Storywriters for an Incest game


Jun 28, 2017
Hey, nice artwork.

The question is, do you have a story to tell and is an RPG the right ludic venue?

I've lately spent a lot of time thinking about incestuous relationships and I've come to the conclusion, that if you want a game with the core concept of mother-son incest, you should write it from the mothers perspective. In most of these games you have a walking dildo-boy whose cock might as well be a third leg for how small the boy is, and because it is a game he is the active person. But realistically, mother-son incest does not work that way. There is an absolutely huge power disparity between a mother and a son. The mother cannot "seduce" the son because the son is too sexually inexperienced to even understand such avances - And there is no possibility that a son will do anything to the mother that she doesn't approve of. In short, MS genre is almost necessarily abuse. This one-sided nature is sometimes played quite transparently by MS incest games, who revolve around exploration and breaking of taboos, which are exciting things to play with certainly, but because of their nature with the son as the player avatar, action has to be initiated by the son, which invariably ends in hackneyed scenarios designed to end with sex. Plain Magic, Mind control, magic pills, or equally absurd blackmail scenarios come to mind. This is why people just fast forward through this dreck, because by reading such "storylines", your brain cells commit seppuku en masse.

Real MS (or MD / FD / FS) incest cases aren't usually of this nature, they are often of the "family fun" or the "be nice to mommy" variety, where the taboo is simply not brought up until long after everyone is fucking everyone. You watch a movie together, get a blowjob, stroke moms pussy. It may have started when the kid was 7 years old, or literally at birth. These are likely the majority of IRL MS incest cases, various grades of hippie style nudists who think giving your son a blowjob or even pussy as reward for good grades, as an "OK and natural" thing to do. Somewhere in the teens the kids realize that basically they're being raped they can be angry at the parents and may or may not bring them to justice, (usually not) or just can't see the harm and continue doing it even to old age, because it feels good. But there's no game to be made here, unless you want your MS incest game start in the maternity ward where you play the mother and suck sonnies dick and cheer when it gets hard. There's no challenge, no excitement to be had here.

So the MS genre as we know it revolves around the taboo and the breaking thereof, that is a sexually maturing son and a lonely mother who now all of a sudden takes a sexual interest in him and vice versa. If you play it from the perspective of the son, you will either be a relatively passive observer in a realistic story, or have to contrive said hackneyed scenarios for the son to be the active part. The mother however can actually take an active part without it becoming unbelievable - a son is almost always going to try to make his mother happy in any way possible, and again it would be too easy, if the son were not old enough to know about the taboo. In which case he will become deeply conflicted about his mothers increasingly forward requests, and the abusive nature of the relationship becomes very transparent.

And that's the sort of shit you want to make a game about? Are you sure? If so, I say, embrace it, go with it. Let the game be about a sick fuck of a mother who basically rapes her son and drives him to madness. Beats him into submission. Pimps him to gay men and watches & masturbates as her son is being raped and shat upon in exchange for money. Make it dark, make it vile, do not sugar coat the horrible stuff. Make it a "do abominable stuff simulator" that will churn the stomachs and harden the dicks of even the most cold-hearted perverts.

If you want to write a game about a nice hippie mom that is open to relieving her sons sexual tensions.... I guess you can do that, but it's not going to be very interesting. You can make up for that with nice artwork though.


Mar 28, 2017
Absolutely adore the art style, but holy hell, if the kid is going to college and barely even reaches the height of the mom's tit, yeah, he needs aged up to either not look like a preteen or the mom has to be some manner of giant. lol Still, as I said great art and core concept!


Jun 28, 2017
Well you could always do a mind control/ hypno story.
Thanks for posting, here I was thinking I killed this lively thread by bumming everyone out or something. I did not mean to. I just thought mind control might just be one of these clichés that OP wanted to avoid maybe. But yeah, these clichés plague the M/S genre for reasons mentioned - because the alternative might just be too dark. "Embrace the Darkness" is what I say to that.

But OP, it seems to me that you have a specific idea of what it should be. Do you actually want to give up creative control? Because if someone else is writing the story, they will write their story, not yours, and you'll just provide the artwork as the story demands. What is the story you want to tell? A shota with superpowers abusing these superpowers to their fullest, perverse extent? Fuck yeah, go for it, I mean there's a bunch of those already but that may just mean that people like it. If that's what you want, then go for it. That is your story. That is the story you want to tell. Fucking do it, don't let negative assholes like me bum you out and keep you from doing it. Create ART, it is not in any way lesser art just because people nut to it.


New Member
Jun 18, 2017
@GaussianFracture :

According to your posts, I think you already have much of the core for your story:
  • m/s incest (with lots and lots of fucking);
  • slowly developing intimate relationship;
  • dialogue based;
  • realistic.
From "slowly developing intimate relationship" I assume, you want to show sex with consent, not abuse. If you want your protagonist to have real feelings for each other, then it would be a love story.

"Outer space" as story world is ok, so with "realistic" you mean "reasonable" i think. Outer space is not realistic in our time, but would be in the future.

Most actual known incest cases are abuse or the participants did not know, they were blood related. They met and fell in love without knowing, it is incest. A real love story is very unlikely. But to be fair: if there was a functional and not abusive incest relation, they likely would not tell.

You want to show lots and lots of fucking. So your main plot should not be about the development of the relationship. The sexual tension between the protagonists is what keeps he audience interested in that kind of stories. That's why every soap opera has at least one new love story in pipe line, when another is finished. So there is the very high risk, that with the first sex scene, the climax of your story is exceeded (pun intended). The rest of the story would be unlocking sex scenes.

That's why I think you need another main story, wherein the intimate relationship is naturally developed.

Intimacy begins with being close together (not necessary physically). Let both face a problem together. By solving the problem, they become more intimate naturally.

Some general ideas I came up with while writing this post:
  • Mother helps son with entrance exam (for drama school, art school, college, NASA, etc.);
  • Son helps mother to organize an event (birthday, for charity, wedding, ...);
  • Both face a big threat (war, oppressive political system, broken live support of a space ship, ...);
My personal favorite would be: Mom helps son prepare sons wedding. While preparing the wedding (vows, suit, caterer, ...) the mother discovers her feeling for her son. The son doubts his reasons for marrying his future bride. The father and the bride-to-be are the antagonists. Show the player, why the mother turns away from her husband (cliché: abuse) and the son from his fiancé (cliché: she is a whore). Show what the relationships m/f and son/fiancé lacks and what the relationship m/s has.

As mention by others before: decide who is you MC, who is the active part, who is in focus of the story (mother or son or both?). Give them personality: what drives them, what do they need, what do they want?

Then decide, what should be the end of your story. As you approach a moral question, you could give an answer to that question. The moral conclusion could be "if both like it, let them be" or "incest is bad, you will burn in hell". You want an realistic or reasonable story. So you have to approach this question anyway. Your protagonists have to ask themselves these question to decide, how they will act. If they don't ask these questions, they are likely to be sociopaths or just there to fuck.

If you have
  • the beginning of the story (normal family life, no sexual tension),
  • the problem, your protagonist has to face,
  • your MC and the core characters
  • ending(s),
you have the core of our story.

Think about scenes, which would make sense on the way from the beginning to the end, how this scenes would further your plot and how the protagonists would react naturally in that situation.

Do you actually want to give up creative control?
Corrupted is right. You want to make a story driven game, so the story is the core of your entire game. You give up very much control by hiring writers to do this part for you.

Once you're in patreon people who pay would influence where the game goes.
Same and even more with a writer or writers:

If you pay a good writer, he will write your story for money. His drive is money, not the enthusiasm for your idea to become real. But good writers are expensive.

If you don't pay the writer, he wants to write his own story.

It is not hard to write a story. It is hard to write a good story. But if you don't expect to have the next "Game of Thrones" or "The Godfather" story for your game, it is possible to write an above average story with help of others by yourself.

And let's be honest: an above average story is in relation to most other incest games a good story. :)

All you need is a place, where you could post your story ideas, get honest feedback from people who like playing games and discuss your ideas, improve them and craft your own story.

If such a place just would exist ... ;)

(Sorry, post got longer than expected. :coldsweat:)
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Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017
Absolutely adore the art style, but holy hell, if the kid is going to college and barely even reaches the height of the mom's tit, yeah, he needs aged up to either not look like a preteen or the mom has to be some manner of giant. lol Still, as I said great art and core concept!
He's a bit short for sure but it's pretty much the simplistic art style that make people appear younger. Both the mom and the son look younger than they are.


Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017
Hey, nice artwork.

The question is, do you have a story to tell and is an RPG the right ludic venue?

I've lately spent a lot of time thinking about incestuous relationships and I've come to the conclusion, that if you want a game with the core concept of mother-son incest, you should write it from the mothers perspective. In most of these games you have a walking dildo-boy whose cock might as well be a third leg for how small the boy is, and because it is a game he is the active person. But realistically, mother-son incest does not work that way. There is an absolutely huge power disparity between a mother and a son. The mother cannot "seduce" the son because the son is too sexually inexperienced to even understand such avances - And there is no possibility that a son will do anything to the mother that she doesn't approve of. In short, MS genre is almost necessarily abuse. This one-sided nature is sometimes played quite transparently by MS incest games, who revolve around exploration and breaking of taboos, which are exciting things to play with certainly, but because of their nature with the son as the player avatar, action has to be initiated by the son, which invariably ends in hackneyed scenarios designed to end with sex. Plain Magic, Mind control, magic pills, or equally absurd blackmail scenarios come to mind. This is why people just fast forward through this dreck, because by reading such "storylines", your brain cells commit seppuku en masse.

Real MS (or MD / FD / FS) incest cases aren't usually of this nature, they are often of the "family fun" or the "be nice to mommy" variety, where the taboo is simply not brought up until long after everyone is fucking everyone. You watch a movie together, get a blowjob, stroke moms pussy. It may have started when the kid was 7 years old, or literally at birth. These are likely the majority of IRL MS incest cases, various grades of hippie style nudists who think giving your son a blowjob or even pussy as reward for good grades, as an "OK and natural" thing to do. Somewhere in the teens the kids realize that basically they're being raped they can be angry at the parents and may or may not bring them to justice, (usually not) or just can't see the harm and continue doing it even to old age, because it feels good. But there's no game to be made here, unless you want your MS incest game start in the maternity ward where you play the mother and suck sonnies dick and cheer when it gets hard. There's no challenge, no excitement to be had here.

So the MS genre as we know it revolves around the taboo and the breaking thereof, that is a sexually maturing son and a lonely mother who now all of a sudden takes a sexual interest in him and vice versa. If you play it from the perspective of the son, you will either be a relatively passive observer in a realistic story, or have to contrive said hackneyed scenarios for the son to be the active part. The mother however can actually take an active part without it becoming unbelievable - a son is almost always going to try to make his mother happy in any way possible, and again it would be too easy, if the son were not old enough to know about the taboo. In which case he will become deeply conflicted about his mothers increasingly forward requests, and the abusive nature of the relationship becomes very transparent.

And that's the sort of shit you want to make a game about? Are you sure? If so, I say, embrace it, go with it. Let the game be about a sick fuck of a mother who basically rapes her son and drives him to madness. Beats him into submission. Pimps him to gay men and watches & masturbates as her son is being raped and shat upon in exchange for money. Make it dark, make it vile, do not sugar coat the horrible stuff. Make it a "do abominable stuff simulator" that will churn the stomachs and harden the dicks of even the most cold-hearted perverts.

If you want to write a game about a nice hippie mom that is open to relieving her sons sexual tensions.... I guess you can do that, but it's not going to be very interesting. You can make up for that with nice artwork though.
I get what you're saying but I'd like to keep away from bad vibes as much as I can. So I'll avoid themes like abusive relations, rape, etc... There will be conflict ofcourse but it won't be about those abominable stuff. We actually got a base outline for the story. I'll post the details below.

@GaussianFracture :

According to your posts, I think you already have much of the core for your story:
  • m/s incest (with lots and lots of fucking);
  • slowly developing intimate relationship;
  • dialogue based;
  • realistic.
From "slowly developing intimate relationship" I assume, you want to show sex with consent, not abuse. If you want your protagonist to have real feelings for each other, then it would be a love story.

"Outer space" as story world is ok, so with "realistic" you mean "reasonable" i think. Outer space is not realistic in our time, but would be in the future.

Most actual known incest cases are abuse or the participants did not know, they were blood related. They met and fell in love without knowing, it is incest. A real love story is very unlikely. But to be fair: if there was a functional and not abusive incest relation, they likely would not tell.

You want to show lots and lots of fucking. So your main plot should not be about the development of the relationship. The sexual tension between the protagonists is what keeps he audience interested in that kind of stories. That's why every soap opera has at least one new love story in pipe line, when another is finished. So there is the very high risk, that with the first sex scene, the climax of your story is exceeded (pun intended). The rest of the story would be unlocking sex scenes.

That's why I think you need another main story, wherein the intimate relationship is naturally developed.

Intimacy begins with being close together (not necessary physically). Let both face a problem together. By solving the problem, they become more intimate naturally.

Some general ideas I came up with while writing this post:
  • Mother helps son with entrance exam (for drama school, art school, college, NASA, etc.);
  • Son helps mother to organize an event (birthday, for charity, wedding, ...);
  • Both face a big threat (war, oppressive political system, broken live support of a space ship, ...);
My personal favorite would be: Mom helps son prepare sons wedding. While preparing the wedding (vows, suit, caterer, ...) the mother discovers her feeling for her son. The son doubts his reasons for marrying his future bride. The father and the bride-to-be are the antagonists. Show the player, why the mother turns away from her husband (cliché: abuse) and the son from his fiancé (cliché: she is a whore). Show what the relationships m/f and son/fiancé lacks and what the relationship m/s has.

As mention by others before: decide who is you MC, who is the active part, who is in focus of the story (mother or son or both?). Give them personality: what drives them, what do they need, what do they want?

Then decide, what should be the end of your story. As you approach a moral question, you could give an answer to that question. The moral conclusion could be "if both like it, let them be" or "incest is bad, you will burn in hell". You want an realistic or reasonable story. So you have to approach this question anyway. Your protagonists have to ask themselves these question to decide, how they will act. If they don't ask these questions, they are likely to be sociopaths or just there to fuck.

If you have
  • the beginning of the story (normal family life, no sexual tension),
  • the problem, your protagonist has to face,
  • your MC and the core characters
  • ending(s),
you have the core of our story.

Think about scenes, which would make sense on the way from the beginning to the end, how this scenes would further your plot and how the protagonists would react naturally in that situation.

Corrupted is right. You want to make a story driven game, so the story is the core of your entire game. You give up very much control by hiring writers to do this part for you.

Same and even more with a writer or writers:

If you pay a good writer, he will write your story for money. His drive is money, not the enthusiasm for your idea to become real. But good writers are expensive.

If you don't pay the writer, he wants to write his own story.

It is not hard to write a story. It is hard to write a good story. But if you don't expect to have the next "Game of Thrones" or "The Godfather" story for your game, it is possible to write an above average story with help of others by yourself.

And let's be honest: an above average story is in relation to most other incest games a good story. :)

All you need is a place, where you could post your story ideas, get honest feedback from people who like playing games and discuss your ideas, improve them and craft your own story.

If such a place just would exist ... ;)

(Sorry, post got longer than expected. :coldsweat:)
Yeah, I mean reasonable. Outerspace is still a pretty cool idea and it would open doors to some nice story opportunities.
I don't really need an incredible story to become the next godfather, as I said all I need an ok story with as little cliche in it as possible and with believeable characters. So people with some experience with scratch to finish storywriting will suffice. I don't even want on a specific story of mine since all I want is that it involves a romantic buildup in the relations between the mom and the son. I'll explain some of the story outline details below.

The mother is a real estate agent. She takes potential buyers to see the houses on sale. Sometimes shes outside showing estates, sometimes she's at the office and half the time she's at home just chilling when theres no work. This will be useful to show that the mom isn't just some unemployed house woman and it's also useful if there's a challenge for the player to search mom's private drawers and she has to leave the house for a few hours. There can be time limited challenges that you have to complete until mom comes back home.

Another thing is that the son can help the mom sell the houses in some way. Maybe he can write reviews about the house or the neighbourhood or maybe he can pose as a resident of the area and talk about how nice it is to live there. And if the mom makes a big sale with the help of her son, she can reward him, and the tiny sales can just raise their relationship level in the stats. So instead of the mothers 'moment of weakness' it can be her 'moment of joy' that triggers their sexual activities. Over time the rewards she gives him can improve, like it starts with a handjob, then after a while they fuck a little and later on with the help of a few drinks, she invites him for anal or something. You get the idea.

I know that writing fake reviews or posing as a resident isn't exactly the right thing for a moral person to do, but the main idea is that the mother and son working with each other towards a common goal which is what brings them together in joy.


New Member
Jun 18, 2017
[...] the main idea is that the mother and son working with each other towards a common goal which is what brings them together in joy.
That is what I meant. If you have that "common goal" or "problem" they face together, you can evolve their relationship around that.

A real estate business is reasonable, because they have to make a living. The son does not have to do immoral things to help. He could answer the phone when his mom is out, help with advertisements, etc.

Over time the rewards she gives him can improve, like it starts with a handjob, then after a while they fuck a little and later on with the help of a few drinks, she invites him for anal or something. You get the idea.
Yes, I get the idea. ;)

To me, that sounds a bit like "sex for good work" (=payment). So right now, I'm not sure what you meant by "intimate relationship": emotional or just physical?

For an emotional intimate relationship, you should not reward work with sex. Good work or a good deal (a sale for example) should better only raise emotional closeness. The closer both are emotionally, the more they want to be physically close.

You could even raise emotional closeness, if a deal failed: Mom would be sad, and son would show her, he is with her, he supports her. That would strengthen the bond between them.

In rewarding a good deal with sex, I can't see any reason, why they should become more emotional close. Sex is nothing special, just another form of payment. So no real emotion involved. Like : "No deal? Sorry son, fuck yourself." [literally]

In an emotional intimate relationship, alcohol to fuck her ass would not be necessary. Mom would want to have anal sex, because she is so close to her son. The son would likely not have anal sex with his drunk mom, because he wants her consent.

If you just want a physical intimate relation ship: make her drunk and fuck her brain out.


Jun 3, 2017
Thumbs up for the screenshots! Poor stories and badly written dialogues are what often ruins the potentially good game. I'm glad you decided to look for help with something u have no experience with. Already looking forward to this game! :D


Sep 10, 2016
Well, I usually write stories.
I can try to send you a script over, and go along with you to get ideas and add to the game.

But English is not my native language, I will write in PT-BR and try to send you a good English version.


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Some developers try to do it all by themselves, art writing, coding, and while there's nothing wrong with masturbation, doing it with others, usually gives you much more satisfying results. Focus on the art, and team up with a writer. Double penetrate your project until you have a story outline, then spit roast her so it all starts coming together. Bring in a coder for the final gang-bang and fill all the holes.
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Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017
Thumbs up for the screenshots! Poor stories and badly written dialogues are what often ruins the potentially good game. I'm glad you decided to look for help with something u have no experience with. Already looking forward to this game! :D
Thanks :) More to come.

Well, I usually write stories.
I can try to send you a script over, and go along with you to get ideas and add to the game.

But English is not my native language, I will write in PT-BR and try to send you a good English version.
Hey i upload a quick intro.
As in the initial moments, where you choose your player name.
I think we're pretty much done with the story planning part now. I'll check the intro anyway.

Some developers try to do it all by themselves, art writing, coding, and while there's nothing wrong with masturbation, doing it with others, usually gives you much more satisfying results. Focus on the art, and team up with a writer. Double penetrate your project until you have a story outline, then spit roast her so it all starts coming together. Bring in a coder for the final gang-bang and fill all the holes.
Will do :)

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
He's a bit short for sure but it's pretty much the simplistic art style that make people appear younger. Both the mom and the son look younger than they are.
To sell the story, it need to be somewhat believeable. A lot of these games in this genre is not because the character models used for certain roles is not.

That the "son" character appear small framed, short, that is not really a big deal. Like Captain America before super juice :p It can even play into his story. Can have been overly protected by his mum due to this. Then one day find himself heading into the world of College and social interactions might feel akward. Get curious/interested in girls, building up frustration. Start peek at the mum in the shower, or spy on her in other ways or whatever floats your boat.

As for the mom character. It's a far stretch for acceptance to have sex with her own son out of nowhere. A believeable story, would need to play into the things you as the player do, to nudge her in a direction to cross that line. It can't be just rub her feet 10 times to get to first boobs kinda. It could be hower part of the total picture. Tierd mom, after work, watch tv whatever... son give her a foot rub as part of something greater. There need to be a build of relationship that bring the characters through different stages, and into a comfort zone where things start get more acceptable.

Imho, what a lot of games tend to do badly is to throwing more and more characters into the mix. Like throw more objects for the player to fap to (or whatever). This water down the story, and change it more or less in the direction of screw anything that walk on 2 legs. Its better to tell a story, with a start, middle and a end, and once the story you intended to tell is done. End of game.

Idk about other people/players. but for me the story is far more important than the visuals. The visuals support a good story, but without its just some random fap objects. There was written some above somewhere that players tend to just click past text to get to the visual rewards. Well, thats like someone watch a porn flick and fast forward to the climax. Probably not the crowd you want to make the game/story for in the first place.


Game Developer
Jul 22, 2017
Some developers try to do it all by themselves, art writing, coding, and while there's nothing wrong with masturbation, doing it with others, usually gives you much more satisfying results. Focus on the art, and team up with a writer. Double penetrate your project until you have a story outline, then spit roast her so it all starts coming together. Bring in a coder for the final gang-bang and fill all the holes.
As a caveat, make sure whatever writer you get is dedicated to the project and isn't going to flake halfway through. Do short projects together first so that you both have an idea how long stuff like this takes (read: looooooooooooooooooong)

btw, really like the results for your renders! They've got a really nice cartoon'ish look to them that I feel works better than a lot of the 3d stuff you see around.


Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017
To sell the story, it need to be somewhat believeable. A lot of these games in this genre is not because the character models used for certain roles is not.

That the "son" character appear small framed, short, that is not really a big deal. Like Captain America before super juice :p It can even play into his story. Can have been overly protected by his mum due to this. Then one day find himself heading into the world of College and social interactions might feel akward. Get curious/interested in girls, building up frustration. Start peek at the mum in the shower, or spy on her in other ways or whatever floats your boat.

As for the mom character. It's a far stretch for acceptance to have sex with her own son out of nowhere. A believeable story, would need to play into the things you as the player do, to nudge her in a direction to cross that line. It can't be just rub her feet 10 times to get to first boobs kinda. It could be hower part of the total picture. Tierd mom, after work, watch tv whatever... son give her a foot rub as part of something greater. There need to be a build of relationship that bring the characters through different stages, and into a comfort zone where things start get more acceptable.

Imho, what a lot of games tend to do badly is to throwing more and more characters into the mix. Like throw more objects for the player to fap to (or whatever). This water down the story, and change it more or less in the direction of screw anything that walk on 2 legs. Its better to tell a story, with a start, middle and a end, and once the story you intended to tell is done. End of game.

Idk about other people/players. but for me the story is far more important than the visuals. The visuals support a good story, but without its just some random fap objects. There was written some above somewhere that players tend to just click past text to get to the visual rewards. Well, thats like someone watch a porn flick and fast forward to the climax. Probably not the crowd you want to make the game/story for in the first place.
That's what I mean by staying away from cliche stories. We are spreading the story to multiple chapters so we can take our time building their relationship to the point where both the mom and son are comfortable enough to have sex. It's going to revolve around certain events and how those change the way mom and son look at things in their lives.
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Game Developer
Jul 5, 2017
As a caveat, make sure whatever writer you get is dedicated to the project and isn't going to flake halfway through. Do short projects together first so that you both have an idea how long stuff like this takes (read: looooooooooooooooooong)

btw, really like the results for your renders! They've got a really nice cartoon'ish look to them that I feel works better than a lot of the 3d stuff you see around.
I've completed and released projects before with my coder so I don't have any doubts about flaking halfway. Worst case scenario, this can be released as a visual novel. And the storywriters have been very helpful and we finished the general layout of all the chapters. I'm glad you like the renders :p I really want to keep this cartoonish look throughout the game.
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