Your first adult game

Apr 19, 2019
In my family, our first computer was a 386, and I wasn't allowed to touch it. Only memory I have of that one is watching mom play Space Quest II and King's Quest III in glorious green monochrome.

A friend of my moms set up our second computer. A 25 mhz 486 sx with 4MB of ram and a 400 MB hard drive. She offloaded a decent haul of copied games onto it for us which kept me entertained for quite some time. One of those games was Wolfenstein 3D. Not an "adult" game, persay, but my mom's friend didn't realize she had installed a modded version of it. It was a surprise to discover nude women behind bars and some rooms having a seamless looping wallpaper of cocks in asses. My parents deleted that one, but ended up allowing me to play Leisure Suit Larry 1 a bit later. I think they thought the questions at the beginning would keep me out. They didn't.

LSL might have been my first adult game, but I don't count LSL games as "adult", or pornographic. Based strictly on the content, they're PG-13 at best. "Crude" might be the word, but they're not porn. The one real sex scene in the game has a big bouncing CENSORED bar over it.

Once the library in town got dial-up Internet and computers to access it, I was there with a stack of floppies to access Home of the Underdogs and other similar sites. It was this way that I discovered my first genuinely adult game, . It was too big to fit on a floppy, and for this kind of game I had taken to using PKZip to split the file into multiple, smaller files so I could spread it out across multiple floppies. I felt like I was getting away with a serious crime downloading this game. I remember looking over my shoulder constantly in case the librarian came around while the file downloaded. I managed though, and got on my bike to pedal my new treasure home.

Keep in mind, I had no concept of what "hentai" was at this point. Sure, there was porn. I found plenty of that in my parent's closet in a box my dad had tucked away on the upper shelf. Duke Nukem 3D had some fascinating animations, like strippers with nipple tassels, and a geisha that flashed her tits when you gave her money. Hell, I barely knew what anime was. I had a VHS tape of Little Nemo that I used to watch when I was younger, and my little sister liked Kiki's delivery service. Mentally though these were slotted into the same mental space as any other cartoon. "Anime" was not an important distinction to me at the time.

I didn't know what I was getting into with True Love. I just knew there would be naked involved, and that was something I was interested in. I found I actually enjoyed reading through the story, even when hours could pass without seeing so much as a nipple. In the past I liked reading anyway, and I enjoyed Choose Your Own Adventure books. This was like an illustrated CYOA book with tits and pussy. I was a happy kid for sure.

Of course True Love sparked a hunger for more. Before long I also got Three Sisters Story, GLORIA, Nocturnal Illusion, Runaway City, Paradise Heights, and Season of Sakura. A few other games like Queen of Tenshindo and Marble Cooking were interesting, but couldn't hold my attention for very long, the former being a simple Rock Paper Scissors game and the latter a simple block pushing puzzle.

I found some western adult games too, but these were almost universally terrible featuring 256 color images of porn stars tucked behind a poorly implemented strip poker game or awful and boring "Sex simulation". To me the Japanese were masters of the craft of pornographic gaming, while the only people in the west attempting it were the efforts of horny amateurs in their basements. Exceptions would include a few works of interactive fiction, of which I've read some good ones.

So that's how my descent into degeneracy started. A handful of 3.5" floppy disks and a single-minded desire to see some drawn puss.
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Game Developer
Feb 26, 2018
Fate/ Stay Night, if you count Visual Novel. If not, then Sengoku Rance.

Unless you count those ancient flash games where you do a task that gets more difficult over time, to see the in-game model strip.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
I don't remember my first 'real' adult game, but I remember a friend and I buying Metal & Lace at a computer show thinking it was exactly that. My dad apparently got a similar impression because he made us return it. At least he got a good laugh out of the situation though.


Jul 2, 2017
I don't even remember the first now. I guess I'm getting old. but I'm certain it was on newgrounds

Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail. Good times.
lol that image combined with your signature

GreaRedMuppet: Leisure Larry 7: Love-

Commissar: HERESY *BANG*


Active Member
Jun 25, 2017
Ganguro Girl, then probably Slave Maker 1 but I didn't really dive headfirst into adult games till I found "Cursed" by AnonymousMan.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2017
Does Sims with mods count? If not, then Free Cities.
Depending on your mod list, YES. I never played Sims 1 but I know for a fact there's some seriously hard core porn mods out there for 2 (or were, still the best Sims version even vanilla IMHO) and a friend of mine has Sims 4 installed and she runs a porn studio in her game with some interesting animations so yeah I'd say it definitely counts.


Dec 10, 2017
Either Frank's Adventure or Sex Kitten. I know it was early 2000s (around 2002). Played the shit out of both on Newgrounds.
Then I played Lessons of Passion IIRC. I had the damn thing memorized for the longest time.
Around that time was when I discovered MnF games. I'm still a fan (not a giant fan, because they generally suck but eh, the women are hot).
Later on, I played Hentai Brothel (I only really played the first one), then grew to become a fan of Slavemaker 3 - I always made Kasumi a ponygirl who fell in love with me, followed by picking random girls for random roles - I only got the neutral ending ONCE and that was the negative neutral one, so the owner didn't even remember the name of the girl I trained for him.
This was over the span of 4-5 years or so.
But yeah, oldest one I remember was either FA or SK.


Nov 6, 2020
Depending on your mod list, YES. I never played Sims 1 but I know for a fact there's some seriously hard core porn mods out there for 2 (or were, still the best Sims version even vanilla IMHO) and a friend of mine has Sims 4 installed and she runs a porn studio in her game with some interesting animations so yeah I'd say it definitely counts.
This was Sim 4 with adult mods, it's amazing how raunchy one can make their worlds in that game haha.