Satoshi and Mary are a college couple happily in love, ready for their first summer vacation together. One day, Satoshi receives an e-mail from his uncle Kendo, inviting him to spend several weeks with him at the Naval Treasure Resort, a luxurious summer resort, all costs paid...
Nenena wants to buy her boyfriend an expensive wallet for his birthday, but to do that, she needs money... The best way to do that... is getting a sugar daddy. That sugar daddy? You!
At first you can lift her skirt, grab her ass, you know, the little stuff... But keep your relationship...
A game about a girl named Emilie, who will discover love, sex, but especially pleasure. There will be a lot of kinks, but always in the good way. Cheating without pain or anger, groping without violence, etc. My purpose is to create a game that places the female MC in the same position...
Solaria, the home of the elves, finally welcomes humanity after hundreds of years. Lucrast and Nara, a married couple of elves, are the first to welcome a human in Solaria . He is officially here to foster harmony between elves and humans. But in reality he came for the gorgeous elven...