Working On A Game


Oct 15, 2016
ok so met with the other writer today laid out the story for her so we'll see how she preforms over the next few weeks.

My sub is gonna be going to college for game development and design, which means she'll have a 4 year degree in which she learns 3d modeling, coding, level design and post work like photo shop and substance painter etc.

She'll be starting either late summer or early fall most likely of this year so sometime next year she'll know more about general game design then me :) and i'll have her working on the games with me and helping with pushing 3d content games in the future.

While the writer starts doing writing i'll prob. fine tune the general sex animations and get the quality i want which might take like 8-10 rendered out animations which is like months of work so i'll be working on that and making that as photoreal as i can starting next month assuming the new writer can actually put out quality work in the volume she says :)

Once the basic animations for sex are done and she gets to the choke point in the story i'll work on filling in the stills and bondage scenes and have her work while i play catch up so i have some back log of writing then i can focus only on art and coding and marketing since the writing will be back loged for me on release.

As always i'll keep you updated on whats going on with the game and myself as i have things being done take it easy :)


Oct 15, 2016
fooling around in unreal and with its blueprint tools and learning it while i wait on my new writer so we'll see how that goes my submissive is learning more about 3D and learning blender and daz atm to make stuff for school whens he goes in the fall or winter :)


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
So the game is going to be made with the unreal engine ? or are you just fooling around to get the works and capabilities of said engine? Seen some sick android games ( non xxx ) being made and very amazing looking model's so if you make that and by chance we get more unreal run games at a decent size life would be complete.


Oct 15, 2016
no it will be made in renpy i am fooling around in unreal trying to learn 3D while i wait for the writers to play catch up.

I would never make a game or work with a software i didn't know how to use or understand it just leads to poor quality work.

I knew how to make 3D models, then i learned about textures and PBR as well as lighting now i am learning more about coding and how to apply what i learned to 3D rather then just 2D using unreal.

2D i.e renpy image system is not the same as 3D in reguards to how they handle textures or how gameplay is handled.

Learning the 3D will help me down the road for the 2nd or 3rd game so i can then make a half decent 3D game once i know i am doing and atm i have the free time since i done on my end and just waiting on writers.


Oct 15, 2016
Learned what i need for the most part on shader editor and made my first level in unreal for a basic top down crawler type of level.

I used daz assets for diff,ao,roughness,height,displacement,normal,gloss etc to make some basic shaders such as flooring and some old worn out brick shaders in unreal and worked on tiling them for different use cases etc.

I also learned how to setup basic skydomes and change movement speeds for the clouds and what not for the skydomes but i need to look into how to adjust sky domes for more complex shaders with layers for things like realism in space domes etc.

As always i suck at coding and so i suck at blueprints but i am working on learning them atm and setting up camera angles for basic game setups such as top down, 3rd person, first person etc.

Haven't heard back from my new writer yet but she still has like 2 weeks to finish so here's to hoping that works out its the only thing holding me back from moving forward with the game and pushing content to it atm.

My submissive has started to fool around in 3D and is working on level designs and learning how to make 3D models and seems to be into it alot but hates the boring work and learning stuff from scratch but she'll get there and she'll be going to school hoepfully in the fall after she gets work done on her ass and recovers from that.

As always i'll keep everyone updated with what i am doing and whats going on with the game, Sorry i haven't been as active as i normally am but i been trying to learn the ins and outs of unreal and trying to learn more about texture mapping and making textures from scratch and from reference so my 3D games come out better then the 2D ones since they stand out more overall in 3D if there is mistakes or texture issues.


Oct 15, 2016
Well My old writer quit which i can't say i didn't see coming the work load and her ablity didn't seem to see eye to eye with each other.

Lucky for me i contracted the freelance writer and she got 8k words done in less then a month but some fixes need to be done and shes working on those fixes to the work done so far.

The new writer seems to workout better for me but she still needs to work with me for a bit to get where my story is coming from and how i want it told and the level detail i want for it.

I've Learned more about unreal and am working on taking some more courses and make basic games just to see how different system works and try to get blueprints and code down so i can do some things code wise if needed rather then contract someone to do them for me or buy working systems from the marketplace.

I've also started to pick up some animation courses so i can better make animations down the road and maybe make my own sex animations etc since most premade ones need fixes or adjustments and end up costing and are mainly made for older 3d model types.

As for the writing which is what is holding back my actual product moving forward i intend to work with the freelancer and once she's on the same page as to what i want i'll move forward and start making renders that will go in the game as well as have update the writing to match my renders with details and most likely do comeplete rewrite at the end when the game is done to better match the renders and voice acting tone for the comeplete game if its needed.

With all that said the game is actually moving forward at pace that i am happy with and i am getting writing and content made/done now which is good been working on learning game design and development for months and then to get stuck on a writer for setting me back 4 months trying to get writing done sucks x.x so now that i am moving forward i should have more things to show sorry it's been kinda dead on my end but without the writing to go in i've been kinda just focused on getting that working and learning more about unreal and 3D workflow for future games i will make and how to make them better as well as this one.

As always i'll keep everyone updated on whats going and what i am doing take it easy :)
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New Member
May 5, 2017
Hi. Yesterday i tried to make some renders in Daz. The problem is that genitalia dont work. I tryed to fix it about 12 hours but... -__- . Please, can you upload your library folder to mega, i really need your help :test2:


Oct 15, 2016
Hi. Yesterday i tried to make some renders in Daz. The problem is that genitalia dont work. I tryed to fix it about 12 hours but... -__- . Please, can you upload your library folder to mega, i really need your help :test2:
which one do you need ? your gonna have to give me more info i have more then one 3D model for genitalia .... Do you mean the one for G3F models ? for v4 models ? or for G2F models or are you talking about the one for g3M etc ?

Also make sure you Reimport meta data when you add new assets to your daz program.


New Member
May 5, 2017
which one do you need ? your gonna have to give me more info i have more then one 3D model for genitalia .... Do you mean the one for G3F models ? for v4 models ? or for G2F models or are you talking about the one for g3M etc ?

Also make sure you Reimport meta data when you add new assets to your daz program.
Thank you, it was just an unworking morph. :)


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
Chick in blue jeans nees more of those, the ass in those jeans are lit.nom nom and how's the game coming and the writers? Any huge progreas cannot wait to give this a run.


Oct 15, 2016
Chick in blue jeans nees more of those, the ass in those jeans are lit.nom nom and how's the game coming and the writers? Any huge progreas cannot wait to give this a run.
Atm there is 16k words done and i am working with the writer monthly to try to get it moving forward faster but no promises. While i wait on the writer to write i have been learning 3D game dev stuff and mainly learn mats in unreal and how to transfer daz models and props into unreal mainly models since the poly count on daz stuff is always too high for games.

The avg. triple a game character has 8-10k poly count with a max of 50k poly count assuming there isn't alot of models in the game aka Tomb raider. and Daz models have anywhere form 230k poly count to 350k poly count. you can see how not wanting to transfer alot of the props over too which are just as bad. I'll most likely buy some props form unreal market place for that stuff.

I have Sara in unreal atm looking pbr and like a triple A title character would - the hair which i am having issues with the shader atm . I have also made some basic levels and added ruins etc form daz that are low poly.

I now am working on learning transfering animations for daz models and learning how that works since i have aton of v4 animations i could use for a game.

My pet is learning level design atm and i am having her fool around with making levels of different stuff like sci fi maps and medival maps etc just to get how it works and what goes into it .

I'll post a video of how sara looks in unreal and me fooling around when i know more about what i am doing there is alot more to learn in unreal then daz and the blue print system is annoying but i havve got mats down so far and how to fix most things aside form hair which seems to need to go through a temporal AA print that has tessalation on it etc its annoying when the skin and eyes was so easy and looks so good :)

Sorry its taking so long but i am kinda stuck without the writing i could post renders all day but without the writing its just meh unless i go 3D and i don't know enough yet on that front but i am learning :)

As always i'll keep you updated with whats going take it easy and hope everyone is having a good day :)


Oct 15, 2016
ok so i haven't been as active as of late while learning the 3D stuff and working on the game so i figured i'd show you all what i have been working on with some in game screen shots of what i have done so far in unreal etc.

i havent setup animation for the figures yet or setup the inside of the houses or started on events yet but the base of the world is up and running full with houses stores and a park some houses have pools and i added cars into the world for more realism.

The female character models are in game and the texture have been fixed and updated to look close to triple a character models :)

i am learning blue prints bit by bit and learning how to setup events for the missons and the gameplay stuff etc :)

I'll keep you more updated once i have something worth showing sorry for being inactive with updates but i have just been learning and nothing much to update ppl about until now :)

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Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
Digging that tattoed Raven hair black demonic eyes chick, Insta want her right when this is done.

Deleted member 420069

Hi, are You still working on the game ? Maybe You working on some other projects ?

Best regards,


Oct 15, 2016
Hi, are You still working on the game ? Maybe You working on some other projects ?

Best regards,
I am but it's at a crawl due to work and real life issues that have made me have to take on more work , also re-targeting animtions to work on the daz models while still being able to use the facial rigs for expressions and etc is a bitch so it will be worked on but my time is legit like an hour or so a week if i am lucky atm with how hectic my life is atm .
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
RL can easily get in the way, communication then relations, as long as one keep itself in good state there always ways to go.
If anything it's the writer who is the most delicate as it is, if possible see to have some time together as to at last get out of the "work" setting.
As it is going to go for years, a good base is better.

Else, seem you got bases covered, post from time to time with images and information, it's the best way to built up and get further along others. Online that is. RL it works too, but limits are in the way, even if, guess it is more about who one let what see…

Also, as to help tracking, can you edit the first post _ Even if it is only the edition dates changing it would give something to track yours posts.


Oct 15, 2016
RL can easily get in the way, communication then relations, as long as one keep itself in good state there always ways to go.
If anything it's the writer who is the most delicate as it is, if possible see to have some time together as to at last get out of the "work" setting.
As it is going to go for years, a good base is better.

Else, seem you got bases covered, post from time to time with images and information, it's the best way to built up and get further along others. Online that is. RL it works too, but limits are in the way, even if, guess it is more about who one let what see…

Also, as to help tracking, can you edit the first post _ Even if it is only the edition dates changing it would give something to track yours posts.
The game is basically trashed due to RL, The game was loosely based off myself with exaggeration of parts so ppl in RL wouldn't piece this or that together and link the game with who I am in RL.

I had a slave and a pet, as well as an FWB short version Pet, had a mental breakdown/issues due to a lot of family deaths and is no longer in my life and my slave died due to covid, I am still in contact with the FWB but dealing with the death of a loved one and breaking off of things with my pet had put things off on the game as well as my sex life and anything but work really.

I split bills with my slave so I need to work more to afford to pay bills etc, I am dealing with mental depression due to the loss of her and my pets break from the lifestyle and me hit me kinda hard, and so I work full time plus overtime as a freelancer atm to make ends meet plus it helps kinda with the depression.

If I am on here it's not for long and it's mainly to dl a game which I use for reference/learning or to get off to, I stay logged in or I might have a tab open but I am hardly here and when I do comment I normally regret it over thinking it's seen as useful as most ppl don't take the time to think through their arguments or take care enough to see other sides when an exchange is being had.

I have just started to pick a few games I like mainly and donating to the ones I think are worth it in order to get them for the most part as the time I have for games is limited and the time I will spend on this forum will decrease as my use for it and pirated content as a whole has decreased, I will most likely pop on from time to time like I have been to check in with projects and ppl but if and when I start a new game/project the info and posts will likely be made on the sites I use for it just becuase it makes my life easier and is less hassle for me as I get my shit together.

With all that said I am getting better over time and I will probably start a new game more based on fantasy over RL stuff so I can be less personally invested in the topics in the story, I also started taking writing courses and learning writing as a profession as to make making a game easier in the long term for myself.

That's basically the best for an update I can muster atm, Sorry to those that were interested and had hope for the game but RL hit me hard and this will definitely be used as a learning experience to make sure any future projects I do will be workable around RL drama and bouts of depression and will have more clear communication so that if things do pop up it doesn't affect the game as much.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
Damn, **** happen alright.
COVID-19 has been and is a bitch, sad about the game being in this state, given the work and time, efforts already in.
To be seen, they are few BDSM games around here in any case.
Loss of someone close is highly individual, relation, closeness etc.

Hope it wont end there, thank you a lot for the efforts but in, guess it is an experience worty of the time put in.

Regards, hope thing will get better.