New Thread Ratings

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of Misanthropy [v0.2]

    What is this? A slow burn netorare with pretty good dialogue?
    You don't see that often

    Good points:
    Very gradual progress, this really isn't a fuckfest right from the beginning.
    Dev is clearly taking his time building relationships between
    protagonists - so that the inevitable demolition is that much more impressive.
    the erotic content that is there doesn't feel forced, the guy stealing the girls clearly has to work for it.
    And I mean what can I say about him, he is such a manipulative
    asshole - pretty much perfect for this kind of story
    Main girls are hot and thankfully there aren't too many of them,
    story has tight focus on the mother and the childhood friend.
    There are very few signs of the famed hentai logic in the writing (so far at least), hope it keeps up.
    Also the main menu is really creative, although a bit confusing at first,
    it gives a taste of what is to come which is appreciated

    Now for some nitpics:
    The art is good, but not amazing, it gets the job done
    The character of the husband and son (especially the husband) are
    cartoonishly pathethic, I mean sure it is a staple of modern NTR, but this
    takes me out of the story a little. Still this is just my personal preference
    Also one thing that really bothered me - it is the sprite of the wife
    in casual clothes, why are her breasts like that when she is supposed to
    be wearing a bra? Her work uniform looks perfectly fine, what is going on here!?

    Overall incredibly strong start, sure hope the work gets attention it deserves
    VN Ren'Py  Misanthropy [v0.1] [Cosmic Poptart]
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I have a lovely time with this. kinda remind me of my ex...not in good way. i did find out,she does getting suck on tables and what not. but hey just means i can get a good look at her...heh i was more happy then scared
    Unreal Engine Completed  Halls of the Pale Widow [v1.0.1] [Krasue Games]
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    It’s a game that seems to have a lot of mystery surrounding the protagonist’s family and the women who orbit around him. I found the game technically perfect, but I think it has very little content for a VN that is already on chapter 9.

    I recommend downloading it because it’s good and quick to finish the content available so far.
    VN Ren'Py  Red Lucy [v0.9] [LeFrench]
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Wow, this is garbage.

    The game is very very very short so how can it be that there are so many errors, there are typos, sometimes the text is french, one time the game had a full cerror and I had to close it, the sprites aren´t cut out properly and have white outlines, the backgrounds are horrendous, the UI is very unpleasant to look at.

    Don´t play it.
    Ren'Py  Futy City [v1.0] [TD GAMES]
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    For a proof of concept it is not bad. For a franchise that has "inspired" so many people there is a real lack of projects related to it so always happy to see someone take a crack at it. The story put forward is novel enough that I find it interesting and while there isn't a lot of lewd stuff yet I can see where it is going which is neat. I like that it feels like their is a bit of choice in the matter. You can get them all but it feels like you might be able to skip getting intimate with girls you dislike. Overall it is fairly bare, I spent an hour and this was both catching all Pokémon and seeing if evolution worked yet for the starter, but it feels like a solid foundation. Here's to hoping it only gets better.
    RPGM  Pokemon Lewd Virus [v0.1] [PurpurDawn]
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Obviously if you're not into the main tag this probably won't grab you as much as another game. But it's still surprisingly fun. I think the scenes involving the boyfriend, Naoki, are a big skip. I also think the girls are generally less charming by virtue of having agreed to be in a harem in high school with a man who is obviously not very competent or smart. While it's pretty much entirely linear, the corruption is paced really well, and even for a slow burn there's enough meat in the scenes to have fun with.

    I appreciate that the protagonist is not delusional about whether what he's doing is good or not. I appreciate that the game offers you an out at the beginning with the joke ending, just to make sure we're all on the same page. As much as I don't find the scenes with Naoki being jealous interesting, I at least like that the game sells us on his charisma. It's also nice that Hiro, our protagonist, does have a sort of acerbic charm to him. You can understand why they would have been friends, and also why they would have drifted apart.

    I know the cheating isn't optional, but Naoki being a real character really just doesn't improve the actual meat and bones of the corruption for me. If this game took place entirely within the sex and blackmail scenes, it would probably jump up a point. The real personalities are the girls and how they grow and change, and while they're not super engaging, they'd be far better if they weren't dragged down by the high school bullshit. When Hiro gets a win in their little social games, it doesn't feel satisfying, because he's just achieved emotional victory over fellow children in a classroom. You get the feeling it would have been better if there was no ensemble and everything was just one-on-one.

    I'd still recommend playing it over a lot of other Koikatsu corruption visual novel games. It's not smug or overbearing and it takes itself seriously. It's not self-aware, it doesn't break the fourth wall, it doesn't try to be clever with the reader, nor is it moralizing. If I could steal anything from this game and spread it around the website it's the straightforwardness.
    VN Ren'Py  Due to My New Situation, I Have to Corrupt My Friend's Harem! [v0.38] [Warrior Novels]
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This is an ongoing and developing story which I am thoroughly enjoying. The developer teases the reader with suggestions of things to come whilst satisfying immediate needs with fairly frequent sexcapades of the MC. 4 stars because the artwork isn't Rolls Royce, but it's perfectly acceptable especially considering it's the dev's first outing. Low star ratings are the result of the mean spirited and impatient, ignore them. This story is fun, implausible perhaps but this is porn for Christ's sake, what do you expect, James Joyce!
    VN Ren'Py  The Roommate [v0.11.03] [togs]
    Likes: Turmosb
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Pretty bad.

    The gameplay is just boring, you do the same boring tasks way too often and it just isn´t fun.

    Zero looks okay but nothing more, the MC looks very boring.

    The story is meh.

    The controls aren´t good.

    The sex scenes are mediocre, and get pretty boring after a while.

    Would not recommend.
    Unity Completed  Lifeform: Zero [Final] [Jhaokai Wu]
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Some people think that setting up a patreon and releasing something that couldn't even be called a demo is going to make them rich. Another game with zero optimisation to burn your processor, ram and car if possible. Models that transfer to each other.... Ah, come on, I'm going to set up a Patreon to act as a guinea pig for all these authors who put out stuff with minimal effort.
    Unreal Engine  The Running of the Wolves [Beta v2.1.1] [Methodia Rascal]
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a lot to love with many character interactions.
    The amount of combinations with body swapping + possession + impreg content is impressive. On top of that hand-drawn animated scenes? Just a delight, and it touches on a lot of flavors that I enjoy.

    The same quirks that make BoL great, are what unfortunately will leave it in a perpetual development cycle. There are 15 characters in the stat sheet at the time of writing, so that would be 210 scenes from each perspective for just body swapping (ignoring variants).

    The multiplicative scene problem the dev is creating is similar to the impossible hamster. With each added character the amount of variants grows out of control.

    My advice for KanashiiPanda is to separate out the kinetic novel chapter part of the game with the sandbox part.. Have new characters as part of the linear chapter side story but LEAVE THEM OUT OF THE SPELL BOOK.

    Right now the new player experience is: After leaving the Hart household and using the spell book to be met with black screen after black screen with placeholder text because the scenes will never be finished. It's impossible to expect the dev to hand draw all the variants.

    Game needs serious fat trimming, focus on the Hart household with at most 4 characters total for example Cassandra, Jake, Mel, Olivia with full scene variants using the spell book, because to me the bright spot of the game is the use of the spell book to achieve wonderful scene variants, which keeps me coming back from time to time.
    VN Unity  Book of Lust [v0.1.19.1a] [KanashiiPanda]
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a very early demo but it accomplishes what it sets out to achieve. It shows the tone of the game, the gameplay style, the soundtrack and the sexual encounters, and while it's all very early, it all ties together really well. If this is V0.01 then I am really excited to see where this goes!
    Unreal Engine  Nocturna's Pandemonium [v0.01 Preview] [BCK Forge]
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Well done throughout, a little confusing to try and figure out how to end up with each girl, but they are all different, and the models throughout are great..........................................................................................................................................
    VN Ren'Py Completed  The Entrepreneur [Ep.4] [MisterMaya]
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Melhor que já joguei até hoje, fiz questão de traduzir pro meu idioma e virei sub rei do jogo, Arte perfeita, um ponto que acho que pode melhorar e os mapas que são um pouco fraco em detalhes mas creio que vai ficar melhor com o tempo
    RPGM  Urban Demons: Remake [Proof of Concept] [Urban Demons]
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    This is another game that's bare bones and uses premade Honey Select models & animations. The story is thin: a family of nudists move in next door, but they're actually demons. They make you into a demon which means you're a nudist now. You then go about corrupting every female around you into the same big breasted cock hungry slut in your harem by giving them drinks from a magic potion.

    There's nothing much else to say. The premade assets make the situations stiff and lifeless. As you can see on the banner, there's a couple dozen characters, but nobody stands out. You just hang around their boring lives until you can feed them the magic potion so they become huge titty cock hungry sluts.

    You'd think the demon thing would matter, that there'd be some friction there, but not really. It's just a pretense to do the same thing with each pre-made female. It's boring, shallow, and dumb. I mean, it's porn, but it doesn't have to be boring shallow and dumb. I could just watch regular porn and skip the grind.

    Because the gameplay is really, really shallow and opaque. You raise affection points by clicking the right button at the right time and letting dreadfully dull scenes play out. It's hard to know when and what criteria you have to meet to advance the story. It's poorly put together, premade slop.
    Ren'Py  My New Neighbors [v1.70] [Rmaximus]
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    fantastic game, meaningful choices and LI. Lauren best girl. Stabby Mike best boy. The dev made characters that you can actually develop and attachment to . I do hope that this game gets a sequel down the line once Eternum is done
    VN Ren'Py Completed  Once in a Lifetime [v1.0] [Caribdis]
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The game was good already but after UE5 update it shows great promise. The scene viewer especially is much better and allows more dynamic experience. The gameplay has improved a lot and while it is still rough, it will easily get to industry standards. Currently it already has mounts, fun quests and characters, merchants and quite few opportunities to fuck. In my books it is already better than what Ubisoft publishes. Here hoping that the development will be successful and the game will be expanded a lot.
    Unreal Engine  Carnal Instinct [2024-06-01] [Team Carnal Instinct]
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for V0.3
    "Pecker PI" stands out with a very unique story that sets it apart from other games in the genre. The plot has an intriguing premise that initially draws you in.

    One thing that stood out to me was the inconsistency in clothing and interactions relative to the time and setting of the story. Some outfits just don't fit the period, and certain interactions feel out of place, breaking the immersion.

    The graphics in "Pecker PI" are average. They're not bad, but they don't particularly stand out either. They do the job but don't add much to the overall experience.

    Another issue is the unrealistic forwardness of some of the female characters. Their behavior and the dialogue in these moments often don't make sense, making it hard to stay engaged with the story. It feels forced and detracts from the narrative flow.

    Overall, "Pecker PI" has a unique and interesting story, but it falls short in several areas. The inconsistent clothing and interactions, average graphics, and unrealistic forwardness of some characters all detract from what could be a much better game. There's potential here, but it needs more polish and coherence to fully realize it.
    VN Ren'Py  Pecker PI [v0.3] [MrPocketRocket]
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    It's just walls and walls and walls and walls and walls of text.
    no sandbox at all.
    no choices that change anything.
    and no sexual content.
    dont' waste your time with this game: just read a book. any book. it will be more fun and will probably have more smut than this.
    HTML  Wrestling Dynasty [v0.1] [UniSeven Studios]
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story with a diverse cast of characters and interests. No one feels like a copy of anyone else with a slight change tacked on. Characters have unique flaws and personalities. Only complaint is that I can't interact with them all more yet. But time will change that.
    VN Ren'Py  Love by the Water [v.0.3] [CURE]
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    game is short so i recomend you to give it a try
    H-sceen are well animated, what did you expected from BadColor
    there are only pixel animations but the're well done as said before.
    Balans is kinda lacking tho you're getting smacked by every slime till you start steam rolling over them or that might have been due to my build.

    over all if you're bored and want some quick well animated sprites to fap to i recomend
    Others Completed  Onigotchi [v1.04] [BadColor]