Ren'Py - Come Home [v7.17.3 Premium] [R.J. Rhodes]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The number of romances and the diversity of the romances in story and looks makes this one really stand out. If kinks or fetishes are your thing there's a little something for everyone here, and I found myself enjoying stories that featured fetishes I'm not normally into just because I was enjoying the variety of it all. A fun buffet of porn. Excited to play it again when it updates more.

    EDIT Oh also shoutout to that one character that likes Beloved and Homegoing, love to see some good literature in a porn game
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    I'm a little torn about this one. If I could I would have given it a 3.5.

    It has plenty of women and good scene's. And it was definitely playable. Never felt lost because of the sandbox elements.

    I just couldn't get passed the concept of being in a small town. Declaring your love to 15 different women and having none of them question that. Also back stabbing drug dealers while you are part of their operation without consequences. Nobody even questions who the snitch was, they just continue going on dates.

    Personally I would have enjoyed it more if the number of love interests were cut in half. But with more dept to the interactions. Or.. just explain throughout the story that this entire town has polyamorous traditions. Anything to explain away how all the women love you but some how none care or notice that you sleep around.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm not normally a fan of sandboxes, but this does a great job. There is no resource system, no real grind. The plot is interesting and there are a great variety of LIs.

    My two star ding is because of lack of choice in certain areas. You can chose to not engage with certain content, but that just locks you out of things, instead of just removing the content. For instance, one LI is a futa, you have no choice in that. I love the trans angle, removing that from her story would be stupid, but I just don't want a chick with a dick. Having the option to have that be a thing or not would be the best of both worlds, folks that like that will have it, and folks that want her to have a pussy will have that too.

    There is one other instance of this kind of thing that bothered me enough to ding another star, instead of just one. You have to share one of the LIs. I know technically there are a few like this, ones that wont leave their spouse, or the cuck one, which I honestly thought was kind of adorable. They are a cute couple. But, I don't want to share my "roommate" with the butch MMA queen. She's nice, but she openly states that she does not want a serious relationship, your "roommate" openly states that she loves you more than anyone and does not want to lose you ever again. Then, if you try to deny them the "thruple" relationship, they both leave you to be with each other instead. If I wanted to experience this level of lying and hypocrisy, to be left for another person and feel rejected and alone by the person who supposedly loved me the most, I'd just start dating again. The realism is a bit too much here.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I think it's impressive how there's like 20 love interests and the dev is able to make them unique in some way.

    Writing is also pretty good and I like the renders. All in all highly recommended to play.

    Edit: I think the voice acting doesn't add to the experience, it really seems out of place tbh. Personally I find it annoying although others might disagree.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5552830

    This game is aggreable enough. Most of these games that are story-focused, fail to entertain. This game is on the same boat. For how varied these characters appear on the surface, they are quite empty under the surface. I feel like this game is building itself up for an orgy scene with every character involved. The drama is so pitiful. Everyone just agrees with eachother. There's no dynamic. No stakes. Yet this game really wants you to care. For example, there is barely any drama between Suzy and Tammy, even though they both have a crush on you. Polyamorous relationships aren't exactly easy to manage. Somebody is bound to get jealous, and RJ fails to acknowledge this crucial part of a throuple. It's all fantasy, and I can dig that, but there is a point where it is too unbelievable. The MC is God and nobody can touch him. He does not experience any character development of any kind. He is literally the most boring protagonist, and we are suppossed to care about him. He only has his looks which serve in the plentiful of H-scenes that this game offers. However, this game pretends like he is the only guy who is worth while. The game has too big of an ego. However, the renders and animations are good, and RJ is good at releasing updates regularly. She is actually more dependable than most developers on this site. Just don't expect the game to offer much in terms of story. The game also offers a lot in terms of freedom in choice of characters. If you don't like a character, you are not forced to pursue their story. I would recommend to play this game for the animations and not the plot.

    I wish this game had an animation replay gallery for those who only want to revisit animations and not click through dialogue.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    There are many good qualities with this game yet it falls for one of the most basic pitfall there is. Lots of content with plenty of characters, to the point it all feels so bloated. Not to mention that to progress with the LIs you need to go through a checklist of inane questions geared to getting to know them but it just feels robotic and monotone.

    You slog through dialogue after dialogue where nothing really gets said. It's nice if you want long conversations of nothing but I expected more action.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I don’t write a lot of reviews but for this game I just want to mention a few things about the character ;

    Great selections of character from different races ( especially the mix of Asians) My favorite is the most talented beautiful girl Whitney Not a lot of disable girls are in games and that’s why she is so special being part of the main game .Noting has been written about this special character on the future content but i am sure she will play an important role in MC's search for his father.

    MC's behavior is very good none of those bulsits you see in every other games.

    All scenes are fully rendered & animations are great how ever becomes a grind when you have to go through so many questions to ask which push couple of dates before lay down to bed.

    The game is also great because you can choose who you want to build relationship and drop off those you are not interested. unlike some games you just have to stick with character you don’t like.

    Lastly it is great to see the developer has FAO which you rarely or see in VN games ... good customer relation build up and i feel really part of the game.

    All in all great game 5/5 stars
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    what can i said, game have more lady.. than i can count in Arabic.. 18 to milf only missing is loli... but hey :) you don't need Epstein island to have harem, and fun in porn game. so yeah a lot fish and they have story! and there also other ethnic in the game! even on wheel!! (wish she was slim modal like one in IG ) GOOD game :KEK: :coffee: is defo not blueball game.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    An okay game.

    There’s a decent collection of characters and fetishes, represented by their profile photos you can select to spend time with.

    The writing is convenient and is there to maximise the sex scene configurations. So are the love interests. For the most part, no one cares if the MC is a raging manwhore.

    There’s a story backdrop to all of this but this gets swallowed up by the love interests and is barely there. Kind of like the photo profiles as they slowly take up more and more of the space in the game…

    The renders and sex animations are ok. It starts off a little grainy and improves a little over time.

  10. 5.00 star(s)



    The game and sandbox mechanics itself is worth 5 stars. We haven't even talked about the story, characters, lewd scenes yet.

    Seriously all sandbox devs should take notes from the dev of this game. The sandbox is well designed and thought of. Almost every game info and detail a player needs is presented clearly in 1 or 2 screens and is not cluttered, theres minimal navigating around. Everything is so organized. Quality of life features i never thought i needed in a sandbox until now.
    Gallery is game changing, the sex scenes are the full scene and additionally it also includes the non-sex scenes like conversations, hangouts and dates, something you never see in every other game.
    Wonder if dev was a ux/ui designer background? The User Experience is amazing!!!

    Now the story. Main plot is not very prominent, investigating your missing father. Can't talk much about it at this time as its pretty early still in the storyline.
    The bulk of the plot is basically individual character stories and theres many of them. Some are boring while others are pretty good. You can choose to ignore or pursuit them though some characters share questlines but for the most part the character questlines are mostly independent of each other. I'm not gay so i avoid all male love interests and remain as friends only.
    I generally love most of these character stories. My only complains are that they tend to have short chapters and relationships progress too quick, likely due to the enormous cast of LIs. Also i wish the character storyline intersect with each other more instead of the mostly standalone format.

    Characters have quite varied personalities, attitude and outlook with their own backgrounds and character stories. So far i'm liking most of them and they do get reasonable doses of character development.
    Like mentioned before, i wish they get much more hefty personal storylines and bring down the relationship progression a notch. Maybe dev should have cut down on the number of LIs, to be frank theres some overlap in several character archetypes. Then again there are 1 or 2 side characters i wish were LIs like the single mother friend of your LI or that subscriber chick in your LI's livestream. The single mother is a treasure trove for storytelling & a unique LI archetype, dev should really add her in.

    Lewd content is fairly vanilla so far but theres something for everyone. Theres sub/dom, roleplay, cucking, sharing etc but are pretty mild, don't worry they are optional/avoidable.
    The scenes are a mixed bag though. Some are well choreographed, full blown scenes that are hot while others are too short and more like flipping through slides, underwhelming. You do get repeatable scenes where you can choose positions and so on.
    I prefer proper choreographed scenes with banter and all, so this is a 50-50 for me. Half the scenes are really good, the other half are forgettable.
    Animations, its done well enough for the most part but the repeat loop is too obvious.

    Game has voice acting. I generally play in silent mode but i have to give credit where credit is due. The VA is professionally done, i was pleasantly surprised.

    Definitely looking forward to more content updates. Every sandbox player and dev should play this game and learn from it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Came back to this game recently and was pleasantly surprised. Good development, strong character progression, wide range of fetishes, good and improving graphics with complementary animations, and even some voice acting.

    Originally I believed this was just another average game and skipped over subsequent updates but I am very happy to have been proven wrong. I definitely recommend checking it out!
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    - It's about what you'd expect from a Ren'Py VN.
    - Lots of characters
    - Pretty up there artwork and animations
    - Most of the characters are very well designed
    - Some decent backstories
    - Some kinks to choose from

    - A lot of the characters are bland and short lived, or the ones that are interesting have little content/direction.
    - You have very few options to actually change the outcome past a yes/no outcome (Do you want to x with x? Y/N)
    - Political agenda hamfisted throughout the game
    - The kinks that are included in the game are pretty surface-level and generalized.
    - Some of the characters just look inhuman to me
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This is everything that a sandbox should have.
    - Hint system
    - Progression tracker
    - "Skip time" function
    - How many and what kind of scenes you can see with a character
    - Whether or not you've seen all the content with a character
    - Actual explanations for the game mechanics
    - Options to pursue whichever character you want and even block ones you don't want
    - Everything. Is. Just. So. Fucking. Organized.
    - And the list goes on. It really does. I just can't remember all of them.
    Every developer who wants to make sandbox should play this game and take notes. It's not "making the game easier" to have these QoL features in the game.

    It's just that none of the character models look good. Some of them even look hideous. That's the one caveat about this game but it's a pretty big one.
    It deters me from playing the game but all the game features are so FUCKING amazing that it's cathartic so I can't bring myself to give it anything less than 4 stars.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Seriously, fuck this game. It is so good that I will constantly compare other games to this one. Come Home is a very good sandbox game where you can really persue the women you want. A lot of sandbox games give you the illusion of choice, and you end up having to go through all the storylines to progress. This game is very different in that regard. There are 20 partners you can interact with and they all feel fairly realistic. Not to mention that the variety of women is very nice.

    The writing is very good and it actually feels like you are reading a book at times. The basic story is that your father has disappeared without a trace, which causes you to come back home after studying abroad. This triggers various events to happen.

    This game is just very good and I can't get enough of it. I highly recommend this one.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    [v 5.14.1]
    While attending college abroad, you recieve word from your step-mother that your father has gone missing. You return home to your stepfamily and decide to support them as best you can while also trying to find out what happened to your father. While solving this mystery you befriend and date numerous women in the town, all with their own plights and desires.

    The variety of girlfriends you can persue is pretty great. Animations for sex scenes are surprisingly smooth. The game is sandbox, but there is very little grinding. You don't buff stats or worry about money. Instead you spend time talking with the girls and taking them on dates until other scenes become available or trigger on their own. The structure of the game ensures that you always feel like you're seeing something new and making progress. The built-in hint system is very detailed and makes a walkthrough mod unnecessary. A solid game with interesting characters.

    The only downsides are that some animations choose underwhelming angles, and that the quality of renders can sometimes dip. There are also some kinks that I don't quite care for. There is a gay relationship you can choose to engage in, but it is completely optional and with the click of a button there character simply never appears in the game. There are also several women that don't shave their privates. It adds to the variety, but it is distracting to me personally.

    Great game and definitely worth your time!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    There's only a handful of games I consider to be perfectly made, and this game is one of them. It gives you the sensation of being in a dream, or movie. The stuff fantasies are made of.

    This game is so good! It has everything you could ask for! Stunning female models, story,gameplay, excitement, suspense, comedy, Just a well rounded game! You can tell the Dev spent a huge amount of time on every single little detail.

    Renders are mesmerizing, such realistic features and visuals. Animations are top-tier.

    I like how the game allows you to choose which character, and when you interact. You are the master of your own destiny. Of course, I went straight for the Milf, but you can literally choose whoever you want! And on that note, the scenes are in my top all time favorites.

    I really had a good time playing this game, and I definitely recommend it. You won't be disappointed, this game is up there with all the all time greatest. Dev did an outstanding job bringing his ideas to life.

    Thank you dev, for all of your hard work!!!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    For starters I am noit a fan of sandbox games, because it is easy to create them badly, there are only few exceptions to the rule and this is one of them. This one is one of the most chill games I have ever played. It is basically THERAPY. Story is a-okay, nothing that special. One can immerse himself in it or not. The main aspect of this game is freedom which is only limited by our own perfectionism. Most of the ladies look rather good, there are some not so good ones of course. Still, the end grade is rather positive. Scenes are really well done, I really like scenes where not doggy style or missionary is the only option(I mean, somehow other devs don't understand that people want to SEE the assets of the female and both doggy from side view and missionary are the worst poses one could have), so yeah thumbs up on this one too. The cast is quite diverse, which in this case is rather good(I am not a fan of the diversity and lmbtabcdefg bandwagon everyone likes to jump on nowadays), everyone can find their favourite match. There are no forced scenes and what I find really unique compared to other games, that it is possible to COMPLETELY IGNORE/blend out LIs, if we don't click with them.
    Worth mentioning is the hint system, which is remarkably well done, with it, 100% completion is realistically doable. (well, if one can power through the gay stuff, as a hetero I had a hard time max out the gay LIs)
    So the verdict: it is one of the best games on this site, if not the typical story driven AAA type, it holds its own, great job dev!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It's great when you get surprised by an awesome game when you don't expect it.
    In regard of update it is wondrous, every time whole characters getting new contents, that needs a diligent work , also after update usually some of complication getting resolved and we are getting more smooth experience .
    I like story very much, there is plenty of gorgeous characters , Reba and Mari are my favorites, I wish there was more content for them, it would be very cool.
    In my opinion this game has whole package and deserves more attention and it is underrated .
    Come Home is an awesome experience, splendid job RJ.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with many options for variations in story lines and one of the best management system for the li's, I've come across. It's so easy deciding which of the many different li's you want to pursue or not. The graphics are excellent and just keeps getting better with each update.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed this one. This game is a bit different than the other Renpy games I've played. Is this game good? Yes. Could it be better? Hell yes.

    The main plot is the mysterious disappearence of MC's father with a little bit of SciFi mumbo-jumbo triggering the return to his old town which doesn't fit the overall tone of the VN imo but it is not that important because the focus is mainly the dating sim. Most of the characters are not tied to the main story. The game is mostly laidback and chill, talk to LIs, date them and bang them. I was OK with that gameloop.

    There is not a singular beeline for dating also. You follow a realistic routine with a little bit of sandbox freeroam and decide who to go for. There are certain time restrictions and dialogue checks for advancement of paths with LIs. That is a cool and ambitious idea to pull off in Renpy but after a while when you consume the most content getting %100 content can get tedious and grindy for some. (for me at least, I gave up after a point) The reason is you can skip to certain days in a week but not a certain time in a day AFAIK.

    The models and renders are not that different and handcrafted, you will recognize the presets of LIs and backgrounds if you played a couple of AVNs. MC is basic af too. They are pretty to look at but not great for 2023. The visual quality varies also as this is a long project. Locations don't vary much you will be looking at same locations pretty much.

    As to focus on who MC dates, I am surprised by the effort dev put into it. There are 20 LIs available to MC (including 1 homosexual, 1 transfemale, 1 disabled path) with variable race, gender and body types. I am not sure if we could settle down with every one of them because most of the older ones seem like flings or FWBs. Can't know for sure as the game is incomplete but for each of them seems like dev wrote a character chart and implemented it into the game. We discover each with phone calls or dates. A praise is in order.

    The only problem I have is all of the LIs are not exclusive while dating and/or banging and OK with us manwhoring. Sure this fits into the character for some but out of character for the most. Yes Skyhill is a small town and people will know of MC's conquests so secretly cheating would create plotholes and not implementable but the design choice of letting us to experience all paths in a single playthrough broke some characters for me. Dev could make some girls OK and some not OK with it so we would have an incentive for a replay. If we were to settle down in the future updates we will break more hearts than needed :)

    Now the adult stuff. Audiovisually an average experience. There are certainly kinks besides mild hetero stuff too. All optional of course. The animations are average at best for 2023 though some of them was hot. No SFX. Fappability varies. NOTE: Voice actor for Kendra was cringy af, doesn't fit her character by an inch. I recommend transferring her recordings to another or remove them completely.

    TLDR: This is a good (4-star) dating sim novel with an extensive LI roster, worth a play if you are to enjoy it like this. If you are looking for a porn VN and or a VN with a good story you will get an average grindy experience with repetitive freeroam segments. I can see this game is getting a niche audience.