RPGM - Completed - Yuka: Scattered Shards of the Yokai [v1.07 R1] [natyusyo ]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Loved the artist and the translation work is good enough to the point you'll never be lost when playing. The combat however is far from stellar (not frustrating just annoying) and gating some scenes on certain times of the day is also a pain., especially when you don't know exactly when they happen.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It's alright honestly, got some rough edges but the art makes up for it in my opinion. H-Scenes are kind of convoluted but not too bad once you understand that H progression is based around the orbs you collect. I'll just list some things that I think are worth mentioning

    -rather polished RPGM Game, supports mouse movement and assets are not low res like other similar games (we all know them 800x600 keyboard controlled games)

    -H-content is good and works for what the game is trying to do, could be better but I have seen worse. Personally I would have wished for more free H events with costumes etc. but the way this game handles it is also okay. Good moral corruption and neat endings.

    -Combat sucks pretty bad. I can't think of any game that had clunkier combat mechanics . You can just kind of cheese bossfights and normal mobs by standing in choke points and spamming attack

    This is not some mammoth project H RPG by any means and if you keep your expectations moderate and love some big tiddies. you will most likely enjoy this one.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Had alot of fun with this game. My only real complaint with the game is that you don't know when there's gonna be a H-event or not for some characters. Don't know why people are calling it a NTR game when the 2 main characters don't have feelings for each other. Its more of a boss and forced worker relationship. If you're a Touhou fan, would recommend this game
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is mediocre...it's everything and nothing at the same time
    Yuuka is pretty but not beautiful, those tits are so saggy that she risks stomping on them, usually, i don't mind, i like realism and some sagginess but here it's way over my limit.
    The MC...is boring but it's the classic silent protagonist who is just there the same way a wardrobe just stays there in the room you placed it.
    More importantly, the game is not NTR, why?
    the Male MC is just a random guy who is forced to help Yuka because Yuka decided so, they've no relationship of any kind but still, people say it's NTR...sorry but it's not...for having NTR you need a relationship first(toxic or healthy it doesn't matter, but you must have a partner first before cheating on them)

    In the end, the only thing i praise the game for is the translation, which is decent, the rest of it, is quite boring and not very rewarding and even with walkthrough i had problems to do everything...
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Worst thing about this game isn't that it doesn't contain NTR or something like that, it just that you gather the fragment for no reason nor any reward. The combat system is fine, I guess, although it is broken (You can just spam attack and won easily).

    I don't even know why this game has a male protagonist to begin with when he barely interact with Yuuka the whole game. It felt like it's trying too hard to be a NTR game but failed miserably due to the lack of interaction between MC and Yuuka. Also every ending felt lackluster, like it's not even worth to try and get every ending.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    First off let me say the only saving grace of this game is amazons artwork its amazing.
    Alright now that's been said this game is a buggy mess half of the scenes and images are broken and the combat isn't the best its playable but that's it.
    Also this IS an ntr game many have said that it isn't but its the same way that a tomato technically isn't a vegetable but everyone calls it one, NONE of the scenes involve the MC many of them are you watching while the girl gets fucked no while you don't have a relationship like many other more clear ntr games but if that isn't the most basic description of ntr i don't know what is.