I was really hopeful that with everyone stuck at home because of the CV Pandemic, some of the great devs out there would be pumping out updates more frequently. But it's still dime a dozen renpy games flooding the latest games as usual. I know 3d is much more complex and i know devs are still working hard out there. Just wish we had some updates or new 3d games to check out. The whole renpy thing is exhausting, idek how many hours i've put into the twist and haven't even met all the characters. I can't be the only one who's patiently anticipating some updates from great 3d titles on here.. I still have to work so i'm not going so crazy as others but if there's devs working on 3d titles reading this, please keep up the good work!! I do enjoy some renpy games, but the amount of them is crazy and the quality isn't always there..