wait... defense stat only helps when you perform the defense action? it does not soak certain amount of damage points every attack?
wow... that is terrible design. that means defense stat is completely and utterly worthless trash.
defense works whatever you do. simply, the impact of the stat weighs more when you defend. it's logic.
while you attack, you will have def stat +0,
while you do nothing, same, def stat +0,
while you defend, def stat + whatever the defense does.
the stat should do -some- damage reduction no matter what you do, just way less effective while you don't defend.
i'd say the fights aren't designed to be dumb bash'n'tank; the way i see it, Marty tends to make users use brains. hell we even get
noted when some enemy charges a harder hitting attack.
besides.. usually i don't even try to understand something thrown into a one liner without any interpunction. classic 'Hang him not release' case.