Unity - Completed - Zetria [v1.4.3] [Karnedraws]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Mister Wake

    Absolutely fun game with some of the best CG animations I have seen in a very, very long time! The puzzles are engaging and thought-provoking, the enemies quite varied and I did not encounter any bugs to speak of. To me, it was short, sweet and simple with, as I said, some of the greatest animated artwork I have seen in a game. I really enjoyed this. I hope you do too!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid game. It's not really a metroidvania game in so far as it is a puzzle game. Only critique I can give is it may need a mini map just to keep track of the bigger maps. It's not too much of a problem because maps do not tend to have a lot of back tracking.

    Hours of play: 2-2.5 hours
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Sum Gi

    Basically a pixel art gif gallery gated behind a fairly lame puzzle platformer. Sex and gameplay are segregated and it can't really stand up on either of them.

    My recommendations are to incorporate sex into gameplay, expand and emphasize combat over puzzles.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Well executed little platformer, short and sweet. Nine fairly simple procedural puzzles with a bit of basic combat to fill the gaps, movement feels fine and while the guns are somewhat clunky due to your inability to aim up or down nothing is the game is dangerous enough for it to be a serious issue. The only reason it's 4/5 instead of 5/5 is that the porn and gameplay are almost entirely seperated. Aside from a few short tentacle scenes everything is locked to the gallery.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Pixel art game that has excellent polish, art and animations.
    Albeit few.
    Game feel rushed and empty, you have very little text explaining anything about the game purpose or story.
    You are thrown inside facility filled with monsters that have very little interaction with you besides killing you. All animations are unlocked once you beat the level.
    Upon death you are instantly teleported at the beginning of the level and puzzles are time-waster at best. Infuriating at worse.
    Enemies total of 5 i guess for across 9 levels. You get the idea.

    Feels incomplete and rushed. But for what it has it's masterful, shame it's so limited. Because quality is certainly there.
    3/5 it has it's perks. But there are better alternatives. Like Barrage! or Parasitic city .

    EDIT- I had to downvote from 4/5 to 3/5, because game really is several hours longer then it should have been. And honestly while animations are great, loop is boring .
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Every mechanic it has annoys me.
    • Maze/ labyrinth map layout without any indication of where to go, locked doors, teleporters, not to mention the rigid platforming that feels completely unreliable.
    • The game says mouse is necessary, but goes unused, given the ranged attack can only fire left and right.
    • Ranged feels weak, has limited ammo, melee can only be used while standing.
    • H-scene viewer loads out from 8-bit style to a separate animation, requiring load time and has no scene control.
    • Sounds get repetitive fast.
    • Auto-restarts the level upon death.
    I don't like it all, but since it isn't intentionally bad 2/5
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Although the Demo is short, it gives a good enough taste of what it is and what is to come. It's alright; better than most H-Games.

    Gameplay, 4/5: Gravity and Combat are a Bit Meh.
    So, to begin with... The jumping. It's alright, you have a double jump, but the gravity of the character is really high. Now, it's not god-awful or anything, but I feel as though it's a bit high for this platformer shooter game.
    Combat could also use some work; since there'll be times for an ambush, and fighting at different levels, speeding up the rate at which you can shoot and kick would help. Just a bit faster would be good.
    Free-aiming I think will be a must, unless the maps are going to be a lot flatter from now on. Since enemies can be higher or lower, and you have to jump up or down, it's a bit annoying and disappointing. Right now, it's more akin to Megaman, which isn't bad, but Megaman has a lot more flat ground/stretched parts so shooting only forwards was good.
    Also, the reloading; you stand still when you do it. It's not too bad since enemies are slow.
    I will say that this game looks and kind of feels like it should be a fast-paced shooter, but it's not.

    TL;DR, jumping is a bit heavy, combat is a bit slower than I'd like, and the inability to aim up or down needs to be remedied in one way or another. Otherwise, the animations is fine, map design is okay, general mechanics like picking up people, ammo, reloading is alright.

    Visuals, 4/5: Nice, but Kind of Mixed.
    So, what do I mean?
    The top left icon where your health is, is more "Western" while the character sprite feels more "Anime" if you know what I mean. Even the cover art sort of doesn't match. None of it is ugly though is the thing, it just feels like a mash of different arts is the problem. Also the sex scenes, it also changes from the chibi sprites to a more, human sprite. It's not that uncommon for that to happen but, basically...
    TL;DR, art is good, but the artstyles feel all over the place. Character sprite, UI, scenes, they all feel sort of different one way or another. Again, none of it is ugly, it's just a mish-mash of styles that is offputting.

    Audio, 3/5: Good Enough
    It has hit sounds, shoot sounds, reload sounds, ouch sounds, hurt sounds, lewd sounds...
    Music isn't music, it's just ambiance. For now, it's good enough. Needs a bit more.

    Plot, N/A
    I don't really want to put a rating since there's like, really really barely any and it's a demo so...
    It's just that there's an SCP Containment Breach and now you're there to clean up but instead of SCPs it's all weird sex monsters.

    Overall, 4/5: Good, but not Excellent.
    For a demo, it's good. It has what it needs, and it gives a rough idea of what's to come, as said before. However, there are gripes here and there and maybe I'm being too harsh on a demo. Still, my problems remain. With some work, it'll be a great platform shooter H-Game.

    To sum up gripes, jump gravity, lack of free-aim, art style consistency, lack of actual music.
    As time goes on, obviously, I'm hoping for more weapons, more enemies, better, bigger maps.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game. Amazing involvement. Really good graphics. Amazing porn scenes.

    Will edit the review as the game progresses. Fill characters. Fill characters. Fill characters. Fill characters. Fill characters. Fill characters. Fill characters. Fill characters. Fill characters. Fill characters.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    [DEMO Version] One of the most polished demos of a porn game I've ever seen. Animations are really nice, including the 2 sex scenes, and nice to see hints of aliens that can be interacted with in future versions. SFX were nice as well. Only thing I can think of that could be improved are some minor UI fixes and the jump animation could be smoother.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm giving this game a 5 star for the art style and game quality

    Animated and voiced scenes
    Appealing graphics
    Smooth movements
    They are likely to add h scenes on combat and not just on gallery
    Has lot of potential

    The bullet while crawl moving spawns at the character's head instead of the gun

  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Rating 3 stars purely based on the type of game it is.

    The art is beautiful pixel art with equally nice animations

    The game itself is a metroidvania and it's certainly not a bad one, the controls work well and the level has decent puzzles

    As a porn game, though, it's a metroidvania. You're just a girl in a bikini walking through a level, that's it. It at least doesn't force you to get a game over to see a 1 second animation loop, however, it doesn't give you anything until you've beaten the level and get access to a gallery level. So, really, this is just a normal game that also has a porn gallery.

    If you're here for porn, you'd have a better time just browsing the dev's twitter than looking at it in-game, especially because switching between the 2 available in-game scenes is pretty tedious AND there's a lot more animations on twitter than there are in the game (but this will surely change over time)

    If you're here for gameplay, you'd probably be better off just playing regular old Metroid or something
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Superb demo that shows enormous promise. Gameplay is reminiscent of other hentai metroidvanias such as Kurovadis, and there are no glaring flaws when it comes to basic mechanics. Runs smoothly, plays smoothly. If I had to gripe about something, it would have to be that setting up the proper resolution can be a pain for some users (including myself).
    But let's be honest here: the real star of the show will always be the porn, and my god does this demo deliver. Admittedly, there are only two animations at the time of writing this review, but the animations we have received in game (and the WIPs on the creator's twitter) are incredibly well done, and I am waiting on bated breath for more.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my first review on this website, but that notwithstanding, Zetria in its demo stage shows promise. Simply put, it's a Metroidvania where your goal in each level (presumably) is to save people entrapped within the level and carry them towards the exit. It's not the peak of originality, but it does beat just going through the level and simply finding the exit by the bare minimum.

    The story doesn't really exist, but it is the demo, so it shouldn't be the defining trait for this kind of thing; instead, the spritework and animations are where this game shines most, since it was the one thing that brought my attention to this game in the first place. The H-Animations, while we're on the topic, don't take place within the levels themselves (with the exception of the healing animation) but rather in a separate level, meant to be the sort of "gallery" area. I think this is a good choice, considering it gives the player incentive to actually play the game rather than just let the enemy wear their health down to zero. Only two are available as of the demo, and even if you open the rest of the gallery with cheats, the option to see the animation is nonexistent, but I'm willing to wait. I noticed a couple of the enemies in there are repeated, but I'm guessing that's supposed to mean a different scene every time; I did see, also, that the game warned the player of futanari in one of the gallery scenes, which is fair enough for anyone not into it.

    In terms of actual game mechanics, Zetria is serviceable when it comes to that. Movement consists of a run, crawl, and a jump which can be executed twice, with combat being a gun and melee. Nothing special other than picking up the people you're meant to bring to the end of the level, but I've encountered no bugs with any of the above or with any enemies, although to be fair, it was a short playthrough, so it's possible I missed something gamebreaking. In terms of the smoothness of the mechanics, the jump was the only thing I had some problem with: when the player character is running and jumping simultaneously, the character's momentum from running is halted by the initial jump, but quickly goes back to initial running speed. This doesn't impede gameplay by much, and if anything is only a matter of getting used to.

    I did have a problem with the mechanic of picking characters up, but in a different way. When holding someone, you are at a disadvantage in comparison to if you weren't: you can't reload, you can't jump, melee isn't an option, you can't even crawl. (which is odd) However, this is all nullified since you can just put them down as soon as conflict comes your way, and you're not punished for it at all; even if the enemy goes over the person you're supposed to save, they just walk over them and prioritize you. It's a good idea, I just feel as though it could be better in execution.

    All in all, I'd give it a 4.5 if I could, but I'll round up. I'll give this demo so far a 5/5. Its gameplay is serviceable, and the artwork I think is incredible enough to warrant a 5. Good wishes on the finished product.