Ren'Py - Come Home [v7.17.3 Premium] [R.J. Rhodes]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    [Review of v7.17.3 Premium]

    When your father goes missing, you return home from studying abroad to help uncover clues to where he could have gone. But returning to your hometown brings back a lot of old feelings and you soon find yourself meeting new people and rekindling relationships with old friends as well. How are you supposed to focus on finding your father, when there are so many other interesting characters who all want your attention as well. You can't just let love pass you by. Your father would understand.

    Content: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Graphics: ⭐⭐⭐
    Script: ⭐⭐
    Characters: ⭐⭐⭐

    Final note: ⭐⭐

    I had high expectations for Come Home seeing the average score, and at first it seems to meet them, but it falls into a spiral of endless repetition and a story that goes nowhere. I will not continue playing it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game for me!
    I like the style and the models. It looks good, very erotic. But there are also some Cons for me.

    Pro +:
    - It's great you have the coice the get into business with almost everyone. Female, Teen, Milf, Gilf, Men, Trans, there are so many possibilities. Even fore threesomes. That's rare!
    - I like the help that the different colours of the polaroid give you. You know, where to find new stuff .
    - It's good written so far, but somehow I missed, the end. I don't know, if the riddle is solved.

    Con -:
    - The conversations. It costs you a lot of time to get through all the conversations. It's always a part of a day and in the end you have the problem, that there is nothing left in the morning and afternoon, but so many things on the evening. It would be better, if you could ask more than one line, which are just for background, in the conversation.

    I loved to play it and had very much fun. I hope, that ther will come some more stuff, as I liked the chars a lot.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    I expected so much more from this one, i checked alot of review and multiple ones said nothing is forced, everyone is optional which isent true, so it feels like alot of reviews are worng, so dont really get the high rating on this one.

    I found alot of it boring like asking people a million questions where 90% of them are pointless like "do you have a pet?" i mean who cares, there just so many of those type of questions for each LI.

    Also a huge fail where game dosent hold up what it promiss on page one, it claims "keep in mind that everything in this game is optional" but its just not, Kendra is forced on you meaning your forced to fuck her and it pissed me off since i hate being with LIs that feels like whores and it also kills any chance to be faithfull to someone, its something that can kill the hole story and the game stops being a choice driven story on top of that, so i feel like it was an idiotic choice dev made to force someone when everyone else seems to be optional.

    MC is also the standard pervert with a mindset of a 12 year old thinking how he wants to burry hes head in someones milky white tits....its just brainless for someone whos supposed to be a grown up man....MC also has a horse dick which is always idiot so theres just nothing to like about him.

    The other issue is when MC constantly thinks about LIs like he wants to fuck em and you as the player has 0 interrest in the LI it makes it extremly stupid turning the same person down who MC wants to fuck and it simply just ruins the story, also the MC asking him self "theres nothing worng about that right?" not sure if hes trying to convince him self or whatever but its just weird.

    Another weird thing is the hole Susy and Tammy thing, first you learn that your sister Sussy has tried being with a girl but she says shes not a lesbian and not into that, then later Tammy jerks off MC but wont stay in hes bed since Sussy wont like it? so apprently Sussy and Tammy is a couple which makes the hole thing way to weird for me, why would Tammy come on to MC, jerk him off, say she has a crush on him and you also listen in on Sussy and Tammy talking about how hot MC is and how Tammy wants to date him, none of it and i do mean none of it make any sense what so ever when the two girls are a couple, also they wont allow MC to date only one of them.....
    So if you dont like one of the two you will get dumped by them, no matter how much one of them has come on to you which feels absolutly idiotic and should never have come that far as to them doing ANYTHING with MC without being clear about that from the very start.

    Also Tammy still shows a heart in relationship menu after you turn down Sussy which is a bug i guess since you cant be with her.....

    Theres also some voice acting but i dunno what that is about since theres very very little that has voice so kinda feels a bit pointless.

    Girls 2/5
    Dident really find most of them good looking in any way, there was maybe two but one was off-limits due to being lesbian so dident really have much for me to go after.

    Animations 4/5
    Really nice animations, just to bad its cant hold up a hole game alone.

    Music 3/5
    Average background stuff nothing special, nothing with lyrics.

    Choices 1/5
    It just fails to big when it forces a LI and sex scene on you since it kills faithfull option and it forces you to fuck a whore which iam also really not into in any way, so game really stoped being choice driven at that point, alsoo not a fan of having LIs cut-off due to being lesbians and even more so since it just dident fit with dialogs and story either.

    Theres just to many things going worng in this game like choices, MC, LIs, story and dialogs and not everything is optional as promissed by dev, so cant give this more then 2 stars.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3842974

    When it started it all seem focused on an adventure journey . Now it has lost its story and focused on sex positions changes every updates .
    When is the real story going to get updated ?. (disappearace of the farther ) . No new story contents & characters because too many already. Need to focus on the story to add new characters & location to make it more interesting .
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really nice game.. Have played the 7.17.3 version.

    Lots of sexy content, and a nice harem setup, so you don't have to invest heavily in how to see most of the scenes in a single play through.

    There's sound, and even some voiced dialogue. And all the characters looks good and differ from each other.

    There's nice animations, and nice systems for disabling the content you don't want to see.

    It of course has room for improvement, but this is a very nice game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent fundamentals, part of the 'Family Harem' sub-genre, technically.

    The premise and setup are solid, the gameplay loop with the polaroids to choose scenes is brilliant, and the stories of each individual character are actually really human at their core, just with the horny dialed up to 11 - the biggest drawback is the MC, who is a cardboard cutout blank who doesn't commit to any train of thought in order to optimize the odds of the player projecting themselves into him.

    Models are 6/10, animations 3/10, but the menu options, crude as they are, are actually a 10/10 for ease of use, inbuilt gallery, reliable hint system and opt-in system.

    While it's not my personal greatest preference in terms of content or visuals, Come Home has such excellent AVN fundamentals that it's still worthwhile as an experience.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm copy pasting this review from I did in Steam, cause the review still holds! I'll update a few things tho...

    Every now and then, if you play enough of them, you'll find a sparkling gem of a game amongst the the dank mire of atrocities that are the Visual Novel Pronz games of the internet on Steam. Many of them are nothing more than Patreon cash grabs that are written poorly, translated poorly and are utterly ridiculous by even Pronz standards. But ocassionally, there is that GEM...

    At the low, low price of FREE, there is "Come Home". This game is mostly quality work. Good looking and mostly realistic characters (the MC is hung like a horse, but hey... it's pron), great visuals, lots of animations, a gameplay system that works, tons of characters, almost complete freedom when it comes to relationships and a MC that actually stays pretty consistent in his personality.

    "Come Home" is the story of <insert name here>, a studly guy that is smrt(yes, intentional there), handsome and fabulously well-hung who is almost done with college abroad in Brazil to earn his BS in Quantum Mechanics. He receives a cryptic email from his Step-mother that is letting him know that his Father has mysteriously disappeared and has been missing for weeks. He drops everything to return home to his step-Mother and Step-sister, hoping to find out what happened to his Father and help the family he himself abandoned 3 years prior.

    When I say this game is a gem, I mean it. Sure, the story is on rails. But the freedom of the game comes in the harem it offers and the wiggle room it allows you to decide who you wish to bang. There are no fewer than 16 romanceable individuals which include The Step Sister and Step Mother (whom the MC has only known for a few years before he left for Brazil, just so it won't be too weird), introverts, extroverts, a handicapped scientist, MILFS, cucks, a transgender girl, a gay man, college girls galore and a dommy lawyer. Each of these people have unique circumstances and some of them even contribute to the main plot of the game and all of them are simultaneously romanceable if you wish. Are you turned off by the prospect of the gay man being in your pron game? Weirded out by your Step Sister having a crush on you? NO PROBLEM! Go to the contacts screen and TOGGLE OFF the content for any of the characters in the game! Do you want to get with the Skater chick from the park but have no clue how to do it? NO PROBLEM! Click on her contact info and the game tells you how to proceed to the next step with her!

    Did I mention this game is free? Yes. It is. No DLC in order to get most of the pronz. The present DLC is strictly early access cosmetic outfits for the girls during dates as well as a few sex scenes as a thank you gift to supporters. Donations on Patreon are welcome to support the author, but it is not a requirement.

    The Pluses and Minuses:

    ++++ Great visuals! Most characters are realistically proportioned.
    - The MC is ridiculously well-hung and his penis looks plastic in some scenes.
    - Characters will sometimes play to stereotypes
    ++ Transgenders and gays are represented!
    + Lesbian content is rare, but still there and has not excluded the MC.
    ++ English and not Engrish! Very few grammatical errors. Very decent writing!
    ++ Tons of sexy times!
    - There's alot of build up to those sexy times for alot of the characters. If you're looking for a game that is "startgame-fap-closegame", this is not it.
    + After you've already witnessed sexy times in game, it becomes a gallery unlock that you can revisit at any time. Some of the characters have repeatable sexy times in game.

    Overall, there is a TON of content to the game despite it being early access and very little main story. My 14 hours at the time of this review has maybe a few hours afk-time but the rest is grinding out the game story and the romances and I didn't even get all the romances. I genuinely love some of these characters and there are some genuine LOL moments in the game as well. The game does not pressure you into making choices too often, preferring a relaxed visual novel experience by allowing you to postpone decisions or even toggle certain characters on or off at will without penalty(FANTASTIC design decision!).

    So.... We have a pron game that is well written, has good visuals, huge variety of characters, has a ton of content, intuitive interface, near-zero pressure on decisions and is FREE TO PLAY with no pressure to go to Patreon, unless you're looking for the most recent release.

    R.J. Rhodes deserves a fekkin award and many donations for giving us this title.

    Hell Yeah, I thumbs up this game! You should too! Play it!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A game that feels very much greater than the sum of its parts.
    There's a lot of little things I don't like, but in spite of it all I kinda love the game.

    The writing is generally fine. The game makes it clear in quick enough order that the overall narrative is secondary to banging as many peeps as possible. And it's a good thing these relationships are fairly engaging, because the aforementioned overarching plot feels like an afterthought at best.

    No one seems to give a fuck about the missing father, worse perhaps that they go from not giving a fuck to almost seeming happy that he's gone. Time I suppose will tell if this results in any narrative payoff.

    Visually the game is pretty good. MC looks like a chode, as is tradition I guess. All his potential lovers look great though and I appreciate the diversity a great deal.

    The animations vary wildly in quality, from great to kinda broken.
    For instance there's a scene with Lisa where she has her legs wrapped around MC and her ankles are very obviously clipping through each other.

    Audio wise music exists but it's meh, I muted it..

    The game actually has a decent amount of voice acting and while it's of decent quality I can't help but feel that for the most part the voices don't really fit the people they're coming out of. Ultimately I wound up muting the voices, but different strokes 'n all.

    Perhaps the biggest compliment I have for the game is that it does sandbox gameplay in a way that doesn't make me wanna claw my eyes out with a rusty spork.

    There ain't a series of unnecessary maps to navigate, there's no pseudo adventure game or rpg elements - so no pixel hunting or stat grinding. The game is very upfront about who you can interact with at any given time and what you need to do to progress any given route.

    Honestly to anyone else making one of these games? If you absolutely INSIST on making a sandbox style game you should look to Come Home for the template. In my admittedly not wholly comprehensive experience, nobody does it better.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice games, good render, LOTS of LI, a crapton of scene/positions, dialogues are ok
    Sure it's an harem fantasy with the usual magical dick, but I like that
    Only complaint I have is that there's no real endings with LI, and the main quest isn't developed enough
  10. 1.00 star(s)



    first couple of hours no action. at all. renders are mediocre. the most boring way to make a datesim. you can meet A LOT of ppl. and all you do every day is ask them 1 question out of like 10possibility. very braindead questions. is that supposed to build relationship lol? low effort game.

    if you have hours to spend on a boring dating sim with the most cliché characters then you found your game. else just avoid it. typical "sister tsundere" who hates you but still loves you deep down and all the other usual tropes.


    especially since no action first couple of hours. waste of time.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game with plenty of sexual content and really hot women. There IS gay/pre surgery transwoman content but it's easily avoidable. Any character is avoidable if you're not interested. A few take longer to get anything sexual (minor grind), but there are others interested almost right away.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Played v6.15.1 through 95%, based on what I have left to unlock under the Heart button in the top right of the screen.

    + Lots of variety of love interests and that includes male+male and male+trans and male+interacial female...if you want it so.

    + On that note, you do get to choose to pursue or NOT pursue any of the relationships and have a copastetic friendship only in most cases.

    > Kinks are there, but very minimal. Some anal, some BDSM, cuckold, etc.
    This could have been better with so many love interests.

    + The overall plot is light, but where the writing shines is each character has a distinct background and motivation and you spend most of your time getting to know each character.

    > Everything is a bit too "nice" with the MC and even though you can choose to go along with the few-and-far-between kinks, there isn't a sense of "dark" or perverted in the interactions.

    I found it a very good VN.
    I like buffets because you get lots of choices and this is evident here.
    Keep up the good work!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Pleasantly surprised!

    I first played this game maybe two or three years ago and quit for some reason I can't really remember. Re-downloaded v7.16.3 and it had a very different feel to it.
    After reading through the game threat it was clear that the rework of the UI and gaming mechanic were the big game changers, and what can I say? It's very polished and flows like a charm, one of the best play through experiences of any adult games I know of, amazing!

    Storytelling is very good and well written. There's not a huge amount of main plot and that's okay, sitting humbly on the side line of the real objective: humping everything that's not sitting on a tree after counting to three (German saying, sry :p ).

    One thing that distinguishes this game from nearly every other one is a very feministic vibe:
    Everything is very consent oriented, nothing will happen without the explicit agreement of everyone involved, nothing to dislike here.
    Sometimes the storytelling tends to become a bit preachy, up to the point where it feels like beeing a student's combined social studies & IT project: "Make a lewd game for horny boys, that teaches them how to correctly behave towards women."
    You also get reminded plenty of the "strong and independent woman" trope, I don't know if a "harem" style game is the perfect place for such an idealized messaging, when real life already teaches one that there are enough situations, where people are unable to stand on their own feet - no matter the gender, btw.

    The way the "harem collection" feels also is different to other games: Instead of "get every love interest" (which you do if you want!), it's more like "everyone can get the stereotypical handsome, well behaved and potentially successful main character (you!), no matter what. No problem with that (and yes, you can decline every single relationship), after all we want to boink a lot, and we do!

    The amount of lewd interactions is big, just what one can expect from 20 potential love interests.
    I really like the offered selection in partner constellations, the game certainly doesn't stop at the one man & two women variation to basic m & f,. Very good and that's also the game's content highlight in my humble opinion.

    Other kinks are quite basic and there's not a lot of them, even very widespread fantasies, like anal sex, are sparse, at one point one should ideally be able to choose the preferred hole in every available penetration scene.
    Also way too litte foot stuff, only one scene so far. Mind you, the very funny "show feet!" joke from the ingame cam show is real, I know plenty of other guys who are into it, but not everyone of them would confess it to their spouse. :p
    There's way to little toy play as well and more kinky stuff, beside some light bdsm scenes, is more or less avoided. Huge potential there, grown ups present! :D

    Character desingns and animations/scenes are okay-ish. Some are good, many are a bit meh. There's an overabudance of angles where nothing can be seen, not really adequate for a porn game. If there's a dick and a hole, just show it! Also: "No babe, lights stay switched on, no hiding there!" :p
    I didn't really like the animation loops that combinded two view angles. Make them seperate, so one can choose to stay for a while on the preferred ones.

    All in all in many aspects one of the best games I've played so far: ergonomics, feeling of progress, lightheartedness, storytelling, amount of available and generally very likeable characters, all very very good!

    Minus one star for visual aspects, lack of non vanilla lewdness and a bit too much of preachyness, that feels like right from the teacher's desk, aimed at pubescent horndogs who can't think straight for one minute and have no clue that women have agency as well.

    Wonderful game , try it!

    Edit: Grammar. Might edit again. :LOL:
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    ***This review is coming from someone that had a Mother/Son fetish, so if that fits you then please read on.

    From a MS perspective, I can't recommend playing this game. The mother character in this game (Lisa) is actually quite attractive and is soft, curvy and looks older. The characters aren't blood relation if that matters to you. That part doesn't matter for me, personally. I actually quite enjoyed the dialog within the game Knight of Love and there is no relation what-so-ever. But this game misses on the buildup, tension, romance and most of all sexual dialog (the more a woman calls herself Mommy, the hotter it is). The creator has many fetishes in the game but lacks in being able to handle that genre. There is very little eroticism in that particular relationship IMO.

    So why do I give this game 4 stars you might say? The rest of the game is worth playing. I've mostly avoided 3d render games because the women look fake (beach ball boobs on bodies), but this one does a little bit better job with that. The women look closer to real with blemishes and all and I like that because I like real women. I started playing this game for Lisa but I stayed for Dana, who I hands down like the best. There are other ones that were great too and worth your time. I like that the MC is not some skinny shota looking guy. He's a solid looking guy. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE that this game is sandbox (mostly. More below), because it allowed me pursue girls I wanted and avoid those I didn't want. I like that it has some voice acting. I don't think it adds alot but still cool. I also really like the hint tracker and that the game shows you when a woman's story is complete. The style on how that's done is clever as well.

    Now for the bad. Man! The politics! This creator seems to feel some kind of way and he wants you to know it and there is absolutely no nuance to it. I could have done without that. I didn't like how you had to pursue some girls in order to open locations for other girls. I had to pursue the sister character and Tammy (I had zero interest) in order to open the beach for Dana and I had to pursue the scientist girl to open the Grotto for Dana. I was not interested in any of those women. The writing won't knock your socks off but it's a lewd game; it's not meant to win an Oscar.

    Overall I think this game is fun and worth your time. No doubt you'll find a woman you find attractive and for the most part you don't have to pursue any others if you don't want to.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This is an awesome and lovely VN, from the renders that are both sexy and cute, not only the main cast but also the side ones as well. to the writing of their individual stories, I encourage you to give them all a try, I did and let me tell you Adrian is a very lovely girl. if not for the sex stuff, her story worth reading.
    The music is your common royalty free stuff, does the jobb well enough but that's about it. I do like the voices of the characters, but at times it seems there wasnt a clear direction on the delivery of the lines, it's not bad, but it bugs my brain a bit since Im a sucker for voice acting.
    This game has a great hint system, all is explained in the tutorial, and it's done in a charming way.
    Now, if you want to speed run the spicy stuff, theres a few girls that get on pretty quick, I advice patience, this is a VN, not a porn video.
    I played the v7.16.3 version for about 20 hours, I like to read the conversations, and still have content to go, and I love it very much. consider support the creator if you can!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok to begin with, I have played a lot of games on this site. That means I have experienced a lot of garbage and a lot of good games too. This game is one of the best. The amount of options and choice you have here is nothing short of perfect. You have total control over all situations. You have the final say in all interactions between characters. You can control everything. You can even disable characters entirely and remove them from your game. It is simply perfect. The graphics and animations are great, the girls are all varied in both looks and what they offer, the writing is good and you have a lot of different styles on how you want to answer and treat the girls and even the main story. The game has so many varied fetishes and of course they are all optional and are very upfront about them. Threesome, foursome, pet play, trans, lesbian, camwhores gay bi sub/dom bdsm... It's got it all. Now at first I saw the sandbox tag and was like oh man another one of these click around to fish for events game. This game is not that. When you realize just how much content is in this game, it is absolutely staggering. The "sandbox" element is needed to be able to interact with everything. There is no time limit and you don't have to "fish" for anything, it's just there for you to interact with in any order and what way you want to. You can even look in the girls menu to see what content you're missing and how to get it. It has full replays of not only the dates and sex scenes but the conversations as well. This game is one of the best and it deserves honest praise. After 10+ hours of playing (yes that is how much content there is minimum) I could find no fault in this game and believe me I was looking. Absolutely recommend this gem.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Visuals are good
    Choice is amazing ( fan of the choose who you want to woo screen )
    Story is good
    Sex scenes are good

    I bought the game on steam when it released and have been pleasantly surprised to have it moved up to one of favorites and always installed now.

    The improvements to the UI have been very welcome. Although I felt their was nothing inherently wrong with the previous versions they just keep improving.

    And I like how each Girl/Guy has a unique voice to them so to speak.

    Looking forward to future updates of the game

    .... more Gertrude... let me take her away and marry ;)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely worth playing. Although I am not a fan of incest and it is poorly hidden in this game, I totally recommend it. The characters are believable, the story is good and the animations are beautiful.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Yay! A game with believable women! That alone makes this stand out in the crowd here.

    Now if you add great art, more animations than you'll ever need and hours of content, kinks you don't usually see here and regular updates, what do you get?

    One of the best slice of life games you'll ever find here. It really is a breath of fresh air and deserves your support. Try it and consider supporting this.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    TL/DR: A relatively enjoyable dating sim that lightly dabbled in storytelling elements. Tons of animations, if those are your jam. Good character focus that built out the relationships. Mildly sloppy content gating with some kinks I disliked and narrative inflexibility related to dodging those topics was slightly annoying.

    + The prose of the title is pretty decent. Author has a nice vocabulary.
    + The author is good at capturing the emotionality of the characters. For the most part they feel like people. There is still some handwavium involved in the plot / personalities to allow for porn scenarios- but that is the buy in to get them. Altogether the progressions felt relatively naturalistic.
    + Nice to play a Mc that wasn't a string bean. Kinda unique build to him- most games you play as a either a really wimpy / nerdy protag or a megachad. This bro is rockin an almost fit dad-bod.
    + I love all the bush!
    + Doggie Hair-pull scene with Suzy was mega-hot.
    + Being able to toggle a character on or off on the UI was quite elegant
    + I was glad the game had a main plot to follow. I would have liked a bit more of that- but it was still nice to be working with Adrian, Jez, and Whitney to try to unravel where pops is.
    + Core plot structure was kinda trope- college bro comes how to fuck a bevy of his definitely not relatives, their friends and the people in the city- but there were enough wrinkles on it to keep it somewhat fresh.
    + VA was a nice element. Game would improve with more of that.

    - For me the largest criticisms relate to how content is gated in this title. I have one minor gripe about it relating to UI and one major gripe about it relating to kink tastes. 1) Minor gripe = it was very annoying on a character that I wanted to do *some* of their content- but not all of their content that the pink border indicating content was still available could not be removed. I am *never* going to say yes to this pegging scene. So why can I not remove the *new* content flag- it isn't new content; it is content I have seen is available 10 times b/c I keep thinking there is new content and there isn't. I also straight up turned it down once. So why is it still there? 2) Major gripe = putting a mmf 3some kink on Tammy was boneheaded. You have one of the most pure- lovable character (Suzy) associated with her a priori with no ability to split them up- and now I have to worry about not being able to satisfy her other partner's core kink b/c I hate it. Great. The whole progression gave me the ick. I didn't even *want* to ask Tammy that question b/c it is just not something I would bring up with a girl. But again the pink "content available" indicator seems to imply you cannot skip it to progress. The game's approach of HEY THIS IS MY KINK, but you won't find out about it until you are deep, deep into someones route is pretty meh. I'd deeply prefer to know up front what ppls are into if it is a somewhat controversial kink (like with Brandi or Tammy)- I don't like cam-girls or Gang-bangers either- but it wasn't sprung on me so I didn't get attached and then feel deep disappointment later. I can think of a ton of ways this could have been handled better to insulate ppl who don't like the kink from feeling grossed out, while still allowing the dev to do it.
    - I don't find most of the girls aesthetically pleasing.
    -Occasionally the author relies too heavily on the MCs internal monologue- sometimes MC-kun drones on and on about some super boring observable detail. I've got eyes MC- you don't need to say redundant things. I can see it on the screen . No need to pad that word-count with fluff :p
    - Bombshell vs petite woman ratio was too damned high. Flat is justice!
    - I only liked 13 of 20 routes in the game- which is pretty low for me in a game that I thought was good. Probably a result of it being more bi-sexual (more dudes) than a usual harem game and not being into that.
    - The only choices that mattered at all were to decide if you wanted to do a route or not.