Thanks. So that is the shower scene you were talking about? Looking great, with the light coming from the side. Pretty massive interiour, almost romanesque.

But there is no steam? Didn't you mention you include some?
These renders with their 'small defects' in them are what others would deem
sufficient already. If you strive for such a quality level that
those are only to be used for filling the 'environment' you're fine, no matter what. Wished a few other artists had a similar work ethic like yours, when it comes to 'recycling' secondhand art. But they do not.
Don't want to blame anyone. And you
show you got experinece, and know how to do it right. This is maybe a little unfair, but it's good to see what could be achieved with effort and knowledge. Minor flaws are most definitely not the worst to be found out there. Clipping errors, weird hand and foot poses (let alone fingers and toes spread away like they are broken), 'hovering' over furniture... The list goes on, sadly. Some artists / devs thankfully improve with time though.
I've seen things
people wouldn't believe...
Little challenge - who said that? Pm or chat whisper if you like, first correct answer gets a +like.