VN - Others - Completed - Your Heart Will be Stolen at the 24th Hour ~ Phantom Thief Jade ~ [Final] [Pink Clover]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Let me begin by saying this: I think this game is a waste of the translation team efforts. It didn't age well, but translators did attept to try make this game shine.
    Firstly, the positives:
    -The premise, the game tries to build up some mystery with some classic Phantom Thief elements
    -The voice acting, I noticed some big names in the credits
    -Sex scenes, purely because MC can either top or bottom with every love interest. This is rare even by today's standards
    -The music, some tracks are pretty memorable(my favorite was Phantom's theme)
    -Quality translation, I didn't notice many typos or awkward phrases, no glitches or untranslated lines either.
    -The art, I like the style, but inconsistant anatomy and some awkward facial expressions really bring it down. The sex scenes aren't better either
    -The UI, unsurprisingly it's slightly junky and minimalistic
    -The writing, it's just bad. Even the good translation wasn't able to make the original script better.
    -The plot, while promising, was ultimatly meaningless, as the game gives up on the mystery elements few hours in.
    -The characters, all of them are popular tropes(pervert, tsundere, ice queen etc) with no developmenrt or only small amout of it.
    -The MC, he was very dense and sometimes annoying. Could be worse, but could've been much better.
    Give this a pass, unless you have a soft spot for the premise or older dating sims.