Working On A Game


Oct 15, 2016
Since the other animation didn't take that long at all i figured i'd do another shorter one since i need to work on it anyway for spanking sessions so i'll have that uploaded before i go to bed. :)

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Oct 15, 2016
So i been thinking about how to handle animation and if i wanted to do each animation from scratch or use posing to key frames etc.

This lead me to look at what i have for animations and what i can buy already made as well as poses and what i will need. Which lead me to figuring out that there is still no easy way for any of it which made me sad faced.

So i am gonna go with a mix of buying animations and making them using poses to key frames which means more work for me. So for the next few days instead of working on the story i plan to take all the figures that have decent animations for them which include victoria 4, Michael 4, Genesis 2 female & male and Genesis 3 female and male and make The characters i have into models that work with all 3 figures.

Since the v4 m4 gn2 and gen3 all use different UV maps and bone placement its gonna take me a bit to transfer over the textures i want to use between the 3 different daz figures. Doing this thou will open what animations i can buy and use as well as allow me to use different poses from different figures when i need them allowing me more flex on my content and animations while having all the characters look the same as each other. Basicly I'd have 3 models for sub 1 a v4 gen 2 and gen 3, 3 models for sub 2 v4 gen 2 gen 3 and 3 models for the main m4 gen 2 and gen 3 same for side characters fill characters like in bar scenes etc etc.

This means i will have load in each figure and take it into photoshop and blender and in daz edit them so the textures can be used on all 3 figures and then export out all 3 back into daz to be used. Which requires me to edit and extend then fix the textures to fit each figure and work with each without any seams showing.

Wish me and luck i'm gonna need it and as always i'll keep everyone updated which what i am doing why and most likely rant about how much a pain it is some times.

Sara Test 1.png
Sara Test gen 2 .png
Gen 3 Maped.png

The First one is v4 the 2nd is gen 2 and now the 3rd is gen3, tell me what what you think of the skin textures i know the body is slightly different i haven't been able to transfer over morphs working on getting the software to do all that but i don't have the 35 bucks it'd cost me atm to buy it to work on it and i cant find a free one either. Also note the gen3 (3rd one) is using a different HDR (Lighting for the image) don't shoot me i am tried real life is being a bitch atm with personal bullshit and it took me forever to get the uv map for v4 for gen3 with all the right textures.

So if any can find this for free or something close to it let me know it'd make life a lot easier.

At this point idc if its a torrent of this or something close i'll use it and buy it legit when i can afford the exrta 35 or whatever it will cost later Thanks :)
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Oct 15, 2016
I have been trying to write my story and failing to meet my standard and progress forward so I have decided to hire a writer and am looking into that ATM.

Due to my limited funds ATM I'll most likely set side 60 USD and hire a writer to do section's of the story at roughly 3,000 words a month and do the animations and still renders from the story the writer chunk's out each month.

This will cost me money but will at least make my game have a decent story with decent writing that meet's the standards I have for the game.

Based on how far the 3,000 words per month get ne will dictate my release for the which might set me back but will also make the game better overall.

As always I'll keep everyone updated and let you know how my project is going.
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Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
(Models) ...The First one is v4 the 2nd is gen 2 and now the 3rd is gen3, tell me what what you think of the skin textures i know the body is slightly different i haven't been able to transfer over morphs working on getting the software to do all that but i don't have the 35 bucks it'd cost me atm to buy it to work on it and i cant find a free one either. Also note the gen3 (3rd one) is using a different HDR (Lighting for the image) don't shoot me i am tried real life is being a bitch atm with personal bullshit and it took me forever to get the uv map for v4 for gen3 with all the right textures.
All the three renders are looking quite good. I can see you tried your best to minimize obvious differences, one could hardly say which of them is better in any way.

For the morphs as they are, with the lighting you used: I think 3rd model is looking better than the other two, then 1st model (the shoulders are to stiff, the part from neck to shoulders to arms is almost rectangular), while 2nd got the best hips imo. They are pronounced a little more. I don't try to focus on the lighting too much, you already wrote this could irritate.

The last two look more female to me, because of the wider hips. But you already mentioned this (different body). Still the first one might be used, depending on the character - not all females have got a sandhour shaped body. Hard to say something about skin texture quality - maybe higher resolution would show more (just an identical part of all three, like the area around the navel, or the knees).


Oct 15, 2016
All the three renders are looking quite good. I can see you tried your best to minimize obvious differences, one could hardly say which of them is better in any way.

For the morphs as they are, with the lighting you used: I think 3rd model is looking better than the other two, then 1st model (the shoulders are to stiff, the part from neck to shoulders to arms is almost rectangular), while 2nd got the best hips imo. They are pronounced a little more. I don't try to focus on the lighting too much, you already wrote this could irritate.

The last two look more female to me, because of the wider hips. But you already mentioned this (different body). Still the first one might be used, depending on the character - not all females have got a sandhour shaped body. Hard to say something about skin texture quality - maybe higher resolution would show more (just an identical part of all three, like the area around the navel, or the knees).
Yeah issue with v4 models is that they are older and unless you put them into a pose or animation they have a blocky body type that isn't as appealing as the gen2 or gen 3 models. i was trying to keep the same pose roughly between all 3 of the models but there is issues from model to model that prevent exact matches of each poses.

That being said i still don't have something i can use to convert morphs over from the older v4 models onto newer ones i will look into it more and find out what i can because v4 has the most animations out of all the models for both normal and sexual content.

That being said i could make my own custom model using blender or using maya/3dmax or insert fancy 3d program here but it takes time to make a model that will fit the v4 and the gen 3 and gen 2 models textures and work with the animations and i mean months for a single person and i am good on doing that. with animation and poses on the models it's hard to tell which is which and when i have the morphs to match each body it will be even harder to spot which is which.


Oct 15, 2016
I have contacted 3 writers today and am waiting to hear back and see how each of those conversations go and if i can work with any of the 3 on this project.

As soon i get writing work done from a writer and have them agree to work with me I'll be able to work on renders and animations and sort out the tech based stuff easier because i will have a better understanding of a date i can put the game out.

That being said i have sorted out most of the tech stuff and will work on buying or getting what i can for morph transfers for daz characters.

My main issue is finding a m4 texture that i find ok for the main character that i can then transfer over to a gen3 well or go with plan b and learn how to transfer over a gen 3 texture over to a gen 4 character which is a lot harder and more work but whatever needs to be done will get done. So that is what i am currently working on and once that is done and i get the morph transfers done i can start renders that will go into the game both animated and still.

Once i hear back from and sort out the writing part with the writers i contacted or if i need to contact new ones i'll update you all on how that all goes.


Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
That being said i could make my own custom model using blender or using maya/3dmax or insert fancy 3d program here but it takes time to make a model that will fit the v4 and the gen 3 and gen 2 models textures and work with the animations and i mean months for a single person and i am good on doing that. with animation and poses on the models it's hard to tell which is which and when i have the morphs to match each body it will be even harder to spot which is which.
Did you try out MakeHuman already? Don't say you didn't! :D

There are some (dunno how they're called?) MH 'Plugins' or 'Export Morphs'(?) to get models converted and out from MH to Blender or DAZ, maybe to some other 3D sw (Maya?) too. Or to Blender, then from there to where ever you need via export.
Two ways essentially, sometimes the indirect one is better I guess, because with Blender you've got powerfull functions to tweak and tune your stuff. MH has best support for Blender I read, because both are Open Source. So there are more ppl working on connecting import / export for assets (plus both rely on Python, if I'm not mistaken).

Edit: about textures. Maybe it's just me, but I think a 'perfect' texture is creepy sometimes. You know, flawless skin, no scars - all that. And if you use clothing, most of the skin texture is hidden anyway. o_O
Maybe using less quality textures for 'clothed renders' and high quality only for nudies? Sry I don't know, maybe that's more of a burden to put that much effort into it...

Edit: about the anim above, in post . The downward movement is quite fine (speed, positioning of fingers), sloppy ass slapping. Maybe do more with the upward movement - if you stretch the fingers a little more while hand goes up it would look better. Their position makes me think of a 'grabbing pose' somehow. Just saying.
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Oct 15, 2016
Did you try out MakeHuman already? Don't say you didn't! :D

There are some (dunno how they're called?) MH 'Plugins' or 'Export Morphs'(?) to get models converted and out from MH to Blender or DAZ, maybe to some other 3D sw (Maya?) too. Or to Blender, then from there to where ever you need via export.
Two ways essentially, sometimes the indirect one is better I guess, because with Blender you've got powerfull functions to tweak and tune your stuff. MH has best support for Blender I read, because both are Open Source. So there are more ppl working on connecting import / export for assets (plus both rely on Python, if I'm not mistaken).

Edit: about textures. Maybe it's just me, but I think a 'perfect' testure is creepy sometimes. You know, flawless skin, no scars - all that. And if you use clothing, most of the skin texture is hidden anyway. o_O
i have and i also have made a figure from scratch before issue is not software related its animations and workflow related.

I am trying to make 3 different body types with different bones to work with different animations and poses. So i can then use any pose i own new or old for any gen i want and they look the same in game.

a pose and animation uses the bones applied to a figure to pose and animate that figure and if the bones don't line up you don't get the right animation playing. This can be small with only small adjustments being made to each animation at different keyframes to fix or can make it look like your figure is having a mental breakdown instead of a smile walk animation depending on how different the bones applied to each figure vs. the animation is.

I also know how to do animations from scratch but it takes a lot more time to do it myself and make it look real which puts back when i put the game out and the content out once the game is out already. so making figures all look the same then using the animations already done for me saves me time and money in the long run. At least untill i can save enough money to grab a mocap suite and record animations myself and if i get 2 suites i can act out animations with my own sub and do the animations that look exactly like the real deal.

Issue is a mocap suite that can do full body mocap is at its cheapest 2500 to 3000 usd which means two suites would cost me 5000 to 6000 usd which is a lot of money for me atm and while i would love to drop 5k to 6k on them to save me like months of work on my end on each project i do i just don't have the funds to do so atm.

Hence why all the work of making each each figure look the same over 3 generations of daz figures .


Oct 15, 2016
Since it seems to be easier to point out which generation is which for some i wanna do a test and see if you can spot which generation figure this one is from after some basic posing and some hdr light trickery and a simple back drop to see if its the morphs or the figure it's self that is the issue.

So leave your guess and let me know what you think about it so i know :)

Test Render 001.png
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Oct 15, 2016
Work has me traveling over the next week so I won't be able to do much this week but I'll be buying stuff for the game with the extra money and I'll be looking for a writer too while away.

I'll most likely learn more about blender in my free time and see how I can use it for better animation workflow later on.

As always I'll keep everyone updated about what I'm doing hope I can find a writer sooner or later it's really what's preventing me from moving forward at a decent pace ATM so it would put my mind at ease once I lock on down for the game.


Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
Since it seems to be easier to point out which generation is which for some i wanna do a test and see if you can spot which generation figure this one is from after some basic posing and some hdr light trickery and a simple back drop to see if its the morphs or the figure it's self that is the issue.

So leave your guess and let me know what you think about it so i know :)
tbh I couldn't tell... You chose the pose carefully, and the clothes cover certain parts enough to make it impossible for me to find a hint... You're mean, pal.
But I like riddles. I could say, based on comparison with the neck section (cervical rib to thorax), the figure could be a v4, or even a gen3 model. But that is just a wild guess, you certainly blurred any traces well enough! :D Now reveal, will you?

Edit: I got it! Ha! :cool:
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Oct 15, 2016
it's a V4 i did what i could without having the morph transfer software i'm working on making it even less noticeable in the future.

glad what i did made it harder to tell :)

as always i'll keep everyone up to date on what i am doing and now i gotta go pack and get ready for travel .
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Oct 15, 2016
i left a post up for writers today to see if any1 will bite over on lemmasoft and hopefully get moving on the story.

That aside today is dick and pussy day where i try to get the models from v7/m7 to look like the models from v4/m4 and make them look real like :)

So i'll post some renders when i am close to finishing that part .
Dicking close up.png
fixed dick light full.png
fixed dick light.png

Pussy shot.png Pussy shot 2.png
Pussy shot open.png
1st sub Pussy shot.png
1st sub Pussy shot 2.png

i still need to fix a few on the dick matching the texture was hard and then i fucked with morphs and it pulls the shaft and fucked up near the head i'll fix that at some point and reup a render with the fixed look.

Fixed the dick and made the skin lighter to match more what i want the main character to look like, gonna leave the before and after so ppl can see what i did and how i fixed it let me know what you think.

Think they look pretty decent on the realism thou considering tell me what you think :)
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Oct 15, 2016
i finally got a writer to work with me on the game and she a sub to boot bonus :)

I'll be working with her and once she has 2,500 words done i'll start working on CG & animation that will actually go into the game itself.

I'll keep everyone updated on that and see how far it gets me i'll be paying for 2,500 words per month to work from and that won't get me to choke point too fast but i'll see how much we can get done.


Nov 10, 2016
Looks promising.
Eager to see what your association could produce.
You have animation and artist skills, and with a female writer you can create very interesting games.
Another "Tlaero and Mortze" successfull story ?


Oct 15, 2016
I haven't seen their stuff but i read their bio and yeah but more focus on fetish content.

I want my actors to look real act real and have real interactions but i also will be focusing on Fetish idea's such as bdsm, dom/sub etc in my games which in tales being able to force sex interactions depending on the fetish in question.

The basis for the game is a story from start to finish it will go through that story and you can alter it via choices and how you go about going though said story.

in this story the focus is sub/dom so how you train your sub and how you treat them has effects on the ending and how they speak to you and how they look back on things when telling the story later on in .

I'm not gonna sit here and promise the world that would only end with the game being a failure since i promised more then i could actually do.

I plan to try to make a decent story, have decent content and make the art and animations i do look a decent as i can.

All that being said while i have 3d Modeling skills and i have design skills i am new to making games and game design and story telling i will try my best and do what i can and have a full story and i won't put the game out until i have decent content.

All that being said again i am new to this and what the product is like is what it's gonna be like, I'm not gonna be one of the ppl begging for money or asking for handouts either.

I will set up a patreon and will have goals but they will be to better the game and allow me to quit my current shit job so i can afford to work full time on games and buy things like mocap suits to save money and time with content in the future, hardware for better and faster render times on animations and stills etc.

i'm upfront about who i am and what i am i won't try to make my game anti piracy proof or some bs i'll even be dropping the game on this forum when i have builds ready for free same time i put it up on patreon.

Having said all this i still want to and intent to make money off the game and future games, again i am planning to make this a job that i work on full time and get paid to do so i don't have to work for min. wage and live in a shit 1 bed room apt. and get food stamps to afford to live in this area.

But i also don't intent to be super greedy and i'll even explain what the money goes to and how it helps me do what i am doing and the cost of the things i buy.

Short of explaining personal things or bills i pay for said shit apt. i'll let you know what gets saved for what and how much the things cost even giving links you can check out pricing for yourselves.

As always i'll keep everyone updated on what i am doing how things are going and share my progress on renders and story and thought process for the game when i have something to share.
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Oct 15, 2016
i didn't like the look of the first submissive the face was bothering me so i remade her to look more like a tomboy type so here is what she looks like final cut.

Working with the writer to get the finer details on the intro but since we both work and this isn't a job part or full time for either of us i dont know how long it will take to get things out but shooting for about at least 2,000 words a month.
Sara fixed 3.png
If we reach that i'll render for the scenes that get done with that word count and go from there, as always i'll keep everyone up to date with what i am doing and what i am working on :) take care
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Oct 15, 2016
So far we have 991 words down and haven't even finished the into let alone get to a chocke point but things are starting to take shape story wise.

Once we get to 2500 words I'll start doing renders for the game and animations for it.

I'll post basic stuff as far as character looks and personality and probably start mcoding stuff into the game once they are done .
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Oct 15, 2016
Ok i finally got all the gens working with each other and now even shapes can be moved form to another :)

i'll update it with some side by sides later when i have some renders done :)

So Let me know if you can spot which is which now or not should be super hard :)

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Oct 15, 2016
Ok Sara The First submissive has been bothering me for awhile now and so i fooled around and i think i finally found something i can work with and like .

Let me know what you think if this is better or worse or what ?

Sara Remade .png
Sara New .png
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