[S> Other] [S>Artist 2D] 2D Animator (Spine Esoteric)


Unifox Game Studio
Game Developer
Apr 8, 2020
Feel free to DM me if you have other question :)

- I use Spine Esoteric.
I can do the rigs, the skins and animation as well.
I cannot draw the picture, I only animate them, I need to have the picture ready to animate.
The best being a PSD with all layer. I can make the PSD ready for spine if needed, if there's all layer inside the PSD.
I can do small modification needed for animation but I'm not an accomplished artist.

Preferred method of contact:
- I prefer Discord or a message here.
Discord : pentaclesthewizard #1031
If you don't found me you can join the discord of my game and send a private message to Penta.

Employment Type & Rates:
- I can work on long term or it can be a one time only. You choose.
The price depend on the work load, I charge 20$/Hourly. We can discuss it of course.

- I'm available almost all the time, when I'm not on a rush period for my game. It doesn't happen often though, so I should be ready to work anytime.

Work Samples:
- You can actually just check the games I made :
Nymphomania : Fantasy Town / Nymphomania : Idle Brothel (I use the same animation in both)
Nymphomania : Calendar
But if you don't want you can check our . While it isn't always up to date, it can give you an idea of the result.

Additional comments:
- I can work on porn, no problem (That would be ironic if I say no porn, as I'm making porn game myself and we are on a porn forum :ROFLMAO:).
I don't do underage, body waste, violence or too dark stuff.