VN - Ren'Py - Young Again [S2 Ch. 6 Public] [Zargon_games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex zone

    Wow, I'm really enjoying Young Again ! The story has me hooked, especially because the characters are so interesting. Ruby definitely a standout – she's gorgeous.

    The visuals are also impressive. The character models are beautiful, and the environments are well-designed. The animation is smooth and adds to the overall experience.

    Overall, this is a fantastic game! It easily gets a 10 out of 10 from me. The characters are engaging, the story is interesting, and the visuals are top-notch. Definitely worth checking out!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    . sister
    . daughter ???
    . mother
    . Grace (she's really fucking hot)
    . can choose not to fuck people you don't like
    . no grind
    . lot's of content

    This one is pretty fun. I didn't really pay any attention to the story. I kept playing only for the sister. The relationship with her is very similar to that in 'Dreaming of Dana,' which is a game I really like. That was until grace appeared though. I really like grace if you couldn't tell.

    Some negatives though:

    - the 'daugther' is still kinda fat. I know it's more realistic, but it doesn't work for me in these games. If a real person looked like her it'd probably be fine, but in these renders it doesn't appeal to me at all, so I just dumped her at some point.
    - The daughter's face also isn't very attractive
    - The mom's face isn't attractive either
    - the ex wife looks really old
    - story is... well it's something
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    Story is very vanilla and your left with no choices as for relationships for the main story its all kinetic.
    It starts pretty bad to prove my point, since it takes about 2 mins for game to force a girl on you, and im just not a fan of forced LIs of any kind which is why i dont play kinetic novels, the next girl that is forced on the sister cant say no to her either and she is the only true main girl in game, click every worng choice and absolutly nothing changes, it might as well be kinetic and you have no way to play a faithfull route to anyone what so ever, or pick to be with the one you want.

    It also feels a bit off that MC just accepts it without knowing who the first girl is and MC being an old dude he dosent even give it a single thought, he just goes on and fucks her later as well, it just feels worng considering the story, he could atleast have some kind of thought about act hes age and like a more grown up person as hes supposed to be? It just feels way to rushed.

    So that makes MC the run of the mill pervert with a mindset of a 12 year old which feels absolutly idiotic considering hes in fact an old dude in a young body, so he shouldent turn into a 12 year old... and it goes without saying every thing that walks is hot to MC no matter the age or builds, it simply just dosent line up with who hes supposed to be and it gets damn cringy at times reading hes thoughts, "my dick is screaming to come out and play" i mean come on....hes an old dude and shouldent get constant boners or think shit like that, he has two fucking kids... and hes not a fucking 12 year old....its awfull, evne when fucking Emma hes daughter he never once think about her being hes many details is lost in this story.

    The sister is apprently a virgin but she already ruined her hymen with a dildo, so you can forget about seeing any decent virgin/deflower scenes with her and same goes for any other girls, so for people with virgin fetish this really is a huge failure, considering shes the main girl and forced on you, they could atleast have made a decent virgin scene after having to wait a full season to fuck her, but insted its just anoter let down by yet another shitty virgin scene.

    Like with Emma another virgin whos never even kissed a dude, she has barely any pain just an "ouch" then "you can move" and no blood, so its a 100% standard sex scene with no real virgin vibe, so for the virgin fans out there this will only be a disappointment and hearing how MC thinking about taking her virginity just feels meh.

    Girls 3/5
    There are some nice ones and some i wouldent want to touch, as for diversity in builds its a bit meh since most have the same builds except a few side characters that dosent really matter, biggest issue is still that theres no freedom to pick who you want.

    Animations 3/5
    They are ok, nothing special but good enough to enjoy even though they are a bit short and they failed at making any decent virgin scenes.

    Music 2/5
    Its a some standard background stuff, but to me it dident really feel like it suited the game or scenes, felt more like they found something random to just drop into the game.

    Choices 2/5
    Well the few choices you got dosent really have any impact and for relationships theres no build up and its just forced on you, heres an idea of how great choices are, you got 3 options touch legs, touch waist, do nothing, all 3 100% same outcome not a single change other then a few words thats it, and for it to really make no sense when your sister is drugged up you can pick resist temtation or go with your lust, picking resisting has 100% same outcome as following lust? i mean what the fuck if theres one thing im not into its using girls whos drugged up and it forces you to do that? the only way to avoid it is to turn down your FWB girl for a 3-some? its idiotic and should have been made in a diffrent way and not while drugged up.

    Kinda supprised how game has such a high rating, but i guess most dont mind forced LIs and kinetic stories or maybe most dont care about the story aspect and just fast forward to sex scenes, but im more into the story then anything else and yes you can find AVNs with good stories.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all you should know this is a Incest focused game with a story. I originally thought it was a Iseaki story with optional incest. I didn't realize until around chapter 5 or so that it was incest focused but by then I was hooked. I'm not even into the whole incest thing but I liked the characters and writing enough that I was hooked and wanted to see it through. Also this game has alot of content. If you are okay with all of that this is also one of the better incest games on this site

    Story : The story is pretty simple but it's honestly pretty decent for what it is. I really like how this game puts a good amount of focus on the story and the incest aspect equally.

    While I haven't play many games that has a focus mainly on incest, this is for sure one of the better ones out there. Not only does the relationship feel kind of natural with how it starts. The other games ive played that has incest usually are optional LI and most of those games don't explore taboo part of the relationship it's just glossed over. ( Granted I play those LI paths last as im not into incest games unless it has a good story or characters)

    However this game doesn't gloss over that subject at all. They spend time trying to hide the relationship from others at first. Even the mother's reaction is pretty decent when she finds out. My only criticism is the mother seems to accept the relationship kind of quickly. Granted I didn't play her path so maybe it would make more sense if I did as well.

    Writing : Normally I dont comment on the writing because despite English being the only language I know it's rare for me to tell the difference from good and bad writing.

    I did notice either some small grammar or spell errors once in awhile not often was a bit rare to see it. Tho could of been a culture difference that im not picking up on as well. For example a couple of times they used hihi but it felt like it should of been hehe instead. So nothing major just a small nitpick

    MC :

    Now here is where I do find the writing a bit off. The MC is actually in his 60's but his dialogue he acts like a teenager most of the time. It's one thing when he is talking to others to not blow his cover. But when it's own personal thoughts that is where I find it a bit strange.

    However for the most part the MC is pretty likeable honestly. He isn't your generic pervy MC that only wants to fuck his family like in other incest games. He may have those thoughts once in awhile but he never acts on them without the player making the decision for him. Speaking on decisions another nitpick I cant recall a single time when the MC picks to peek at one of the girls that had a negative consequence .

    Animations and Renders : I find the Renders pretty good for the most part never thought they looked bad. Animations look good at times and just okay at other times.

    What I didn't like :
    Zoe one of the first characters you meet, the first 2-3 sexual encounters with her were forced. As well it seems the Ruby Romance was forced I did a speed run to see if I can only ignore her and play someone else's path but it seemed like no matter the MC and Ruby were going to do sexual things with or without following her path. Wasn't a problem really for me cause I love Ruby she is one of my new favorite AVN LI however it still something to point out. Every other LI path you can follow or not nothing besides Ruby is forced. other than a few encounters at the start of the game.

    TLDR : if you are okay with a game that has alot of content , incest and an okay story but not a good one either. Also you like Ruby ( The redhead) Then this game is for you otherwise you might want to look elsewhere. One of the better incest games out there
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I have ever played, the story progression is great and never feels rushed. The actual chemistry between characters is built up slowly so that when you get to the sex scenes, you are actually excited about what's going to happen. They also explore a variety of kinks and fetishes. Keep looking forward to new updates of this great game.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Emma is kissing me, my God, Emma is kissing me on my grave!

    Well that sums up. I didn't came to this site to see a story worth of a movie, in fact, I award 5 stars if achive the writing level of a soap opera's script. This is not, yet, it's not awful either and it's quite wholesome and clever with a MC who's living two differents flavor of incest in the same plot
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I really liked the romance progression in this game, it was slow but felt natural so it made sense.
    The renders start off as average but improve quite a bit in the later updates so they are good looking however the animations are pretty basic, especially compared to some newer games, i wish the game would improve in that regard.
    I didn't expect to like the old guy with a new body plot but it ended up being a pretty wholesome story (for an incest game) thanks to a well written MC.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very Good game, enjoyed the sister being a redhead as that's my preferred type, story does a good job of creating the good guy harem setting where you are just a pussy magnet by simply being a nice person even if it's for some selfish reasoning plot wise. Does a good job of assuaging guilt a player might feel this way. Makes you feel like if you are a good person in real life then you will be swimming in pussy. And it isn't entirely wrong about that, but it takes a special type of nice guy to get that and most "nice guys" aren't this type of nice guy. The story is pretty kinky, I wish the best story line didn't involve fucking a fat old lady as that's not my kink. I do like that the gf has to get skinny before anything happens between you tho, I just wish the results were a little more visible in the character model, as she does get thinner but she always feels visually as a fat girl in a slim girl body, I think it'd take some tinkering with the belly area and the cheeks of the face to remove these artifacts of fat-girl-ness from her model. Otherwise the game is pretty good, models could be a little better but the story has cohesion and the game is pretty well made so I'm not docking it any points. I'm looking foward to updates. Keep em cummin!
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Was curious about this one after reading some reviews and overall i enjoyed it.

    The setting is very interesting with that father reincarnating in the body of a young piece of shit and fixing the various issues he left behind for his family and doing the same for the family he reincarnated into by being a good guy instead of what the asshole the previous owner of the body was.

    The MC is rather likeable as he means well most of the time (though some of his inner dialogue may be sometime immature for his real age and sometime facepalm inducing like when out of the blue he oogle his daughter like some casual pervert).

    The various characters are overall well wrote , out of a couple of them like the son that is wrote as a cartoony idiot.

    All in all it is a good AVN, some wholesome part (the father getting his wife a new husband, helping his daughter getting past her issues or getting his son back on track) are delivering a lot of feel good while some immature ones are just annoying to go through.
    would rate 3.5 if the system allowed it as it's close to a good 4 but some of the dialogues and thoughts of the MC drag it down a bit.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: [Season 2 - Ch. 4]

    In 'Young Again' we get to play as a middle aged man that died and got another chance at life by some diety, he comes back as a young guy but has to do two things - make sure his asshole son is less of an asshole, and that his daughter loses weight.

    Well... as one would assume, story isn't really the strong point here, a pretty tired setting and very mediocre execution, the whole 'missions from the diety' things at least provides an excuse to stick around MC's old family, and getting his daughter to lose some weight so she becomes a tiny bit more fuckable for MC.
    The dialogues are pretty bad, another case of 'no one actually talks like that', very immersion breaking and made me start skipping at some point.
    No worries about missing anything interesting though, as the characters are very shallow, uninteresting, and only exists to fulfil their role in MC's life. there is no character growth and all pretty much every written word is a pointless conversation about nothing important, or an escalating imitation of sexual tention and sexual acts.

    The truly unfortunate part is there's absolutely no payoff.
    The models are... alright, MC's daughter looks pretty bad and actually kind of dumb (something about her eyes?) and yah, once again, pretty mediocre.
    The scenes are VERY short which is a problem as I had to read/skip a whole bunch of text to get to them.

    Overall 'Young Again' had some charm to it, I'm alright with the setting and liked some of the characters, but as the characters kept speaking, as the story kept progressing, the charm worn off and overall I found 'Young Again' unsatisfying.
    The more I thought about it, I had to drop the original score I intended to give it (3) to 2.
    Feel free to give it a shot if you like the setting and the models, and don't mind a mediocre story and bad writing.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This game made me more fully realize that the rating system needs increments. I didn't want to give this a 3, so I gave it a 4 even though it's more like a 3.5.

    I like this game a lot, but the inconsistent writing and the mediocre animations are what keep me from rating it higher. There's a lot of potential here, though, and I still recommend that people experience this game for themselves. The music is a real high point, and the story is quirky but fun.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    A banal and very boring plot. I literally fell asleep while flipping through this VN. Two-dimensional characters, none of whom are capable of arousing a sense of empathy. The only thing that saves this VN is the graphics - we see ordinary people, not handsome, not ugly, the kind we meet in subway, in supermarkets, etc. Now I finally got to chapter 11. I decided to finish the first season (how many chapters are left?), although in my native language there is a good saying about this:
    If you don't want to shit, don't torment your ass (Не хочешь срать - не мучай жопу).
    And another thing - on F95 you can find VN and games with a much more interesting plot, with more interesting characters, whose evolution is really interesting to watch. I prefer unhurried, slow plot development, it gives the author a chance to create a really interesting piece of writing. You might wonder if I'm asking too much of a porn game. The answer is that if you want to watch porn, download porn reels or porn comics, (there's a lot of porn torrent - trackers), they will satisfy your needs.
    So, only 2.5 points out of 5. One point I added for the graphics.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Everything about this game is mid. Story, characters, visuals, sound.

    But I love it.

    I couldn't put my finger on why. Maybe Ruby? I just enjoyed every moment, despite reservations over the quality of the writing, and how off-putting Zoe's face was in the first lewd. There's a great deal of "heart" in the game. I can tell the developer is having a lot of fun and that bleeds over to the reader.

    I don't understand how I can be so disappointed in how banal the execution of the central premise is (The movie, '17 Again' has a similar plot, but has way more interesting and dramatic events), and yet so satisfied while playing.

    I'm guessing this will make it a YMMV game, if it gets its hooks in, then you'll have a good time, otherwise you might be quite bored.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm up to the beginning of Chapter 6, and I've been at this game off and on for hours.

    It's good stuff so far. Most of the girls are incredibly cute, the script is really fun, and the MC and their love interests are very likable. Very glad that I played this today! I'll come back once I'm given some time to miss this game!

    Let's see, what can I say that's contructive?

    I don't know if you've already fixed this, but try to make Emmas back as attractive as her front. From the front she's really cute, from the back not so much.

    Also, I posted a bunch of pics on page 148.

    Edit: Also, AIF games points this out: Love the concept. A new way to have some of the same themes.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    KiRA (Nahid)

    An excellent game. The story, the gameplay, and the artwork all are up to the mark. Enjoying the game very much. I would recommend others to try the game at least once. Good job developer. Keep up the good work and waiting eagerly for the following chapters to come.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for Season 2 CH 2

    There will be a bit of complaining in the spoiler section, but overall I rate the game 4 stars.
    Graphically it's okay, the characters are "probably" well written because I can't hide the fact that I clicked through some of the dialogues as I'm not completely interested in characters like the old family or the new mother etc.
    Big plus for being able to reject girls well almost all of them.

    This part of the review contains spoilers and complaints because of which I will not give a max rating.

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  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders -
    Honest representation of older women, Not busty perfect milfs.
    Reasonable renders overall, a fat girl and ugly woman even!

    Dialogue -
    Engaging, a little cliche at times. Yet making satisfactory character development
    Feels natural. Very little Player agency.

    Satisfaction -
    Good, reforming a Bully making amends and shows how much being a good looking dude
    Allowed almost impunity from bad behavior. Still a good development making everyone life better.

    Fetishes -
    Yes, Ruby, ruby,ruby (ah-ah-ah)
    Do ya do ya
    Know what your doing, doing to me
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    It's not the best thing in the world but it's quite enjoyable, it has ok renders, good writing and no too wordy and engaging characters. its ok, It has its bad things like the sex scenes not being very good but that's all

    overall it has a very lighthearted vibe with heartwarming moments, so yeah it's a cool game.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a nice little adult VN. Solid visuals, decently written with a cast of engaging characters and impactful choices that is only not a 5 star game because the porn up to this point isn't particularly arousing.
    The narrative isn't super original but it's handled competently and the characters are all well done and engaging. I cared enough about the story and characters to want to see where it was going regardless of the adult content and that's not something i can say about a lot of these games
    Overall the visuals are nice, the renders are clean and the environments are simple but effective enough in conveying a sense of place and immersion for the scenes. The models are solid too with Ruby being especially pleasing visually. The animations are average and frankly don't add a ton to the scenes imo, but they also aren't a deterrent.
    There are a good number of choices and paths and it's nice to be able to choose who you want to have a relationship with.
    The only real downside is that the porn itself isn't super arousing. There are a few good scenes and the dev appears to be trying to incorporate some kinkier stuff. Part of the issue stems from the narrative itself.
    The MC simultaneously isn't the son and brother of two of the love interests, that takes a bit of the bite out of the incest angle for people that are into it.
    The game is also a bit of a slow burn for the major relationships too so it's possible there is more kinkiness in store for them.
    Overall it's an adult VN well worth playing especially for people looking for more of a romantic feel.
    Recommended for pretty much everyone except for people who are just looking for depraved smut to wank to (not that there is anything wrong with that, that's just not this)
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Young Again is a well-written and enjoyable VN that is a bit on the short side. It does put a twist on a commonly used plot device of becoming a young person again. Instead on going back in time, you take the life of a young person whose life you saved.

    I like the characters in this game. It focuses on four main love interests and they all have a decent amount of content for them. They're all unique, each having their own unique look and personality. There are a few side girls that have their own content but it feels more tacked on to fulfill the promise that all adult games have of getting to bang every girl you see. All the content is also well-written. Nothing feels like it's progressing too fast and the scenes are very hot.

    It doesn't take very long to go through both "seasons" of the game. There's 16 total chapters currently and some are shorter than others. Young Again doesn't have a lot of choices that feel meaningful. It would take two playthroughs to see all the content and even on your first you probably won't miss much. The reason I'm giving this a 4 instead of 5 is because there's nothing that blows you away when you play it. It just a very solid game that I'd recommend if you haven't played, especially if you're into incest.