VN - Wolf RPG - Completed - A Boy And His Perverted Oneesans' Happy H Apartment Life [aomizuan]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty badly designed. It lacks way too many important features to even be called a visual novel. No auto read function means you have to press the Z key every time you want to advance the text. No backlog means that if you happened to miss a line of text or want to read it again, you're screwed.

    No skip function means that you have to press the Z button like crazy if you want to fast forward through text you've already read or don't want to read in the first place. It also lacks a quick save/load function, you can only save while you're controlling the character in the over-world. Which means that if you already finished your business in the middle of a sex scene, you either have to read it all to completion to save, or exit the game and read from the beginning next time you boot up the game. Fuck that.

    That's what happened to me in the very first sex scene, I was already done when a second girl began to fuck, of which I assume other 2 girls were to follow. Too long of a sex scene for the very first one in a game with such a flawed save system.

    The presentation of the text is also pretty bad, sometimes you can't even tell who's talking unless you're really good with Japanese voices and/or names. There's also the fact that the only distinction between the protagonist talking or thinking is that the text is enclosed in [ ] for speech and in ( ) for thoughts. They are very miss-able because of the text box and the font the game uses.

    And frankly, the art and character designs of the game weren't that good either. I've seen much, much better. And no amount of fetish content is gonna make me sit through a game which such crappy presentation and broken mechanics.