So, you're saying that no one would like a childish character ? A MC that would pass most of his time acting in a selfish way, deciding on impulse without having an idea of the consequences, and who would pass most of his time complaining ?
I'm saying that any character that doesn't grow out of this, or doesn't get comeuppance, and instead gets rewarded (in AVNs with sex), will be disliked indeed. A character can start low, but then they have to improve. It's called an arc. I am saying that the characters OP is complaing about
do not have an arc, they just have sex fall into their lap. If these character were competent and actually charming from the very start to end, then their lack of arc would be more tolerable (they would be a vessel for self-insert). But because they have neither an arc nor a solid set of positive qualities, this is bad writing and it creates a bad experience for the overwhelming majority of the audience. There, I think that should be clear enough.
I'm asking, because this describe Frodo for ~90% of the story.
Absolutely not. A childish character would've bailed straight up in the beginning. Definitely after Rivendell, because for all intents and purposes Frodo's mission was
over. The ring was in a safe harbor and no one would've thought less of the hobbits if they let someone else carry the burden from there. You could say Merry and Pippin stay childish for a longer time, but that's because their arc doesn't even begin until Gandalf dies. As soon as that happens, these two immediately start to get their shit together.
What about a MC that would be powerful, but a total childish idiot ? Isn't Anakin Skywalker a MC as liked that he's hated ?
I'm not sure how this does anything but confirm my point. Prequels are a meme-worthy dumpster fire of a narrative not in the least because of Anakin. I dOnT lIKe sAnD. Compare that to universally loved Luke, and you get
exactly what I'm talking about. Besides, Anakin is a fall from grace story, so it's still an arc.
And what about a MC that would self pity himself most of the time, and let the other bully him without rebelling ? Isn't John Snow a liked character ? Talking about Game of Thrones, I don't remember Tyron Lannister being heroic, so I guess that no one like him.
Neither of these two are revelling in self-pity and being pathetic. Jon is a fairly straight guy with a sense of honor and duty, like most of his family. Sure, he's a bit bland, but that's okay for a start of the arc. Tyrion? Sheesh, if he was reduced
just to his sharp tongue he'd still be immensely liked. People absolutely want to be as witty as he is. And Tyrion not being heroic? Black fucking water. Like, come on, did you forget or what?
If you want ASOIAF, here's a couple of characters that
actually fit the mold of a whiny bitch: Viserys and Joffrey. And guess what happens to them? They die in a really gruesome way, and the audience fucking cheers. For Joffrey, contrast that with Tyrion. One is the one who slaps, the other is the one who is slapped.
The only difference betwen J and the characters we discuss is that Jeoffrey was purposefully crafted by Martin the way he is. He's not disliked because he's a whiny bitch. No, no, no, it's the other way around: he is a whiny bitch because he is meant to be disliked.
Yet Tyron is only driven by his desire to stay alive.
Then why did he slap?
This is not how people only driven by survival instinct act. You do not slap the probable future psychopath king if you want to survive and nothing else.
Come on.
One of them even went into excruciating detail about how the genuine love and affection my two MC's have would make NTR 100 times "hotter". And I don't even have a pathetic MC.
I mean, they aren't wrong. If the pleasure they get is derived from the destruction of the relationship, then the more convincing the prior portrayal of relatonship is, the better the pleasure. The bigger the sandcastle, the more fun is to blow it up. In fact, I think the trope of patheric MC is detrimental to that goal, because it diminishes the relationship.