VN - Ren'Py - A Man for All [Ep.14] [Venus Waltz]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3327777

    This is a game with engaging characters, interesting subplots, and a strong vision from the developer. It's clear there's a story to be told and that each character will play a role in that story regardless of whether you choose to pursue them. This is the type of game I like, and I eagerly look forward to more.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know what I was expecting when I decided to play this, but I got way more than I bargained for.
    I got a great, well written story with interesting characters, which is hard to find these days. I love a good narrative, an this game has it in spades. The girls are good looking and engaging (I love Harlow), and I expect this will become one of my absolute favorite games out there.
    I'm really looking forward to seeing how it plays out.
    Kudos to the dev, and a heartfelt "Keep up the great work!"
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome characters, renders, animation and story. Focuses on a set of characters instead of throwing in a batch of new ones each update. The story flows very naturally and you find yourself interested in what people have to say and what they do. A very flexible choice system that makes sense.

    Very well made 10/10. Try it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent VN with good unique looking models that are also have distinct personalities. Like the way the story is branching out and providing the MC with different options to reach his goals. Just want to emphasize that you can try and put a little more effort in the MC's appearance and show how he is also evolving as the story evolves. Hate to see the same plain face everywhere with the same generic VN male clothes format.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    An exceptional diamond in the rough that I was glad to stumble upon. The visuals and user interface are very crisp with the models all unique, both in their physical appearance and personality alike. Additionally, the plot is very realistic , believable ,and consequently relatable. There is no forced sex scene and the one scene we do get is fully understandable.

    The dev seamlessly introduces these aspects of molding the person you want to be with each situation and provides a different aspect than most games where you get basic love/sexual traits for any given LI. Here you are given a very different set of people and based off how you view their behavior, you take the corresponding action that would best work in the situation to best progress the story.

    Could not be more pleasantly surprised to find this game. Keep it up, VW
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Now this is a game I don't mind reviewing in the slightest.

    First things first, this is well written. And by that I mean the English is good, the grammar is on pint and the story telling, well, there are not that many games out there this good. If the story is important to you in a game then check this out. I can't praise it enough. It is so nice to find a game like this, they are so few and far between.

    On to the second plus point. The characters. They are unique. Not one made me think of another game; not one hairstyle, clothing choice or pose. These are not "copy pasta" models, and I include the men in this. Each one is fresh and different, again, so nice to see in a game on here.

    The "sex". It's not the best, I will readily admit that, there are games out there that do it better however do not let that put you off. It's good, real good, better than 95% of games on here and combined with the writing and the characters it makes for a special game.

    This game is a breath of fresh air in the genre, and although not perfect it does come damn close, putting many games earning their creators £1000's per month to shame. One to watch, and probably support.

    Venus Waltz, you have my hearty congratulations on this one, thank you for bringing this to life.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    very nice work so of the few i enjoy.
    choices system that give a depth ...very good visuals..nice story.
    MC creation as you go.many different NPCs that dont hunt MCs @@.
    for sure can be great a great game.
    keep up the good work
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm loving this game. A big amount of content for only 2 releases, very nice visuals but mostly just a well-written story and characters. It's so rare to find a game which you can actually read and not facepalm at how dumb everything is or how everything is just an excuse for the next H-scene. The characters in this game (MC included) feel like actual people, which you may or may not like, but still. Personally I don't feel so strongly about some of the characters as others do (Vanessa seems to be getting a lot of hate for being bitchy). In any case, 5/5 in my book. I encourage everyone to give it a shot, and if you like it -- consider supporting the dev.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    *This is based on Episode 1 & 2*

    This has been a great start. 5 different LIs so far, all great, and Marisa the stripper was fantastic too. The story, though somewhat "wordy", is never boring, the dialogue is good, the banter based on your dialogue-choices are great, and the renders are excellent. I am looking forward to see where this one goes.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, this might be one of the best games I've played in the last months. Good plot. At the start, the vibes of a guy who lost his mum and go to school to get a new life... might sound typical, but nope this time. In fact, the plot around the school is good. A thesis, that's new. Working as a barista seems allright. Meeting new but interesting girls that are really different one from another? I'm in. And yeah, the different paths you can get with a girl are on point. Waiting for the nex release, it's nice to see some fresh work from time to time
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing: v1.0

    Great game so far with a solid start. Good looking models, good graphics, interesting enough plot and serious story telling.

    You are a student who moved to the big city following your mothers demise in a car accident. There you spent the past few years taking online classes for college while working a live in job at a local coffee shop. On your last year you show up to your college to work on your thesis and get your psychology degree. Your thesis will now have you explore the city and meet new people in order to gather data.

    The game features a "personality" system that lets you make decisions and give responses more in line with one of the 3 types of flirting personalities the game offers, the nice white night, the funny comedian, and the flirty play boy. I have not tested it yet but based on my understanding from the in game explanation each response will give you more relationship points with each girl depending on what type they prefer? I have no idea if the type of responses locks certain girls out or not or if the responses are just flavour text. There is also another system for your personality, which seems to occur when in conflict with someone. You can choose to be physical or be a diplomat trying to talk your way out. Overall solid game so far.

    5 stars to draw interest to the game and encourage the dev.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, so many choices, provide so many branches and freedom to the players. Render is good too, maybe main character need a touch up though. Keep up the good work, can't wait to see how the story goes :)
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    My Rating of Ep. 1 of this Game is:

    - Fantastic Renders
    - Great Scenes
    - Great Story

    -Not much Sex

    The Game has great Renders,and the story is interesting.
    The Story is told very good,even makes you forget that there are not many sex scenes with this release, and it never gets boring for a minute.
    The ladies are great looking and I love where the story is leading to....
    Lets see what the future holds.....right now thumbs up from me.
    Looking for more.