Aug 5, 2016

The protagonist of the game is a young man who just graduated from school and has to choose a way of life. You write his history. He lives with his mom and elder sister. And there are a lot of girls and women in games world!

(Click on First Option to start a new game, 2nd option to load a saved game)
Thread Updated: 2024-06-29
Release Date: 2024-06-23
Developer: Avenger -
Censored: No
Version: 0.32
OS: Windows
Language: English
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Part 1: - - - -
Part 2: - - - -
Part 3: - - - -
Part 4: - - - -

Language Files: -

Extras: - Walkthrough

Thanks Hot Man and mikesom for the original torrent and English QSP file respectively.

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Aug 5, 2016
Guess I will repost my guide here
the most important thing is to build relationships and increase slutiness. The former is done by gifting (note that if your relation is low only certain gifts will help. For example, at the start talking, complimenting, joking and gifting anything to you sister but the magazine or perfume will lower her relation to you. So you need to increase it with those two first and then everything else will work). The latter is done when the relation is high enough, talk with the girls while having a hard-on. You will need to do this a lot of times though.( note: not necessary with the mother, her slutiness increases more when she catches you jerking).
Depending on your choices during the prologue, you can have an increased starting relation with Sveta or Masha. if you choose to skip the prologue you get neither. With Masha it's rather minor, With Sveta it allows you immediate access to her house when you meet her and shortens the grind by a little bit.
Don't forget working out and training you fighting skill, you will need both at maximum.
Raise your massage skill via internet lessons from your laptop.
IMPORTANT: don't forget to enroll to the institute during August ( you will get a mention from the mother during the morning when you can do so, usually by the mid point of the month). Other wise you get game over when September starts. As for actually learning there, there is a way to get around that.
Jerk off during the evening (2000 to 2355) so she catches you. After some times the picture will change, keep doing it for some more while trying to catch her getting fucked in her room (roughly during 200o till 2200). After you've seen her getting fucked, ask her about the guy during the morning. Kick his ass at the park during the weekend morning (save before trying, there is always a chance to lose, even with max fighting skill). Ask mother during the morning where the guy went. Keep getting caught jerking, eventually she will start giving you handjobs and later blowjobs. Keep at it. At some point sex will be mentioned, you will need to buy birth control pills and talk to her again, inviting to the restaurant. Do the date, fuck her, and you can now do whatever you want with her.
Raise relation and slutiness via normal means. Good measure to know when you reached a good point is if she allows you to touch and lick her tits at her room during the weekends. When you reach this points start taking her to Sunday picnics. Keep doing so till you get the option "special" picnic. Do that. Go to the sister during the weekend, play with her tits and blackmail her (drops relation to lowest level). Keep gifting magazines for some time till you get an event with her and her boyfriend, kick hiss ass. This is SUPPOSED to raise the relation back to top, but when I played 0.9 it did not happen. So you either get the sister as your fuck toy right after that, or will need to spend some time raising relation until you can fuck her again. Regardless, she's yours.
You can convince your sister to help you with the exams at the uni. After being in really good relation with her, ask for her help during a picnic. On the day of the exam you can see the event, her fucking the teacher for you to get the passing grade.
Sveta(the blond):
Meet her during your walk in the park, Raise relation and slutiness via normal means. However, you will also need to drink beer with her in the park and vodka at her home, and drink tea at her home. Tea drinking also gives you and indication when you can start getting touchy with her. When the picture changes, you can feel her up. Don't insist on the sex yet, though, she will refuse. Keep going with the tea+feeling up, beer and dates. Eventually you will be able to fuck her after tea drinking (haven't found a real way to tell when, just save before visiting and trying). Keep at it some more, now with added sex in the events and you will be able to fuck her instead of drinking vodka (usually at the point you give her the butt plug or a bit later). Supposedly, there are new events with her ater this point, haven't reached them yet.
To meet her you need to work as an entertainer in the shopping center. To get the job you need max physique, so get going.
You will meet her after the second or third time you work there. After you meet her, you can go to her home with the metro( the rich quarter). Start the usual ritual of raising relation and slutiness. With her it's simple and there so secret requirement, just raise it high enough ( btw, the only girl which has a positive reaction the the breast enhancer lotion). After the relation is high enough, you can fuck her during her morning workout (1000 till 1200/1300) or give her a sexual massage, or fuck her at the club.
Antonina (entertainer boss):
Keep working as an entertainer, eventually she will tell you to help with some boxes. No real choice here, you have to do it. When that happens, offer a massage, but don't get to brave. After this point, you can visit her at the shopping center and give her a massage every other day. Keep doing those massages, after some times (roughly 7-8, maybe more) you can get to the next massage level (legs,front, naked). After some times she will ask you to model for her, do so ( nest you cash and needed to continue her chain). It's pretty important to have a hardon when doing the shoot, since that raises her slutiness and needed to eventually trigger the next event. Keep doing the massages and shoots until the event triggers, she will take you to her home and you will get a supposedly important choice that's supposed to change future events with her. So save every time you approach her if you want to see both version.

Masha's mother in annoying to deal with and I still don't really know how to trigger her event chain properly. You need to do the usual of getting on her better side but she's already practically a full on slut. Keep trying to go to Masha's room with a hardon to raise it more and improve you relation, eventually she will start feeling you up openly both in the living room and her room. You can date her during the weekends, come talk to her in her room during the evening to take her. Date her a couple of times and if you play your cards right you can fuck her so again, save before the dates. There's supposed to be some home event's with her, probably after the date fucks but I haven't triggered those yet.

Now there are three more girls but they had barely any content on 0.9 and 0.10 so I have little knowledge about their quest chain.
To get the gym girl you need to start working at the gym ( reach max physique, the trainer will speak to you). Your work is her personal trainer twice a week. Start training her, get to know her, get access to the massage room to give her massages (the gym trainer will give you the key after you give him steroids, get those by beating up gopniks in the park 5-7 days in a row till you get a approached by a guy called brick, he can get those to you). Meet her at the park during one of the days/evening ( i don't remember how to trigger this event), tell her you can tutor her (gives you access to her home), pass her father's test (it's all russian literature IIRC, so unless you play in russian and can google the answers, save and do trial and error) and you can tutor her at home. Should be more events there or whatever.
Elsa, the other blond girl, can only be met after september, since you need to be in the uni to meet her at all. To get her you need to keep stealing/ jerking off on your mother's underwear during the afternoon of the weekdays. Eventually she will come to you room and tell you her underwear keeps disappearing and her boss been giving her the looks. Tell her you will bet him up (you won't). Go to the office area during the weekdays (the time is somewhere between 1700 and 2000, I don't remember), you will see the boss leaving, follow him and you will the blond entering the car. Try to approach her at the uni, fail, go to brick and orchestrate a false flag attack on her to paint you as a hero for saving her and you can start corrupting this pure "no sex till marriage" girl. Lot's of movie dates needs to be done here.
And I know nothing about the step sister or the aunt.


Aug 5, 2016
for Sveta, after you become a model for Antonina and your pictures start popping up as adverts around the city, somebody will email you asking about a swinger's meeting. convince Sveta to swing with the couple with you, and according to the flags in the coding, after meeting the other couple a few times, Sveta can get pregnant, at which point you can opt to pay for a new apartment for her, which unlocks a few more scenes.

for Elsa, a movie date will eventually trigger the first kiss scene, which lets you make out with her at her house. after raising her corruption a bit, a movie date will unlock the option for blowjobs. at this point, you should get the option to take a picture of her blowing you. take the picture to her dad at the office, and he'll ask to meet on the weekends after 18:00. doing this a few times will unlock the requisites for having sex with her for the first time.

for Kate, the gym girl; after unlocking the tutor sessions, keep doing them to raise her corruption, and eventually you'll unlock the blowjob option. she hates the taste of your dick though. so you need to buy VANILLA lube on your computer (she's allergic to banana or something) at which point she gets more into blowjobs. Blowjobs is the extent of the content with her.

for your Mother, after having sex with her a few times and if her affection/corruption is high enough, you should try having sex with her at 9:00 am when she's getting ready for work. you will eventually get a scene where your sister overhears you two in her room, and asks her mother who she's got in there (sis doesn't know it's you). after this go to the living room/hall room after 23:00, and eventually a scene should trigger there about a conversation between your mother and sister. once this has triggered, stop by your mother's room, and she'll discuss becoming a full on couple with you. at this point, you unlock more sex scenes with your mother, and are now able to sleep with her in her room at night. this is the extent of the mother content at this point.


Poison Dwarf
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
the cheat save gives no money. is it possible that someone uplode a save with positive ruble account?


Active Member
Aug 6, 2016
Digging through the files, there's not really any material for Yana/Jana/Iana (stepsister) yet. If you finger her at night (which has a random chance of failing, even with sleeping pills. Save often) after enough times she will start masturbating in the shower on weekend afternoons (I can't recall the exact time). She will also kiss you on one of the walks in the park on Saturday afternoons eventually. Thats about it.

You can also use Cheat Engine for money. Just search for the amount (4 bytes, actual value) and then sell/buy something and search for the new value. If you end up with 2 entries of the same value, move to a new area and check again. Easy enough.


Aug 5, 2016
Is there anything special you have to do to get the mother to give you a handjob? I have been jerking off between 20:00 and 23:55 for months and only once did she give a handjob.


Professional Asshole
Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
Is there anything special you have to do to get the mother to give you a handjob? I have been jerking off between 20:00 and 23:55 for months and only once did she give a handjob.
What qsp file are you using
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Professional Asshole
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Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
I am not sure. I downloaded the torrent from F95 and to start the game I use the program "Son of a bitch.exe". It says v. 0.11 in the menu if that helps.
The qsp file that's associated with that torrent is buggy. Try the one on this thread at the top that says sob11_en. You may have to start over. Replace the qsp file in the assets/standalone_contents folder with it


Aug 5, 2016
The qsp file that's associated with that torrent is buggy. Try the one on this thread at the top that says sob11_en. You may have to start over. Replace the qsp file in the assets/standalone_contents folder with it
Ahh, so that's where the qsp file is hiding. Thank you! I will try it and hopefully the game will make a little more sense in its progression.


The Quacker
Respected User
Aug 6, 2016
Also In this game, There is a girl called Mary, she is Masha's sister but she isnt acutally list by the looks yet, can someone please confirm what im saying.


Aug 5, 2016
i don't recall ever hearing about her, then again I don't pay much attention to the story anyway. as for pics, there are none of any character named Mary, so unless she's the unnamed one-time npc encounter in the club, she doesn't exist, or hasn't been added to the game yet in any way.


The Quacker
Respected User
Aug 6, 2016
Yet when you first try to fuck her, she tells you she talked to mary. or is another one of the bugs


Active Member
Aug 6, 2016
Well every line of her dialog (in the code anyway) ends with "-said Mary" or "-Mary liked that" or etc.

for example
elseif $character_Masha['Otnosheniakh'] >= 900:
     !Me - Ready for anything
     '<p>- Pusic, you`re so pretty! - joyful Mary willingly took the spirits.</p>'
Mary and Masha are the same person as far as the code is concerned.
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