Seeking Your favourite male protagonist game in terms of gameplay?


Oct 23, 2023
Hello and good morning y'all

I'm looking for hidden gems and what better than asking people what their favourite game?

I was trying for the past 2 days to play NTR game called Oyako Rankan, but all I did was opening it for 2 minutes and then closing it and I did it like 3 times cause my NTRphobia is so high I was defeated before the game even begins.

So you guys have any recommendations for me? Something you love yourself.


Active Member
Dec 23, 2018
I was going to mention the dev's other game, which is better, but the card game becomes redundant after a few hours and there's always grinding between the card games.
Yeah, the "strategy" game of Soldier's Life is much less bothersome. Plus, the fantasy theme is always + for me, and it seemed that Arabi1 likes that too.

Wow that's looks epic!
It is, and you're welcome. A player can doomedly romance an occultist princess, an inquisitor lady, and a rebel witch, and I'm not sure about his poetress sister, but, alas, it's not a proper hentai game.
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