VN - Ren'Py - 16 Years Later! [Ep.13] [Wetdreamwalker]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Kog Astarta

    oops, looks like it's a future hit. the graphics are almost flawless, sometimes even overdoing it with transparent clothes, but it looks like the man is on to good debauchery and will get better next, judging from the last update.

    now there is almost no content in the beginning, only teasing(but good teasing), there is already one rough/non-rough depends of the opinion scene.

    upd. emm, I feel like completely diff person writed above. too much teasing, no scenes for the update. feeling like the scenes will come never.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    16 Years Later! [v0.5.3]
    1. Fairly good emotional reasoning of the story. Three step daughters portrayed different personality is very nice. Especially the youngest one being much odd type is well characterized
    2. Good reasoning for the forbidden relationship
    3. Good quality of image/rendering
    4. No bugs
    5. In summary a Fairly Good
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a good game, and it doesn't deserve all the 1 star ratings in my opinion. Initially it was too similar to MNF, but at this point it's a different game that maybe shares a similar backstory.

    It's still not done, but what is there already looks pretty good. The scenes look nice, dialogues are not bad, the relationships develop a little fast but I don't mind that, in fact I prefer it that way. Overall it gets a recommendation from me ;)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. In most games there is only one route. In this game there are two paths with each character which can lead to interesting mix-ups. I'd definitely like to see more of this and I'm very curious to see where this game goes. What I've seen so far is a great start and I hope it will continue in the same way.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I definitely rate this game 5 stars.Beautiful models great story.I know that the story is based on the MNF, but it's fantastic how the developer of the game is shaping the story to his own ideas.
    Incest games are all very similar. This game is very complex and your answers really matter.
    In this game, your relationships really do develop the way you want them to. The game is in its infancy but has great potential. This game is just as similar to another game as an action movie is to another action movie.
  6. 5.00 star(s)



    Can't complain so far with the game, yes the tease with Felicia in the rip off Bulls jersey was a really naughty thing to do, devs. Naughty naughty, you're teasing me. And it is worsened by the fact that there is technically no penetration scenes.

    But the game does everything else right. The character designs are great, the plot is interesting, the game has a lot of choices and most importantly of all, the choices make sense...well 90% of the them make sense, which is pretty much 100% in my book from the experiences I've had so far with games on here. And that's a lot of experience.

    To summarize it for new downloaders, it's about 4 hours of content, no penetration scenes, but a game you should definitely stick with in the future updates, because you don't wanna miss it. I have a feeling the dev has a clue about how to do sex scenes, judging from the teasing he has done so far.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on v0.5.3:

    Wow, this was quite the hidden gem for me. I usually don't try games that "linger" around the 3 star rating but I was out of games and wanted to just try some different games whatever the rating. After now having played it from start to current end so have I found out two things..

    1. Damn was I missing out.
    2. Why the "low" rating?

    The story is ok and does not try to be some masterpiece with a deep meaning, but what it does have is some interesting characters that for me felt to be introduced in a timely and well paced manner. The story itself also develops in a good manner and does know what it is so you are not sitting and reading a novel before you get any action, so for me just the right amount of story for each lewd scene. And the lewd scenes are good, maybe the animation leaves something to be desired but animations are not that important for me so its ok. Characters however are the star of the show in this game. Really nice designs that are both unique to each other and really good looking. The sound design however sucks, the moaning sound in the lewd scenes is maybe 2 seconds long and repeats forever, also all sound effects are under the music option so you cant just mute the sex sounds.. Music is ok but nothing special.

    All in all a good game with what I found few spelling mistakes, a coherent story, great looking characters and decent amount of lewd scenes. Color me impressed! 5/5
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    (Review based on game version 0.5.3)

    Renders: ★★★★★ (Top notch)
    UI: ★★★★★
    Story/plot: ★★★☆☆ (Story is decent but there are A LOT of weird spelling errors that constantly break the immersion)
    Gameplay: ★★★★★ (Lots of choices that actually affect the story)

    I like the concept and the characters are likeable. If the grammar was better and broke the immersion less I would rate 5 out of 5. Good game; would recommend.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    There are some things I like in this, other that makes just want to give it 1*. The girls are pretty with good graphics, the MC is not someone I wanna be, the story is so bad sometimes ecept when it's copied from MNF. So I don't know how this game can get better, sorry for not so much constructive critique. Except change the look of the MC.

    I waited one update before writing this, but I'll think thgat I'll stop playing this game. Maybe come back after some more uodates.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This is rough.

    the idea behind this is solid but the execution is pretty bad.
    they re-wrote the first part of the story and now it's better but the new content is now pretty bad.
    the English is really rough and keeps taking me out of the immersion.
    I was pretty interested in the story and the setting but honestly there's so much conversation about it (in really bad English) that after a while I just didn't care anymore.
    not to mention there's barely ant thing sexual in the game. I know it's early but basically anything sexual is just in the guy's fantasy.
    also, the model of the guy looks awful. his hair and his mutant goblin face!
    the story is too self-contained. everything just happens in the small house and its surroundings and the MC looks like doesn't even have a life and doesn't plan on getting a life either.

    the models of the girls look pretty good.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Certainly top tier, incest game with gorgeous girls what more can you ask! Story? Well it's just beginning and obviously there's scope for improvement but till now i haven't disappointed. Renders are absolutely gorgeous and kewl, he he he. Liked the way these girls shaped their future even without elder figure for good chunk of adult years. Let's see how the main character brings some happiness in their lives both emotionally as well as physically (wink wink)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it so far, most importantly loved that there is a reason for such antics to start... he never saw them growing up and he was in prison so its probably been awhile add to it the emotion of guilt. Good job! Also does not hurt that the daughters are stunning, and hope they remain the focus.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    So far I am enjoying this quite a bit. I appreciate we get a choice of how to treat each scene, and I also like that we do not get shut down for choosing the 'wrong' path, instead having the option for forced scenes. The models are attractive and well made, and the graphical fidelity is just fine. (could use more sex scenes) I look forward to see where this goes!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm really enjoying this game and it's got great harem potential. The girls look good, the action is starting to rev up right out of the gate, we're not sitting around until the 2nd year release before something happens and it's all quite believable.

    The script is good with a little Engrish here and there that's easy to overlook if you give them a Russian accent mentally. I'm enjoying it and looking forward to more. I like the pacing, the art, the script and the premise, and despite the author getting the idea from MNF it's distinctly different pretty early on.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game that is progressing in a reasonable pace with no stupid blue balling or waiting until the release of the 20th edition to see scenes. The descriptions during the erotic scenes is very well done. Daughters are gorgeous, and I cannot wait for more action with then. The game contains 2 path, obediance and love/corruption route.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    A rather enjoyable game with music that might not suit everyones taste in all scenarios, however it's rather enjoyable in my opinion

    The pacing might not be everyones piece of pie, but I feel that the dialogue more than makes up for it. Hopefully it keeps up this pace in the future as well

    The characters are quite well made, not necessarily the most personality I've seen in a characters in the past, but it's suitable enough for what it is, at least for the main characters.

    Overall a good experience I look forward to seeing the future of
    (Reviewed v.0.4)
    Likes: Kxire
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    It's good, folks. Renders are 10/10, no obnoxious body proportions (though it's creeping into that territory with some characters). Hopefully they don't introduce shitloads of characters and make a mess. As long as it gets updates it'll be great.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3589835

    Awesome game! I love the dynamic between each of the characters as well as the future possibilities during the next update. Well done DEV! The gameplay is fairly simple yet complicated in regards to what specific outcome you want whether you want to be the rude demanding father or the very nice one. Great graphics and story definitely recommend!
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    OK, I would have made this a 3 1/2 to 4 star game, but I took one star off (explanation below)


    • Very nice renders
    • All the characters so far are HAF
    • The story has the potential to be very interesting. And I mean beyond the lewd daddy fix we all want. To have an MC who is not some 16 year old, going on 12, twat who has a horse cock and seems to bed anything that moves. Please take the time to flesh out the MC's story and past. Don't just throw a laundry list of your patron's kinks into the game.


    • Not much content yet.
    • Not sure what the difference is between read mode and the game mode. It's still just a click-click VN right now. Other then one scene where the MC has to have more than $10 on him to buy something for some extra points There wasn't anything yet to even require money.
    • Ok, the minus one star was for the complete cut and paste of the script from My New Family. OK, I read that the dev took inspiration from MNF, so i redownloaded it and gave it another whirl tonight and - it's a complete copy! Enough to get you kicked out of any school in America for plagiarism, that's for sure. Maybe you should have worked with Killer7 and just called it "My New Family - 16 years later" or something. As a re-brand and/or remake... it's fine. But be upfront with the source material.
    • The pace is way to fast for the relationships. I mean all three of the daughters, the neighbour, the neighbour's daughter, the coffee shop girl, and even Tegan's ex-classmate were all wet for the MC before three days was up. Not a bad way to come out of prison, lol.
    • Minor thing - I found the music a little too .. umm.. romantic maybe. Like I was watching a romantic drama or something. I ended up turning it off.
    Anyhow, for what it's worth, I didn't get into MNF much, probably because I only saw that game recently and the quality of the games today make the older graphics not as appealing. I hope you turn this game into something much more then just a mouse clicker to fap along with.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a interesting one:
    It is very much your basic VN with the absent father cumming back into his (step)daughters life while reaching for every skirt in a 2 mile radius.
    It got the good renders, the ramping up sexual tension and (very quickly which i prefer in such cases, because it also has:) very skipable deep-tragic dialog.

    *You have your crying (step)daughter(!) on the cover of a game were the goal is to make her a harem addition. Talk about setting your story up to be pretentious.

    Now... what makes it an "interesting" case for me? Why isn't it just a "download once 3/5, models good" product?

    *The following is very much colored by my own subjective opinion and from a single play through, so take it as that:

    Because it got a little spot of light:
    1. Self aware actions:
    It does a good job at giving you little option (like "stare at clevage") that are reacted to by the surrounding cast in a way that functions within this kind of game. It seems to have given the characters a meta understanding that they compete for the MC on the sexual market and thus doesn't take ages to try to invent explainations or just dumb sex/fetish scenes on you.
    I personally prefer this to "serious/realistic" or "quirky/selfaware". The middle ground works and i wish the dialog would hit the same notes more.

    2. Hannah
    Presented as a redhead viking-hairstyle tomboy/daddy issue mix she is, for once, refreshing but also just happens to have a sympathetic character.
    She is only there for 2-3 scenes and in presentation and dialog smashed the compatition. While her opening up is a bit rushed, (as it's tradition) she combines some obvious weaknesses, needs and her own views on the situation. After being setup as the trouble best friend of the front page character it was a suprise to see her having such a moment.

    Dont get me wrong: Its not ground breaking, not a lot of content(sex is reserved for dream sequenzes and one late interaction) and it may just be more of a coincidence then a sign of thing to come writing wise, but for now i can only say: "It just works."
    And with some of the setups it might just keep working.

    Thus my 4 stars are more a hopeful outlook from 0.3 onward.