Having recently got into these adult games in a big way (have played over a dozen in the last month and a half) I've started to have ideas about stories and games that I'd like to see, some possible and some way too ambitious. I'd like to do something myself but as someone who's currently unemployed and without much money, I don't feel I have the time to learn the necessary skills to make my own game and possibly make money off it.
Anyway, my most ambitious thought was a game based on the concept of a UK reality show called "Love Island". For those who don't know it, the premise of the show is that 5 girls and 5 guys enter a luxury Spanish villa in the hope of finding love and winning a large cash prize. The guys enter one by one and choose which girl they want to "couple up" with, but then either a 6th girl or guy will enter and there will be a "recoupling" in a few days where they must decide to stay in their current couples or choose new partners and whoever doesn't get picked goes home. There are also public votes to decide which couples are the most popular and the least popular couples face elmination from the show. The show lasts for 4 weeks, during which time multiple new people enter the villa and recouplings happen frequently. There's also not typically a lot of sex that goes on, but in a game there would be.
The game that I thought of (which would be something of an homage/parody) would follow the same pattern of the show and would allow the player to play as any 1 of the first 5 guys who enter the villa and each of them would have their own personalities, traits, etc, that would allow players to get a different experience with each character. The goal, just like the show, would be to survive the whole 4 weeks and win a "public vote" that would be determined by your actions throughout the game both individually and as a couple. Unlike the real show, there would be a lot more sexual activity happening throughout the villa and it will be up to the player how they handle these situations. For example, if a girl you're not partnered up with offers you a blowjob in the shower, do you let her in the hopes this might lead to a relationship or stay loyal to your current partner and hope your relationship develops further? Your actions and behaviours would determine how long you last in the game based on public perception.
It's all incredibly complicated from the rendering of around 20 different unique characters, coding a "public" system to judge your character's actions, coding the actions of NPC characters based on their character traits and who they're partnered with, having potentially hundreds of branching storylines and interactions, and also several different mini-games every so often that test the couples just like the "challenges" in the actual show. So, yeah, pretty ambitious concept for even the most seasoned developer, I'm sure, but I liked it for the fact that it's very different from most games out there.