Unreal Engine - Z-Island [v0.20.08] [GTS]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This is just poorly implemented.

    You walk around in a 3D world which makes it perfect for a sandbox, however the story is completely on rails, so does not fit this design. Besides which, the navigation is awful awful. Having to transition to a new area, with loading screen and then walk and interact with things that dont seem interactible...why?

    The graphics are ok i suppose, but it's hard to believe it's UE5
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It had potential but the story is just meh and MC hiding who he really is from everyone is draged out and make MC feel like a submissive slave instend of the owner, also most dialogs just ends up getting boring, also it dosent help that MC feels brainless in most dialogs.

    The areas are so big and its all just wasted space since theres nothing to do outside of following a kinetic quest line, it would have been better to use all that space to have the residental island removed and added to the main land so you wouldent have to run to the boat all the time and also load screens would be gone as well, which is just a waste of time.

    Quest are also so extremly boring, go pick up this and that and ofc MC is apprently the only one who can do shit like that, its not like hes new to the island and knows fuck all there.....i mean come on...

    The choices well lack of them also hurts the game a bit, hole story is pretty much all kinetic.

    Girls look pretty nice, but its kinda weird that they look better in free roam then when you talk to someone.
    Same goes for animations they are pretty poor as well no matter if you have everything set to max settings.

    Its a sandbox but has no questlog or anything, no mini map/radar to see when people are located, so its just run around blindly if you dont remember where you got to.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Quite good base. A few graphics glitches that can be expected.

    Initial story too complicated. You really need a scenari.. like a real and simple* one.
    Too much environments when there's nothing yet to do. Going up to the 4th floor of hospital to find out that there's nothing to do is depressing.
    Unrealistic.. girls in thong, guys with no tshirt in the hospital... you need different NP characters with the ones on the beach.. Also too much NP characters.
    Models look like big eyes zombies. Most people like usual real models.
    Poor dialogues..
    There's potential but currently just visually ok.
    I tried but got disappointed in 30mn.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2755092

    I alt-F4ed very quickly.

    The experience is horrible, and the dialogues bored me nearly instantly.

    The first sex scene, was quite terrible. The animation were disappointing, as were the model and the general quality.

    Add to that the fact the controls can not be changed, using a non qwerty keyboard renders the experience frustrating at best.

    The game remains in a small box, surrounded by black bars when in full screen, and has no borderless window setting either... WHO still DOES THAT?

    Within such a short time, the characters felt totally bland through their dialogues, and with how small the selection space is for picking your replies, an accidental click on the wrong choice is very likely to happen as well.

    I was playing in 4K, with just about everything set to max, and it still looked pretty bad somehow.
    I'm not sure this format is going to catch up with many people.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The concept is almost unbeatable; a paradise island full of slutty model-quality women and you're an inheritor of a small fortune and a model agency on said island.

    And yet the game is terrible. You walk around more than you do anything else, after that in order the game consists of almost as much waiting in loading screens as it does walking. Then there's just a lot of dialogue around a plot that is as mindlessly banal as it is poorly written. Then, last of all, comes the actual porn content. There's very little, and what little there is, is really poorly animated.

    I get it, the game has really hot models. But trust me, it's just not worth it. Stay away.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This game feels so clunky, small doors to walk through, and navigation is just terrible, it's a "loading simulator".
    Played the last version until 35% progress basically nothing happens. Storywise I never saw such nonsense you play the son of a huge company owner, but he could NOT afford the medic bills...

    This is not a game, it's a loading screen. And if you like blue balling this is your game.
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    The only good part of the game is the models.

    Everything else is beyond bad. Quest which involved working as a delivery boy 20 times between 4 different locations each involves 5 mins of running time, and zero "scenes".
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    You should call this an errand simulator, because all you ever do is gopher one thing after another. And I do mean one, because you only ever have one objective at a time, none of them yours or plausibly your character's. Great models, but no interactivity.

    The map is huge and beautiful, but it all seems so pointless and empty when exploration is never rewarded, and the scant interactions available aren't worthwhile unless they're riveted to the rail of the linear plot. Even the railroaded sequences are often just a brief interlude before you have to run to another location for another couple of lines with another couple of unanimated poses.

    The story is remarkable for its banality, the characterization and dialog for its immaturity.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    This is basically a 3DCG game. All the sex scenes are recorded 3DCG. All the dialogue scenes are 3DCG. The only time that it is a 3D game is when you aren't interacting with anyone and are running around in a weird walking/running animation. And all the good looking female characters are always highlighted in a white glow whenever you approach them, which makes it difficult to appreciate them.

    I'm not done playing version 0.3 yet, but this game was dreadfully boring for most of the game. All I could think about was how much I just wanted to finish the current version, uninstall it, and never play it again. I thought that the only thing that this game had going for it is that it is a 3D game because there aren't too many 3D games out there with WASD movement and realistic type models. But I hung in there and I started hating the game less after the marketplace minigame and the feeling of desperation and urgency. So I will give this game three stars. But even after I started like the game a little, I was taking breaks every few minutes to go into another program window because I was bored and wanted to get some work done.

    There are some problems with the game window's size and position, and sound settings that annoyed me. In other Unreal Engine games, I can resize my bordered window to a custom size that I want it will stay there. But not this game. It kept repositioning and resizing my window every damn time that I pressed the Esc button, which is a lot because I like to save games a lot. I tried editing the Unreal config files, but that didn't help. Special K didn't even work until I used a hidden elevated command, and even then the elevated command is not the greatest hack and doesn't work perfectly like I want. The game doesn't remember the background music sound level either. I set mine to 4, but anytime I start the game it plays at the max level 10. I then have to go to Options and I will see that it is set to 4, just like it should be. So I press the Back button and that's when the background music sound level drops to 4. It's a pain to have to do that every time that I start the game.

    In the tutorial section, I was annoyed by the really bad graphics. The grass was too bright, too ugly green, too tall, and not realistic looking. It looked like someone took a carpet texture, tinted it a strong green, put the texture on repeat, but made the texture overly big. Real grass blades aren't that tall. This tutorial area should have better landscaped grass because it is fenced in by fancy fencing. But the grass made it look like you were standing out in the wilderness. Strangely, there was a similar texture that was used later in the game and it looked fine. But I don't think that it was the same grass and I think that it looked better because there was better environmental lighting. The whole area and environment was way too bright in the tutorial. From the back, the player character looked like he had a glowing aura.

    I also want to take a moment to complain about some other game graphics. I don't get why developers want to make entire objects, doors, and characters outlined in a glow. It doesn't look good that way. How can you be immersed into a game that is supposed to look like real life when every single important thing has to have a white outline around it? I'd rather see a tiny icon, like a square with the letter E in it, or some small glowing icon that indicates that a person or object can be interacted with than see the entire person(s) and objects highlighted. I don't hate how the MC looks like, but his outfit is a bit annoying. It looks like he is wearing a nurse gown top with pink pajama shorts. In addition to his fruity clothes that don't even match that well, he has a really awful standing stance and the animations for when he walks, runs, and jumps are equally bad. The sounds that he makes when he walks, runs, and jumps aren't good either. Oh, and the mirrors are done wrong. You can see a distorted image of the player in the mirror, but if you are facing the mirror you see the back of the character in the mirror and if your back is facing the mirror you see the character's face in the mirror. It's backwards. Later, when you are in the Melody Studio house, the camera is so close to the ceiling that it often clips through.

    Thankfully, after the tutorial, all the other areas looked great. They weren't overly bright. Everything looked realistic, great even. I am kinda amazed with how big the world is. But it feels pretty empty. The streets stretch for miles, there are lots of buildings, lots of beach sand. But it looks like someone just threw down a bunch of assets and created one giant generic sandbox and didn't do much else. It looks low effort. But the developer did make some effort to put in some detail here and there. Like I noticed the company's offices had "closed" tape across them to indicate that the section is no longer being used because the employees are gone. I just wish that the game had more detail. For instance, all the empty motel rooms have the same two or three suitcases that are the same color and are in the same exact locations. In real life, you wouldn't encounter something like that. It couldn't hurt to remove some suitcases from some of the rooms or position them differently and maybe change the colors. Some empty accessible houses had the exact same bed and bed blankets in all of the rooms. I think that it would have been better to tint some of the blankets a different color. A little more detail could have made the game seem less empty and less artificial. Less like a sandbox full of placeholders and more like an island with inhabitants. Also, the FOV seems a big wide for me. Most gamers prefer a wide FOV, but it is also true that most games have a narrower FOV seting by default. If you want a high FOV, give players a FOV slider in the Options menu.

    I didn't care for the yacht sex scene at the beginning of the game. It was recorded 3DCG. If I was super, super desperate for a fap, then maybe just maybe I could get the deed done. But since there are thousands of porn games on F95, millions of webcam sex models on the internet, and millions of porn videos out there, I'm never going to fap to this game because it isn't fapworthy enough. All of the dialogue scenes are 3DCG too, which I guess is okay. Sometimes annoying, sometimes not.

    I was often annoyed by the short dialogue since the beginning of the game. It seemed to be so hasty, short, and lacking any realism, emotion, or depth. But other times I felt like the dialogue was decent and interesting enough to keep me going. It just need polished a lot more. There are a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes.

    I feel like this game need more polish, a lot more polish. Better dialogue. Narrower FOV. Better standing pose. Better walking and running and jumping animations. Better walking and running and jumping sounds. Better clothes. No character highlights. Window not resizing and repositioning every time we press the Esc key.. Background sound settings always immediately being applied on game start. Better lighting in some areas. Make the game have a less empty feeling.

    The best part of the game might be the minigames. The gym one wasn't that fun, but it did make the game interesting for a bit. The marketplace minigame was fun. I am also liking the commercial shoot because there are a lot of people in one place, and it is less empty feeling. Whereas before, there were very few characters and they were very far apart. Actually, that might be why I liked the gym and marketplace too. Because there were more people. The interactions with the gym people were boring though because they were just static in one place and only gave you one line of dialogue. But in the marketplace, you actually interacted with them and gave them the items that they wanted.

    UPDATE: I played the end of 0.3.1 content and I am going to uninstall the game and not play it again. It's not worth it for the sex scenes. The sex scenes are just 3DCG garbage. As for the story and dialogue, the grammar and spelling is too poor to really enjoy and the graphics aren't good enough to immerse me. It's a good attempt, but it fails as an adult sex game. If you were to take the adult element out of this game and make it completely PG it wouldn't be any worse. Would still be a game I don't care much about. On the other hand, someone else could take the same graphics and take out the nudity and change the dialogue and scenes some and make a really good non-adult game that might really hook people. But this. It's mediocre. Barely passing. I will still give it a generous three stars even though it feels like a one or two star game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is pretty short at it's current state, but the story is interesting, graphics are good, and the settings are good at helping increase FPS if they're too demanding. Will try and keep up with this game and hope it blossoms :)
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a 3D free-roam game where you have to go to several places combining your keyboard and mouse. I don't dislike this feature, but if it's a porn game, it “must” present a certain quality in order to function well together. Unfortunately, the quality of this game isn't good enough for that.

    Let's take the initial fact that this is a porn game and if it doesn't have masterpiece quality animations or groundbreaking gameplay, you wonder why you should keep up heating your PC. And on that point, games like this with a full 3D environment tend to have quite a lot of bugs and problems that can at some point even negatively impact your PC, even if you own a high end one.

    The story isn't new, and it wasn't keeping me interested on looking forward either. Maybe that'll change later.

    Animations are media core and the characters weren't interesting nor had any special characteristics where you'd say I could remember them.

    Gameplay itself was very tedious and as I wrote on my first lines, without having any specialty which keeps you pinged in that 3D free-roam game, the numbers doesn't add up.

    This is all my own opinion, though. I wish the dev good luck nevertheless.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow I really enjoyed this game.
    It feels rather well done.

    I love the models, even if some are reused a few times. Hot outfits too.
    Only slightly put off that the obvious bad end didn't have a finish lol. I'm terrible though so. I'd like a whole dark mode to it all xD

    Story is pretty good. Could use a few topless scenes here and there with the tropical island babe vibe it has.

    I like the idea of going around the island(s), but running is too slow I think. Speed that up and it will feel less tedious.

    I am sad there wasn't more to find in the world but I understand there is a story to accomplish first (gym showers... bathrooms...bedrooms... such a waste! =p)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty decent so far, hopefully the content stays as entertaining as it has been so far! The renders are great and the story so far isn't bad, there is a lot of foreshadowed backstory that I'm hoping will be very entertaining. I'd recommend this game for sure.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for finished Version 0.2

    This is.. still very raw. The game has amazing renders, it has amazing detail, and there are some concepts of a story here. It doesnt always make sense, but the amount of work and ideas that has went into the game so far are very promising and make me look foward to more. This 100% has the potential to be a 5-Star game, with more polish.

    The most glaring issues are the height of the MC + the girls compared to houses, especially in the one where they are living. Secondly, maybe get someone to proofwrite, and help figure out big issues with grammar and writing in general. Also, and i dont know if that is something reasonable to ask, maybe some more optimisation. The game runs at good 80+ fps most of the time on my PC, but during movement + (water-)rendering it drops way below 30.

    All in all, i would say give it a try. There will be more content hopefully soon, and once the bigger issues are dealt with, this will be an amazing game. High potential!
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    -great graphics
    -good renders during dialogue
    -hot girls
    -beatiful interior design and house layouts
    -scooter fast travel

    -game overs

    This game is in an early state and definitely has a lot of potential. Its style is somewhat unique and I like the combination of models in the Open world and renders during dialogues.
    I believe since areas will be filled with NPCs over time there is no point of criticising this yet.
    Giving a character, who was humble enough to not mention his plans for the company, the option to rape a girl on the first night and game over seems somewhat pointless. I'd prefer the option to have auto saves before each conversation to avoid beeing stuck with an 15min old save and having to go through all the dialog again.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    It feel like it's not using the best out of the UE (Unreal Engine) Its mostly just a walking around to find the next person or button then click multiple time until you go and do it again and the story is hmmm ok (loss track after a little while). It fells misplace effort.
    I know its the early Test and stuff but some of these show right away
    1. Buildings are to small like, to go through a door way its like getting a thread in a needle.
    2. Mostly Just walking around and clicking on people or objects
    3. People, city, or so on are dead, as in nothing is moving, no animation for a lot of people (IDK but it dose give it a weird look like a lot of them are mannequin)
    4. Lastly at less for me the Character give me a anime but real feel it look off, but I don't mind it just that some of there design throw me off (Cat girl as boss but no one else are cat girls or I don't see any other cat girls NPC)
    So in all may work out in the end give it a good 15mins but idk about any more then that unless they use the UE a little more then just a Graphic Novel it feel like a waste.
    (spoilers don't do anything bad you will get a game over and be stuck in a small prison cell)