RPGM - Completed - Youkai Busters ~After Story~ [v1.0.0] [Mandarin Farm]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR; lacking gameplay and story content and erotic stuff is barely average.

    Almost non-existent. In terms of choice, you make nearly none which defeats the purpose of why porn games are fun, the element of directing what happens. The gameplay that does exist consists of choosing what order to what the H-scenes in, one “battle”, and one choice. From what I can tell this is mean to be some kind of sequel to a game with actual gameplay, but it’s just frustrating that this is what’s done.

    Rushed. Moving from scene to scene, there is not anything new or interesting done with the characters. Dialogue is incredibly repetitive, a good way to see if your storytelling is boring is skip past 1 minute worth of textboxes, if the same thing is being communicated then you’ve just written filler. It’s especially bad here because the mom is so one dimensional, “I love you, son, and want you to treat me like a girlfriend” is like 75% of her dialogue. For other characters it’s just nonsensical behaviors that allow the player to watch their H-scenes

    The only thing preventing a one star rating. The big boobs are done well. The biggest problem is that it does nothing fun nor innovative with its concept. Your mom dressing as a student may as well be a student since nothing is really done with it. Every character has the same sized boobs and overall proportions. There’s pregnancy as an ending but again, nothing exciting since the game ends after.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Not good sadly.

    The story is mostly about the mother and I never cared about her or found her interisting so the story is kinda boring, but good enough for a after story.

    The sex scenes are mostly just okay, except the pixel art sex scenes which are just annoying because as far as I know you can´t skip or make them faster .

    And the translation is horrible.