Working On A Game


Oct 15, 2016
I should have mini teaser animations for the 3 main characters some point tonight but real animation for the game or for full scenes won't be done till I can get iclone to work with daz animations and poses nicely. I'll keep everyone updated .


Aug 5, 2016
Thanks I am working at transferring all the main characters into iclone and then moving poses and animations over to iclone to make renders for animation easier I'll upload a quick and easy animation for the 3 main characters once I get them all into iclone for ppl to see
are you gonna buy all these software? iClone is a bit expensive you know.


Oct 15, 2016
iclone isn't that bad buying all the pipelines is but no need to buy them i own them i used iclone for the animations in the gif it was like 250 usd for the pro bundle which is still on sale.
and comes with 3dxchange and iclone and cc but not much on content but i have that all in daz which i am moving over to iclone as i go issue is you have to move your poses or do animations from scratch either that or just pirate the content which you'll have to adjust for the daz characters most likely. also daz is free but you have to buy the content you use and if you use it as a 3d model you get into a license issue where you have to buy dev licenses for those you use the content of if you intent to use for commercial use. i will cross that when i get there. if iclone becomes a issue i might grab a student license for maya and 3dmax but i doubt it will be a issue daz allows content for the use of stills and movie formats but no 3d models ie. i ain't making skyrim anytime soon or pillars of eternity but considering the workload that would require and the fact i lack the funds or ppl for that i doubt i will run into a issue and if i do worst case is i have to fork over 500 usd from either the project or my own wallet but it would be worth it to get out of my current day job and move into game design.
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Oct 15, 2016
working on some sex animations in iclone atm while i hash out real life bs over the course of the next week or 2 and work on the story and making it sound less suck and more like something i would actually like to read for once as well as getting more content and moving old content from daz to iclone for props and scenes so i can do scenes for the animations and set up hdr or ibl lighting have decent scenes and props that look close enough to the daz still scenes that it wont jar the eyes when you swap from stills to animation movie files in game.

i'll also move over what i think i need for poses after i handle my real life bs.

Once i get the story setup the animations and the renders should go alot faster and the only worry i'll have after sucking at the writing will be voice acting for the animations i'll try to voice the MC and see how many takes shit will get me since i suck at voice acting.

As for the female voice acting assuming things go well with my real life bs and i can sort it out with her i'll try to get my girl to do the voice acting for the females but if not i can piece parts of old audio i have to at least get talk scenes and sex scenes out and then go from there and replace stills where i cant add in a good sounding voice.

Long and short of it all is hopefully assuming real life bs doesn't blow up in my face over the next few months i should have the intro for the MC the wife and the 2nd submissive plus 2 side characters codded and rendered and in the game as well as back story for the mc and the wife dating sex dom/sub talks etc and the meeting as well as the first date for the submissive and mc which will lead into a fight with her and the mc which then leads into either hands on training or waiting for her to come to terms with liking being submissive.

that's pretty much at the point i will release the game and work from there since its a choke point story wise and content wise for coding and animations etc hoping for end of feb. at the latest but no promises real life get in the way when you least expect it to and likes to set you back so i always like to give myself room for timetables.

As always i'll keep updating you as i get things done and throw afew things up when i think its half decent to show some progress and see i'm not half assing things as much as it may seem.


Engaged Member
Sep 25, 2016
Welp you speaking my language with the impreg/preg BUT is it gonna be one of these you knock the bitch up as a game over or like in Jack O Nine if you knock up a slave and don't abort you get game over...

Cause I would love to knock some of these whores up and make them bare my bastard children so I can create a army to enslave the world.


Oct 15, 2016
there wont be game overs in this game i fail to see the point in this case your a dom they are submissive the odds that they go overboard and bail on you are slim and its more of a look back on his younger years type of story i'm going for rather then explaining the present you'll play the main character and he will be the main protagonist and the main narrator excluding cases he couldn't have seen or known about at the time then it will be from the pov of that submissive or side character from a one off scene etc.

The focus is to tell a good story or at least as good as my crap writing skills can muster up and explain the dynamic of a dom and sub which is the main focus of the story sex wise which leads to the other content and back into the reason for the 2nd submissive character in the game and into content like training events and etc which helps with explaining the dynamic and her training will lead into hard limits of having kids for the first sub aka your wife.

I know that seems all over the place atm which is why i am spending the time to make it detailed and half decent writing wise over the next week or two i'd explain the whole story but that'd kinda ruin the fun now wouldn't ?
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Engaged Member
Sep 25, 2016
there wont be game overs in this game i fail to see the point in this case your a dom they are submissive the odds that they go overboard and bail on you are slim and its more of a look back on his younger years type of story i'm going for rather then explaining the present you'll play the main character and he will be the main protagonist and the main narrator excluding cases he couldn't have seen or known about at the time then it will be from the pov of that submissive or side character from a one off scene etc.

The focus is to tell a good story or at least as good as my crap writing skills can muster up and explain the dynamic of a dom and sub which is the main focus of the story sex wise which leads to the other content and back into the reason for the 2nd submissive character in the game and into content like training events and etc which helps with explaining the dynamic and her training will lead into hard limits of having kids for the first sub aka your wife.

I know that seems all over the place atm which is why i am spending the time to make it detailed and half decent writing wise over the next week or two i'd explain the whole story but that'd kinda ruin the fun now wouldn't ?
Btw if you want to see how a GREAT BDSM story should be written I suggest you go read Sunstone.


Oct 15, 2016
i'll look into thanks any decent reference for writing will help i know about the the context i am a dom myself and i live through it myself my main issue is getting across personality in in this context that doesn't sound like a bad porn script with a poor choice of music.

There is also the trick of having a good balance between explaining what a dom/sub dynamic is and not going on a full on rant about it which i plan to do via the training phases but i'm new to writing short of poetry i haven't really had the background so i am working kinda blind in that aspect of the game.

Writing it down and writing it down in a way ppl can at least tolerate is a different thing and i'd rather not have it half assed just to say i got it out.

I hashed out the personality for each character main or side so far and now its just a matter having them work within the story and making sound decent i can pray to all god ppl will like it but being real here i am new to this so i doubt it.

However short of me using real life money and sitting down with a writer to hash out a good story with a few different drafts taking idk how long and eating through assets i barely have for something that is a side project is not something i can do atm. To be clear i intend to make it my job and i have spent money on both software and assets for that software to make workflow easier the reality is i lack the funds atm to be able to do so and if in the future i make enough in this field to allow for working with a writer i'd be happy to do that and learn as well as have better writing for the game.

It's a issue of quality vs. ability vs. funds there is always going to be a weak link somewhere unless you have the money to hire someone to fill all roles and just manage them which odds are unless your pixar or a large game studio u don't have those funds. Which leaves you with having someone fill those weak spots in with more time from each person working there or in my case me putting on all the hats and trying to reach that quality solo which as you may think is harder then not. weather i am reaching for heights beyond myself is another topic but i am pretty sure i can do it just gonna take longer then i would hope, better to know this now then before i send the game out promise the world then fall on my face failing to deliver what i once promised or have a time table that runs 20x longer then i expected.

Long winded rant / explanation over with as always i'll keep you all updated and thanks again for the reference i'll look into it :)


Oct 15, 2016
I Read sunstone not a bad novel aside from the playful nature of the pov from the dom i'm more of a logical person and a blunt person so my personality reflects that and so does my art in the form of my main characters but i guess it suits my 2nd character more and it gives me some ideas for the story thanks for the reference again :)

I missed chapter 5 and its the best one out of the whole novel been there before and it gets the emotion just right, Chapter 5 is better then last 4 chapters before it :)
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Engaged Member
Sep 25, 2016
I Read sunstone not a bad novel aside from the playful nature of the pov from the dom i'm more of a logical person and a blunt person so my personality reflects that and so does my art in the form of my main characters but i guess it suits my 2nd character more and it gives me some ideas for the story thanks for the reference again :)

I missed chapter 5 and its the best one out of the whole novel been there before and it gets the emotion just right, Chapter 5 is better then last 4 chapters before it :)
Glad you liked it and gave you some ideas or what not.


Oct 15, 2016
yeah i even started actually started writing just figured I should play it as if from my pov as if the character was me and It was me looking back just easier that way and when i write the others i'll use actual ppl i interacted and use my interactions with them to write their piece and see how it goes from there i'll edit where i need once its written and as long as i think its ok i'll start reworking renders to fit the new better story.

Which means i'll probably be mia for abit while i write and think about the story more in like a week or 2 i'll probably start the renders and put them up when i do that. I tend to be more focused and lose sense of things when i have to work harder on things which why you probably wont hear from me for abit while i flesh out the story .


Oct 15, 2016
Some updates still working on the story at least until I get to a decent choke point. But what has changed is some of my personal bs has died down not completely but a lot since I last posted which means I can focus on my game more hopefully. Also I grabed a animation conversion script for daz which can convert some of the old animations I have or that I can buy for daz and use them for my newer models and then move them over to iclone for animated rendering for scenes they'll need some adjustments but it's manageable which will save me time until I can buy the mocap suit for animated stuff . I've also transfered over the first submissive entire apt. Piece by piece to iclone so all scenes that take place there can be done and I am now working on transferring over the main characters place as well as the models at varying stages in the game. Such as before boob jobs after etc as well as clothing assets I plan to use for this game so I can add weight maps to them all and add in collision and physics to fix clipping issues and collision issues during animations. I ran into a artifact issue during animation today that made me have to scrap a few animations but I think I am good now and that should be fixed hope it doesn't happen again it sets you back the whole of the animations being done x.x . well that's all for now I'll keep you updated as things go.

Muff Diver

Gaming Legend & LoneWolf
Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 18, 2016
The images are looking terrific so far keep up the great work can't wait


Oct 15, 2016
OK I am trying to animate with daz again this time using still image series formats that I can put into software to make into a movie format. This should allow me to add effects to it post processing such as water fog smoke etc and audio for the voices once I get me and my sub setup for voice acting. More importantly if it crashes I don't lose my data and I can start off from where the last image was rendered and work from that. This should allow me to make better stills and animations when I learn how to use effects and what not and get better at that. I have a ton of Ron's Photoshop texture brushes which are amazing even if I suck at using them atm. I have a sex scene setup for the first submissive as well as a sexy dance and or tease scene all set to test out the animations for so we will see how that goes. I also have some date stuff out and ready for animation for the 2nd submissive. Sadly I'm kinda doing this to procrastinate since I suck so much at writing good side is the scenes are actually gonna go in the game I know the rough outline of the story I just suck at getting the details right without straight up explaining everything that you would need to be a dom including training in psychology I'm abit too logical when I explain things which leads too many details for a porn game so I am working on the balance for that and how to jam like the main character and first submissive s years of content without dragging it out for ages to tell the story of the 2nd submissive which is the focus of the content till the end of the game when you use her to break hard limits. So I kinda been using animations and posing and prop editing as a distraction from the story and my lack of talent in the area. That's my update sorry for the rant.


Oct 15, 2016
Ok today is bathroom day for me. I'm setting up the shower scenes up once i get all the textures down for each bathroom. I got aton of PBR shaders to use I'm itching to try out.

I also managed to get a particle effects script for daz too for animated snow and water and stuff so thats fun.

Shower Scene 1.png

Side note this is the same shower as the one in superpowered but i actually took the time to change the surface textures of ironhorse13's shower scene shes the person who made the props used to make the scene and his is just her default promo scene with no edits to the shower set at all I, threw on some PBR textures and changed what i could to make it look like a high end hotel bathroom to fit my story. Another side note if you ever make a game actually support ironhorse13 her stuff is all epic and useful and while u can't use everything you might want you can tell she busts her ass to make her content and all her poses are things i see in like every daz render. P.S.S I wish i had steam shaders for this scene but i don't and they are kinda hard to find too i got ron's smoke and steam brushes but i suck at post work like that but hey i got as real as i could with the PBR shaders and a depth filter without steam in the scene so imagine shes taking a cold shower for me thanks :)
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Oct 15, 2016
Debating some stuff atm but i think i might bring blender into my workflow once i figure out more about it. Blender like daz studio is free allows animation and still rendering etc. Blender however has a PBR shader mixer built into it and has support for particle effects and sims to be used for animation as well as more support for the animations. Blender however does not have a library of figures and objects that will work with each other directly from the same co. or hosted by blender its self. That being said it does have a shit ton of add on stuff that allow it to do more and add things much like daz its just a much more complete tool to use thats shortcut heavy.

All this being said i'll be sticking with daz for the props and things i use in my renders and even using daz till i can get the hang of blender to where i am ready to jump over and use daz products import them to blender then use use blender to render the still or animation.

Short and long of it is Daz is old they are behide the times atm with PBR and animation and physics and blender isn't as far behide and is free. At some point the goal for me as a inspiring game dev is to move from small engines into making a 3d game and making it look triple a or as close as i can get it. PBR which stands for physically based render is a new tech that allows for the use of less resources and gives you more real like renders which allows games to be more real and not have to take a massive chunk of time or computer resources to do this either which is why i plan to learn blender and work with blender in the future once i learn more then work on learning how to use daz blender and unreal to make games which is the end goal for me.

Just figured i'd keep you up to date and here is a link to a video on water which i am currently working on for shower scenes etc and need tips on but look at how cool that looks.

Also below is a video explaining what PBR means more and gives you a example so you can see what the big deal is and why i care so much about PBR HDR etc etc and if you don't ignore me and my realism nerd porn :)
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Oct 15, 2016
Ok i am avoiding the story and my lack of writing skills and working on a 720p animation for fun it wont make in my game and isn't about my realism fetish but it looks decent enough so I'll post that before i go to bed.
The animation is 1641 frames which means the animation is made up for 1641 still renders and is a dance/tease animation.
The gif isn't the full animation do to size limits but the video should be.
View attachment 1445

I'll most likely start working on the story again next week on Monday and stop avoiding it and get chunks of the story down review those chunks and then get some thoughts on that from a few people and adjust as needed and go from there once i get to where i want story wise i will work on renders and animations that will make it into the story for the game.
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Resident Evil-doer, part-time Candyman
Dec 24, 2016
Like it, renders looking fine, keep working on it. Would you include renders as cutscenes? This would be something rather new. You get mostly h stuff animated, more cutscenes like pc and char entering building/certain rooms would be nice. Not always though, maybe a little anim the first time a location can be entered/is left. That's enough. Just to show off the place and give the game a more 'vivid' experience. Check 'Milf's Villa' for ref (cruising to locations by car)?

Hope it also runs on a toaster (notebook with igp), I don't see anything particularly gpu heavy. Thumbs up, good luck!


Oct 15, 2016
The way i will handle animations will depend on a few things but as it stands what will be animated cut scenes is training sessions and sex scenes as well as important conversations. some things will start as still images and will be rendered into animations later on, reasons for this is voice acting as well as time limits i have between my current job and this which is a hobby untill i can make enough to convert jobs to being a game dev/game designer.

As said in a post before i am learning blender, Blender is like a foothold into 3D. It allows you to do a lot and has few limits to it and has no cost which makes it a good into to the 3D space. From Blender people move into Maya and 3DMaz Cinama4D etc etc each of these software's are used by companies in their own fields i.e Maya and 3DMax for games and 3D models Cinama4D for movies and animations so on and so on. Reason i bring this up is it will allow me in the future to increase how good my games are as well as decrease how long i take to complete things as i get better with how to use the software and put it into my workflow and how things work with each other. Being able to do that will in turn allow me to make better animations and cut scenes for the games and at faster paces but only after i learned it which i will do my own pace.

That's all for now i'll update you more as i go as always i gotta go and get that animation i promised done and it just finished rendering out right now.
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