Working On A Game


Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
Working on background characters to fill in space when i do renders in public spaces such as at dinners bars out on the street etc . ...
Looking great, although dreads give me the creeps, also in RL. Don't know why some like them so much. Maybe they should look a little more like strands, are twirled too much... :D

Where did you get them from? Or did you do them all by yourself?


Oct 15, 2016
Looking great, although dreads give me the creeps, also in RL. Don't know why some like them so much. Maybe they should look a little more like strands, are twirled too much... :D

Where did you get them from? Or did you do them all by yourself?
The hair model is from daz studios you can pirate it i am sure form one of the many sharing sites but i bought it i like it reminds of me of saints row 2 and one of my fav. character from the series.

The model i made but i am not gonna make models or textures for side characters anymore its too much work for no gain and its not like its 3d space where you can walk up to the character models to get the finer details so i don't have to worry as much untill i move onto 3d.
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Oct 15, 2016
Doing some render that might make it into the story atm some side stuff i'll upload up for ppl to see so here is some of that :)
Shower scene for mp.png
background character 2.png
background character 3.png
Ignore the small defects in these renders if you find them they are background characters for filling out scenes out on the street and in bars etc and you will only see them from a distance and not up close so the defects won't even be seen in final renders.
Last edited:


Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
Thanks. So that is the shower scene you were talking about? Looking great, with the light coming from the side. Pretty massive interiour, almost romanesque. :D But there is no steam? Didn't you mention you include some?

These renders with their 'small defects' in them are what others would deem sufficient already. If you strive for such a quality level that those are only to be used for filling the 'environment' you're fine, no matter what. Wished a few other artists had a similar work ethic like yours, when it comes to 'recycling' secondhand art. But they do not.

Don't want to blame anyone. And you show you got experinece, and know how to do it right. This is maybe a little unfair, but it's good to see what could be achieved with effort and knowledge. Minor flaws are most definitely not the worst to be found out there. Clipping errors, weird hand and foot poses (let alone fingers and toes spread away like they are broken), 'hovering' over furniture... The list goes on, sadly. Some artists / devs thankfully improve with time though.

Nonetheless, I've seen things people wouldn't believe... o_O
Little challenge - who said that? Pm or chat whisper if you like, first correct answer gets a +like. :D


Oct 15, 2016
Thanks. So that is the shower scene you were talking about? Looking great, with the light coming from the side. Pretty massive interiour, almost romanesque. :D But there is no steam? Didn't you mention you include some?

These renders with their 'small defects' in them are what others would deem sufficient already. If you strive for such a quality level that those are only to be used for filling the 'environment' you're fine, no matter what. Wished a few other artists had a similar work ethic like yours, when it comes to 'recycling' secondhand art. But they do not.

Don't want to blame anyone. And you show you got experinece, and know how to do it right. This is maybe a little unfair, but it's good to see what could be achieved with effort and knowledge. Minor flaws are most definitely not the worst to be found out there. Clipping errors, weird hand and foot poses (let alone fingers and toes spread away like they are broken), 'hovering' over furniture... The list goes on, sadly. Some artists / devs thankfully improve with time though.

Nonetheless, I've seen things people wouldn't believe... o_O
Little challenge - who said that? Pm or chat whisper if you like, first correct answer gets a +like. :D
There is actually its subtle look past the shower and near the bathtub carefully as well as in the shower it subtle and light but its there. If you can't see it let me know and i'll upload another render in the shower without it for you to compare it with. If you click the image to look at it in full it becomes easy to see its like a light grayish fog in the bathroom that is in places i should have made some things have wet spots and dripping water in sections on surfaces to enhance the look but i lack some props to do so and making them is kinda hard to work with daz.


Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
There is actually its subtle look past the shower and near the bathtub carefully as well as in the shower it subtle and light but its there. If you can't see it let me know and i'll upload another render in the shower without it for you to compare it with.
It looks like it is dampish and humid, and the reflections on the glass might disturb the effect a little. You talked in the chat about 'steam' so I thought it would be more foggy somehow, but not too much. Maybe with animation (if you would animate such a scene) it could develop more and cover the body to a degree, also water could condense on the glass... As it is right now it's not clearly a 'hot' showering that causes an amount of steam to be built up, imo.

Don't get me wrong - I like to see something. :D Was just wondering, because you mentioned your way of creating 'steam' effects. Yeah, if you want show another render without, it's easier to compare both if the effect is powerfull enough. If it really should be a 'hot shower' it needs to be more intense though. :)


Oct 15, 2016
yeah i agree issue is a balance of things my lack props to make a perfect steam effect for my scene and a lack of props to make water condensation in a viable way to make the scene more real looking i wish i could make the best content i am able but short and long of it is i lack the money to buy the props and time to be able to render out a scene with that level of detail with the work i need to put into my current job.

Keep in mind as it stands i do this in my free time and am not being paid for it and i am using my own income to support it by paying my writer and buying assets.

Once i start making money and can offset these costs and buy assets i need and have the free time because i am being paid via this game i would love to do those things and make adjustments as i am able.

This isn't me being a ass or me being lazy, real issue is if it takes too long for something to come out ppl complain and if it comes out poorly ppl complain as well, the work i am doing is me coming in at a middle ground that ppl like and i can manage with the time i have.

The more time i can put into the game the better i will be able to make certain things but there is a limit there even.
In order to make huge differences in quality it takes time setting up renders making adjustments to the render adding props here and there to the scene to make the subtle changes that make the differences in that quality.

I can only do so much of that before hours turn into days and days into weeks keep mind i would be doing it for all renders and all animations. This is why large studios have more ppl you can increase quality by handing sections off to ppl and doing renders on more then one computer.

My plan is to save up for another computer when i can after i get mocap suits for animations and help with that load on work force. As well as maybe if i can save the money for it and make enough each month have my sub learn 3d and maybe hire her in the future and have her help with games i am make. Along with that is hopefully hire a full time writer i suck at writing and i am limited by the speed of my writer and the quality of her or his work in part too. keep in mind each render takes about 10 to 20 mins for me assuming its not just a simple scene and that means animation times are 10 mins x 200 to 300 frames and those are only basic 6 to 10 min animations.

Imagine me having the mocap suit and making entire sex scenes and how long those animations would be yeah i woulc cut them down to be smaller and adjust them as need but thats still like say 5 mins that a 50x increase in render times for that quality increase in animation and details. 300 frames x 50 = 15,000 frames x 10 mins = 150,000 mins or 2,500 hours or 104.166667 days etc you get my point its a huge increase in time spent for that quality gain. Gratned keep in mind these guess at time the real render rates for these animations would end up being about 50 days times not 104 with my current rig thats still a month and half for 1 animation thats only 5 mins long with good quality.

Rant aside i am gonna go wake my lazy ass up and as always i'll keep everyone updated :)

With my steam effects and without just so ppl and see.
Shower Intro Scene picture 1 no steam effects .png
Shower Intro Scene picture 1.png
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Respected User
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Aug 6, 2016
It feels like the upper pic is that you are there watching and the lower pic is more like you're using a spy cam.


Oct 15, 2016
It feels like the upper pic is that you are there watching and the lower pic is more like you're using a spy cam.
It's camera angles none of these are final products that will make it into the game i make out a scene and render it out then adjust things after i see what needs fixing or what i feel is off then render again rinse and repeat untill i like what i see and that makes the final product for going into game as place holder.
Untill i have story fleshed out, sounds in game and voice acting done and in game then i i'll make last min adjustments for images and animation give it finer details and apply what i learned and think fits best and flesh it all out for final release of the game.

What you see me posting here is one of the many renders i do before i get to final place holder stuff that might go in game.

The first render she had her normal hair that wasn't wet on and no scale for the water to be noticeable and still had her hair cloth in.

The 2nd renders she has her hair wet hair cloth is out and steam is in but the water is falling form nowhere and not from a shower head.

I have a render with the water coming from the shower head and a puddle of water running to the drain in the render etc etc you only see one or 2 renders of like 20 or 30 that get made as part of a process.

Nothing i have posted so far has made my cut for in game stuff so when you finally do play the game you wouldn't have seen all the images already but some you will have seen just with less of the finer details that did make into the final cut for placeholder render stuff until final touches for final release stuff.


Oct 15, 2016
Doing some test animations to get lighting down for sex scenes in different settings of the game. I haven't made adjustments to fix clipping or adjustments for realism such as head movements or changes in faces throughout the animation but you can see the lighting i working on and a example of a quick and simple sex scene :)


Oct 15, 2016
i manged to get some condensation props of okay quality i might add them to the shower scenes when i get chance to add to the realism of shower scenes they were actually free from sickleyield i'll link to them for ppl to use in thier render if they wish it comes with a few useful shower and water or blood etc type stuff.

Daz link for user in daz in duf file format dz native.

orig. link where the converted files came from in obj. format for use in more then just daz, if you use this one make sure you have shaders for use with water or bubbles pref. both.


Oct 15, 2016
working on more sex animations for a scene in the game this one being more rough with choking and breath play being done at the end of the scene with stills. Prob. gonna take about 26 hours or so to finish its 228 frames long and has the same lighting settings but at a different section of the room up against the wall.

As always i'll keep everyone up to date on what i am working on and how it is going i got my 2,595 words in on the story and i have my writer working on more atm for this month while i try to get some of the stills and animations going to play catch up with the writing. Once i get caught up i'll code into renpy look at what the transitions are like and see what i need to render to make them look smooth and make sense.

I'll render out what she has again next month and do the same thing rinse repeat untill we reach the choke point in the story of meeting the 2nd sub which where the story more or less begins and game play takes effect since shes the main focus for training and molding to the story.

Once we do reach here we will go back in fill in details to make the story sound better and make transitions work more smoothly with what we write and the details we have then.

I'll then render out what we have for that and double check the code making sure no bugs are in the game and there isn't issue with lighting or the looks of the renders or animations in the game that i need to fix and once all that checks out i'll prob. go with that being the first out the door download for ppl to check out and play with.

I don't have a set time for this its more important to me to have a good working product that has a decent detailed story with good detail renders and flowing transitions that look real and make sense to the story then trying to meet a deadline that might get pushed back because i fail to do something in time because of unforseen issues happening or the writer being late do to personal issues or something else etc etc .

so this will take as long as it takes but i do keep everyone up to date on whats getting done and what i am doing and what i have from my writer etc so its no surprise with whats going on with the project at some point when i get it out of the door and i settle into a decent workflow i'll prob. stream my work on setting up scenes adjusting textures etc and my thought process for what i plan to do for a scene and what i do to fix character models if i need to during the game etc. as well as answer questions about the game and when its closer to being done prob. stuff like polls for the next game and character ideas and what ppl wanna see for misc fetishes that fit the story etc.


Oct 15, 2016
well after 3 days of doing an animation i get it going and forget to setup the camera for the scene when i saved it so a bug happens and i get a render issue so i ignore that render and restart daz and go to reset up my scene to find no camera setup z.z so not i am 3 days out of work and a animation that is only 10 secs long and only half done fml .... o well back to retrying to render it again and wishing i had a video card with ecc ram.


Oct 15, 2016
Took a break from the animation and send what i could salvage to the writer to fix up some scenes for the first sex scene in game of note.

Started to code the writing into renpy so i can break up the story into character tone and start adding in renders into renpy and get the story and the "game" part of the game on the board at least.

I'll be doing the animations in full with the fixes and lighting and bloom for the lighting and a bit of motion blur that's really subtle so it looks decent but doesn't add to render times too much over the next week or so after i finish coding in the story written so far today.

As always i'll keep everyone posted as to whats going on and how things are going on my end and with my writer :) take it easy everyone.
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Oct 15, 2016
Ok i am gonna sit down today and learn how to use ron's brushes and not suck as hard as i do in the next few days.

His stuff is insane and allows me to do fancy stuff in post its not that important for this project since i can make 99% of the stuff with no post work but it would allow me to do things better even in this one.

The main reason is for stuff i plan to do in the future once this game is complete and i move onto the next project i want to do scifi or fantasy which means energy beams holograms etc if i go scifi and magic if i go fantasy which means i will need to do post work of some kind there are props that allow for magic and even shaders that allow for holograms but they are limited.

Post work is something i hate learning to be honest but it will allows me to A. gain skills i can put toward work if need be and B. make better renders and allow for more design choices for promo stuff and company related stuff as well such as web design etc if i ever get to that point.

if i can get to a point where i meet my standards for quality i will prob. put these new skills into the game to better the renders once i add in sounds and voice acting in between setting those up for quality control.

For those who don't know about ron's brushes i'll link it its worth every penny to have them and you can pirate them if your broke they are awesome and cover pretty much everything you might need to your renders and while most ppl don't feel around with photoshop for post work if you ever want to learn the skills they are super useful :)

As always i'll keep everyone up to date with what i am doing what i am working on and how things are going with the game atm i have all last months writing in main menu render is in music is in for the main menu and i made some custom buttons that will be place holder untill i can hire someone for ui designs and get what i want i lack the skills to make what i want in reguards to ui that will fit what i want but i'll worry about that later what i have atm works for what it is.


Oct 15, 2016
Adding more to my shower scene such as water and ripples in the shower and adjusting the shower water to be seen in the render still no condensation but still looks decent.

Please note that i am going for subtle effects so the render times don't take forever but while they are subtle they still are there and noticeable and add to the scene to make it look better i might add more steam and condensation to the shower glass at some point before final renders we will see how things go as i start adding renders into the game engine and how many transitions i need to make for the shower scenes.

Made water more noticeable for the shower stream added water and ripples in the shower on the floor with water pooled going to the drain.

Shower Intro scene tests.png
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Oct 15, 2016
I have been sucking at photoshop as of late while doing renders for place holder stuff to go in game for what is written so far so over the next few months i can get renders in so she can fill in details once we get to a stop gap in the story that i feel is good enough for a release.

This way she has the renders to look at and can fill that detail in as well as write transitions that need to be written for smoother flow of renders from one image to another and images into animations in the renpy engine.

While waiting on her and during my free time i decided to spent some money on udemy to learn C++ and how to use unreal engine in order to better understand 3d and work toward my goals of making decent 3D games in the future.

The course goes through what i would take to make a 3d game and how to use the editor in unreal as well as covering C++ which is the main stay in 3D development for most places and will allow me to code shit into the engine such as camera angles mapping for terrain etc etc etc.

While i am just ranting about things here in this post and letting everyone know what i am doing i figured i'd address some of the rumblings about this game dev. isn't pushing content fast enough this game dev. isn't putting out that animation fast enough.

I'll start this off with i don't speak for them i only speak for myself and i can't look over their shoulders to know what they are doing and are not. I am not their babysitter nor their Dev. management member so its not my job to deal with their issues or how they spend their time nor am i paid to do so.

With that all being said game development is not as easy as most ppl think it is not and even if you are good at it or enjoy doing it, it consumes a large amount of time to do things you normally wouldn't think take all that long.

I started a shower scene with a basic shower scene with pre applied textures and water already in the tub but none in the shower. This same scene then required me to do the following to allow me to get the image you have scene above.

Step one grab a shower water prop adjust it to fix to the shower, step two grab a steam prop and throw that into the scene to add steam to the room.

step 2 render that scene which took about 5 mins. per render, then find out the steam prop looked like heavy fog or smoke and was way more over the top then what would look real even after 3 renders and different adjustments later.

step 3 delete said prop add in a total of 20 pannels then apply a depth haze to these pannels and adjust opacity so only the depth haze can be seen in the render then adjust the water to be larger so its noticeable in the renders without having to look to find it.

Step 4 render that which has gone from 5 mins. to 25 mins because of the 20 pannels added to the scene and the increase in water prop size.

Step 5 find out its too subtle and then add in more pannels and a box over the pannels that is the size of the shower to adjust the depth haze so you can see the person in the shower clearly then expand the pannels so they are large enough to address the whole of the scene.

Step 6 render image find it gives a decent render and be happy but then find out it lacks a few things you can actually fix and would add to the scene.

Step 7 change the hair to hair that is the same color is wet looking and poses well with how wet hair would flow in a shower then add in another prop for water scale it = to the other water prop so it covers the whole of the character and flows threw them like a shower would going in a straight line even thou showers don't flow in a straight line.

Step 8 render it now at 30 mins render time and then post it to get told you could do more and knowing you can you decide to add more to get a fuller scene.

Step 9 grab plane add water textures to the pane and move it to the floor of the shower and then add water textures to it then add another plane just above that plane then add on ripple textures for the water so it looks as if the water is flowing down toward the drain in the shower.

Step 10 render the image add in lighting using a hdri add bloom adjust render setting from normal to final render and the render takes about 1 hour 40 mins with ultra settings for the render without going pro quality for time.

Step 11 try and find a condensation prop that can scale and another prop or shader that can act as steam on glass for the shower to show that the shower is hot.

Step 12 get the prop to find out it doesn't scale well for the shower and the best thing to do is grab a brush for photoshop and try to do the condensation in post work to find out you suck and the quality won't match the render you did before.

Step 13 while learning photoshop and trying to get a quality you can live with download a bubble and foam prop that you can use to add onto the character model to show she is actually taking a shower and maybe use it on the glass to add to the condensation issue and adjust that so you can maybe use the condensation prop inbetween the bubbles and not scale them as large as the whole pane of the glass.

step 14 render which is now at 2 hours 10 mins for the render, find out the condensation is just not gonna work but the bubbles will so keep them delete condensation and re-render at 2 hours.

step 15 be happy with that scene untill you are good enough at photoshop to not degrade the quality of your render.

Now that is one scene one render, i can use that render for any scene that takes place within that bathroom but that's about 4 days of work to get one scene setup and working and that's without editing textures to the current 3d scene that is the bathroom i brought into the 3d space to use.

Yes i did work on other things when i could, my free time for game development isn't full time work hours which it is for someone making a large some of money but my point is in my case with 5 hours a day just rendering and setting up a scene while knowing what i am doing it still took me 4 days for 2 scenes.

There is a barrier that as a game dev. you have to workout and that is this you only have so many hours in a day and you at some point can only produce quality to a certain point before that quality takes to long to produce and you are now taking to long to put content out before you need to hire more ppl to off set that issue.

Most ppl not talking for all just myself and my thoughts on this, is they do the coding, marketing art work or in the case of 3D renders and even in some cases writing which eat into that time to quality for the art and or renders.

Lets assume they make enough to hire a full time writer and coder and that coder/writer will take min. wage to work on the project that's 1,305 usd for the writer and coder at the base min wage in the us at 7.25 usd per hour working at 40 hours. They still need to work on marketing to draw in money which seems to be easy enough so they can mainly focus on the art and or render part.

So now i am only focusing on rendering i making enough to cover myself and enough to cover my writer and my coder and i only have to focus on the art and or render part of my project.

So i focus on that i work full time i get done 8 scenes setup and rendered out in that 4 days assuming i keep the quality the same and i have the props for what i need. So that 8 scenes setup and rendered per 4 days 30 days / 4 days = 7.5* 8 renders = 60 renders in that month.

60 renders this number assumes i don't need to make more adjustments then i did before the render times don't take longer because there isn't more in the scene and this doesn't include animation which takes days if done right and has proper lighting bloom for that lighting and that with only a few objects int eh scene and only 2 character models in those scenes.

So out of these 60 renders i can prob. make roughly 4 scenes or 6 scenes depending on the level of detail i want to give to the scene and the writings detail of the scene. This with the coder and writing working with me so i don't have to focus on that and that's with no animation.

Granted a better computer decreases render times as well as equipment such as mocap suites for animation and learning skills such as how to use photoshop would cut down render times by applying effects in photoshop rather then rendering them out in the 3d engine such as the bubbles, condensation steam etc etc.

But learning those skills getting that equipment takes time even if your making large sums of money. Lets assume you want the basics of a good 3d render computer that was consumer level to decrease render times as well as mocap suites to decrease animation time and cost of animation and not limit yourself to a set model for animations.

My current rig is 2 titan x's 5960x 64 gbs of ram and decent storage options if i was going to build a consumer level product that preformed better it would prob. have 4 titan x's 128 gb of ram and if i wanted to go better cpu which might help on render times then i am look at the next up in cpu too.

assuming you can get the titan x atm they cost around $1,576.22 at amazon per card 1,649.99 for the 5950x best consumer cpu you can get even then it's only slightly better then my current one in most apps. and then ECC ram for making the build more stable and having less issues in the programs but won't help with render issues since they use gpu ram and titan x doesn't use ecc. $1,677.82 that 9,632.69 cents not including storage cases windows if you go that route power supply etc i excluded these for a reason.

The gpus aren't easy to get even while google searching most of places were out of stock or only had a few left and even if you have the money to drop you might have to wait same for cpu the ram is also the same. the rest shouldn't be hard to come by but the cpu ram and gpu might be making you wait a month or 2 before you build the system and put them into your workflow.

you buy the system from a custom maker of pc's at a higer cost but end up waiting roughly the same time it takes them a month for the custom work etc then the time to send it out to you so roughly a month and half before you get and can set it up.

so rough total cost of a better version of rig on consumer level would 10k more if i went with a 3d party for putting it togeather for me to save that roughly half of a month of time.

The cheapest mocap suite that works and allows easier animation without having to make a room for it and adjust other things with added costs is 3k. You work in sex animations and basic animation stuff you need 2 suites unless you plan to make bad animations or take turns with the suites and add to animations time which we are trying to reduce as much as humanly possible so 6k for 2 suits with the key to use them.

so to increase my work flow to a faster rate then 4 to 6 scenes with no animation i am looking a rough est. of 16k and 2 months of wait time for the pc and lets say a month of wait time on the mocap suites.

So lets assume i am making 10k a month - paying the min. wage for the coder & writer and then myself i left with 6,085 then - taxes you write off the expense of the parts but still need to pay taxes on it, so lets say 5k at the end of it.

You would have to save for 2 months for the pc and another 2 months for the mocap suites putting you at 4 months for the cost then another 3 months for waiting for it all to get to you and then setup.

So it would take 7 months to get you to the point where you could increase that time frame for renders and animations assuming you 10k a month which is a lot.

Also something to note on top of all that is that while that will increase render times you don't know by how much and if you have render issues due no ecc ram and the program crashes you lose that render time and if it doesn't save the scene because of said crash you are even set back more, 4 days for those 2 scenes you made more for animations etc.

You can greatly reduce this buy buying actual cards used for 3D rendering and animation and 3D design but they cost anywhere from 2k up to 5k per card due to alot of things such as ecc, increased ram, drivers made for 3d programs, different binning for longer lasting and better preformance etc. but that's adding 500 to 3,550 usd to each card you add to your system. and maybe longer wait times on those gpus too since they not consumer cards.

This rant has gone on for a long time now so i'll save you from more of it and end with this it's not as easy as it seems and little things add up into large things when you need to make 8 slightly different renders for a scene that's 8 points of failure and 8 times the work for one scene and money doesn't always = a faster release or more content in the same amount of time when one issue can cause a scene of 8 images to need to be redone or a animation of 200 to 300 renders to be redone. If you have a issue with the content or speed or quality try contacting the dev. about it and see what they can do about it and what the issue may have been to set them back in the first place. The more you tell them and the more you know the less stress you and the game dev. will have in reguards to that project.
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Oct 15, 2016
animation i am working on with real world lighting and decent realism as far as textures that i will be putting into my game its not even a full motion and is basicly only a 14 frames of the animation out of 204 frames.

There are small issues with the animation that i will fix at later date once the game it out if you see something that is out of place in a render or a animation odds are i know its there and i left it in to get the game out and it will be fixed and adjusted later on when i add in ambient sounds and prob. again when i add in voice acting for final releases etc.

In this case the bend of the ankle of the female character and a slightly off bend in her knee as well as casting shadows that that need to be adjusted.

When you do realism small things tend to stand out and be more visible then if you were for fantasy or non realism in a render or animation or game that being said i think it still looks good for what it is and all my renders and animations will be fixed and have a increase in quality as i learn more about PBR, HDR/HRDI/IBL lighting and render settings.

With experience comes better results and quicker results i keep myself to a standard which i want my renders and animation's and by extension my games to have which i think is decent and as i improve so will my standards for the things i do but with a increase in quality comes a increase in time frames and how long it takes things to be completed.

The more real i make my animations and renders and the by extension my games the better they look and the longer they take so sorry if my work for release is a bit slow at time but i try to keep in touch with my user base and keep everyone up to date as often as i can when i do something worth of note and i let everyone know where i spend my time while i work toward my games.

Long winded rants aside let me show you the 1 sec not full motion of the animation that has taken the past 14 hours to render for this not even a sec animation.

It's not long but the level of realism i put into the render and the time i took for depth of field, filed of view shadow casting, lighting etc makes each still image take an hour and 5 mins. long per render at 204 frames that's over 3 days of animation to get only roughly 6.8 secs of animation time And at the end of the day i ain't even mad at that :)

Let me know what you think and as always i'll keep you updated as to what i am doing what i learning to improve my skill set and how the progress for my game is going :)

take it easy everyone.


Oct 15, 2016
took a break from my animation to download more daz content and start designing clothes that will be worn by characters and save them as presets so i just hopefully just load them in and setup scenes.

That's the hope v4 and daz like to have small issues with morphs at load in some times or resetting shapes.

here's a look at chelsea in one of the outfits i have for her :)
clothing tests.png

I'm gonna go start the animation back up at the frame i left off on and go get some sleep now and when i wake up i'll stop it and go make more clothing sets for different characters for different scenes i have in mind for the game and render out basic stuff for the writing to write in the details of the clothing as well.

As always i'll keep everyone updated on what i am doing how the writing is going and what not.... Sorry i haven't as active as i normally am but the i have just been doing the animation and it takes 1 hour and 30 mins per frame and at 204 frames its just being a time sink and i can't use my pc while it runs so i just been reading and relaxing while it goes for the past like 72 hours and thats only frame 72 still got 73 - 203 to go :/ take it easy :)
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