New Thread Ratings

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute banger of a game. Be prepared for very slow progression, but that just makes it all much worth it when it goes off.

    The art is great and the corruption is satisfying. A somewhat cocky adventurer gets tamed by tavern folk, who keep imposing on her more and more lewd rules as time goes on.

    Very satisfying and personally I think the best game out of zeven, breasty and grace. Also if you look at most of the negative reviews, its mainly about bad MTL, which has been rectified by 50% manual translation and 50% high quality mtl from Dazed.
    RPGM Completed  Grace of the Labyrinth Town [v1.15] [Lovely Pretty Ultra Loving You]
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked the demo, I really like the Diabolica character, 80s or futuristic style,
    -The renderings are good, I like the characters, the girls have a bimbo style,
    -The decorations have bright colors that glow in the night, it really gives a different style
    -The story is good and fetish interests me (femdom, cuckold)
    -The sound effects correspond to the scenes and this adds spice to the game
    VN Ren'Py  My Girlfriend Queen of Spades [Demo] [Mina492]
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Boring - don't know what else I can say. And it's not like this is some new experimental concept that didn't work - this "game" uses one of the most trite corruption scenarios that has already been abused dozens of times. Is there a unique twist? I don't know, maybe in the next couple of years there will be one?

    There are already good explanations below why this is not really worth playing, no need to repeat them. But I feel like I need to focus on a single aspect.


    Perhaps the most overused "job" in this type of games after prostitute. And you know what you have to do? Click on each sparkly table, then click on the bartender, then on each sparkly table again. That's it. You have no time limit, no interesting interactions, no minigames (actually, seeing what the sword making minigame is like, I am glad there is no minigame here), no need to remember anything. So, the logical question is - what is the point? To get groped several times at random? With 2 bad quality groping pictures?? Better do something else, anything else really.

    Oh, and by the way, getting groped whole evening barely increases your Corruption, but watching someone having sex boosts it a lot. You know, this would have been great if it was a stealth jab on how watching porn makes you a degenerate, but obviously there is nothing like that here.

    This game does deserve a second star because of its graphics though. Although I am not a big fan of the main character. When I am playing as a female character I am looking for something more than just a pair of unnaturally perky boobs.
    RPGM  Accursed: Emma's Path [v0.1.22a RC] [MegaloDEV]
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Elite game. One of my personal favourites. 5/5 story. game has some of the best looking characters I've ever seen and with the dystopian setting plot, it makes them even hotter. One of the rare games that I look for updates on religiously. Would recommend.
    VN Ren'Py  Hot Sand of Antarctica [v0.09] [Grinvald]
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I first want to say that I think this AVN would be a lot more popular if the beginning renders, well, maybe the overall renders were a lot better because they are average at best, but the rest of it makes up for it by far. The story, characters and point system are what make this VN really great. One of a kind in fact. I just hope the dev continues making AVNs in this style after this one is completed. :D
    VN Ren'Py  Nothing Is Forever [v0.7.3] [MrSilverLust]
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I can't give it 5 stars for technical reasons, but the writing and character building is top notch.

    Skill system is pretty unique and quite well done.
    Lots of variety with the ladies and various fetishes to explore.
    Interactions with the MCs personas is a very humorous and sensitive way to approach mental illness. I have never seen it really addressed with such finesse and vulnerability in any other game I've played.

    Does not overly rely on unnecessary dialogue which is very nice. When the point of the conversation is over it just kind of faded to black. I like this a lot and would love for some other Devs who typically use excessive dialogue or inner monologue, to carry the narrative, to take a lesson from this.

    If this Dev gets a better rig or refines their skill with renders and animations, they would be the total package, which is very rare in adult games.

    I just highly recommend this game for anyone wanting a unique and interesting take on the Dating Sim. It is very good. (y)

    Lea best girl. Emma best girl I love to hate. :love:

    Oh, almost forgot, the music is great. Would really like some sexy sounds in the lewd scenes, but you can't have it all.
    VN Ren'Py  Nothing Is Forever [v0.7.3] [MrSilverLust]
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Really nice game if you like to play a fem protagonist and like to slide slowly down the bondage/bdsm /bondage/lesbian/bondage path. (The title says it all....the game has lots of bondage in it. ) Wonderful little stories and quests - and it still is in early state.

    You need a lot of memory - the game runs with 16GB RAM, though 32GB are recomended. And since there is no graphics optimization yet you might want at least a GTX 1060 or a Radeon RX460 or something like that to avoid judder. No problem on a 5 year old cheap lower middle class gaming pc here, though.
    Unity  Bound in Desire [v0.20 Beta] [Kerni]
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is actually a very good game, is what needs to be on top. Now that you have seen that:

    Normally when writing a review, I just tend to jump to the "good and the bad", and assume you read the synopsis, and looked at some screenshots. Straight to the point, with some exposition, are perfect reviews in my opinion. With that said, I have to break that mentality here, make an exception, and preface with some different insights. If you don't wanna hear about it I won't blame you, scroll down

    First, unlike a number of people on the internet, I'm very much aware that I don't understand Japan, Japanese people or their culture. What I do know, is a representation of those through entertainment. Very different.

    Second, the beginning of this game will probably make you dismissive towards it. 10 minutes is enough to judge this eccentric/silly at best, other less flattering adjectives at worst. This is a world where the character trains in the after life to be a sex machine, after receiving a huge/infallible miracle penis (and more godlike powers). Women rule and generally beat the crap out of men, because they are cursed to be at LV1 forever, and will always be weak. The demon lord is invading the place, the hero reincarnated and was summoned to fight him, there's a powerful yandere sorceress, and the protagonist just wants to have sex, and prefers to not see any balls getting crushed (there's some serious cruelty here, often masked with humor).

    More important than al that, all women are busty, thicc, slutty, angry looking MILFS. All of them. Believe me, I'm VERY tolerant to all kinds of crap in adult content (except scat), and I still thought this was a waste of my time, at first.

    Having finished it, I still can't figure out if this videogame has some veiled intent(s) (serious ideology) or if it just wants to be plain goofy, and deliver the "devs" sense of humour (maybe it's both). I mean, it goes from deep seated trauma and hatred, in a character arc , to "Futa edging publicly (and ritualistically) in the church", and does that in 10 seconds.

    Third, calling this derivative is putting it mildly. It copies and takes inspiration from all kinds of sources. There's the traditional fantasy plot; The power levels being known and a part of society; The adventurers guild and their ranks; The whole "wish granting business" too. It's one punch man, Rance, DBZ, even a bit of Monster girl quest with "apoptosis inspired creatures". There's also a number of western sources for character naming and back story, as well as very specific satire, that probably flew over my head on more than one occasion. (A society where power levels (rank, age) are absolute is easy to understand, but there's probably a lot more.

    What the hell do you make out of this?

    It could be a YVAN EHT NIOJ, kind of deal, where they are trying to make a statement in regards to societal hierarchy, while also promoting a particular view towards women in their expected audience .It's Japan. Ask them. It's probably the birth rate catastrophe, and the incredible number of adults who never had sex, or a "proper relationship", and the late 20's single woman being "unmarriable". and obeying the senpai and long hours at the office as a salaryman. Who knows? Not me, that's for sure. I enjoy trying to understand these things theoretically, but here's the kicker:

    This is actually a very good game (And now for the actual review).

    The good:

    - All sorts of convenience - Teleports to everywhere; No random encounters; Ways to level up without fighting; Ways to get and then spend accumulated gold; A dungeon to get powerful equipment fast; Monsters work like vending machines (always there, pick a group and kill them), Combat is very fast... I could go on, but the idea is that they respect you and don't want to waste your time. Even the quest to get special abilities takes 10 min at most with the skip button.

    - More Lore than you could possibly imagine - Basically every preposterous notion above is explained during the game: Why women rule; Their attitude towards men; The medieval setting with futuristic elements; People having levels and obeying those who are above them; The existence of the demon lord.. and much more. They don't explain "reincarnation" but they are probably Buddhist or influenced by notions of. Did not saw this level of detail coming, and was pleasantly surprised.

    - The characters also work this way - Back stories, motivations, archetypes, inner conflicts, discernible traits and so on. There are 3 main heroines that are more detailed and prominent, plus at least 10 characters that could be a quick side route in a VN. Even the demon lord has an excellent (terrifying) reason to kill the hero and break the prophecy. And the main concept that actually originates the setting (really wanna spoil it,) while not original is very inspired. If an adult game got me thinking that something is clever, they are doing something right.

    The neutral:

    - The women and their looks - First let me say that people who KEEP complaining about "ginormous" breasts in an adult game coming from Japan, never heard of the definition of insanity quote . Move to Japan and change things from the inside or... Play something else?

    Now it is true that the body type gets repetitive (it's always the same). Huge breasts are fine, but temperance is the greatest virtue one can have in this life. Flat chest, modest chest, "regular chest" and generous chest, also deserve some love. My point is, don't play this if you are one of the aforementioned people and then come complaining.

    - H-scenes - Not much to say, is the same problem as above, repetition will eventually take its toll. There's definitely lots of originality here, usually with some form of "extreme" associated to it, but at some point even the kinks and the amusing dialogue, become yet another MILF is fetting Gucked. (It's the exact same problem as country bumpkin Yutaka if you played that, she is hot sure, but at some point is not funny anymore) Visual diversity is of extreme importance in these type of game if you ask me.

    The bad:

    - I can't understand this - It's one of the weirdest "bad paragraphs" ever, but I can't understand this duality, between serious, lore heavy, character driven JRPG, and the whole let's have someone release some form of liquid from their bodies and make some comedy. It's likely a "me issue", but my brain can't handle the mix between clear love and hard work towards a project, with some of the cheapest devices available in the genre, to attract attention. It's Japan. Who knows? Don't ask me.

    To summarize, the game lowered my expectations at the start and then they just build them up to a point where I was sad it was over (saw just about everything). It's all very surprising, and it's a good kind of surprising.

    I'd say this a 9/10, do give it a try, and please don't dismiss it immediately, the makings of greatness are here, believe it or not.
    RPGM Completed  Niramare Quest [v1.18] [Sexecute]
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start, this game has so much potential . Art is fantastic and storyline is good . Can't wait to see the next release . Good selection of characters and ui is bug free. It's nice to see some of these characters come back and the new ones are great too.
    Others  Milftoon - MilfLand [v0.01] [Milftoon]
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I like the concept, but it is pretty boring.

    The biggest issue is, it is way too short and the scenes don´t feel exciting which is pretty good for a exhibitionist fetish.

    The art style isn´t bad but I got bored of it very quickly, because it is very simple.

    The translation is at least good.

    But if you like the concept you can try it, it is very short so no much time will be wasted.
    RPGM Completed  Usami Yui's Exposure Diary [v1.00] [yake-ishi ni mizukake-ron ]
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    as a person who was not born in an English-speaking country --> he uses a translator --> he asked too many questions at the beginning and too much description is unrealistic for me and it is impossible to choose everything at random sometimes it just doesn't allow other times I choose more features but I don't know who...

    but the worst thing is that someone makes a game with early access and wants people to pay him support, and the game is unplayable, and what's worse, there is no room for "beta testers" to try all the possibilities!!!! the most important thing is the back bond, and if it is dev. he ignores it, it is clear that he will never have a project that will see the light of day or even success, there are thousands of games where the dev made a similar mistake and I have not heard of any of them making money or even being completed!!!!
    Ren'Py  Living Together! [v0.37] [Advent Games]
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Ummmmk on the 5 star reviews.....

    It has a story and its not overly convoluted. The models are good. The rendering isn't shit. The sex scenes when they appear are okay....short but okay. We really need to stop giving 5 stars to things you think will be great. This may be a 5 star game by the end, but sure isn't now. Dude may get there and that would be awesome. I mean if he stopped now would it still be 5 outta 5? Great effort though enough for a 3 and hoping it'll be a 5 by the end.
    VN Ren'Py  Unseen Instincts [v0.35] [DemonLad]
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    So far I only finished Sarena's route(or at least I think) and the game is very well polished ! The blend between 2d and 3d was quite surprising, especially how good the quality of the 3D is !

    The voice on the other hand is plaine but simple, nothing bad but nothing extraordinary of it either. Still it's a very good turn on !
    Ren'Py Completed  Confined with Goddesses [v1.0 Premium + Legacy] [ERONIVERSE]
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    if you told me that this game was in development for almost 6 years i would say, Wow looks good, then you see that through donations its about 20k a month....and the game is like this? i dont know how long the budget has been that good but 6 years and decent funding... how about make the game in a timely manner? I do understand that games are difficult and this level of quality is time inducive but really 6 years? also the website for the game has no adult warring 18+ pop-up so one bad report and thats gone. It just shows that the devs are not invested in realizing a product but milking a fanbase.

    i cannot get over that it is 6 years for "Pre-Alpha" V0.106, < Zero?! my hope is that they get the building blocks done then ramp up but it doesn't seem like it.

    also if you are a supporter that pays for the lowest amount $8 and have been near the start YOU HAVE PAID ~$480 for an complete PRE-alpha game with decent H-scenes.
    Unity  Pure Onyx [v0.104.0] [Eromancer]
    Likes: UZone
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I recently got to know the game and it has a good designer for the female characters and good sex scenes, especially with the girl roommate.

    However, the game lacks a lot when it comes to progression, with you constantly getting stuck in some part of the story if you don't have a step-by-step walkthrough.

    Another negative point is the constant bugs, which often cause you to lose your save, as happened to me a few times.

    Also negative is the fact that you can see that the game has been rushed, with some female characters being misused or having their content cut.

    At some point in the story, characters who get involved with the MC will get involved with other guys, such as the dean, the daughter of the company director and the trainer at the gym.

    I only recommend you start playing this game if you have the patience to deal with all its problems and have a keen interest in seeing its scenes.
    Ren'Py Completed  My Cute Roommate [v1.6.1 Ex Beta] [Astaros3D]
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    [v21.0.0] 0-Stars
    Don't' buy into the tech-update bs. Just an attempt at the developer to prolong a project that should of been wrapped up years ago. The "Tech Update" is just an attempt for the dev to continue getting support while doing the disgusting practice of slowly re-adding pre-existing, removed content, over a long period of time. Literally been years just to make the game widescreen instead of fullscreen. Now the update is finally out, and they have removed all the content down it's bear bones beginning, and are now going to slowly re-add every character route, one update at a time. This is how the game originally developed, releasing one characters route per update, and the Dev thinks it's a good idea now to try and do it all over again with the same content, but now in widescreen. Like that makes a fkn difference while we are wacking off.
    It's also hilarious how the visuals have been degraded in the update, when the dev has been boasting better visual quality the whole time.

    I've lost hope in this game, and I'm just gonna take the older version as the completed game. I'm done waiting for this BS to get new content. Sorry Rhonda, we care, but not this much.
    This dev has completely lost my support.

    [v20.16] 5-Stars
    The game is fun, and has lots of memorable moments. Definitely a great game worth a play through or two. Lot's of choices, mini-games, and a decent enough story to keep your attention outside the adult content.

    The game/thread gets 2/5 Stars for Poor. As the project gets a poor rating due to terribly greedy decisions during development. As this thread is both the old version of the game and new version bunched together. I gotta rate it together.
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better more original stories on the site. Very much worth supporting for those that can afford it, as this dev is putting out something unique.

    Good Story, well paced with great main female character.
    The lesbian story line will not be for all tastes but is an good example of how to write a story with mainly female cast, without being too weird or predictable.

    The artwork sex scenes and settings are above average and well thought out. Looking forward to see where the story goes. Nice work Dev.
    VN Ren'Py  Occultus: DoD [Ch.9 R1] [BC]
    Likes: BeCe
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This was the first adult game I ever played. Also, in the recent past, this game was a bit of a hit.

    Its development was great, with good characters and excellent female character models, but its conclusion, wrapped up in a series of problems with the creator, was disappointing, with female characters not being used much or with a rushed ending.

    Even so, I still think it's an average game.
    Ren'Py Completed  Milfy City [v1.0e] [ICSTOR]
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, great renders, beautiful women / futas, can't go wrong with this game if you're into that stuff. I'm particularly excited about the paths with the older women (which are gorgeous as well).
    VN Ren'Py  Eruption Imminent [v0.4.0] [MorriganRae]
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I discovered the game in 2017 through a hot scene of the character Jenny published on a popular website.

    Since then, the game has received several updates with new content and characters. In this context, the game had several things I liked, such as the support for translations, and things I didn't like, such as the new character art and the MC constantly losing money after being robbed by mobsters.

    So far so good, I didn't care to criticize or praise the game, as I never contributed financially to the project and played casually. Besides, compared to other adult games, this game was above average.

    But I'm forced to talk about this technological update prelude, which is simply awful. Despite a hiatus of many months, most of the content has been cut to be replaced in future updates, as well as minor problems such as no sound.

    I know that the decision to update the technology was subsidized by the Patreons, but I disagree with the way it was proposed and conducted. And this is the reason for the low score. But I hope that this game will improve over time.

    If you want to play, I recommend the old version.
    Ren'Py  Summertime Saga [v21.0.0 wip.4468] [Kompas Productions]