VN - Ren'Py - A Man for All [Ep.14] [Venus Waltz]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know why, but the truth is only now I decided to take a good look into this game. And I was not disappointed!
    To be sure, this is not a fuckfest and definitely not for people looking for a quick fap. There is a compelling story that, at times can feel a little slow paced, but that I think it worth your time.
    All girls are gorgeous and with "normal" proportions, which is something I respect... although I do like big boobed beauties! :cool:
    Speaking of characters, this is a game with truly interesting character development, not only regarding LIs but also for the MC.
    The "harem" tag makes sense, although this is also not your run of the mill harem game. And I'm saying this is a good way: the MC can (but, also, the player can decided he will not) pursue only the girls he interested in, but also several or even all of them.
    At this point (episode 14) it is not clear if there will be bad consequences from courting several women at the same time, but they seem to be OK with that, at least for now! And, of course, one can play again or load a save if something goes terribly wrong.
    The fact that all girls (and women) are different and with different personalities is great and makes for a more immersive experience.
    It plays like a VN, but there are enough relevant choices along the way for this to be considered "a game".
    In any case, I do think it is worth the download and the investment in time. I just hope the dev does not abandon this half way and can complete the story. Because I'm already hooked!

    The sex scenes are also great and beautifully animated, with several scenes/positions each.
    There is music and sounds, which contribute for the immersion and "ambiance" of the game.
    The writing is really good, and there are many witty, funny and interesting dialogue exchanges .
    Verdict: 5/5, highly recommended
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex zone

    Wow, I'm really enjoying A Man for All! The story has me hooked, especially because the characters are so interesting. Vanessa is definitely a standout – she's gorgeous and has a great personality.

    The visuals are also impressive. The character models are beautiful, and the environments are well-designed. The animation is smooth and adds to the overall experience.

    My only minor nitpick is the lack of content related to... well, let's just say I'm a fan of harems and pregnancy storylines in games (don't judge!).

    Overall, this is a fantastic game! It easily gets a 9.5 out of 10 from me. The characters are engaging, the story is interesting, and the visuals are top-notch. Definitely worth checking out!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Goated harem game but not a fuckfest, a mid-burn type. Likable mc with multiple girls to go for and with different personalities too.
    Beautiful models and renders, lots of choices to act the way you like with girls and they reply accordingly too so be-aware.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a perfectly serviceable vanilla porn game. There's a story line that's okay, multiple LIs, and a fair number of choices throughout. I think the thing that shined most brightly in this game are the MC's friends, rather than the women, though, adding a lot more depth than the LIs do.

    Story: 6/10
    It's a better-than-average story. The writing is pretty good, and there is a coherent plot.

    Characters: 4/10
    As I said above, the LIs don't add much, but the side characters are fun and bring a lot to the table.

    I liked how the women have different shapes. It gets tiresome when games have every woman be the Renpy equivalent of a Playboy centerfold.

    Overall: 5/10
    The only thing I disliked about this game was that there wasn't anything I necessarily *liked*, either. It's just a typical, standard AVN. I played it all the way through and had no desire to see what happens next, nor did I have any interest in seeing the MC end up with any of the LIs. There's no hook, no spice. But that's alright, nothing wrong with vanilla.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story, a variety of beautiful women to fit your preferances, and the developer gives you many choices throughout. Definitely one of my top 10 favorites. This one is definitely good enough to play through several times.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This is an ok game, I would give it 2.5 stars but rounding down in this instance. There is a plot instead of it being slice of life which is nice, unfortunately its a corny plot. There is a solid amount of content relative to how long its been in development.

    The writing is about average as far as AVNs go, but at least the dev tries to give each character a unique voice. Its just very cheesy writing - what is supposed to be the charming/flirt dialogue option is basically the MC saying "hot babe" over and over. The other two dialogue options are not nearly as bad, but the jokes are all basically "yo mamma" maturity level humor.

    This is one of those games where no matter what choices the player takes, every character wants to jump the MC bones. There is good variance in the model faces, but they all have the exact same body.

    The reason I decided to round down from 2.5, is the character progression. With maybe one exception, the characters all treat the MC the same way as they did at the start of the story. For several chapters now (i.e. years of time) the developer has been hinting at big reveals for characters like Riley and Saul etc... but there are never any reveals.

    For a game that is evidently more about sex than plot, the sex scenes with the main LI are few and far between. There are 5 main LI, two of whom there are zero sexual scenes with (4 years of dev time!) and for one of them their first scene happened in the latest update. Almost all of the sexual content in this game is with side characters, along with the ugliest of the 5 LI.

    If you are just looking to kill time, you could do worse, but I would not recommend this game
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Short summary:

    Passable game. Renders just aren’t good enough - environments, lighting, posing, variation, and models are mostly all average or bad, with few exceptions. Writing isn’t terrible, but isn’t exciting. Lots of time spent on doing fighting side gigs for an ugly girl.

    Good Things

    • One girl is pretty sexy
    • Character lines mostly make sense

    Bad points

    • Renders are low quality, uninspired and not varied enough
    • Long stretches of pointless dialogue without any eye candy
    • Most models are just not hot at all
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game.
    The plot is good, the characters are interesting and some are endering.
    The animations of the scenes are well done and I especially like the split screens.
    The addition of BGM and S/E is also noticeable.
    No bugs found.

    The only drawback in my opinion is that some situations are a bit repetitive. E.g.: advice before a fight with MC, the different shows with a LI (Vanessa).

    Anyway, I enjoy it. Can't wait for the next update.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 3/5
    The story is a bit to vanilla and theres not much that will capture your interrest, its also a slowburn which would be ok if there wasent so many pointless dialogs, take the wannabe stripper you constantly talk about some science project your doing for school and there is just soooooo damn much talk about it, its like 500 dialogs of pointless shit to 10 dialogs about relationship build-up, it really needs more balace so it dosent become such a boring story, i am not even kidding when i say it might just be the most boring one ive played yet, if it dident have the boxing part it would be unplayable since the main story is also extremly boring.

    What made 0 sense to me is the wannabe stripper girl, why on earth is she even working at a stripclub it goes against her character of being shy and barely able to talk to anyone and even a virgin and yet she works half nude in a stripclub? how does that even make sense to anyone it just feels idiotic.

    The best story to me is the PG and the girl that comes with that, it dident feel like a ton of pointless talk and it was pretty decent.
    The blond bitch story was ok but its draged out for to long.

    One of the biggest issues is the choices, you dont really have any influence on what happens in the main story its pretty much just pure kinetic all the way, so i do miss having some choices that has a real impact on the storyline.

    Its also a bit annoying that you can turn down LIs, but it still ask you again and again, game apprently dont know what no means....small thing but still annoying and its all due to the kinetic story so your forced to invite people or do stuff that makes no sense when you have turned them down, like the Dean why on earth would MC invite he to a party when ive never shown an interrest in her, she would only be in the way or be at a party with students and nothing to do....

    And as always for the virgin fans, its a 0/5 the one virgin scene is absolutly shit, no deflowering no blood not even any pain what so ever, you can barely call it a virgin scene, and considering its custom animations they could have been a million times better, but instend its just a plain standard scene.

    Girls/LIs 2/5
    When it comes to the girls/LIs i dident really find any of them hot, most times they look alot older then what they are supposed to be which dosent help, to me they where just all meh...

    Animations 3/5
    Nice animations but mostly very short loops, custom made but still just a bit meh.

    Choices 3/5
    I thought about give this a higher score since you are absolutly free to pick who you want a sexual relationship with which is damn nice, but the blue/green/purple choices feels a bit meh since no matter what you pick it will always lead to the same outcome lover or friend choice, so that part is just to kinetic and your forced to follow all girls stories which can be annoying if you have no interrest in a LI, would have been better to dump them earliere and cut the story down to only show the parts that effects the main story, but insted your forced to go the full story with evey LI and clicking choices that are completly meaningless since you already turned them down over and over, asking if you want to flirt constantly even after turning a LI down 10 times, it gets really annoying and its an absolutly waste of time.

    Music 3/5
    Standard background stuff, nothing special.

    Content 2/5
    After 4 years and still having LIs that MC has never been able to do anything with is just crazy, atleast 2 of them the red head and the blonde has 0 content in the sexual department, it will be hard to find a game that is more draged out then this one.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I really didn't like this game. I thought a lot of the characters were written kinda poorly and I wasn't a fan of their lookks. They all look.... samey. None of them really popped out. Also, I have to mention that this dialogue system is really bad. It's just a choice between being a normie beta, being "funny" (a lot of the humor just was cringe and not good) or being a really bad forced flirt. There are no options outside of these 3 and it boxes you into making responses that you wouldn't otherwise make. In addition to this, you can not get rid of any of the girls. I absolutely wanted nothing to do with the stripper girls but it forces you to keep talking with them. You have a choice between a relationship or just friends, but nothing to tell them you aren't interested in them at all. This means that I constantly have to keep playing parts of the game that involve them when I really didn't like them at all. I couldn't even get into the story because of being forced to converse with characters I didn't like. Aside from this, I really didn't think any other part of the game was strong enough to carry it and thus I really think this game is pretty mediocre.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed the game's concept, appreciating the underlying plot. However, my primary concern lies in the abundance of extraneous content between the intriguing segments. It seems that the developer should consider eliminating superfluous conversations and replacing them with a more concise summary, such as "they talked a bit more before parting ways" or "they engaged in a brief chat about their day." The excessive dialogue, while present, often comes across as filler.

    One positive aspect is the consistent focus on each main love interest in every update, distinguishing it from other games where character appearances are sporadic and require multiple updates to reappear.

    Despite the game being laden with mundane content, the developer does not appear to be cutting corners and is actively crafting a decent gaming experience. While I haven't explored every intimate scene, the ones I have encountered were lackluster, prompting me to skip them. Notably, scenes involving Kate stood out due to subpar camera angles and animations, leaving much to be desired. Nevertheless, I appreciate Kate's well-developed personality and her interactions with the main character. Kudos to the developer for portraying a mature woman realistically, as opposed to the stereotypical portrayal found in many adult visual novels.

    Considering the potential I see, I am inclined to give the game a 4-star rating, assuming we are at least halfway to realizing that potential as of episode 12.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders - 4/5
    Animations - 4/5
    Story 5/5 - fun :)
    LI's 5/5 - Big variety of LI's, each with unique story
    Music/SFX - 3,5/5
    MC - 3,5/5 chadlike (i love it), but i hate face of MC, its weird

    Overall 4,5. Great game, fun story, lots of beutiful love intrests.
    Keep up good work, looking for more :)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Good VN, even in terms of the plot, the game is really engaging! for me, the real favorite is Vanessa, she is an ideal woman, like a real beauty, I’m looking forward to further developments!

    "A Man for All" This is where the story and Mc himself are heading, the name of the game really matches, the animations are good, the girls are beautiful with different stories, a pleasant game)))
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    - Visuals are decent. Animations are custom made and I very much like the different angles/POVs with the animations - very nice touch. Wish more devs did that.
    - Diverse characters and the models also seem to be custom made rather relying on the default Daz models.
    - Not an annoying door/location clicking simulator. No grind or time-wasting mechanics.
    - There is some choices and the game tries to make options matter. But so far, its pretty linear, with the only real sort of branching being accepting/rejecting relationships or sex.

    - The biggest one. The dialogues can drag on for a looong while. A lot of the dialogues are unnecessary filler. I'd suggest being more concise to retain the reader's interest. Reduce repetition (discussing same things over and over) and less small-talk writing.
    - Plot is very meh. Nothing thats gonna get you jumping off your seat in excitement. I'd personally like more urgency & drama injected into this VN, right now its too relaxed and slow-paced.
    - I feel as though the stats and the varied conversation options are a good initial idea. But I'm skeptical of its utility. For example, picking the goofy or flirty dialogues will just change 1-3 dialogue lines afterwards but nothing else is affected. Its doesn't orient your character towards a particular personality nor does it affect anything major like scenes. Idk if its worth the time-investment.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    There is something seriously wrong with me. I am nail biting the drama of a boxing ring… in a PORN GAME! I’m pretty sure the MC will win as per most stories, but the rest of it grips me.

    Sex scene wise… it’s… on the better side of alright. The other dramatic bits range from serviceable to good. The LIs are fine, but they’re clearly in 3 boxes:

    1-(Almost) Meet and fuck.
    2-Have SOME fun after a reasonable time.
    3-Have you heard… of… sloooooooooow… burn?

    Another solid 4 star. Take off 1 star if you don’t like the boxing part.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    First off the MC is in college studying psychology , i bad field to study imo and this so called prestigious college he is the only one studying it and the college is thinking about closing that part of the college down, you don't say.

    So the story has a mix of good and bad plots. The art/renders are decent and the characters so far are good.

    Sex. 8/10
    Story. 7.5/10
    Art/renders. 7.5/10
    Characters. 8.5/10
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    man I gotta say this is probably my favourite game on the site I just wish mc's cock was a little bigger but still it's a decent size (I know weird thing to say)
    sex scenes are good but I'm more into it for the story and characters, mc himself is likeable too
    I like pg fights and interaction between Venessa and mc the most
    also love how every time I play this game I crave coffee
    best thing about the game monkey shirts and coffee
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The game focuses on the characters and story, though there are quite a few lewd scenes in total. The harem tag drew me in bc it's annoying needing to have multiple save files. And I love the idea of beautiful girls sharing me, though it means some plausible explanation would need to be created (rn most of them simply don't want or need commitment).

    The renders are high-quality, especially after the first few episodes. There's also a bit of music and while it's not memorable, it's better than absolute silence.

    The MC is pretty likeable, though his face is shown far too often which makes it a bit harder for me to immerse myself (I have this issue with most games, might not be the case for you).

    The lewd scenes are decent but I wish they were a bit longer. Also, some of them start too abruptly which is a bit of a waste. Cumshots are mostly clear but not always - I know there are people who care about this aspect and I'm one of them.

    The biggest issue is that two of the main girls have very little romantic development after almost 3 years since the game's launch. I still like the interactions with them and I do understand that the dev has his(her?) own vision and pace. But this is a lewd VN and romance and sexuality are, under the hood, the main driving factors.

    Conclusion: the game is worth your time though be aware it's not a fuckfest. Play it when you're not only seeking a quick release and enjoy the dialogue which is well-written.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This visual novel is definitely worth playing, each LI is very charming, has a wonderful story, and a variety of humorous dialogue, during the game, from feeling average to begin to appreciate, until completely fall in love with it.

    Of the countless medium porn games I've played, it definitely ranks in the top ten!
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    (Review is for Ep. 10)

    Worth going through, with the right understanding going in.

    Treat this is a kinetic novel. While that is not technically correct - there's at least one binary "you can technically refuse to pursue this girl if for some reason you want to do that" - the rest of the game's major decisions come down to "solve the problem" or "solve the problem, but be a bit more of a dick about it". The other choices involve the responses the MC gives in dialogue, but these only affect tone. There is "Knight", "Joker" and "Flirt", and...your mileage will vary on how accurate those descriptions are. But again, these only affect tone: the girls are into the MC regardless.

    This brings us to a dual-pronged problem: first, the fact that everything that the MC does works. The background of the MC is actually sort of interesting. He's in college to study psychology of all things, but hijinks ensue and he gets involved in punching people in the face for money. And he's basically Francis Ngannou, if Ngannou was allowed to wear brass knuckles. I think the MC has never needed more than two punches to eliminate somebody, including a former military veteran. He puts forth about as much effort with the girls, which brings us to the second prong of the aforementioned dual-pronged problem. Even for the slutty one of the main cast, the romances themselves are actually fairly slow burns. This would actually be fine, but for two of the five main girls, the slow burns are glacial, to the point where it no longer makes any sense. Basically, the MC has hit on these two girls approximately 937 times to this point, and every time they've resisted without giving in or saying "fuck it" and hitting the MC repeatedly with a baseball bat. It just doesn't make sense if you're the girl: clearly the MC is going to keep hitting on you and not respect any boundary that you might why are you still there?

    Despite all of this, I actually find both the characters and dialogue, generally speaking, to be fairly interesting. Some people don't like long-winded dialogue, but at least in this case, I'm not one of those people. It's a good world, minus the MC. I feel like I'm a broken record at this point when it comes to complaining about MCs. Yes, these games are wish fulfillment, but that doesn't mean your MC has to be absolutely amazing at everything. Or if he is going to be absolutely amazing at everything, give him funny lines that are funny, flirty lines that actually sound smooth, and give him brass knuckles or a steel chair to lay waste to anybody who wants to throw hands.