Unity - Completed - Zodiac fantasy [Final] [Lovely Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Shadow Word: Porn

    This is a very mediocre platformer, basic don't-touch-the-spikes stuff. The only thing notable about it is the difficulty, which on later stages reaches I Wanna Be The Guy levels, but without the quirky and fun level design. It's just hard.

    You can collect keys in the levels, which unlock lewd scenes. These scenes are standard for these types of games, they're lightly animated and look okay.

    Overall, this would be a mediocre three-star game, but I'm docking it a star for the fact that it's NINE GIGABYTES for absolutely no reason. The developers obviously had no idea about efficiently storing data, and no respect for their players.

    There's really no reason to recommend this game. It's mediocre in every respect, except for the high difficulty and the insane NINE GIGABYTES it takes up on your hard drive. There's not really a reason to play it over the fifty other cheap low-quality games just like it.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Simplistic anime style platformer with ten (10) animated h-scenes that are not bounded to gameplay whatsoever. Scenes is kinda interactive, its possible to take of clothes from girls, but thats it.

    Dont waste you time on it.