In a fantasy world, a powerful magical civilization called the “Earthgals” ruled the continent of Midgard for 2,000 years before declining and disappearing. After a period of chaos, five human kings rose to power, each claiming to be the rightful heir of the Earthgals. They began to...
Popogori is a 2D/3D artist who makes pinups and mini-comics of original characters and characters from various video games, movies, cartoons and anime. NOT AI!
Updated: 2024-12-24
Artist: Popogori/Popogori1 Patreon - Twitter/X
Censorship: No
Language: English
Resolution: around...
"A girl wakes up in a destroyed village with no memories. A mysterious witch appears and tells her that she has been cursed by a god and that her memories are sealed for good. The only way to lift the curse is to climb a tower that leads to a god's realm. And so the journey up the...
Madrad, the holy city located in the center of the continent.
This town, which is governed by the church serves to tie various countries under the holy emperor, it's literally the center of the world where various races and cultures meet.
Thread Updated: 2024-12-22
Release Date...
The introduction to my newest Baldur's Gate porn parody. It's called Ball's Gate: The Tale of Tav. Follow the adventures of the most generic RPG protagonist ever! The setting is the Shaft Coast known for its famous cities like Ball's Gate, WetNDeep, and NeverWearin. Humorous and not...
In a modern age where ninjas battle demons, the incredible ninja Rikune Kujo is subjected to erotic acts after boarding a train for one of her missions!
This game depicts the heroine Rikune's descent into pleasure! The focus is lewd acts with other people, but many of the scenarios...
Grandeur, the land of peace.
The throne is passed from the king, who has been on the throne for several decades, to his only daughter, a princess.
At that time, the spell of the Demon King, which had been sealed for a long time, is broken, and he is resurrected once again.
However, the...
Simply put, this is a summing game where you shoot eggs into the stomach of a cat shrine maiden! When you shoot eggs from tentacles and combine them with the same eggs, a new egg will be born. Your score will also go up. When your stomach becomes full (if the eggs touch the check...
-apprentice Knight- Ciella is a story about a Knight squire from the Lodania Empire. The last remaining task for Ciella to be sworn fully into knighthood was to apprentice under Adventure guild in Longstall Town. But suddenly a new dungeon form inside Longstall. It turns out that...
Classic arcade game 'Tian Can Bian' is reborn with a retro twist, swiftly opening up the mysterious realm hidden in the silhouettes, and bringing passionate returns by rescuing various races of the different world...
Thread Updated: 2024-12-18
Release Date: 2024-12-17
A “Buzama”… They are lewd demons with special sexual proclivities….
They create an incarnation space called “Buzaberth” in the space between dimensions
and from there, they begin to distribute their creations to the human world…
Event to commemorate the completion of Buzaberse! A...
Playable as a virgin! Will Yui be able to protect her virginity in a world where magic = pheromones…!?
Forced situation main – Let’s have a little naughty adventure!
Thread Updated: 2024-12-17
Release Date: JPN 2024-04-29 / ENG 2024-12-14
Original Title: シアン・レコード -落第騎士の姦淫録-
Manari is a quiet Anti-Demon Ninja.
When she was just starting out, an evil demon sorcererer stripped her of her emotions in order to make her the perfect vessel for the Demon Lord's reincarnation. Those emotions turned into three terrible creatures: The Demons of Lust, Wrath and...
Tentacle Mart is a simple spin-off game of Lovecraft Locker that we made more than a year ago before we canceled it. Like our other Lovecraft Locker games, the gameplay is pretty much the same overall, especially the locker tentacle system, aside from a different progression system and...
A teenage boy visits his cousins in a small town after a 3-year absence. They hang out together like they used to, but things aren’t quite the same. A lot can change in 3 years after all, specially in your teenage years, for better or worse. Are they all the same as they used to be? Or...
DivineWine is a 2D artist who makes animations and illustrations of characters from video games,
such as: Pokemon, Attack on Titan and Dragon Ball Z.
Updated: 2024-12-16
Artist: DivineWine FANBOX - Pixiv - Twitter (X)
Censorship: No
Language: ENG
Resolution: 720p | 1080p
Files: 77...
The sun has vanished, and darkness corrodes the world. An angel named Helvetica is summoned. She claims to be "an angel that surpasses even the god" and repels the distorted sun goddess. However, in order to restore the sun, she must capture the goddess.
Thread Updated: 2024-12-14...
Phantom's Curse is a 2D adventure platformer game. it takes place on a mysterious island where monsters are trying to "curse" the player or eat the player. the goal of the game is to explore the island and uncover its secrets.
Thread Updated: 2025-1-1
Release Date: 2024-12-14...
Welcome to the world of "Chronicles of Delights" — an engaging visual novel with elements of mini-battles and an abundance of erotic scenes. Immerse yourself in an exciting adventure where the main character, who was in an accident, is reborn in a fantastical world.
Thread Updated...