The current discussion in this thread has gotten me thinking about what my ideal lewd game would be, in as far as one focused on level downs, status effects, transformations, and bad endings. To start with, I know what I would absolutely NOT want it to be and can point to two specific developers and their games as examples of what I would hate.
Fucking SubSupreme and Cold Rod. Both of their latest works have taken this incredibly lazy and uninspired route for their games.
With SubSupreme, they have a very small number of bad endings and spread them out like a tiny piece of butter across a giant piece of toast. Never mind the fact that you only actually get a single still illustration for each bad ending. They work transformations into the game and gameplay, but it feels totally pointless because little to nothing happens beyond your character sprite changing and what rpg menu attacks you can select.
With Cold Rod, his games involve your character just getting hit X times by Y enemy and they you get a still illustration. Before, you'd actually see TFs in battle with stages to them, along with bad endings if you lost, but he cut all of that out for his last two games.
So I've established firmly what I don't want. I don't want a game that has barely any content while charging an absurd price, and I don't want a series of still images that remove all build up. For as mediocre as the art is in the recently released Buzama game, it at least HAS build up to the bad endings and transformations and such. Not just "You lose all your HP, here's a hard cut to a bunch of still images." It's also nice and varied, something I appreciate. Though, I think I prefer the Jessica Albert game that came out before this one, if only marginally.
So I suppose my ideal game would be similar to Odyssey of Gianna, but with hand drawn art. Also, more focused. I appreciate how ambitious that game is, but I think I'd prefer a more focused and restrained design. When you add more and more girls that can get transformed, the ability to give them all enough attention just gets increasingly difficult.
I think most of us would agree. OoG is basically the current gold standard for rpg h games