Mod Ren'Py A Familiar(Family) Venture v0.05b [Incest Patch/Mod by D.S.-sama]


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

The compressed version already comes with incest patch so if you download and add the incest patch you'll get errors till you remove that patch file.


For this game you must remember that every time there is an update you must first start a new game and click the dot on the left ! to turn incest on and then you can load your old save


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2018
The compressed version already comes with incest patch so if you download and add the incest patch you'll get errors till you remove that patch file.
what if you literally never use compressed versions, and are literally talking about the difference between .05b and .06a?


Dec 22, 2017
Which dot do you refer to? Please provide visual. I can not find a dot or button or anything and I am using the compressed version.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2017
MB "Haha.... yeah, that's some kinky shit to be teaching us in school."
MB "Are you sure you're not just exploring the Oedipal Complex side of this assignment with Miss [mom_name] in her office? Hahahahah..."
R "What.... no.... that doesn't even make sense! She's not my mom, and she isn't even my step-mom, she's more like a court appointed babysitter."


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2017
D.S.-sama The conversion work you've done so far is great and appreciated, however unfortunately there are instances of 'roommate', 'ward', 'guardian', and name use still peppered throughout the script, which has the effect of breaking the immersion that you mean to create.


Jan 9, 2019
Instead of asking unnecessary questions you can go to the OP and check when (if) this patch/mode will be updated to the current version of the game. By the way the new game version is up for just a few hours. If you can't wait you can play the game as it is or use some other patch.

D.S.-sama The conversion work you've done so far is great and appreciated, however unfortunately there are instances of 'roommate', 'ward', 'guardian', and name use still peppered throughout the script, which has the effect of breaking the immersion that you mean to create.
Still much better than most "patches" from other games. And you can correct yourself the few instances you mention with a text editor if you want. Now if you see too many of such instances you may use the incorrect version of the patch.
Last edited:
Aug 17, 2019
Instead of asking unnecessary questions you can go to the OP and check when (if) this patch/mode will be updated to the current version of the game. By the way the new game version is up for just a few hours. If you can't wait you can play the game as it is or use some other patch.
Still much better than most "patches" from other games. And you can correct yourself the few instances you mention with a text editor if you want. Now if you see too many of such instances you may use the incorrect version of the patch.
Considering the op hasn't been updated since march and there are no indications of if the patch for the current version is being worked on, combined with the fact that although 0.6b just came out, 0.6a has been out for a couple of days at least, plus the fact that, since for some reason the creator of the game has not released any kind of simple patch file themselves and there are no other mods listed, this mod is the only option to easily patch the game, your advice is pretty unhelpful. Also, while I can't speak for everyone else, the entire reason I'm waiting on this patch is because I niether have nor know how to use a renpy text editor. If it's so easy to change, why don't you do us all a favour, save some time and release a patch yourself instead of bitching about people impatience.


Your Mother's Lover
Dec 16, 2018
I can see that many here only complain that the patch is not working and just keep asking when there will be a new patch for the current version of the game and all it takes is a bit of effort and reading skills.
Incest patch for this game is created not by dev but by D.S.-sama who also helps the dev with this game.
In last update A Family Venture v0.06a incest patch added in game was only a temporary solution (this was a patch from version 0.05a so therefore it does not work properly throughout the game and does not change all the new dialogues ) because there is no new version of the patch at the moment (and every new game update requires a new version of the patch as if somebody didn't know).

If you look on patreon D.S.-sama you can find info that he has a lot on his mind at the moment and therefore he doesn't have much time for an update patch - here is post from him patreon:

I'm sorry everyone but life happens...
Hello everyone, I know that I haven't been active for a long time and many of my mods have not been updated and I haven't added any more new ones and that's because life happens (*s|_|cks). My time has become even more difficult to organize and add in moding and even playing any more games... I just got a new job and had to move to a different city on the other end of my country, my apartment is a rental and I don't have a functional internet infrastructure, even no tv, yet, :(, thank God for my phone and laptop (with internet from my phone... limited bandwidth) that keep me sane.... my job schedule has changed from shift of 12h work with 24h rest to daily 8h program and having only my weekends off (that's in a generally speaking way), even my time that I needed to spend on my PhD has suffered from this and became a headache, I also need to help Will Tylor with his game "A family adventure" and that also suffered from this... So long story short is that I'll try to do my best to update my mods and even see if I can create more of them but until I'll have the time for that I won't be able to do it and not overwork myself to death, both mentally and physically. My mods will always be free and if you choose to support my work then I'm thanking you from the bottom of heart, but if you did support me and felt like being cheated for the past months now you know why, this is not my job only my hobby and I'll always be spending my remaining time for it but sometimes life throws you a curve ball and you struggle to obtain a good "point" out of it. Once again I'm sorry to have failed the trust of all my supporters and I'll try to make it up to you all.
Have a nice day,
And here is info from dev discord about new version of patch - so please wait and be patient and stop complaining.

So to sum up, whoever wants a new version of the incest patch to the last version of the game simply has to wait patiently for the modder to have time to update it to the current version of the game v0.06b.


Jul 9, 2017
Hello, I also get the traceback error, i didn't try patches or mods, just regular game...any ideas how to make it work?