VN - Ren'Py - A Man for All [Ep.14] [Venus Waltz]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I tried really hard to like this but it's kind of difficult. The first time I played it was when EP 4 released and the first thing that stuck with me was how awkward the MC was as a character.

    Dev tried to do a mechanic where you shape how MC is as a person (cocky, softy, goofy, the usual) and the end result was weird dialogue where, and I can't even fathom how the Dev managed to do this when less talented devs have avoided this with ease, but it would actually seem like MC was having a bit of an identity crisis. The LI's were mostly okay, albeit uninteresting at times, and the renders were the saving grace, so I decided to wait a few more releases and see the end result.

    I'm sad to say not much has changed, except the dialogue has somehow managed to get more long winded. The LI's still don't interest me that much, and the MC is still the not-so-charming-but-tries-so-hard-to-be everyman. Renders are still great tho. Maybe I'm being a bit too harsh but this really had a lot of potential and it's really sad that it's still not quite there yet.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The story so far is amazing and engaging. Yea yea its harem but you have to appreciate the writing, the time to time comedy which keep it enjoyable. The renders and animation are good. The music for each character scenario contributes to uniqueness. Overall a good VN keep it coming
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of things wrong with this game, but there are also a lot of things right I debated giving this 3 stars but when compared to some of the other crap on this site, we have to support devs who are trying to produce good work.

    So... the cons.... As it happens with so many harem games... there are just too many love interests. Also, the MC, while likable, is a bit to much of a Gary Stu for me. He succeeds at everything he does and I would like to see him mess up, second guess himself, piss someone off, etc. No matter what options you chose, you cant really ditch the women or get them to dislike the MC. The whole Vanessa arch is just painful. In fact, you could cut that whole story line and no one would notice. The dancing, the stand up... all of it is just cringy. I never laughed at anything the MC or any of the comedians said. It is the saddest comedy club ever. It seems like the dev is trying way too hard to make the MC funny, but it's not working in scenes like that.

    Then there is the story.... it just kind of rambles along and the dialogue can get a bit wordy. Each LI provides a bit of a different story line which is great, but at the same time, there is no cohesive underlying story pushing the game forward. Yes, you might be able to argue the thesis it pushing it, but that doesn't really work either as it seems as more of afterthought in most cases.

    The good... the girls/women are all really well done... well except for Vanessa... They are all good looking and each of them brings something different to the game and the dialogue between the characters is actually pretty good. The humor in the personal exchanges works much better than in a larger setting and the MC is able to develop a bond with each one that is different from the others. Finally, I like that there are fuck buddies available as well as the main LIs.

    The writing is really well done and that is, for me, what makes this game sort of frustrating. I can see the talent the dev has and this story VN/game seems pretty close to where, IMO, it could be. The dev is talented as the renders go from pretty good to great and they can obvious write dialogue. I just worry about where the story is ultimately going and how it is all going to wrap up.

    In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy and support AMFA. Good luck!
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Had a really tough time getting into this. The dialogue just drags on and on without being interesting. Most of the options just felt like cringe, in what world is "I got lost in your eyes" an interesting way to speak to someone new?

    MC is just forgettable and dull, maybe it's because the devs want us to be able to live vicariously through him? I mean who spends 3 years in a basement just studying, working out and working? They shoot themselves in the foot, incredibly difficult to sympathize with the MC.

    The interactions with the LI's are just... Awkward. It's as if the MC is afraid of showing any form of drive or own initiative. He's cautious and awkward which just makes for a boring playstyle.

    Nice renders tho.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Great update, loved the progress with Vanessa, Harlow and Erika but man Riley is killing me at this point, I know it's going slow but it's way to slow considering how much you flirt with her if you go that route. It's becoming borderline depressing to keep using flirty option because you get shut down over and over. It doesn't even make sense to progress the relationship after being so deep into this platonic mode if that makes any sense. I swear it's like MC is trying to seduce a wall at this point regarding Riley. Other than that I enjoyed the update very much.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is for Ep9. Dev seems to draw inspiration from Telltale/Bioware games for game design. An interesting one indeed.

    MC is a senior psych major tasked with the final graduation thesis on relationships in a fictional city divided into 3 neighborhoods: lower, middle, upper class. MC is also working as barista parttime. You have 5 potential LIs with whom your relationship status is recapped by a narrator at the end of each episode. You can talk to these girls in 3 different manners when the choice is given: Knight, Joker, Flirter. Each choice will convey the same message in a different tone almost always. Also you have diplomat or hardliner actions to perform when suitable which supposedly defines your character. The premise of the game is you are a psych major so you can use your knowledge and wits to become "a man for all " to these women. These are the features that makes the game different than others for me. But do those function?

    - Girl face and body variety is satisfactory and not just in a physical sense though. They also vary in personality, background and age.
    -LIs are sweet in their own way, not a lot of AVNs go for adorableness and sweetness in their LIs.
    -4 of the LIs are slowburn, which is good in this case. You get a couple of flings in between to spice things up.
    -You can flirt multiple girls with no coinciding dates etc., most of the girls are unaware of your lovelife (that can be a negative also). So no choices regarding LIs, right now you pursue all of them. I doubt a harem option so in the future at a point MC will decide on a GF. This means there are 4-5 subplots going with each girl under the big conflict. I praise the dev for undertaking this challenge but this means each episode consists of 1 or 2 sidequests and dates with each girl and not much else plot-wise.

    -Dialogues can be draggy and hefty, preventing the game to be played in bulk.
    -Too much repetition in date locations and options. Bringing girls to same locations over and over seeing similar conversations about food etc. is boring.
    -Aforementioned and praised dialogue choices seem to have no impact on choices or MC's relationship with LIs. There is no preferrable path for any girl at any stage. You can be all knighty or all joker it doesn't really matter other than a couple of sentences you read. Just like in Telltale games, there is a illusion of choice.
    -The same goes for action choices, there is no point in going purely "paragon" or "renegade" unlike in Mass Effect. You are not locked out from other for choosing one. No checks in code I mean.
    -All this malleability and nonconsequentialness of MC, makes him forgettable. He pays the price of being a man for all with a man with blank slate. On top of that his model is basic and ugly asf. Also also, sometimes he acts and like a 16 year old instead of 21+, even lacks knowledge of psychology at times.
    -Pacing is slowed down in last episodes, feels more like a drag with each release.

    I highly doubt dev will take another challenge and implement real checks and inclinations for each girl or action we take on choices, if he does that then this would be a very interesting and outstanding game. A RPG even. Other than that I only wait for thawing of my ice queen Vanessa, she is the only thing that holds this game interesting for me.

    This review is subject to change.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    3.5/5 - jack of all trades.

    The game kind of does all the basics of a college based VN decently enough. The characters, dialogue choices, render quality and animation are decent. However, nothing really exceptional about it yet.

    Each love interest seems to have her own story/thing going on and it's fleshed out. Some might find the pacing slow as you don't just get to fuck them right out of the gate. I think it's ok and fits with the character's personalities.

    Biggest disappointment was the personality/points system where you pick certain convo options. However, all it does right now is affect the tone of the MC's response. It doesn't really affect anything or do anything story wise or gameplay wise at all.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a very good game even though I wish the story would progress faster with certain characters. I feel it's an almost constant tease. But in my mind, what stands out is the writing. I can't remember laughing so much with a game, especially that kind.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    1. Renders are good
    2. I think the Animations are decent. I do like the "multiple angles kind of thing", it's something not a lot of games do (I mean multiple angles at the same time)
    3. some LIs are quite attractive and interesting
    4. no grinding or sandbox (always a plus)

    1. As others mentioned, the dialog has some bloating to it. There's much written that does not really mean anything. Not that I do not enjoy reading some banter, but it's so much it just makes me lose interest in a while
    2. It is a slow burn, and nothing wrong with that. But this games just kinda takes it to another level. One of the LIs keeps "friendzoning" the MC since the beginning, not even letting him take her out on a date that they talk about for 3-4 episodes now. It's just too much of a drag now, I feel like I don't even want to make that date reality anymore.

    Overall it's an alright game, but I find myself skipping most of the stuff except for Vanessa, which is the only reason I'm still playing it. I just find her interesting and mysterious and I'm curious how the MC will break down her shell, so I'll keep playing until we hopefully get somewhere with her. Also there is Marisa, which is not a main LI but I find her much better that most of the main ones. Maybe that's because there's actually something happening with her..

    I also have no problem with having multiple saves and not getting involved with every girl, but since this game has the harem tag I did not bother with being exclusive. I just hope the dev does not lock me out of content this way, since that would really go against the concept of the harem tag.

    I do appreciate the effort so I'll give 3 stars.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is unbelievable, but my only gripe is that it's a slow burn for the best girl, Riley. I enjoy how many choices I have, and I've started to put a limit on how many girls I fuck so I don't blow my chances with either Riley, Harlow, or Sunglasses McGee
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The models look different and for the most part are interesting to look at, that is about the only positive thing I have to say about A man for all.

    The story tries, but it is not very good, the psychology part and the MCs studies makes it look like the author has no idea about either University studies or psychology. This would not really be a problem if the game wasn't trying so hard to be a bit more than a porn game, but it is.

    The dialogues are extremely repetitive and I found myself skipping parts of it as soon as certain characters start talking, in particular "Billy" is specially boring....

    The different girls you can romance are ok for the most part, but I found myself more attracted to the secondary LIs than to the primary ones. Vanessa in particular really annoyed me and there is no reward that would make me put up with her IRL. But Riley Fox, the supposed main love interest is a close second on that annoyance list.

    Harlow, Erika and Kate save the main plot as they are much more interesting characters with better stories.

    The game could be still a 3 or so if it refocused the story and eliminated some of the repetitiveness of the dialogues, but what makes me take it down to a 2 is the illusion of choice. You are presented very regularly with these choices on how to interact with the girls, but these do not matter at all or change the story, just affect some dialogue options. The "major" choices are whether you pursue a girl or not, so this is basically a kinetic novel that pretends to give you a choice when there is none.

    The sex scenes are also a bit lackluster and the animations feel stiff, with the writing not managing to make them more engaging.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders are decent, and I appreciate that the developer is going for a gradual relationship development with the MC and the heroines (in contrast to most Ren'py titles having the fucking 15 minutes in). Unfortunately, there's the scenic route and the deserted highway - this game is the latter.

    For starters there is a TON of fat in the writing. Many lines repeat themselves or bring the same idea such that they should have been cut. Dialogue ranges from okayish to downright cringe autistic levels. For example, the MC has the verbatim "Dynamic Duo" with the (presumably) main FMC - that is NOT romantic rhetoric in the slightest. Moreover, they have "what are you doing later" conversation ad nauseum.

    As others have echoed, the "knight, funny, flirt" options we're unnecessary and give an illusion of choice. In practice they just change some lines here and there in some select scenes. They do not change the outcome or significantly alter the interaction/relationship wit the heroines in any meaningful way (i.e. they're just fluff).

    For brevity's sake I'll simply comment on the flirt choices - they are cheesy, cringey or a mix of both . I seriously get the impression the writer has only read about romance rather than experienced it himself.

    TLDR; This isn't bad. But whatever potential it had is suffocated by the mediocrity of its execution.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I debate whether to rate this a 3 star or a 4 star. I'll rate it a 4 star because the animations and renders are above average. The differences in characters is something done very well also.

    What makes me want to rate this 3 stars are two things:

    First the dialogue, you can only read "Billy is so happy right now", "Billy is the best coffee maker ever", so many times before it becomes so tiresome that you don't want to read anymore. If you could take out all the unnecessary dialogue it would be half as long.

    The unnecessary points system. All it changes is the dialogue slightly, not adding anything to the story. It can a few times change the renders. For example, depending on one choice you can get a wave, a handshake or a hug. The creator would be better off spending his time getting further in the story and making new renders instead of 3 slightly different ones.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent, beautiful renders, extremely well written. Rather enjoyed this one. Lots of LIs and lots of story as of Ep 8. Hours of time.

    Not sure what the choices effect really is, but changes to dialogue is there and the story advances, but have not done mulitiple playthroughs to see if there is any actual changes.

    Only issues with the game is how the harem is taking form, everybody seems good with it and of course it will happen. He goes around inviting EVERYONE to a party, and he has fucked half of them....receipe for disaster. But, nope, they all love each other and nobody really cares that the MC is banging everyone (or trying to). Kinda put me off, as the realism that is there for everything else was ignored at this point. Made me think the DEV is kinda forcing the issue.

    Otherwise, jeez stop putting supporters names inbetween the episode breaks. First few episodes a few clicks, but now I am clicking forever to advance all the names...great its popular...but stupid that I have to click 50 times to get to the next episode. Not needed.

  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The characters are likable. The VN is fun.

    Two important qualities.

    The author has a lot of talent and there is a lot of dialogue to the story.

    Up to EP7, there are hours of play time.

    This author should have a long career writing virtual novels.

  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Story - 3/10 Nothing original about the story, rather plain and does not capture any emotional ties.

    Renders - 4/10 The faces on many of the characters seem off in ways, like a high school art student with very little talent. They are not pleasing, rather plain for most, some are a little warped. The bodies are the same.

    Animations - 2/10 Animations and story being the most important parts of any of these story/games. That is what players want, a reasonable if not very well done animated sex story. One that tries to show some effort into trying to portray some sexual realism. Most do not, the common is the 2 or 3 second sex scene with one position, stick it in, two seconds later done.
    This one is exactly that, very few animations and lousy portrayal of what a sexual encounter is like. There are a few others i have seen that do a great job of such a thing, unfortunately this is not one of them.
    Which makes it Boring.

    Grammar - 6/10 A number of unusual wordings, and some mistakes. Get a better writer, and proofread before putting it out.

    Amount of content - 7/10 A decent amount of content for the time it has been out.

    Overall this one is just Average. Not very memorable and nothing draws a player into an emotional investment.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy this game. Beautiful renders to be sure. The three choices of answers are a nice mechanic without it bogging the gameplay down. The storyline is interesting and the slower burn for lewd scenes with some of the characters is a welcome change. This is in my top five favorites and I've played quite a few since discovering adult VNs recently. Keep up the great work.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    High School/School themed visual novels are a tale older than time itself, due to his roots on most of the japanese visual novels of the past, and it's easy to understand from a japanese perspective, since is the time of the life when you're kinda free (hence why we have dozens upon dozens of slice of life anime shows with school theme), but still is overused.

    College in other hand, is a more complex situation in terms of adult visual novels, since isn't the same as school, so a more sensible approach is needed. While some authors try to do the same school approach (and fail to capture the more cynical nature of university), some try to do their work akin to the real life, with their own twist. This approach have varied degrees of success and failure, and fortunately, A Man for All try this approach instead of School with adult people. For those of TL;DR: A Man for All is Fuckin' Fantastic.

    For the others, well, you might be askin why?

    *tap various parts of my body*

    Here's why:

    Story: You're a guy in his early twenties, that was always a good student, and after high school, go to the big city to attend a prestigious university to study psicology. After 3 years of online classes, living in the basement of a coffee shop (where you work), you need to attend classes to work on your thesis. And that's where your journey begin, meeting different people, balancing studies, work and even some other activities, while also working your way into the women.

    While the premise is kinda basic, the story progress isn't. You meet various people and deal with a myriad of different things.

    Remember when I talked about success or failure in show college stuff? Well, AMFA excells at this.

    Writing: It's excellent, some people can complain about some "useless choices", but those are IMO, the best part, because you can shape what kind of relationship you have with the different LI's in the game (of course, as a Harem enjoyer, I have the Pokémon approach of Gotta fuck'em all), you can be a Gentleman, a Funny guy or a Carlos SainzSmooth Operator and in more decisive situations (usually not relative to LI's but on the story) you can be a Diplomat or a Agressive in relation toward those situations. The characters, being LIs or not, are unique and not always jump on LI's pants (Erika being the exception). And Vanessa is the best girl, don't @ me.

    Art/Sex: While is kinda sad that some people get more love than others, the girls are good, with Milfs looking like milfs and younger people looking like younger people. And the sex scenes are good, despite not having that much of a dialogue compared to other AVN's.

    Overall: 5/5. Why didn't you played yet?
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Nico Odin

    The characters are well modeled and written.
    The story is also good, but I think the game would be better if it had a mini-game for the brawls.
    The choices (Knight, Prankster, Flirt, Good, Evil) are well written but have no impact because the game gives you the choice of whether to pursue someone or not. So you can flirt with the girls all you want and still choose not to be with them.

    Overall, I give the game 4/5 stars.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    TL/DR Version: Dialogue choices in the game have no impact on the story which makes them feel meaningless, the adult content is sparse and sub-par in light of the sheer quantity of dialogue, and there’s no way to opt out of less-interesting and/or annoying storylines. As such it fails both as a story and as a tool for masturbation.

    Longer version:

    First, a brief summary of the game itself. You play as a regular guy working and living at a coffee shop while attending college online. You’ve reached the point where you have to actually attend the college and this is where you start bumping into love interests. Your professor convinces you to meet more people so that you can use your relationship with them as part of your thesis. When talking with the love interests, you’re consistently given three choices: Respond as a nice guy, as a jokester, or as a flirt. During other scenes involving non-love interest conflict, you are given the choice to respond calmly or aggressively. The love interests begin meeting you regularly with jobs and favors.

    I was quite surprised at how poor the experience of playing the game was compared to how much effort was put into making it. Both the backgrounds and the characters are attractive (with a couple exceptions), the writing is well-done, and I noticed very few spelling or grammar errors. There’s even music and sound effects, though I found the sound effects during the few adult scenes to be more distracting than anything else.

    So where does it all go wrong? For starters the dialogue choice system does not impact the story in the slightest. It’s purely for roleplaying, and as such it makes your choices feel meaningless. I would prefer a purely kinetic story as opposed to being given the illusion of choice. It feels forced and unrealistic since a character who is always nice or always joking makes as much progress as the one who flirts since most of the love interests flirt back.

    That brings me to the next issue: The absence of progress. There are five major love interests and after seven lengthy chapters you have sex with a grand total of one of them. Two of them you haven’t even kissed yet and they even turn you down when you attempt to date them, and the last two allow you to finger them but nothing else. Despite the handful of scenes, the adult content still feels like it’s coming out of nowhere unless you have been consistently using the flirt choice, but since the author has it so that no matter what you say you’re given the option of getting into adult scenes, there’s a great deal of content where no real flirting is going on yet you somehow end up in an adult scene anyway. It’s disjointed and off-putting to say the least. You’re able to sleep with a couple of side-characters, but without any build up it feels tacked on. A bartender mounts you for no particularly reason as does a stripper cause you’re cute or something.

    Finally there’s the story itself. In short, there’s a great deal of story that is uninteresting or involves characters that are grating and annoying that you can’t opt out of. Vanessa in particular is a stereotypical stuck-up model except on steroids. She’s unlikable in the extreme and yet, because this is a kinetic novel with the illusion of choice, you have to go along with whatever she says. All of her responses to you seem designed to make you angry, and yet your character never does. You’re never given the option to tell her off and most importantly you’re never allowed to drop her story arc so you can focus on the interesting ones. So what do you do? You end up trying to skip the content, except the content is ridiculously longwinded and fast-forwarding stops every second or two so that you can make another fake choice to be nice, comedic, or flirty. Flirty makes no sense as Vanessa since she consistently and repeatedly turns you down, hard. I feel like I’m being forced to roleplay as a spineless beta male. To make matters worse, there is zero content for Vanessa. Even fast-forwarding through all the dialogue gets you nowhere. She’s nothing if not consistent: She doesn’t really like you. Yet day after day, modeling gig after modeling gig, you take orders and do what she says because you’re her “assistant”. This character is designed so that you want to ruin her but are never given the opportunity to do so. Talk about frustrating!

    The other story arcs aren’t much better and are just as starved for adult content. Seven chapters with your high school crush and nothing is happening, and the story itself about saving the coffee shop is not interesting on its own. The fight club arc is weird and forced, the professor is boring, and the lab partner arc suffers from the same issue as the fight club one: What little adult content there is comes without warning and without build up. 90% of the content is the same whether you decide to date them or just be friends, and it shows. Real life relationships progress faster than the relationships in this game do.

    I’m a fan of slow-burn adult visual novels, but in this case most of the content contains no burn at all. No feeling of progression, and the “choices” you make aren’t choices at all.

    I feel a little guilty writing such a negative review for a game that the author has clearly put a ton of time into, but the end result is boring characters with boring stories that you’re forced to sit through so that you can be rewarded with little to no adult content. This game was not fun to play, and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.