Mod Onhold Urban Demons 9.2.3 Neo Mage's Band aid.


Aug 28, 2017
Ok i added something to the Progression system script. Normaly when you blackmail a character it locks you into the path...i added a simple thing in the script that will allow you to get rid of the blackmail and it'll act as if you never blackmailed the character here's a screenshot comparision (this one is the starting point for the conversation)
(This is the blackmail dialogue)
(and here is the regular dialogue...note that you have a choice between purity and corrupt options)

Essentialy what this will do for the mod is allow you to change the paths from blackmail to regular purity or corruption.

So whether you didn't mean to blackmail sweet mrs.jennings or you want to have some big influence over Sarah (Thot) and Lisa (Closet Thot).
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Aug 28, 2017
Weekend update. I'm currently importing donna's scenes and i'm gonna see how it runs if i do it correctly it should be a 1 to 1 port of the original scene...also grandma suzie's house is back in the game i just need to code in the trigger to unlock the door.

Deleted member 710237

Active Member
Jun 26, 2018
thank you for the awosome work,

and learning japanese kenji is really took me forever and still never managed to master it.

Unlike hiragana & katakana,
etherway I hope things works out for you in the end.


Aug 28, 2017
thank you for the awosome work,

and learning japanese kenji is really took me forever and still never managed to master it.

Unlike hiragana & katakana,
etherway I hope things works out for you in the end.
Thanks. I'm back to working on the mod. I edited the residental area (when you leave home through the north door on the first floor) you'll see the door leading to grandma's house and the sign that's there as well but for now until i finish rewriting the scenes with the new progression system.

The next update will have the new maps and some edits to some of the progression modifier stuff. I.e. Being able to change the Purity/Corruption path to the blackmail path and vice versa. So now you can change the blackmail variable for Mrs. Jennings, Thot (Sarah) and Closet Thot (Lisa).
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Feb 8, 2018
the original game still into alpha test ( and wasnt updated for almost 2 months now ) so your mods ( and chilly ) are the only one releasing things to UD. but for now chilly will wait the new update to start his mod. they are changing alot of things on the game


Mar 25, 2018
Hello NeoMage21,
I was playing your game and it sometimes shows a message that a file was not found( not showing a picture or a scene). Especially when I go to Neala's apartment the game crashes. Is it an issue of the game itself or did I not install some files properly?


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2018
the original game still into alpha test ( and wasnt updated for almost 2 months now ) so your mods ( and chilly ) are the only one releasing things to UD. but for now chilly will wait the new update to start his mod. they are changing alot of things on the game
AH-HA-HEM. Excuse you?! I've been pumping out updates to my mod pretty much every other week for a while now, and we're heading into v.0.7.3. Shameless though my plug may be, you should check it out, especially if you like the Corruption aspect of the game (it's very Corruption-intensive).

Hello NeoMage21,
I was playing your game and it sometimes shows a message that a file was not found( not showing a picture or a scene). Especially when I go to Neala's apartment the game crashes. Is it an issue of the game itself or did I not install some files properly?
That's probably because the files aren't added into the mod yet; chances are, if NeoMage is working on Nergal's last release, there were only a handful of women available to speak to, and attempts to locate / interact with the others crashed the game due to missing files.
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Aug 28, 2017
the original game still into alpha test ( and wasnt updated for almost 2 months now ) so your mods ( and chilly ) are the only one releasing things to UD. but for now chilly will wait the new update to start his mod. they are changing alot of things on the game
Xalenda and Chilly have been putting way more work than i have for this game. So i can't take too much credit in that regard.

Hello NeoMage21,
I was playing your game and it sometimes shows a message that a file was not found( not showing a picture or a scene). Especially when I go to Neala's apartment the game crashes. Is it an issue of the game itself or did I not install some files properly?
no it's that neala wasn't coded in .9.2.3 the game is looking for a dialogue file that does not exist anymore. I'll TL;DR this

Neala's scenes weren't updated to the new scene player format

and no i'm not going to re-add the scenes for the mod. as much as i want to add the old scenes i think it's better to hold off and wait until nergal updates the game.

Darrel Caper

Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
Would I be able to take the missing dialogue for characters and put them into the main game? Still missing certain lines.


Aug 28, 2017
Missing lines for certain scenes. Donna/nurse for example is missing quite a few. Look in the dialogue folder. Some are empty or are missing some that the game needs.
honestly if you are intrested in playing a version with more characters then you might want to try ChillyScholar's mod or Xalenda's mod (Both based on version .8.2) there's more than just adding in the dialogue to the dialogue folder. Without events to call the files it's just wasted space. And to be honest it's too much of a hassle having to set it all up...hence why I'm sticking to adding in the stuff from Chilly's mod.
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Feb 8, 2018
AH-HA-HEM. Excuse you?! I've been pumping out updates to my mod pretty much every other week for a while now, and we're heading into v.0.7.3. Shameless though my plug may be, you should check it out, especially if you like the Corruption aspect of the game (it's very Corruption-intensive).

That's probably because the files aren't added into the mod yet; chances are, if NeoMage is working on Nergal's last release, there were only a handful of women available to speak to, and attempts to locate / interact with the others crashed the game due to missing files.

Im going to check your mod when i buy my notebook.
For now i dont have wifi and pc to play UD.


Aug 28, 2017
this mod still alive?
yes and no...i still am working on it but i'm working on it at a pace where i'm not burning myself out. I'm making the edits to the cheat room to essentially give you access to most of the scenes outside of the hall of memory. Honestly it's been more of a hobby. If you really want a mod that i know for sure is alive (unless life fucks things up) then check out Xalenda's mod for version .8.2 as it's constanly updated. But i will post up the update when i get back to it.