New Thread Ratings

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Story 3/5
    Its very vanilla and pretty boring really, no twist nothing new so its all just meh, MC goes to college joins a music or basketball team and you just have alot of normal talk with girls and deside who you want to fuck or not and thats proberly the best part of the game that you have a choice in relationships.

    The renders are really but the animations in lacking in a huge way, very poor cam views, very dark scenes so you cant really see anything, very short sex scenes where they barely have any kind of dialogs and its over in just a few clicks so just really boring.

    Its also not a harem game which i have mixed feelings about, lots of girls and i cant help but to like more then one so it gets a little annoying since some girls barely has any kind of content like Haley for one and im not really one to do multiple playthroughs so its annoying not to be able to pick a girl early on in none harem games since it gets boring as fuck when all you do is say no to girls to wait for the one you want.

    Girls 4/5
    I likes quite a few of them and theres a good diversity in builds as well.

    Animations 2/5
    Being nice with the 2 points in animations since they are pretty damn bad, dark scenes, shitty came views, boring and very short with close to no dialogs and its over after just a few clicks.

    Music 3/5
    Pretty standard background stuff, nothing special.

    Choicse 5/5
    You can freely pick the girl you want and nothing and no one is forced, so cant really ask for more in the choice area.

    I cant really see this as more then an average game so 3 stars it is, its just not a game where you cant wait for an update to see what happens next since the story really is so vanilla and meh and the animations really drags this one down as well.
    VN Ren'Py  Westview Academy [v0.5.1] [Tako Yuh]
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    A bad portal of the original game, in fact, it's not even a game, it's an interactive kinetic, I thought it was a better version of the original game, but I found myself watching an interactive film, surely fans of the point and fuck genre will like it a lot, but let's be honest, don't call them games, please.
    VN RPGM Completed  Shadows of Desire: Red Room [Ch.7 Final] [Shamantr]
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly people don't give this game enough credit it deserves with enough patience and fans support this could turn out to be a real big-time game on this site. Looking forward to your further development of this beautiful gem of a game.
    Ren'Py  Kingdom of Lust [v0.3.1 Free] [Royal Fantasy]
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I was playing this with Drchainchair's mod and I liked it. I haven't played without the mod.

    People say it's grindy, but the slow degredation of whatsherface's character is surely what makes the game interesting? I also like the dungeon bits, and trying, and failing, to protect her chastity

    I stopped playing because I just couldn't get into the main character's mindset. He seems quite happy to have his love interest stolen away, so there was no motivation to keep playing. He wouldn't lose anything to have her stolen, so why would he try to keep her being moral?
    Unity Completed  I Am Not a Leader [v1.50] [Kegani Laboratory]
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The best thing about this game is the art. The gameplay consists of RPG dungeoneering and brothel management sim. The characters are charming, but the story isn't anything to write home about. The grinding for better gear is completely awful as you gotta go through dungeons over and over again hoping for random loot drops to upgrade gear. It would be far better to just have stronger weapons just show up in the shop just like in other RPG's. Some of the sex scenes are repeat. The MC is pretty awful as he is just some unassuming type that has very little interest having sex with others so it doesn't even make for great erotic scenes. The artist for this game is amazing though.
    Others Completed  Dohna Dohna: Let’s Do Bad Things Together [Final] [Alicesoft/Shiravune]
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Putting aside the content (which I very much enjoyed), the thing I appreciate most about this title is the QOL/accessibility.

    meaty content for a first release
    great renders with a few animations sprinkled in
    decent premise
    brisk plot pacing
    no bullshit grind

    This Dev sets the standard of what should be expected in a new release and knowing that this is their first effort must be commended.
    VN Ren'Py  Navigating The Rift [v0.5] [TrippyDippity]
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Amalie Skoedt

    I am honestly surprised at how much content there is here. This is amazing! Job well done!
    It is clear that you have spend quite a bit of time finding the right images that fits and it has really paid off.
    HTML  Girl by Accident [v0.5.6] [JellyStone]
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    HTML  Lost in Laminate [v10.0e] [GlossandGlamour]
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Above average everything and significant content. On this site that's an easy 5 star rating imo.

    Renders are solid, story and characters are fine, setting is fine. It's all mostly an excuse to get the lewd scenes, which are also well above average. The drawbacks are the sandbox style and forced progression on all characters to advance, and a (small) bit of grind. You've probably played dozens of sandbox style games in this setting that are significantly worse in every way that are also probably ranked 4+ stars. There are animations and they're pretty good, again well beyond virtually everything else on this site.

    This game already has more content than probably a dozen average games on this site put together. While I don't necessarily think any of it is great content, it's still again well above average.
    Ren'Py  A House in the Rift [v0.7.6r3] [Zanith]
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I played 30 minutes so far, and I'm pretty surprised by the quality of the story, the kinky elements and the sexy characters (renders like personalities)!
    This game has the potential to be a femdom/ntr must-play.
    I love it <3
    RPGM  Kibō: Slow Fall [v0.4.1] [DS - Corruption Novels]
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Art is good but the CGs are overused. The MTL translation isnt bad but isnt perfect too. The game isnt grindy and all CGs can be unlocked in one playthrough. Even though the game starts off like just another common JRPG game, the story really peaks at the end. Do give it a try if you are into big breasted milfs with an alright story
    RPGM Completed  Professor Riona's Treasure [Final] [Puppuku Jinjin]
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like Degrees of Lewdity's style but not so much its extreme content and depressing atmosphere, this game is for you. It's a similar kinda grindy horny life simulator. I've been liking the writing although it's all more generic repeatable stuff than any specific storylines.

    It's slightly barebones for linear events (which is to be expected, it's a v0.4), but the foundations are solid. Also I'm not sure why people are mentioning that certain orientations are forced on the player? You can set the rate of any specific genders/orientations to nearly nothing and if you set your sexuality to a specific one then you never receive advances from one you didn't select.
    HTML  Course of Temptation [v0.4.27e] [Anthaum]
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great animations, sound, and renders, no choices to make but the story unflods niceley by itself.
    Love model choice and atmosphere, glad bdsm tag is considered, looking forward for the future updates. So far so good!
    VN Ren'Py  Contagion Crisis [v.2] [WeLoveMonsters]
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game (v0.50) very much. It's one of my favorite games right now. It is a kind of sci-fi management game with a good manufacturing and trading system with a political aspect as well. MC can choose his political relations to 8 alien nations and 3 trading corporations.
    MC choices do matter! In example they have impacts on each fraction lore.
    With this version MC can start to build military power and support allies in battles if MC wishes to do so. This improves the possibilities of the game.
    MC can deepen his relations to girls on his station and can visit a club on an alien planet to perform some erotic actions.
    A kind of "to do list" helps the player to progress with the game.
    The writing is pretty decent and the renders and animations are above standard. The story has a great potential to be developed further.
    I'm looking forward to the next update.
    Ren'Py  Stellar Crossroads [v0.50] [Xavster Gaming]
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The game starts with a prologue explaining who Andrew, Kelly, and Jane are. And then the first scene involves Christine. Who the hell is Christine? I don't know because she wasn't in the prologue. But she treats you like shit, so you can't get a boner and then she screams at you. This is the first scene of the game. It is also the only scene that I played.

    I am not into fem dom. I am not into playing as a sad sack loser. I can only assume the game progresses finely from there, but that first impression was enough for me to quit and never give it a second chance.
    VN Ren'Py Completed  Intimate Relations [v1.0] [PTOLEMY]
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    [ Review for version - 0.1 Hotfix ]

    TL;DR: The game is extremely early days, but is has already set up a very interesting character dynamic, and show a lot of promise for some really hot stuff. Worth trying to see if it is going to be your thing.

    The Good: I really like the character dynamics, and how overtly sexual everyone is behaving. So many devs hold their characters back too much, but this game goes hard! The dialogue is fun, and the character's bodies are really sexy.

    The Average: It's a visual novel in its early stages, so there isn't much to talk about. The characters' faces look decent enough, and the proportions won't be everyone's tastes.

    The Bad: Not much from my end. I'm not completely sold on the ending of the current version as I am averse to conflict storylines that detract from the sexy parts unnecessarily. I'm also not happy with the implication that this will be a MC exclusive harem. I want to see the characters fuck each other too.

    Thorough Review:

    Story: Good*

    *Can be great, but it has not been developed very far yet. You play a today-turned-18-year-old who find out from a letter of your dead father that you are a genetic marvel with inbreeding superpowers. Really hot in my mind, though it seems this will be used as a set-up for conflict, which I'm not sure about.

    Characters: Good.

    There are no characters in this story so far that I've not liked, but I don't know enough about them yet to give a higher score. There's a nice mix of personalities that most player will find someone to suit their tastes. While I like all the character's bodies, I'm not sold on all the faces yet.

    Gameplay: Competent

    It's a visual novel. You click to progress and make choices to make more progress. There is a nice gallery and character journal which is nice, if a bit clunky.

    Visuals: Great!

    The UI and characters look great to me, and the environments nice to look at too. The game make grate use of angles, and has a few animated scenes as well, though perhaps not as many or as effective as one might have liked. Looking forward to seeing more though.

    Summary: Good.

    So far the story has a lot of great potential. I will eagerly follow the development of this game!


    > Please, let there be sexual relations between other members of the family, even if only optional! And, yes, including Max. Let us DP some hot family members!

    > Please, don't take too much time away from the family and their developing relationships too much for side-plots. I'm really only her for sex, 'cest and pregnancy.

    > Sounds.
    VN Ren'Py  Heritage [v0.1 Hotfix] [GeppettoPossum]
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall the game is very good, the renders are top quality except the animations which are laggy, and yes the intimacy with the girls is too slow but as this is only the second part of the 7 part series, we can expect decent development in the coming updates.
    VN Ren'Py  Reclaiming the Lost [v0.7] [Passion Portal]
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I saw someone commented on Dec 24, 2023 and said '' 17 gb'' . Right now this game is 25 gb, how many gb will it be after 2-3 months? It needs extreme optimization or it may be 100 gb next year :) It's full of content but the size is very scary
    QSP Completed  Son of Asia [v60.0] [SonOfAll]
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A lovely adaptation of the book. Weird kinks included so check first before playing.


    The story presents quite in a good way the whole of the first book


    By today standard the engine is outdated and I am surprise to see myself play a game in Flash in 2024. That being said, for the standards of 2016 I find the game quite good. At the level of animation the game is quite poor but that is a limitation of that period.

    I enjoyed the look of the girls and I like to see that the dev went accordingly with the books, more or less.
    Flash Completed  Behind the Dune [v2.36.2] [David Balsamique]
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    review for v0.1.

    peack fiction frfr ong.
    great and different models from the usual.
    mc's peen does look kinda weird tho.
    pretty decent dialogue, some funny bits.
    girls be cute, Rachel is best girl, fight me.
    gonna need more soon.
    VN Ren'Py  Heritage [v0.1 Hotfix] [GeppettoPossum]