at the vearly least can bring your straingh back and she , if youre in good realation, whoud do a spell or a potion and remove the streinth limit put early in the game while also giving a generar streinth bost.
ass i said i like giving ideas
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New Member
Jun 16, 2019
You can still be a star quarterback and stay with Jessica! However, there might not be a lot to do if you don't transform.

The current update adds more scenes to the path where you try to get your dick back. But it's not complete and there's no way currently to keep your dick.

I've had several requests for this! I'm hesitant to add pregnancy to the game though, because the main character is an 18 year old high school girl and her getting pregnant at that age would make things complicated.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you're enjoying the game!

I can probably add a way to start the Quickstart earlier. When would you like to start? After you get your pussy? Before the panty raid?

One of the ways to get past the girl during your period is to still be together with Jessica and tell her you're getting a tampon for her.

well the thing is, if the MC is pregnant, it means periods would stop being a girl. and also means you just add the mental text. like the MC has to overcome. and might not show for months, if mc keeps or not. could add mental angish on top of the rest, and have it as a rare chance, or something. i get it be diffreicult
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Aug 22, 2017
For curiousity, does it matter whom you state is your crush after the reality warping spell?
edit: Actually, is it even possible to date anyone if you don't set it up before the reality swap?
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Jul 14, 2022
1.4.1 has been released for everyone, and 1.5.0 is out on SubscribeStar and Patreon. 1.4.1 adds an interactive party where you and Raven try to steal a book, a couple more scenes scenes with her, and some non-Raven related content. 1.5.0 adds a Hints system, new scenes where you orgasm during class, a couple other scenes, and some quality of life features.

What's new in 1.5.0:
  • There is now a Hints system! Each night, you will think about the events of the day, and those thoughts will be hints on how to move the story forward. I've added this for the loop you're on before you do the reality change or come out as trans, and I'll add it for those paths too if people like this feature
  • Added two new scenes where you orgasm during school
  • You can now orgasm during school if you're on the reality change or trans path
  • Added two new sexy dreams
  • Added new actions during sex scenes
  • You are no longer able to rush through the Griffin practices too quickly and inadvertently lock yourself out of his content since you're not TFed enough for him to be attracted to you
  • New scene where you hang out with Jessica while you're on your period
  • Your periods work more realistically. There's penalties for not wearing a tampon and fixes for inconsistencies
  • The bug where you could get stuck if you bought flats before your feet were fully transformed has been fixed
  • The bug where you wouldn't go to the mall to buy shoes if your feet transformed from using a tampon has been fixed
  • The bug where you would skip the fourth practice if you masturbated beforehand has been fixed
  • Fixed other bugs and typos

What's new in 1.4.1:
  • Added an interactive new party, where you and Raven try to steal a book without other witches noticing
  • Updated the Quickstart menu to let you skip ahead to the new content
  • Added a new parent visit with Raven on the reality change and male paths
  • Added new places to talk about your relationship with Raven, including at the salon with the other cheerleaders, and when you're thinking about having sex with Ryan in exchange for votes
  • Fixed bugs during the Winter Ball and Epilogue scenes when dating Raven
  • You can now choose to have Morgan spank you during detention instead of the Coach
  • If you go to the halloween party as a guy, you can now have sex with the cheerleader
  • You can now talk to Jessica during the halloween party, even if you don't end up hooking up with Ryan
  • Now when you give up your football skills, the UI will show that your maximum QB skill has been lowered
  • You can now set a workout outfit of just a sports bra before you do the reality change or come out as trans
  • Added a new scene if you ask Raven for her vote while you're in a relationship with her
  • You can no longer get the reality change before halloween
  • Fixed bug when calculating what the Stallions new record would be after you did the reality change
  • Fixed bug where you would get the flying date with Raven too soon
  • Fixed bug when having sex with Raven after taking selfies with Emily
  • Fixed bug where your pants burst during the last ass TF even if you were wearing womens pants
  • Fixed bug where you got duplicate bras if you bought a bra at Viviana's Secret
  • Fixed bug where you couldn't change into your cheerleading uniform to practice with Whitney if you didn't have the outfit saved
  • Fixed bug where you would skip Griffin asking you out if you transformed your feet after changing in the girls locker room
  • Fixed bug where you got the amusement park dream sequence every night until you accepted shrinking below six feet tall
  • If your height was transformed before the amusement park dream, it is no longer reset back to six feet tall
  • Fixed bug where, if you and Raven met your parents, you could end up in the parent visit with Jessica scene instead
  • You can no longer hook up with Ryan multiple times during halloween
  • You can no longer farm submission by observing Griffin flirting with another girl during halloween
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2022
If your height was transformed before the amusement park dream, it is no longer reset back to six feet tall
Shame. Don't know why these transformation games don't let the girl version stay tall.
4.60 star(s) 17 Votes